Damn. Even while reading less than 10% of comments it took me close to 3 hours to catch up after not reading comments for three days. This thread remains insane in its pace.
That's not trolling. The trolling was mentioning a difficult exorcism that canon Horstmann used to grab a free demon assistant.
What are you referring to?
Guys? I think that mammoth is a person.
A super mutated one, yes. Maybe a Beastman that was accepted and therefore stayed with the tribe?
I think many Chaos Mammoths are already people, even if they were born as mammoths. Elephants are already intelligent and possess a long memory. If you give them the power to determine their own future (through any minor Chaos blessing), the respect and reverence to not be considered slaves (as indicated by the mammoth sleeping wherever it pleases whenever it pleases), and even the occasional Ghur Shaman giving them the ability to converse with Humans and I don't see what differentiates them from any of the other races we consider to be people.
It would break her. Hell Pit is one of those places where you go there, see what's going on, then either spend the rest of your existence trying to annihilate the place in order to get peace of mind, attempt to purge the memory from your mind, or kill yourself.
Comparison: Are you familiar with Worm - Parahumans? Hell Pit is a town full of Bonesaws. The walls of the place are made of flesh, they bleed, and can possibly feel. Suffering is rampant and it's even encouraged by the Skaven to ensure that they suffer, both as a reminder to their victims that it could be worse, and to ensure obedience.
Slaves will try to kill themselves before going to Hell Pit, and they'll try that at the very suspicion that they'll eventually end up there.
Are you familiar with "I have no mouth and I must scream"? That's commonplace down there.
Anyone intimately familiar with the supposed horrors of the Realm of Chaos won't throw their lives away just because a small corner of the material world is just as bad. The world is full of suffering and will probably always be full of suffering. Trying to limit the suffering from spreading and occasionally saving a few souls from suffering when able is all well and good, but wanting to end Hell and dedicating ones whole life to making a tiny dent into it is, while commendable, not something that one is necessarily forced to do to stay sane.
I'm pretty sure that, barring personal injury, Mathilde could get away with nothing more than a single negative trait that is a bit more relevant than our dislike for Sigmar.
As to why we should do it, I have no idea.
Which one is that?
Is it fair to consider the "no trap options" clause to also mean that all the options provided have passed Mathilde's sanity check and she considers none of them obviously inferior, given her knowledge?
I'm pretty confident a lifetime of luxury at the Imperial Zoo is a better life than as a Norscan warbeast, but maybe not?
If the mammoth is free up there we'd be putting it into a luxury prison with little to do.
You don't need a magical artefact to get Mathilde to tell the truth to questions like "What did you think about the expedition?" or "So why are you working for dwarfs, anyhow?". You just need to have decent social skills and talk with her a few times, she is not hiding these answers.
The only thing that made me a little sus is that she spilled on Algard.
This too is worthy of consideration. Especially given our ambiguous reluctance to leave at Dum, our parley with Kurgan, possible suspicions of where we got the barreled meat, concerns about the goblet escapade (if we gave any indication of what we were doing), or any number of other things about us that might be misconstrued.
@BoneyM Who among the expedition definitely knows about our deal on Borek's behalf with the Ice Witches? I assume the whole expedition council does?
Unusually for a knightly order, most of them fight dismounted, but a core of them are mounted on the giant wolves of the Drakwald.
I completely forgot this. Assuming their number of grown and trained Wolves didn't grow since they first joined Belegar, we took two fifths of their wolf riders.
Yes. Mathilde maintains relationships and takes care of day-to-day business off-screen.
Does Mathilde ever poop though?
More seriously, how much socializing did she do specifically with Hubert?
Yeah, but... I'm pretty sure elephants are people. Like, in real life. Sentient, sapient, experience qualia, all that jazz. I think a lot of people feel similarly, though maybe not quite to the degree that I do. And so when we see something that is basically a furry elephant, it's easy for people to go "I think I should treat this like a person with moral agency and a right to self-determination." Honestly, I find the degree of concern the thread is exhibiting kind of heartwarming, given my aforementioned strong feelings about elephants.
Granted, the existence of Amber magic does seem to complicate things. I remember E&S didn't work so well on the We because the We were sapient, and Ghur is made to deal with animals. If their spells are effective on something, does that constitute evidence that that something isn't a person, at least from the perspective of Ghur? I don't know enough about WHF metaphysics to say, but it sure would be an awkward conversation to have mid-heist.
I think it's more that the individual We being targeted with the spell is neither an animal nor a full person. It's a
part of a person. Also, it's metaphorical nature is very not beast-like. And I'm sure Ghur works well enough on lone and lost We Hunters.
Come to think of it...
Drakenhof town, Castle Drakenhof. Teufelheim. Karag Nar, Karag Lhune, Karagril, Karag Zilfin. Karak Vlag.
From a certain point of view, Mathilde has already completed one hell of a Pilgrimage of Fingers.
The first two seem more like robberies than theft.
What's that? A third category alongside elemental and mystical? A combination of the two? Also, how does it relate to Windherding?
You're thinking about it the wrong way. Like, Aqshy doesn't create fire by vibrating molecules until a sustained oxidation reaction occurs, it creates fire by magic.
I assume that even a pure mist creation spell would be similar to Ice Witch ice and not leave any permanent water behind?
On the other hand Michel Sollman is hoping for an Azyr spell that creates rain with permanent effects.
Channelling takes an inordinate amount of power to create the larger effect. A spell with scaling built into it would have a more linear cost increase with larger effects.
What about more linear scaling? Not handful/room/battlefield/county, but room/two rooms/three rooms and so on? Essentially a room-sized spell that works fast and can be spammed more so than spells usually can be. And if multiple Grey Wizards cast it at the same time it works as one expects, but due to the simple nature of the spell this is more useful and synergistic than many other AoE spell spams.
No, he smeared mystery goo on his ancient priceless irreplaceable ancestral relic without any idea what it was or where it came from.
Huh. I actually thought that, after making sure that the relatively well trusted manling Zhufokri considers it as coming from from a non-corrupted source and subsequently testing it for effect reliability (i.e. always does the same thing under the specific conditions he wants to use it for) he deliberately didn't go digging into potentially unsavory origins. I definitely didn't expect him to know that we are perpetually bleeding the Wisdom Asp we captured and using its mystical blood directly. I mean I don't even know where Runesmiths fall on the "apparitions aren't daemons" argument.
So when Thorek asked "It can be contained safely" did he mean the AV or its source?
Most common is the Amethysts with three different Supreme Patriarchs,
How do Amethysts win a magical duel without permanently damaging their opponent?
Well, maybe they tried that. And after failing to agree on anyone they went "fuck that, best mage wins" and pushed candidates to arena.
They can't be less sensible and amicable than EC's, can they?
That has been addressed before. Simply put it is because the fundamental function of the Colleges is to make war on the enemies of the Empire, so the most gifted in those arts rules (with caveats of course if you do not want an challenge every week). The Tower of Hoeth by contrast is primarily and institution of learning.
You can be great at killing hordes of enemies or at buffing friendly armies and yet not be all that great in one on one duels that are preferably supposed not to be to the death.
Dragomas' duelling style is certainly memorable, but it doesn't seem likely to be an educational experience. "Yep, that sure is a dragon you turned into. I yield. See you in eight years."
Couldn't some other Amber LM just also transform into a dragon and win despite being one size/power category smaller?