Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Mammoths! Mammoths! Mammoths!​

We have animals at home.

Pulls into Norscan village while thread cheers,
has Asnaril kill a dude, rides away.​
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'fights tooth and nail for months for flying battle pony, arguably the best mount for a wizard that's not spending in-game years of AP training up a Grifon or dragon.'

Thread: I don't want another pat, shadow-stead is fine, its a waste of time really...

' highly sus Baby mammoth from highly sus chaos Vikings?'

Thread: Hmmmmmm.....

The fuck.
I have zero regrets.
Speaking seriously, a mammoth is about the worst mount I can think of for Mathilde, it has all the problems people have with the Pegasus, while not being able to fly and somehow being less subtle. And it's advantages nullify Mathildes strengths. Also we picked up a few new projects on this trip on top of existing ones. There is no reason to pick up a mammoth that we don't have have a beast wizard to help us with.
Initiating a feast dedicated to the Chaos Gods as our go-to option seems to me like a very good way to piss off at least-
1. Anti-Chaos Knightly Orders
2. The Dwarves, whose Norse cousins were very possibly killed by these villagers' ancestors
3. our bro Ranald
4. Ljiljana and by extension the Ice Witches and Kislev

It may also raise some pointed questions in the minds of the other College wizards present.
On the other hand hand, ❤️ 🐘 ❤️
'fights tooth and nail for months for flying battle pony, arguably the best mount for a wizard that's not spending in-game years of AP training up a Grifon or dragon.'

Thread: I don't want another pat, shadow-stead is fine, its a waste of time really...

' highly sus Baby mammoth from highly sus chaos Vikings?'

Thread: Hmmmmmm.....

The fuck.
But do flying battle ponies have an adorable nose tentacle? The defense rests. :V
Speaking seriously, a mammoth is about the worst mount I can think of for Mathilde, it has all the problems people have with the Pegasus, while not being able to fly and somehow being less subtle. And it's advantages nullify Mathildes strengths. Also we picked up a few new projects on this trip on top of existing ones. There is no reason to pick up a mammoth that we don't have have a beast wizard to help us with.
All that, plus the worst shedding you can imagine. :V
Seriously guys Mammoths are cute, they are not worth sitting down to eat food that was among other things blessed in the name of Nurgle.
Bah, that's quitter talk.

What's next, we shouldn't become a Black Magister just to spite some far off deity who probably doesn't realise Mathilde as an individual exists?

Food and haircut costs going through the roof if we're getting a mammoth.
You know, there is a way to cut down on those costs, for when we get our mammoth.
Think I'm going to duck out of the thread for a while, it is moving too fast to keep up with. And since I *know* boney reads all of these, I don't want this to become a situation where he spends all his time reading and has none left to write.
Adding this to the plan threadmark. This is definitely number 2 on list of things for the EIC to do IMO (after the inflitration of the cult of Kurnos, or whoever. We should act on info we get.) And I absolutely love the idea as well.

Here's a rough outline of the plan, and people with additional ideas please add on!

YAGIGAKURE NO SATO: The Village Hidden Among Goats.
PLAN(s): Have the Hochlander setup a EIC headquarters there. Then build a place to teach people to spy (maybe dedicated to Ranald?)
COST: Many EIC AP, probably.
PAYOFF: Ninja Village

Also, if people have other ideas that aren't on the plan threadmark, toss them out. I've not dome much since the start of the expedition, so I could be missing a bunch.
We can also do some of it ourselves instead of giving this ninja village completely into the hands of others.
Think I'm going to duck out of the thread for a while, it is moving too fast to keep up with. And since I *know* boney reads all of these, I don't want this to become a situation where he spends all his time reading and has none left to write.
Well... As long as the vote isn't closed we are only costing him productive work and IRL time, which might cost him free time down the road, which might lead to less writing time...

I guess it's a valid concern.
I am of the mind that, before the next big adventure*, it would be good for Mathilde to learn one directly damaging offensive battle magic, which means Penumbral Pendulum or Pit of shades.
I'd prefer to create our own Battle Magic offense spell.

Even ignoring my interest in a mist battle spell for the purposes of making it safer to cast due to our staff (and to be fair I've been interested in Cloudkill long before we got our staff) I like the idea of creating new spells to share with the college more than learning other people's spells.

Indeed I agree we need a battle magic before our next adventure but it seems you have forgotten one. An option that would bring one of the factions of the thread to your side in battle magic argument. A faction that I am proud to be part of.

And I would like to invite you to Apparation Binding and Appreciation Faction;


Will Kill
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Could you expand on this?
If we go down this path I wouldn't want to do it purely through EIC actions. I'd start it with two actions (one EIC and one personal) and then I'd alternate between both of those as needed.

That said, a ninja village with direct ties to the EIC and Ranald as their patron is a very scary proposition with unknown long term consequences for the Empire.
'fights tooth and nail for months for flying battle pony, arguably the best mount for a wizard that's not spending in-game years of AP training up a Grifon or dragon.'

Thread: I don't want another pat, shadow-stead is fine, its a waste of time really...

' highly sus Baby mammoth from highly sus chaos Vikings?'

Thread: Hmmmmmm.....

The fuck.
I'm pretty sure it's just thread madness and joking around.

Pretty sure.

I mean, the thread doesn't even want the massive War Mammoth for being a mount or for fighting or anything. They just think it's cute. As a pet. It's the size of a car and is probably infected with Nurgle demons, sure, but I guess after everything she's been through Mathilde does get a little loopy sometimes.
Indeed I agree we need a battle magic before our next adventure but it seems you have forgotten one. An option that would bring one of the factions of the thread to your side in battle magic argument. A faction that I am proud to be part of.

And I would like to invite you to Apparation Binding and Appreciation Faction;


Will Kill
It's a bit of a separate matter.

I want to create a direct damage batype magic spell. Apparition binding is indirect.

Don't get me wrong, summoning additional fighters is rad and I'm interested, but it's different then creating a direct damage spell.
Yes. BoneyM pointed out what that vote really meant. So did other posters.
I don't want to be that guy, but for most of the quest if an action doesn't say that mathy will be in a group/create a group...

the assumption is she is going to solo the action.

if it was worded: [*] Gather a search party to attempt to find the Norse Dwarf outpost of Kraka Ravnvake.

it would have been a very different vote.

because frankly, that would have been more accurate to what boney thought they were implying then what the thread through boney was implying until it was late enough to make it hard to turn the ship around.

not giving out, but I don't think people were in the wrong so assume solo action, and just for the future @BoneyM it might be a good idea to remember that the default is 'mathy is going to do it on her own if not said otherwise' when creating action descriptions.
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