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So we can carry (and currently have) a maximum of two weeks food.

If we carry on: one week sees us to Karak Dum. That gives us one week of food left and a four week journey home. If we're lucky, we can resupply at Dum, so we have two weeks of food again. That leaves us two weeks away from Kislev with no food, so we'll probably have to hunt or trade with the locals—but we don't know if that's possible because, you know, the locals are likely to be hostile. Still, we have a rapport with the Dolgan, so we could pay them to keep the other tribes of our back and ease our food worries (although we'll only be able to buy what we can carry).

If we're unlucky, we hang around Dum for a week, and have to leave in haste with no food and a horde of refugees, forcing us to scavenge on the run for at least an entire month in hostile territory whilst travelling at a snails pace.

If we turn back: mission failed, moral drops, Borek's mental health dives off the same cliff that killed Gotrek, and we owe a debt to the ice witches because we never found their fancy murder cup. Two weeks of food carries us two thirds of the way to Kislev, leaving us to hunt for food in relatively safe terrain. Possible resupply at Uzkulak and Vlag, but that shouldn't be counted upon (and means having to reopen the Uzkulak can of worms again).

Turning back feels like the safe and sensible option—our logistics capacity to carry on has been crippled. But it feels really, really unsatisfying. We put all this effort and energy into the success of this expedition, and boom, all down the drain due to a natural disaster.

And honestly, there are some options—trade, hunting, Dum having a full larder we can pillage. The biggest issue is carrying capacity. If we press on, we need to successfully resupply at least two times (once at Dum, once in Kurgan territory), but maybe three or four times depending on how fast we travel and the number of refugees we have. If we head back, we only need to resupply once.

Ughhh, I really want to carry on, but it feels like sunk cost fallacy to do so. Like, yeah, we can hunt and trade—but we have to roll the dice to see if we can successfully resupply each time, and making one roll home instead of an unknown number of rolls there and back again feels safer. But there's also the psychological effects of turning back.

Damn it, damn it, damn it. I'm letting my emotional side over take my logical side. It's a risk, but it's a risk we signed up for. There are options and opportunities to resupply—risky ones, but they are there. And I'm confident that Mathilde can get back on her own—although she likely won't attempt that until everyone else is dead. Two successful resupply rolls, once at Dum, once in Kurgan territory. That's the minimum we need to succeed.

[X] Press on
@BoneyM Just double checking, would Cyrston know any Jade magic relevant to the logistics at hand here? I'm guessing Spring Bloom wouldn't be enough by itself.
I say we press on. Only one week to go and leta make the loss means something.

However, make sure anything thst cannot be salvage from the downed landship is destroyed.

That ship carries some cannons and grapeshot. It would be on us if those weapons are used on good guys.
However, make sure anything thst cannot be salvage from the downed landship is destroyed.

That ship carries some cannons and grapeshot. It would be on us if those weapons are used on good guys.

The Urmskaladrak was unarmed, and everything inside it is already obliterated. It is probably going to be supplying steel to the Kurgan for years to come, however.
Fuck. This is terrible.

I'd just like to point out that the mission objectives are fucked too.

One of the potential objectives was to evacuate survivors. We can't do that now in good conscience.
It's not like the Runes were inherited masterworks. The possibility of a Kurgan being able to scavenge a perpetually cold chunk of metal with an Apprentice-struck Rune on it isn't considered the end of the world.
Probably lead to some interesting heirlooms among the tribes.

"Here's the ice-steel my grandfather pulled from The Rockfall, we've been storing meat with it for decades"
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You've mentioned that most of the things Deathfang Could hunt between here and Karak Dum are already owned, but what about the area behind us, that we just passed through? Could we have Deathfang hunt there on our way back with a reasonable expectation of success? Or, How much hunting is there if we choose to go back to Kislev along the western route across the pack ice instead?
Fuck. This is terrible.

I'd just like to point out that the mission objectives are fucked too.

One of the potential objectives was to evacuate survivors. We can't do that now in good conscience.
...Oh damn, that's a really good point. It might stop Borek from heading North too.

If Karag Dum is still standing, it doesn't need immediate aid. If it's falling, we can't help any survivors without room to carry them or supplies for them.

I think I'll actually change my vote, for that - there's just no point.

[x] Turn back
It's not like the Runes were inherited masterworks. The possibility of a Kurgan being able to scavenge a perpetually cold chunk of metal with an Apprentice-struck Rune on it isn't considered the end of the world.
Would our flask, or Deathfang, combined with a scaled up Fault of Form or (if they have it despite not being listed, Curse of Rust) work, or at least make it harder to retrieve?
Regular Skywalk works on the caster, not on any given target.
Ah heck, that's right. The modified version Mathilde came up with isn't castable on its own then, I take it.

If Karag Dum is still standing, it doesn't need immediate aid. If it's falling, we can't help any survivors without room to carry them or supplies for them.
IMO confirming Karag Dum still stands would have a MAJOR effect, however. Right now that's considered disputed at best and unlikely by most it seems like. Mobilizing more help for them would get much, much easier if we can confirm they're still there.
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You've mentioned that most of the things Deathfang Could hunt between here and Karak Dum are already owned, but what about the area behind us, that we just passed through? Could we have Deathfang hunt there on our way back with a reasonable expectation of success?

Hunt, yes. Carry back, no. Rhinoxen are big.

Or, How much hunting is there if we choose to go back to Kislev along the western route across the pack ice instead?

Unknown in the Chaos Wastes mountains, nil on the ice, a decent amount in the mountains north of Kislev.

Would our flask, or Deathfang, combined with a scaled up Fault of Form or (if they have it despite not being listed, Curse of Rust) work, or at least make it harder to retrieve?

These Runes were struck in the full knowledge that the Expedition could fail and everything aboard could be lost. That's why it was done by Apprentices, because their work doesn't matter. With the rooms and objects they were carved on destroyed, they're literally garbage.

Ah heck, that's right. The modified version Mathilde came up with isn't castable on its own then, I take it.

It can't be aimed, Mathilde stripped that out because the Rite took care of it.
Even if we can't evacuate survivors if we bring back confirmation of their existence we can organize a second expedition to evacuate them, even if Zhufbar isn't willing to foot the bill for the steam-wagons again we can convince Belegar to fund it, he's rich enough to afford it and the expense is easily justifiable if it means saving the last remnants of Karag Dum.
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