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I had a cool idea for BookBoon, and it's 4 AM and I want to get it down so I don't forget it overnight.

So one of the ways that the Karaz Ankor is declining is the loss of expertise. Experts don't want to record their knowledge, lest it be read by The Unworthy, and combined with personnel attrition this is killing the Karaz Ankor.

One of ideas for the big Boon is a big library at K8P. I was thinking: what if we set up a system, such that these craftsmen would be willing to record their secrets? Some kind of ultra-fortified repository, where they store their knowledge, and with it specific instructions as to what they would consider to be proof that the reader was worthy, with guards who've taken Oaths not to allow anyone to read unless they prove they meet those requirements?

Since slowly falling levels of expertise are a serious problem, perhaps they might be persuaded to sort their secrets by worthiness, so that if even the knowledge of how to fulfil their strictest requirements is lost, a reader could feasibly work their way up?

I'm picturing us convincing Kragg to buy into this scheme, him spending some years figuring out the insane standards he'd require, and other craftsmen being moved to follow suit when they hear that Kragg agreed.

(And, as an entirely optional afterthought, all that knowledge there in a place where we'd be trusted...)
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I had a cool idea for BookBoon, and it's 4 AM and I want to get it down so I don't forget it overnight.
You know, we're apparently going to be considered a dwarf now. That might actually help a whole lot with convincing people to store their knowledge in a library of ours.
No no no no don't jinx it.

We have never rolled higher than 2 on a d100 regarding those interactions.
...They declared us a dwarf in everything but flesh. I don't think there's any better amount of recognition we can get.
Slightly more seriously, some sort of slightly new category?

While I'm writing, does BoneyM stand any chance of updating tomorrow?
...You know what the scariest thing is? The council who made this declaration are probably the oldest, most well respected and most favored priests in the entire Karaz Ankor. People who should, by all accounts, have the personal ears of their gods. Which means those gods probably back this decision one hundred percent. The Ancestor Gods want Mathilde as part of the Karaz Ankor and think she deserves to be a dwarf. That's, uh... huh.
I had a cool idea for BookBoon, and it's 4 AM and I want to get it down so I don't forget it overnight.

So one of the ways that the Karaz Ankor is declining is the loss of expertise. Experts don't want to record their knowledge, lest it be read by The Unworthy, and combined with personnel attrition this is killing the Karaz Ankor.

One of ideas for the big Boon is a big library at K8P. I was thinking: what if we set up a system, such that these craftsmen would be willing to record their secrets? Some kind of ultra-fortified repository, where they store their knowledge, and with it specific instructions as to what they would consider to be proof that the reader was worthy, with guards who've taken Oaths not to allow anyone to read unless they prove they meet those requirements?

Since slowly falling levels of expertise are a serious problem, perhaps they might be persuaded to sort their secrets by worthiness, so that if even the knowledge of how to fulfil their strictest requirements is lost, a reader could feasibly work their way up?

I'm picturing us convincing Kragg to buy into this scheme, him spending some years figuring out the insane standards he'd require, and other craftsmen being moved to follow suit when they hear that Kragg agreed.

(And, as an entirely optional afterthought, all that knowledge there in a place where we'd be trusted...)

I like this idea. I don't think it actually requires a Boon, though, seeing as it's something specifically to help Dwarfkind. There's a pretty high chance Belegar will think its a good idea and want to implement it, no Boon required.

I am quite opposed to betraying people's trust by reading from the books without permission, though. But, speaking of not having permission... we certainly would be an excellent stress test of the library's security. If we can't steal from the library, nobody can.

I'm unsure if Runes alone would be enough for that... perhaps a Great Library such as that would be worthy of another great collaboration by using a bunch of College favors?

EDIT: Okay, well, apparently we're wrong about the detoriation of knowledge over time thing... Guess that's my total lack of Warhammer knowledge whalloping me over the head there. Blargh, that's embarassing...
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I had a cool idea for BookBoon, and it's 4 AM and I want to get it down so I don't forget it overnight.

So one of the ways that the Karaz Ankor is declining is the loss of expertise. Experts don't want to record their knowledge, lest it be read by The Unworthy, and combined with personnel attrition this is killing the Karaz Ankor.

One of ideas for the big Boon is a big library at K8P. I was thinking: what if we set up a system, such that these craftsmen would be willing to record their secrets? Some kind of ultra-fortified repository, where they store their knowledge, and with it specific instructions as to what they would consider to be proof that the reader was worthy, with guards who've taken Oaths not to allow anyone to read unless they prove they meet those requirements?

Since slowly falling levels of expertise are a serious problem, perhaps they might be persuaded to sort their secrets by worthiness, so that if even the knowledge of how to fulfil their strictest requirements is lost, a reader could feasibly work their way up?

I'm picturing us convincing Kragg to buy into this scheme, him spending some years figuring out the insane standards he'd require, and other craftsmen being moved to follow suit when they hear that Kragg agreed.

(And, as an entirely optional afterthought, all that knowledge there in a place where we'd be trusted...)

You know i might be remembering wrong but the security system for the doom tower mean that if you have bad intentions for the tower you are smited by the ancestor gods?

Perhaps if we choose book boon Kragg, Thorek, and other rune smiths and rune lords can have it so that not only our library last for essentially forever but is watched by the ancestor gods for all time to smite those who would bring the library harm or steal/use said knowledge for nefarious purposes.

That be hell of a guard system to ensure guild secrets and might encourage the dwarves to store books in our library.

Edit: Hell, maybe leave the liber mortis their under the ancestor gods protection and to their discretion to give to worthy wizards when were long past gone. If theirs one group of people i trust with the liber mortis and the knowledge it holds it is the ancestor gods.
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Wait, if we are a part of the Karaz Ankor now due to being a dwarf in a human body, then that would make us the only follower, and therefore High Priest of Ranald for the Karaz Ankor wouldn't it?
You know i might be remembering wrong but the security system for the doom tower mean that if you have bad intentions for the tower you are smited by the ancestor gods?
The only reason that works is because the Gazul's power is literally part of its base functionality. Anyone who uses it has to go through him because he's actually part of it. A library would be much harder to do that with since it's not an active weapons system wielding divine power.
Another possibility for "confidential information": Mathilde enabled Ronald to steal Mork's power.

You know i might be remembering wrong but the security system for the doom tower mean that if you have bad intentions for the tower you are smited by the ancestor gods?

Perhaps if we choose book boon Kragg, Thorek, and other rune smiths and rune lords can have it so that not only our library last for essentially forever but is watched by the ancestor gods for all time to smite those who would bring the library harm or steal/use said knowledge for nefarious purposes.

That be hell of a guard system to ensure guild secrets and might encourage the dwarves to store books in our library.
I imagine that if we got Runelords to buy in, they'd outright require that they be able to secure their knowledge from thieves.
I had a cool idea for BookBoon, and it's 4 AM and I want to get it down so I don't forget it overnight.

So one of the ways that the Karaz Ankor is declining is the loss of expertise. Experts don't want to record their knowledge, lest it be read by The Unworthy, and combined with personnel attrition this is killing the Karaz Ankor.

One of ideas for the big Boon is a big library at K8P. I was thinking: what if we set up a system, such that these craftsmen would be willing to record their secrets? Some kind of ultra-fortified repository, where they store their knowledge, and with it specific instructions as to what they would consider to be proof that the reader was worthy, with guards who've taken Oaths not to allow anyone to read unless they prove they meet those requirements?

Since slowly falling levels of expertise are a serious problem, perhaps they might be persuaded to sort their secrets by worthiness, so that if even the knowledge of how to fulfil their strictest requirements is lost, a reader could feasibly work their way up?

I'm picturing us convincing Kragg to buy into this scheme, him spending some years figuring out the insane standards he'd require, and other craftsmen being moved to follow suit when they hear that Kragg agreed.

(And, as an entirely optional afterthought, all that knowledge there in a place where we'd be trusted...)
Profession-wide loss of knowledge is a phenomenon entirely unique to the runesmithing profession, not to dwarven society as a whole. The same goes for the recording of knowledge. Look at our library and see the many dwarf books we have on all sorts of subjects. Some of the books are restricted to guilds, like the Engineering books, but those books do exist and they are available to all members of the guild.

The library will do nothing to convince runesmiths to write down their knowledge and everyone else is already writing down their knowledge and making technological advances.
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Keep in mind that being a Dwarf does not automatically mean being part of the Karaz Ankor, and not being a Dwarf does not automatically mean not being part of the Karaz Ankor. Even excluding the Chaos Dwarves there are quite a few Dwarves that are citizens of the Empire, Marienburg, and Tilea rather than the Karaz Ankor, and now there are humans that are citizens of Karak Eight Peaks.
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Please guys, let's resist publishing 'Humblebrag: The Paper'.

Well at least until Mathilde returns the Phoenix Crown or destroys the black pyramid or something.

Speaking of that, if Mathilde ever wants to go out with a bang, the second secret of Dhar used on the entire black pyramid at once could be... well it might break the planet but besides that, it would probably kill Nagash.

Seeing as Nagash was the one who invented the Second Secret I on't think that it in the cards.
Profession-wide loss of knowledge is a phenomenon entirely unique to the runesmithing profession, not to dwarven society as a whole. The same goes for the recording of knowledge. Look at our library and see the many dwarf books we have on all sorts of subjects. Some of the books are restricted to guilds, like the Engineering books, but those books do exist and they are available to all members of the guild.

The library will do nothing to convince runesmiths to write down their knowledge and everyone else is already writing down their knowledge and making technological advances.
Off the top of my head, Bugman is another famous example? And why do you say the runesmiths will refuse out of hand?
I wonder if the whole soul stealing thing is all an excuse to stop calling Mathilde umgi, because that's kind of an insulting name to give someone who was decisive in the reclamation of two Karaks, restoring contact with a third, and has her eyes on a fourth.
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