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See, I like the King's Gate option as well, but do we even have any gyrocopters? I'm looking through the list of what we have in the expedition, and I'm not seeing gyrocopters.

We have one modified Gyrobomber, but that seems to be the entirety of our air force. Are we thinking that there will be more gyrocopters at the King's Gate and that the dwarves would be willing to learn how to fly them?

We don't have any gyrocopters now, but if we start being successful and capture an airport, I suspect that more will show up.

Reading and remembering more about Clan Mors, I am seriously doubtful about our ability to defeat the skaven though. They're tremendously dangerous. Unified, disciplined skaven...
His family line literally means "Incapable". Imagine how they ended up officially calling their dynasty that way. How did he even get elected Emperor in the first place?
One of them probably noticed that his whole family was full of incompetents and that they were worryingly close to the throne due to everyone else dying. So he tried to steer them away from power.
Obviously he failed hard enough to get his dynasty in power.
[X] The Citadel.

I see the arguments for King's Gate, but safety from underground attacks trumps that for me.
[X] The King's Gates.

Going for the treasury would be a poor choice if most of the unreliable humans haven't been purged. Having them steal from the dawi is the last thing we need.
I'm pretty sure you meant Karag Zilfin - one of the Eight Peaks and not Karak Ziflin - a hold in the Grey Mountains.

Well spotted.

@BoneyM are we Slenderman now? Messing with memories, dimming lights, cast in a shadow that does it's own thing. We could totally be Slenderman.

I'm unfamiliar with that piece of internet lore, so I couldn't say one way or the other.

We have one modified Gyrobomber, but that seems to be the entirety of our air force. Are we thinking that there will be more gyrocopters at the King's Gate and that the dwarves would be willing to learn how to fly them?

None in the force, and there's no real hopes of finding any intact airships or gyrocopters, but Karak Eight Peaks is a short jaunt away for the Karaz-a-Karak Aircorps.

Incidentally, how do unit block works? It's the biggest gap in my knowledge.

Do you pool their Wounds or something?

They move together and roll leadership together, but still have individual attacks and wounds.
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Meanwhile, in Skaven Quest
Meanwhile in Skaven quest, which features much shorter updates and frequent clarifications by GM, and in which all dice are rolled by players to facilitate Skaven-like blaming each other for failures:
(it also features frequent restarts, being Dwarf Fortress-like)
Your sentries, alerted by the noise, discovered intruder in your fortress. Intruder already opened the gate. What is your reaction?

Player 1: Intruder? As in singular? Probably some character or hero unit. Can they describe him?
GM: Yes, it is a lone man-thing in a leather hat armed with a sword and a pistol.
Player 2: I don't know much about lore, who is it?
Player 3: Stealth specialist armed with sword and pistol? That's totally a Witch Hunter. The hat alone would be a dead giveaway.
Player 2: Well, let's use our warp weaponry, hero or not he will be dealt with from a distance.
Player 1: No, think about it. If he opened the gate, then there is a main force somewhere nearby. Also he probably isn't alone and other members of his team are out there too. Let's not overplay our hand. I propose to use our infantry now and our warp weaponry on the main force - man-things don't know about our weapons and we will win easily with such a clever trap! Also Witch Hunters don't have answers to massed infantry, so he is totally dead.
Player 2: Ok, let's flood the courtyard with soldiers to kill the bastard!
GM: You voted to use your infantry. Now I need a casting roll and a Leadership roll from you.
Player 3: Casting roll? But we didn't vote to cast anything.
GM: You didn't.
Player 1: Hm, anyway, Casting: 86! I don't know why we are casting, but it's probably our engineer's initiative or whatever. Seems like it worked anyway.
Player 2: Leadership: 12. Fuck. Dice hate me today.
Player 3: Let's hope that whatever that casting roll was, it salvaged the situation.
Player 4: Duuudes, I have a bad feeling about this. Remember how in previous combats we rolled for both sides? If the rules are unchanged, one of those rolls was not ours. And we didn't vote to cast anything, so...
Player 3: Damn, you are right.
Player 1: I call bullshit on that. Witch Hunters don't get spells. Maybe he just died before he got to roll anything.
GM: The intruder casts something and transforms into a giant and terrifying shadow monster! Your warriors flee in terror and kill each other to run from it! Main enemy army attacks when your own forces are in disarray and wipe them out. You, being most cunning of Skaven, escape successfully.
Player 3:...
Player 4: Fuck.
Player 2: What? What was that? Was that some kind of demon?
Player 1: No, it was a frigging shadow magic spell, that's what! And not some petty magic, it was a Magister-level one! @GM, what the fuck? Since when do Witch Hunters cast arcane spells? And you don't get to say "it was a cosplaying Grey Wizard"!
GM: Actually, I do. I never said it was a witch hunter. I roll for background events for important NPCs and this Grey Wizard is more martially-inclined than most and wears the hat as a memento.
Player 1: That's bullshit. You intentionally misled us.
GM: No, I didn't. I told you time and again to not relay on meta knowledge in my quests. Last time was three updates ago. Not thirty, three. And what was your logic when trying to decide your response? "Witch hunters don't have answers to massed infantry". K8P Skaven didn't see a witch hunter in the last 200 years. I didn't do it intentionally, but I could hardly invent a better lesson about the perils of metagaming. So yeah, Und-Uzgar crumbles, next set of starting options tomorrow.

AN: It started as crack, but somehow became a thing about meta knowledge.
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That said, I picture her as being somewhat plain, but in a medieval-slash-early-renaissance setting like this, being healthy, clean and in shape puts her in a pretty high bracket all by itself. Most people don't see any further than the robes and wizard hat, anyway.
Except for those who had seen her run around in her underwear without getting Mindhole'd
Uncooperatively. You may need to spend some time and effort taming your shadow, at least for short periods, before you attempt any disguised shenanigans.
I for one, am enthusiastic to get to taming our shadow. And presumably the flickering flame effect is linked
Probably too long an endeavor until we go to month-turns at least though.

Wonder if its a construct thats 'tamed' by developing an animalistic awareness as a pseudo-familiar, a magical effect that's tamed through using items to nail it down, or a magical discipline effect of what amounts to meditative breath control of Ulgu(i.e. like yoga but with our soul, since the Arcane Marks are partly our soul becoming so Ulgu that they passively respire and generate certain Ulgu effects).

Also, just to clarify...this weird shadow also applies to Burning Shadows right?
His family line literally means "Incapable". Imagine how they ended up officially calling their dynasty that way. How did he even get elected Emperor in the first place?
IIRC, literally elected because he was a weak and incompetent Emperor, which allowed the Elector-Counts to do whatever they want since he's too incompetent to actually make them do anything they don't feel like doing.
[X] The King's Gates.

Another point in its favor is that taking the Temple of Grungni is probably really good for Dwarf morale.
Y'know, I highly doubt we will even get a chance to take a pick from the armoury, as we don't actually know how to use the many dwarven weapons therein.

One of the many reasons we should train Greataxe.
They move together and roll leadership together, but still have individual attacks and wounds.
Aren't swarms universally better than lords then?
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Y'know, I highly doubt we will even get a chance to take a pick from the armoury, as we don't actually know how to use the many dwarven weapons therein.

One of the many reasons we should train Greataxe.
I don't think any humans are getting the armory stuff at all. Few can be trusted to put it back when done.
Theres a LOT of dwarf warriors with only minimal or no runegear however.

Aren't swarms universally better than lords then?
Different roles that I can tell. Lords are mostly for morale(especially countering opposing lords) and applying an absurdly high penetrative power to the right place at the right time. Swarms you need to actually hold ground and do the push
I don't think any humans are getting the armory stuff at all. Few can be trusted to put it back when done.
Theres a LOT of dwarf warriors with only minimal or no runegear however.
Arming your Hero units is just common sense.

Mathilde has a gaping hole in her killy abilities. Shoring that up when you've just got the entire armory of Karak Eight Peaks should be trivial.

And if she stops carrying around that horrid pointy stick, all the better.

Of course, this would be the logic if we had actual proficiency.
The dwarves did make rune swords for themselves, it just wasn't that popular. There are some references to the dwarves of Ekrund using them.

I don't think any humans are getting the armory stuff at all. Few can be trusted to put it back when done.
Theres a LOT of dwarf warriors with only minimal or no runegear however.

Recovering the armoury would probably attract higher tier dwarven adventurers to get airlifted in to help claim it.
Also, just to clarify...this weird shadow also applies to Burning Shadows right?

Opportunities to experiment will come.

Aren't swarms universally better than lords then?

The number of models in a unit that can attack one individual are limited - models in base-to-base with the individual get their full attack, and models in base-to-base with them get one attack, IIRC. And they have to survive long enough to attack - a character with high initiative and sufficient murderpower can kill everyone who could have struck back. There's also Challenges, where characters or unit leaders can, if they both agree, fight to the death, with heavy morale implications based on the result. Characters and leaders that refuse challenges stop contributing to the combat because they're busy hiding behind the rest of the unit.
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Hmm. Thinking of learning, I wonder if Mathilde is close enough to the dwarves to benefit from a Rune of Brotherhood if they teach her, as this is a rune that makes the bearer learn very skills very quickly from their comrades. If they have one on hand, they may be willing to lend her a Talisman with one.

As a note, the Colleges would probably pay very handsomely indeed for one of these, given how dangerous learning and teaching magic is.
Arming your Hero units is just common sense.

Mathilde has a gaping hole in her killy abilities. Shoring that up when you've just got the entire armory of Karak Eight Peaks should be trivial.

And if she stops carrying around that horrid pointy stick, all the better.

Of course, this would be the logic if we had actual proficiency.
Common sense also says only the most trusted humans would get a chance at any.
Mathilde has enough Reputation to be trusted with a loan certainly, with high chances of returning it when done, but dwarfs are ALSO aware that other humans may start asking annoying questions and thus prefer not to open the door to that.

Meanwhile theres a shitload of dwarf warriors with only the dwarf equivalent of a quick fix generic set of weapons and armor AND a whole lot of elite dwarf warriors who can be certain to bear these with honor.
That's Grimnir, not Grungni.
Thanks for clarifying.
What does this temple do then?
Opportunities to experiment will come.
On live targets in a target rich environment!
The number of models in a unit that can attack one individual are limited - models in base-to-base with the individual get their full attack, and models in base-to-base with them get one attack, IIRC. And they have to survive long enough to attack - a character with high initiative and sufficient murderpower can kill everyone who could have struck back. There's also Challenges, where characters or unit leaders can, if they both agree, fight to the death, with heavy morale implications based on the result. Characters and leaders that refuse challenges stop contributing to the combat because they're busy hiding behind the rest of the unit.
Which in practice with a sufficiently killy and durable/fast hero basically means endless morale shocks from losing everything on contact with the hero unless another hero can pin them long enough for the mass to tear them down.
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