Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Is Qrech still finishing up his university correspondence classes, or did he finish, or what?
[Branarhune aspect developed: momentum dump. Remaining aspects: guard bypass, quick-draw, hand switching.]
Ah. So that's Master Greatsword basically, is it? Had noticed "Master Greatsword (1/4)" on our character sheet, figured that was new.
While our rolls were dissapointing, none of them were for "directly affects the world" actions, so I'm just gonna hold on to that.
Is Qrech still finishing up his university correspondence classes, or did he finish, or what?

Finishing up. I'll add him to the list of social actions.

Ah. So that's Master Greatsword basically, is it? Had noticed "Master Greatsword (1/4)" on our character sheet, figured that was new.

Yes. Branarhune is the tentative name for the finished style, replacing the 'ul' of an item with the 'ar' of something that continues indefinitely.
Just gotta say that I laughed at how frustrated Mathilde got with the formulation of the robe's enhancements, especially when it conpounded with the results of our rolls on the robe's actual creation xD

Too bad about the progress for Branalhune Style, but we're finally approaching what I have been waiting ever since we understood how to use the Rune of the Unknown to sheathe the weapon. Watch out, miscreants, Branalhune will snicker-snack through your guard and lop off your heads!!!
In a perfect storm of ideal conditions, about ninety minutes.
Cool, that works. So they last for "approximately one army-scale fight or several personal-scale fights back-to-back". I'd guess that they'd have had a decent chance of lasting the whole time if we'd activated them just before moving on to the Advanced Disciples in the College at Teufelheim, for example:
[Advanced disciples: Intrigue, 96+19=115]

Sure enough, the penultimate tier of Alkharad's disciples remain engrossed in dissections, meditations, and murmured conversation. You interrupt the first two, and spend some time contemplating the third until you realize you can encompass the three of them in the arc of a single swing of Branulhune. A single level remains, one you didn't scout because you didn't fancy sharing a room with a centuries-old Vampire until you were ready to go all in, no matter what spells cloaked you. You spend some time debating on the stairs, but in the end you didn't want to put much stock in the hope that a centuries-old Necrarch Vampire with a proven track record of novel magic use would have poor Magesight, and instead you pour energy into your shadow until it lashes about eagerly, ready to taste blood once more.

[Alkharad's readiness to receive guests: 38]
[Mathilde vs Alkharad: Martial, 88+23=101 vs 87+28=105]
Definitely good enough. It's usually pretty obvious when we're about to get into a Real Fight and how many more we're like to get into in a given day.

[Branarhune aspect developed: momentum dump. Remaining aspects: guard bypass, quick-draw, hand switching.]
Emphasis mine. Mathilde is going full Jedi, apparently, now with the ambidextrous sword-twirling stuff. Except without the twirling, lol.
[ ] Julia, to see what she has gotten up to as Stirland's most experienced spy master.

I really want to see how our intrigue protégé is doing. Pleaaseee?
General reminder that Mandreds fifth birthday is coming up the next turn. While I do enjoy the visits, visiting this turn might be superfluous.
Is she our protégé? It's been years and she has not really spent that long in Mathilde's employ compared to her time working for Sirlind directly. It feels a bit presumptuous to call her that IMO.
Well, more that we guided her into her current profession. It's indulgent, patting ourselves on the back for her accomplishments, but we could do with some indulgence.
[ ] Elder Hluodwica, High Priestess of Esmerelda and civilian leader of the Eight Peaks Halflings.
We haven't talked with the last leader, might as well.

[ ] Cython, to discuss the Gods of Kislev and the Kurgan.
I think that's the free-aim a Dragon at the Kurgan option :D

[ ] Eike Hochschild, to get to know your future business partner.
Can't have Wilhelmina be the only one with an influence on her.

[ ] The Dolgan, to get to know the people of the western Steppes who will hopefully be feeding the Expedition.
Wasn't that the one where Mathilde has to beg off eating Blessed Flesh. Sounds hilarious :D

[ ] The Amber College, to check in on the salamanders.
[ ] The Gold College, to see what's become of their research into Skaven technology.
[ ] Follow up on your donation of the Skaven organ-vat, and see what has been made of it.
For favor acquisition.

[ ] Pay a visit to your fief, to see if anything has changed. It probably hasn't.
We haven't been there in some time.
A non-optimal result, but them's the brakes.

It will do for now, and on the plus side, it probably means more enchanting in the near future as more likely then not the thread will be voting for taking another swing at upgrading the robes.

Heh, the Dolgan are probably going to be quite surprised at the looks of the "Norscan pilgrimage" passing through their territory, but I sincerely doubt that they will start any trouble.
Foreign Relations
[ ] Stirland, to see for yourself how the war against Sylvania is progressing.

I want to get a clear and personal picture of what is going on here. Like... we've heard rumors about this and that, and how things seem to be settling in for a long siege, but we don't have the info from the horse's mouth as it were.

So, I want to uncover what's going on with that, to satisfy our curiosity. We feel a bit invested in how things will turn out for Stirland/Sylvania, and this way we get an answer to that.

Following Up
[ ] The Gold College, to see what's become of their research into Skaven technology.

We gave them the stuff, I want to see what was in the stuff. And if they've gotten anything out of it yet.

I... kinda want to go visit our former teacher, Regimand, because we're about to go off into an area that we might never come back from... Sort of touch base with closest-to-family-we-have before we go, but... I don't know if that counts as a 'be social at [person]' type of suggestion though.

@BoneyM is there going to be a final Social Turn next turn, before we set off for Karag Dum? Or is a Social Turn, if it happens in such a form at all rather than being epilogue or series of interlude or outright social actions rather than the "turn by turn Social Turn" instead, to be for the end of that turn?
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I want Mathilda to be polyamorous and to romance the Dragon. We can have the bliss of having a girlfriend AND a dragonfriend, and tying said dragonfriend to the karak.
@BoneyM is there going to be a final Social Turn next turn, before we set off for Karag Dum? Or is a Social Turn, if it happens in such a form at all rather than being epilogue or series of interlude or outright social actions rather than the "turn by turn Social Turn" instead, to be for the end of that turn?

Social stuff is going to be happening but not in the usual format.
Mathilde has begun a romantic relationship with Panoramia of the Jade Order. What are her future intentions in this realm?
[ ] [ROMANCE] Seek a romantic relationship with a second partner.
On the one hand, all those romance novels must have planted at least the concept into Mathilde's head.

On the other, I really can't imagining Mathilde 'swimming's a bit risque isn't it' Weber to be ready for that kind of thing.
Is she our protégé? It's been years and she has not really spent that long in Mathilde's employ compared to her time working for Sirlind directly. It feels a bit presumptuous to call her that IMO.
Once you have allowed Mathilde into a position of power over you, forever will she dominate your destiny.
Does at least look like we'll be able to have Fog Path ready to go in time! There's just one step left to go.
Awww, Pan was softlocked in. Thought
we still had a chance for Cython. Seems like bookwyrm lost the battle (unless the thread goes for polyamory, but that is a huge AP sink and a risk with Pan)

Oh well, its a pity, but then's the breaks I guess.
Hm... Something like this I think, but I'm off to bed before the vote opens. :V

[ ] [ROMANCE] Break up with Panoramia in favour of seeking a relationship with a new partner.
[ ] [ROMANCE] Seek a romantic relationship with a second partner.

Big Preference is to break up, but breaking up the thing that just started seems Less Likely to happen, so I'll go on and approval vote trying to start up a polycule.

[ ] [ROMANCE] Magister Johann
[ ] [ROMANCE] The Ice Dragon of Karag Zilfin

Prefer Solo Johann, but I'd be happy with Cython. Mathilde dropping the bombshell of wanting to bring a dragon into the Relationship with Panoramia would be pretty amusing though.

[ ] Cython, to discuss the Gods of Kislev and the Kurgan.
[ ] Qrech, to discuss his newly-acquired diploma from the University of Altdorf.

Non-standard-non-human buddies get top priority, every time.

[ ] Elder Hluodwica, High Priestess of Esmerelda and civilian leader of the Eight Peaks Halflings.

One day we'll hang out with this gal.

[ ] The Gold College, to see what's become of their research into Skaven technology.
[ ] Follow up on your donation of the Skaven organ-vat, and see what has been made of it.

I'll probably pare these off, but I'm still interested in learning about MAD SCIENCE.

[ ] Pay a visit to your fief, to see if anything has changed. It probably hasn't.
Always be fiefin'