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Does anyone remember where I can find Boney's WoG that described Johann and Max's rivalry & distaste for each other having cooled off and they can tolerate each other?

You smile. "Norlander trick," you say. "If someone has a gut wound, feed them onion soup. If you can smell it on their wound, they're beyond saving.
Also, is this supposed to be a typo for Nor(d)lander?
Why did this go in the middle of the apocrypha list, instead of the end? (Well, it's near the end, but it's the latest omake and it's not at the very tip which is weird).

Threadmarks can be a little finicky, so sometimes they get placed in the wrong spot. I'm sure this one will get corrected when @BoneyM (or someone else who can edit the threadmarks) sees the problem.
We didn't take the options for learning about their culture or their language, Diplomacy is our worst stat (admittedly a case of mediocrity compared to greatness rather than being objectively bad, but still not our area of expertise), and pretending to be a dark sorceress to fool Hell's next door neighbors is tempting Fate, or Architects thereof, to maneuver you into having to prove it.

Best to just spy on them from stealth instead.
The worst plausible result is Mathilde hacking her way out without learning anything. A very likely result is diplomacy failing and her having to kill some chaos worshippers before the survivors tell her what she wants to know.

This is vastly less dangerous than waltzing into orc and Skaven infested fortresses.

A quote that proves only how deeply misunderstood 'science' actually is.

A far better quote: "Any technology, no matter how primitive, is magic to those who don't understand it."
- Florence Ambrose
Not having enough magic is not a problem we're going to be facing. Rather the opposite, in fact.
AV is also liable to explode if you shake it too hard. The problem isn't power, it's control.
The idea here was for the Steppes, where there is an absence of safely-usable ambient magic. And Mathilde has sorted out the storage/transport issues. But yeah, it would be rather dangerous to take it into the Chaos Wastes.
Does anyone remember where I can find Boney's WoG that described Johann and Max's rivalry & distaste for each other having cooled off and they can tolerate each other?
Is this what you mean? (From Turn 26, part 1)
The coming months are going to involve a lot of time spent in the laboratories, and Max and Johann become the first guests to grace the new bedroom in your Penthouse as they prepare for a deep dive into some of the loot acquired from the Skaven, to the mutual delight of both Wolf and the wolf-rats. Though there's some moderate grumbling from Johann and Max who aren't quite close enough to be entirely pleased with sharing a room, they quickly find that Max's late nights and Johann's early mornings mean they only ever encounter each other in passing, and things quickly settle down into a harmonious peace.
Borek Negaverse, because I was slightly bored
Might be more like this if higher quest accuracy is preferred:

Rolling for support from King Belegar Ironhammer of Vala-Azril-Ungol.

1: Gold
2: Equipment
3: Volunteers and Mercenaries
4: A Hero unit
5: A Warband led by a Hero Unit
6: Vala-Azril-Ungol Marches to Dum

A Hero unit's assistance
4 - Which Hero?

1: Solzic, Questing Knight
2: Titus Muggins, Fieldwarden
3: Dreng, Longbeard Ranger
4: Loremaster Mathilde Weber, Grey Magister
5: Prince Gotri Stoneheart, Master Engineer
6: Kragg the Grimm, Runelord

4 - How do they help?

1: Recruitment
2: Extensive Recruitment
3: Scouting
4: Extensive scouting
5: Joining the expedition
6: Roll twice and take both.


Who do she recruit(roll 4 times for extensive recruitment)?
1: Mercenaries
2: Knights
3: Wizards
4: Runesmiths
5: Other Magic Users
6: A past acquaintance


Then roll for which knights(which hit a roll twice and get both), roll for which wizards(journeymen swarm guaranteed, its just rolling for notables), roll for runesmith(copy the Thorek roll in).

Noting that:
-The assignment is by how much Karak Eight Peaks can spare said deployment, not necessarily the quality or relevance of the hero.
-Hero units assigned have a lot of discretion in how much aid they actually offer.
-Thorek isn't actually Belegar's to deploy. Granted, neither is Kragg, but Kragg actually decided to settle in Eight Peaks.
-Asarnil should be kept hidden until the reveal.
-Boxcars go choo-choo~
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@BoneyM Even if we tell our Gold Wizards to spend their time doing whatever they consider appropriate to prepare for the expedition, don't they still work for us? And shouldn't that mean that we have a right to get told exactly how they have been spending their time, if only so the three Magisters (Johann, Max, Mathilde) don't bring potentially redundant stuff to the table?
@BoneyM Even if we tell our Gold Wizards to spend their time doing whatever they consider appropriate to prepare for the expedition, don't they still work for us? And shouldn't that mean that we have a right to get told exactly how they have been spending their time, if only so the three Magisters (Johann, Max, Mathilde) don't bring potentially redundant stuff to the table?

There'll be a roundup of results of various training montages just before Expedition time. I'm not giving live results every turn because that would be tedious.
@BoneyM Even if we tell our Gold Wizards to spend their time doing whatever they consider appropriate to prepare for the expedition, don't they still work for us? And shouldn't that mean that we have a right to get told exactly how they have been spending their time, if only so the three Magisters (Johann, Max, Mathilde) don't bring potentially redundant stuff to the table?

On the other hand, given the likelihood of deaths along the way, having some redundancy is probably a good thing.
@BoneyM That is fair. But does Mathilde still know what they are doing off screen? We are after all still spending a half-action on them in order to assist them with whatever they might be doing, right?
By the way, how mich of their productive time do the Gold Wizards actually spend doing our bidding? I know NPCs like that don't actually have have AP that you keep track of and that them each providing us with one extra action at the cost of half of our own is part of the balance of the underlying game mechanics. But fluff wise, do they still follow the "half of your productive time should go towards aiding your employer" rule that Mathilde labors under or do they essentially have half time employment? Or maybe they actually work for Belegar, which is why they do one action for us and one action aiding K8P in general, after which they call it a day and spend their other actions on personal research, self improvement and leisure.
@BoneyM That is fair. But does Mathilde still know what they are doing off screen? We are after all still spending a half-action on them in order to assist them woth whatever they might be doing, right?


By the way, how mich of their productive time do the Gold Wizards actually spend doing our bidding? I know NPCs like that don't actually have have AP that you keep track of and that them each providing us with one extra action at the cost of half of our own is part of the balance of the underlying game mechanics. But fluff wise, do they still follow the "half of your productive time should go towards aiding your employer" rule that Mathilde labors under or do they essentially have half time employment? Or maybe they actually work for Belegar, which is why they do one action for us and one action aiding K8P in general, after which they call it a day and spend their other actions on personal research, self improvement and leisure.

The nature of Wizard Things means there's no standard hours. They invest enough time to get whatever the job is done.
6: Kragg the Grimm, Runelord

Granted, neither is Kragg, but Kragg actually decided to settle in Eight Peaks.
Isn't Kragg also involved in the whole Runemasters/Runelords debacle? I mean as a living ancestor he can be considered above politics to an extent, but I can't imagine that thos means that he sits out on traditional conclaves, has no opinion on people changing the traditional naming conclaves and did not care either way about Karak Dum's fearmongering and demanding aid against Chaos just to be proven right and then getting lost.
Isn't Kragg also involved in the whole Runemasters/Runelords debacle? I mean as a living ancestor he can be considered above politics to an extent, but I can't imagine that thos means that he sits out on traditional conclaves, has no opinion on people changing the traditional naming conclaves and did not care either way about Karak Dum's fearmongering and demanding aid against Chaos just to be proven right and then getting lost.

No, Boney already mentioned he considers the whole divide (and presumably consequences of it) beneath him.
Kragg was a living Ancestor before Vlad Von Carstien came to power, if I'm mathing vaguely accurately.
Isn't Kragg also involved in the whole Runemasters/Runelords debacle? I mean as a living ancestor he can be considered above politics to an extent, but I can't imagine that thos means that he sits out on traditional conclaves, has no opinion on people changing the traditional naming conclaves and did not care either way about Karak Dum's fearmongering and demanding aid against Chaos just to be proven right and then getting lost.
Put it this way:
-Radical - Wants new things
-Moderates - Wants practical things, but still within cultural norms
-Conservatives - Wants what they believe is the glory days of yore to be.
-Traditionalists - Actually were there in the days of yore and thinks the conservatives are behaving like overgrown beardlings bleaching their beard white.
-Kragg - Lo and behold my field of fucks. Witness that it is most barren.
the Kurgan Reaction.

1: Khorne tribe: TAKE HER SKULL!
2: Tzeentch tribe: We Know your not one of us, but this is amusing, let's see how it plays out.
3: Slaanesh Tribe: why hellllooo sexy and powerful wizard. How about you come in and get to know us, all of us.
4: Nurgle tribe: Well meet new sister! Come join us at the fire and take part of the ritual of hugs! Share in Papas endless love!
5: Undivided tribe: oh gods another one, just smile and nod and hope she leave quickly.
6: Undivided tribe mobilising: Are you the one sent to guide us to the meeting point for the raid on The old world, you know, the one set for next year at x place at x time?
Jyn Ryvia threw 1 6-faced dice. Total: 1
1 1
A quote about the Kurgan that might be relevant:

'No one Ruinous Power holds more sway than the rest. An individual tribe may uphold a single God or even a pair of them. Some tribes venerate all four and throw in a few other Gods as well. Generally speaking, the Kurgan know the Ruinous Powers by the names of Khorne, Loesh (Slaanesh), Nieglin (Nurgle), and Tchar (Tzeentch). '​
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Something to also keep in mind whilst we don't have a diplomacy skill for the kurgen or know their culture.

We did buy the following.

Marauder Tribes +4 - Extensive Imperial / Extensive Dwarven

So we're going to have something to go off of, even if it's not great.
If memory serves, Living Ancestor starts at 400.

Kragg was a living ancestor before the Age of Three Emperors kicked off. He can personally remember the days when the Skaven kicked off the Black Plague and fought Van Hel.
Well, he's also a bit of a hermit so whether he heard anything or whether he was working on more runes is hard to say...
He's also a significant part of the Karaz Ankor's strategic reserve - he'd probably be kept abreast of developments that could require him using his Anvil in battle.

You underestimate the stuborness of a dawi that states that everything but runesmithing is "not his job" and that a dawi should focus solely on his job.

He probably lets the kings do the politics and only joins when he hears a high stakes battle is going on.
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