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AV is basic raw warp matter in physical form. That close to the Chaos wastes it might end up as catnip for all the demons that want into the world.
Does... does anyone on the expedition know who we've recruited so far? I have to think so, if only so they can make sure they're carrying enough food and water and stuff, but, like...

Borek, just before the Expedition leaves: "Okay, is that everyone?"
Mathilde: "Nope, we're still waiting for a few people."
Borek: "Ah. Any details you're willing to share?"
Mathilde: "Eh, they'll be here any minute now. In fact..."
100 kittybirds, 100 winter wolves, 200 armored knights, a dozen assorted wizards, an elf, a dragon, and a ten-mile-long wagon train carrying six months of food for all of the above: *dramatically crest a convenient nearby hill*
Borek: "What."
Mathilde: "100 kittybirds, 100 winter wolves, 200 armored knights, a dozen assorted wizards, an elf, a dragon, and a ten-mile-long wagon train carrying six months of food for all of the above."
Borek: Wheeze
The Distant Commiseration of Belegar Ironhammer: I'd say that you get used to it, lad, but... you don't. You really, really don't.
It's been said before, but I'll echo it: If the first thing van Horstmann does is explode I will laugh my ass off. The whole thing. Right off. Onto the ground.

Also the Celestials would be so damn smug.
Nah the first thing that Horstmann will do is go off on a personal raid of the Chaos Dwarves and bring back a valuable artifact for demonsmithing. Then he will explain how despite it's evil nature it could be studied for the benefit of the colleges for binding apparitions and offer a joint study with the Magister so famous for her study of enemy magics!
Does... does anyone on the expedition know who we've recruited so far? I have to think so, if only so they can make sure they're carrying enough food and water and stuff, but, like...

Borek, just before the Expedition leaves: "Okay, is that everyone?"
Mathilde: "Nope, we're still waiting for a few people."
Borek: "Ah. Any details you're willing to share?"
Mathilde: "Eh, they'll be here any minute now. In fact..."
100 kittybirds, 100 winter wolves, 200 armored knights, a dozen assorted wizards, an elf, a dragon, and a ten-mile-long wagon train carrying six months of food for all of the above: *dramatically crest a convenient nearby hill*
Borek: "What."
Mathilde: "100 kittybirds, 100 winter wolves, 200 armored knights, a dozen assorted wizards, an elf, a dragon, and a ten-mile-long wagon train carrying six months of food for all of the above."
Borek: Wheeze
The Distant Commiseration of Belegar Ironhammer: I'd say that you get used to it, lad, but... you don't. You really, really don't.
... It occurs to me that we are going to be getting a reputation for organizing incredible expeditions if we don't have it already.

I mean first drakenhoff, the eight peaks and now this? Assuming we survive we should look into the possibility of a bonus for recruiting for expeditions trait at some point. After the elfcation I sincerely believe we will just find a new exotic place to go to with an army and kick the shit out of evil in. New world anyone? Maybe Nehekahara to finish our coin collection?
You know I wonder how the negaverse quest for the Expedition must look like on Mathilde. Since I'd imagine that their GM did a roll to see what Belegar sent and got "Belegar sends his Loremaster" which the threat is reminded is a shadow wizard, which they are thankful to have but don't expect much.

Then the next turn the GM has a "What Mathilde does to help" roll which probably crits to give them all the forces we've recruited.
I'd imagine that Mathilde's HALPING roll would have to be one of those legendary ridiculous rolling crits that certain Quests have gotten. Like, four or five confirmed crits in a row legendary.
Meanwhile, in BorekQuest
Borek Negaverse, because I was slightly bored
DollaryDoo said:
Rolling for support from King Belegar Ironhammer of Vala-Azril-Ungol.

1: Halfling Fieldwardens
2: Umgi with pikes
3: Some Ironbreakers
4: Prince Gotri, Radical Engineer
5: Prince Gotri and custom Gyrobomber
6: Loremaster Thane Dame Mathilde Weber, Magister of the Grey Order, and her friends

DollaryDoo threw 6-faced dice Total: 6
DollaryDoo said:
Looks like I get to have fun.
Mooks said:
DollaryDoo said:
excuse me what the frick
oliveolave said:
There is exactly one option on that list that makes any sense at all.

I'm going to have to go out on my balcony and think for a while about my next vote. Having a wizard along changes a lot, especially if she's capable of battle magic.
Intrigue said:
> Loremaster
Nice, we're missing runecraft support
> Thane
Hero unit get! Even if it's just one person, heroes are a big deal.
> Dame
..Wait, that's an imperial title.
> Magister
u w0t m8
> Grey Order
okay i guess /throws up hands
> her friends
I can't wait to see who she brings with her.

Did we get whacked by a Lord of Change and land in the weird AU when I wasn't looking? Because this is implying that King Ironhammer's Loremaster is a Human Wizard. And not just any wizard, one of the sneaky secret-police types. What?
LethargicPossum said:
oliveolave said:
There is exactly one option on that list that makes any sense at all.
The entire Karak must be something else. They apparently have enough halflings living there to have a force of fieldwardens and they're feeling safe enough to send them off for stuff. Part of their military is human. They have a radical engineer with enough pull to get a gyrobomber all to himself to play with. And, last and certainly not least, they have an imperial wizard who is somehow also a thane. I can't wait to hear how that happened.
DollaryDoo said:
Who is actually in Loremaster Weber's retinue? This is cumulative; you get everyone under the roll.

1: Her hammerer bodyguard
2: The August Order of the Ducklings
3: An Ice Witch of Kislev
4: Some volunteers from the Colleges
5: A squad of Demigryph Knights from the Knights of Taal's Fury
6: Some Knights from the Order of the Knights of the White Wolf
7: A bunch of Demigryph Knights from the Knights of Taal's Fury
8: A Magister of the Light Order
9: Asarnil the Dragonlord and Deathfang
10: Thorek Ironbrow, Master Runelord of Karak Azul

DollaryDoo threw 9-faced dice Total: 9
DollaryDoo said:
Kranm said:
Well, looks like the dice just more than doubled our firepower. And, carry the two, approximately centupled our chances of exploding horribly. It's the chaos wastes and we just got probably four or six wizards on our side. This can't possibly go wrong, no sir.

Also, these options are somehow even less sane than the previous set. A dragon? A dragon? As part of her personal retinue? Okay, sure, imperial knighthood and politically-active magister, I can see her getting "a bunch" of knights. An ice witch, though? So low on the list, implying super easy for her to recruit? Ducklings? And the freaking Master Runelord of Karak Azul? What is even going on over there?
oliveolave said:
Okay, so we got... We'd have always gotten hammerers, that makes sense, they wouldn't send off a thane loremaster without a bodyguard. I haven't the faintest idea what the ducklings could be. An ice witch. I have no idea what they can even do. More wizards. And then, uh, a whole bunch of the Empires knights. The demigryphs alone are murder incarnate. Presumably another named hero unit from the Light College. And finally, ASARNIL THE DRAGONLORD.

I don't think we need artillery any more.
Onyon said:
Holy Grimnir she's a walking army
Mooks said:
Negaverse Belegar Quest must be a riot.
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I may be taking a joke too seriously, but: No.
Very much no, because 1) the cat is entirely incidental to Schrödinger's thought experiment. The cat was a convenient example at hand. It could just as well have been Schrödinger's dog, Schrödinger's dishwasher or Schrödinger's Magister. The point was about macro-scale objects compared to subatomic quanta, not cats in particular; 2) even supposing it's a cat, the point of Schrödinger's thought experiment was a reductio ad absurdum. Quantum superpositions 'obviously' can't work that way for macro-scale objects, so they must be a point on the way up from subatomic quanta where they stop working, and the question then becomes locating that point; 3) even in those quantum physics interpretations where macro-scale objects hypothetically could work that way, they don't in practice, because the superposition becomes increasingly unstable with increasing size and will long since have collapsed for a system the size of a water droplet, never mind a cat.
So you're saying we could develop a spell to 'collapse the system' of enemies with quantum Ulgu superpositions and turn then into small drops of quasi blood?
@Vebyast, DollaryDoo rolls a six-sided die, gets a six, which then somehow translates to a nine on the results. Not sure if mistake or intentional artistic license for the sake of humor.
A thought occurs to you, and you stop to mull it over. This close to the Chaos Wastes, reality is quite malleable, and strange things have been recorded to occur. Simultaneously taking and not taking an action is certainly out there, but it could happen, right? And if it could happen, who's to say that it didn't?


Yep, you think to yourself after a long day of reconnaissance, this was one of the better ideas you had had.

If you don't superimpose and simulate the whole of Mallus do you even scout bruh. :V

Awesome omake, too bad the thread is way too caution to chance a experiment or two on seeing if it is possible to make Ulgu go 'answer: yes' on a Mathilde's decision. It would make for a great paper! :p
[X] Do not make contact with the Kurgan

We didn't take the options for learning about their culture or their language, Diplomacy is our worst stat (admittedly a case of mediocrity compared to greatness rather than being objectively bad, but still not our area of expertise), and pretending to be a dark sorceress to fool Hell's next door neighbors is tempting Fate, or Architects thereof, to maneuver you into having to prove it.

Best to just spy on them from stealth instead.

I may be taking a joke too seriously, but: No.
Very much no, because 1) the cat is entirely incidental to Schrödinger's thought experiment. The cat was a convenient example at hand. It could just as well have been Schrödinger's dog, Schrödinger's dishwasher or Schrödinger's Magister. The point was about macro-scale objects compared to subatomic quanta, not cats in particular; 2) even supposing it's a cat, the point of Schrödinger's thought experiment was a reductio ad absurdum. Quantum superpositions 'obviously' can't work that way for macro-scale objects, so they must be a point on the way up from subatomic quanta where they stop working, and the question then becomes locating that point; 3) even in those quantum physics interpretations where macro-scale objects hypothetically could work that way, they don't in practice, because the superposition becomes increasingly unstable with increasing size and will long since have collapsed for a system the size of a water droplet, never mind a cat.
You're not the only one who has issues with that thought experiment. :p

What I'm trying to say, I suppose, is that really, technology is just magic without the hype: Much of what we once hoped for and dreamed of has proven possible, but in the process of becoming real, it could not longer be anything we imagined. Much as how the way we think of things like AI and nanotechnology these days will probably change and narrow as they become less dreams and more real.
Or to put it more enthusiastically, "Any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from Science!"
[X] Do not make contact with the Kurgan

We didn't take the options for learning about their culture or their language, Diplomacy is our worst stat (admittedly a case of mediocrity compared to greatness rather than being objectively bad, but still not our area of expertise), and pretending to be a dark sorceress to fool Hell's next door neighbors is tempting Fate, or Architects thereof, to maneuver you into having to prove it.

Best to just spy on them from stealth instead.

So what exactly are you expecting to go bad here? Tzeench himself whispers in the ear of a random Kurgan that we are not what we seem? I think he is a might busy building schemes and tearing them down again for what.
So what exactly are you expecting to go bad here? Tzeench himself whispers in the ear of a random Kurgan that we are not what we seem? I think he is a might busy building schemes and tearing them down again for what.
Tzeentch whispers contradictory instructions in the ears of ten Kurgan shamans simultaneously. :V
"There's an Imperial Magister coming, kill her for my favor."
"There's an Ice Witch coming dressed as an Imperial Magister, capture and ransom her to Kislev."
"There's a Chaos Champion coming pretending to be an Ice Witch dressed as an Imperial Magister, do as she asks of you."
"There's a pair of Dwarf Rangers coming, sitting one on top of the other while riding so they look like a Chaos Champion, pretending to be an Ice Witch, dressed as an Imperial Magister, warn the Chaos Dwarfs about them."
"There's a Changeling coming who has taken the form of a pair of Dwarf Rangers sitting on top of each other [...] dressed as an Imperial Magister, and the next four shamans over are all misinformed about the situation. Take advantage of their ignorance."
"There's an Arabyan magician who has made a pact with a Changeling who has taken the form of [...] dressed as an Imperial Magister, and I want you to make him think the Empire has designs on Araby."
"There's an Arabyan sultan who's hired a magician to make a pact with a Changeling [...] dressed as an Imperial Magister. Show his messenger the utmost favor and stall her for as long as you can."
"There's a necromancer puppeting the corpse of an Arabyan sultan who's hired a magician [...] dressed as an Imperial Magister. I want you to expose her so that my demon plots are blamed on necromancers for a while."
"There's a vampire who's taught a necromancer to puppet the corpse of an Arabyan sultan [...] dressed as an Imperial Magister. Avoid her at all costs personally, but try to lure your rivals into this vampire-versus-me plot."
[Entry ten is Tzeentch rambling for so long that the shaman loses track and decides to try reading the omens again tomorrow, maybe they'll be clearer.]

If some of the shamans compare notes, this too is JUST AS PLANNED, Tzeentch will leave them uncertain and unable to determine who relative to each other is "he knows a layer more than me about this complicated Tzeentch Plot" or "he's making things up to throw me off, surely it wouldn't be that complicated."
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