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- It/They
Nah, Ranald and other so-called deities are capable of letting their opinions known despite not being on Mallus, so it's clearly possible. No, the fact that Abel hasn't made his desires clear have to be sabotage on a divine plane.
I instinctively want to blame theGod of Deceit hovering over MAthilde's shoulder, but while I can think of many ways he benefitted from Abel's untimely death, I can't think of any reason he would want our first liege to stay dead. Except maybe anti-unliving prejudice, that crap crops up everywhere.
Also yes, when Abel returns the resulting drama bomb will be absolutely delicious. Especially now that Mathilde's heart has dared to love again.
Ranald did nothing wrong, his domain is luck and lies and conmen and looking out for the little guy, unfortunately he probably just blew all his available mojo on allowing mathilde to survive that debacle and so he had nothing to spare so as to retroactively have a shallyan priestess or healing type wizard travelling nearby and get lost. (which is basically what it would have taken to save Able)