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Ranald would have an easier time appealing to the Wyrdwomen.

Night Stalker: If they're close enough that you can hear them, they're too close.
Deceiver: They can be standing right in front of a third party, and their victim won't be able to convince them they're there.
Protector: People that abuse their authority to exploit the less fortunate don't lack for overlap with people that organize witch burnings.
Gambler: They're drawn to fortune magic.
And there's the fact that they're the bane of Chamon,
Chamon has the Wyrdwomen.
so Gehenna may well be familiar with them and be able to help us parse out their strengths and vulnerabilities compared to Dark Hounds, which she also knows well.

Also, has a marked College PR advantage in not being thought the avatar of the Chaos Blood God.
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So uh, from what I understand the red rider apparitions are intelligent. So does that mean we could potentially flip them from king murderhobo to RNGesus? It sounds like something that would amuse the Lord of Boxcars.
Honestly the red riders are probably not ACTUALLY particularly affiliated with Khorne, or they'd be more dhar-y and indiscriminate. I mean I'm still prepared to be disappointed, because Warhams, but it kinda sounds more like they have enough in common with him that people assume there must be an association, but it doesn't seem to be an association we see any of from Khorne's end.
Honestly the red riders are probably not ACTUALLY particularly affiliated with Khorne, or they'd be more dhar-y and indiscriminate. I mean I'm still prepared to be disappointed, because Warhams, but it kinda sounds more like they have enough in common with him that people assume there must be an association, but it doesn't seem to be an association we see any of from Khorne's end.
The difference between a local burger place and a fast food chain, I'd guess. Low enough level to fulfill the same general niche without actually being part of a franchise, perhaps.
Honestly the red riders are probably not ACTUALLY particularly affiliated with Khorne, or they'd be more dhar-y and indiscriminate. I mean I'm still prepared to be disappointed, because Warhams, but it kinda sounds more like they have enough in common with him that people assume there must be an association, but it doesn't seem to be an association we see any of from Khorne's end.
From what I read, Apparitons are (more explicitly than other Warp denizens) the projections of Wind-wielding individuals. They are created in their particular image because people- people who can bend unreality to affect reality- believe them to be just so.

Is that enough to create an affiliation? Belief that the Blood Knight answers to the Blood God? Or the flies to Nurgle?
...Now that's a question.
Protector: People that abuse their authority to exploit the less fortunate don't lack for overlap with people that organize witch burnings.
Eh? Witch burnings often aren't top-down in Warhammer. Mathilde's own experience of being targeted by one was entirely based on superstitions indigenous to her home village and performed by people who believed they were protecting themselves and their families from dark magic, some of them plausibly devout Ranaldites. She was saved from it by someone appealing to the law of the land on the grounds that it was the law of the land and therefore they should follow it.
The overlap isn't zero. but it's not terribly strong.
And honestly, the Deceiver connection feels really surface level.
The impression I get here is that this is going to be the foundation of a self-created Battle Magic spell.

Which yes is super fucking cool because we're basically learning to cast "Summon Friendly「Stand」"
And by 'friendly' we mean 'wants to bite my face off but can't', which is basically friendship in a nutshell.
I am just sad that all hope of using this to make a sevirscope went up in smoke.
If we wanted to make a sevirscope with our Gold College boon, we should have voted for them to make us a sevirscope.
Okay, there are two known groups that are highly skilled at binding Warp-entities.

First the Arabyan mages binding not-daemons for a vast array of magical effects.
Second the Dawi Zharr binding daemons for a more limited, but immensly powerful range of siege-weapons and monsters.

We can buy books from the former and maybe steal some from the latter.
I would definitly prefer to have some sort of theoretical foundation before trying to mess with not-daemons, because trial and error will be very risky.
Yeah, I really want to grab some Arabyan magic books and look into Djinn now.

Heck, maybe we'd be able to find an Ulgu-aspected Djinn. The wood that went into making our tower came from Araby, didn't it? Maybe we'd be lucky and find something like that.
We should grab a Rider in Red then steal its horse and use that instead. A riding horse sounds easier to control than a blood crazed ghost knight.

It would make a fine upgrade to our current steed.
That sounds like a good way to get a spectral former-horsemen constantly haunting you. That also sounds really really cool though, so hey.
We got a staff with a hand on the end so we can sword at people while we cast spells. :V

Alternatively, we built it into Branalhune so we can cast spells at people while we sword.
Actually, what if we did something to make it similar to Branalhune?

Namely, the whole "disappears and appears at will" thing. Maybe we can store the staff in, say, our shadow or something like that.

Thus, making it way way easier to carry it and sneak about with a staff.

Now that'd be a proper Ulgu stuff, wouldn't it?

One that you can take anywhere, and that wouldn't get in your way, nor be detected by people.
Yes... but an Empire can.

What if we designed a fairytale creature with beneficial traits - maybe one that calms the winds of magic nearby, or warns of hidden dangers - and spread the story as far and wide as possible? Maybe using the EIC to do it? If the tale got popular enough, we might see such beneficial beasties start appearing after a while, and wouldn't that be neat?
Only if people actually believed in it. But there'd be that one person writing the sinister story about what they really do to the buttercups or whatever, and then it'd all get ruined.
True. But a coordinated effort to spread the story and reinforce the intended narrative seems viable. And of course, we can design the "canon" narrative to be not just beneficial but a compelling story, so that people want to spread that one.
Imagination dies at the border of definition. The more work you put into it, the harder it'll be for it to take off as something people believe is real, rather than a good story. Too, there's also the mean-time-to-conspiracy-reveal to take into consideration; the more people you have working on it, the faster it'll inevitably get out that it's a sham.

Generally speaking, we should stick to avoiding social engineering projects of that nature. There's already a snarl of factions with a monopoly on them, and they tend to burn anybody who offends their sensibilities.
I disagree entirely. If we're optimising for "telling this version of the story and believing it" then putting more work into it will not make it less successful.

Obviously we'd want to hire professional assistance for such and endeavour - authors and bards, perhaps.
You know... If you wanted to spread a story, and have it be about a being with some supernatural traits, or supernatural feats, and you wanted to get a lot of people to believe it...

... Well.

We do have that Protector Facet on Ranald's Coin, and the ability to use it to form an alternate persona superhero.
Actually, what if we did something to make it similar to Branalhune?

Namely, the whole "disappears and appears at will" thing. Maybe we can store the staff in, say, our shadow or something like that.

Thus, making it way way easier to carry it and sneak about with a staff.

Now that'd be a proper Ulgu stuff, wouldn't it?

One that you can take anywhere, and that wouldn't get in your way, nor be detected by people.
The real staff was inside us all along.
We do have that Protector Facet on Ranald's Coin, and the ability to use it to form an alternate persona superhero.
Now there's a way to get a spell named after you: Engineer a warp entity for the sole purpose of effecting your will.
I admit that I hoped that the Golds' boon helped make an AI framework both for the Map and Sevirscope.

That said, getting our own battle magic (therefore less dangerous) and an awsome staff still makes me really interested in the next update.
I wonder if the belief of one province is enough to make an apparition, in which case we should get a bona fide Dammerlichtreiter, accept no substitutes.
Mathilde cannot summon up enough imagination to equal a Chaos God or an entire race.
Could we use the Protector + disguises and illusions to bypass this? Save a province, have everyone involved believe that they were saved by M. Grey and her obedient Ringwraiths?

Obviously this would require us to manage to save a province, but it sounds like a validé theoretical goal.
If we wanted to make a sevirscope with our Gold College boon, we should have voted for them to make us a sevirscope.
That is what I voted for, yes. I consoled myself with the idea that if we learned the secret of non-daemon minds from GGH we could do it ourselves, when sevirscope lost.

But it turned out to be a false hope. Which is why I am sad now.
Possible reason why we're not allowed to tell anyone how the Golden Hounds work: If common belief comes to include the belief that they're "just" bound Dark Hounds, the relevant warp entities will change in a way that causes the bindings to stop working. Given that Chamon's thing is apparently to make boundaries the way Ulgu's thing is to blur boundaries, maybe they'll merge into a single concept and the spell will no longer be able to turn Dark Hounds into Golden Hounds?
If we wanted to make a sevirscope with our Gold College boon, we should have voted for them to make us a sevirscope.
Sevirscope is still on the menu. If anything, we're one step closer: "Work with Johann to bind a Wisdom's Asp" is substantially more concrete than "And then a miracle occurs".
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Staff turning

1: Complete failure, material wasted
2: Salvageable failure
3-4: Normal staff
5: Staff with quirk
6: Exceptional staff
Mathilde be like "oh, yah. Just another little speciality I turned my hand to."
Looks at her staff made from remains of a near-mythical creature aligned to a different wind. "Impressive? I don't know if I'd call it impressive, exactly. I mean, when you've channeled the power of gods... several times... I'm not sure this compares, you know? Anyway, I'm sure anyone could manage this little thing on a first try, right?"
God damnit. And the answer was deamons. Of fucking course it was.

Welp, that's useless.

Yea, what a crappy outcome. She even likens the process to binding familiars so its exactly the same thing i said and we bloody do the same thing with artificial familiars. Bah feel like we were robbed. Never goingvto make use of this.

A unaligned Daemon is still a daemon.
Become famous and legendary enough to create our own kind of Apparition?

@BoneyM How legendary would we have to get to become Ranalds martial council member?

I know what were doing when we die of old age!
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