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  • Just remembered how the first post that I had ever seen from you on this website was of you doing some mod action. Before this I had only rally seen your Commentary on The Games We Play over on SB. You can probably understand my utter confusion thinking, "Wait! Datcord's a MOD?! Who made that a thing!". Just figured I'd make the note since I found it quite funny in hindsight.
    The difference between a human's skeletal system and a proper skeleton is that human teeth are made of enamel and have flesh hidden inside them, while skeleton teeth are solid bone.
    i can see your sins, sinister skeleton man
    If you want me to autograph the 8x10 glossies of them, you'll need to pay the $5 same as everyone else!
    I'm going to rattle your bones until you pay up is what I'll do, you owe me more money than Dracula owes Moon Knight. Or you can graciously sign here, here and here and go un-rattled. (Otherwise you go in a sack and a tumble dryer.)
    Wait... is that reference to a demonic duck an El Goonish Shive reference? It definitely is, isn't it.
    What? Why would you think thaLOOK A DEMONIC DUUuuuuuu-not working this time, is it.

    ...yes. Yes, it is.
    *Shyly Attempts Surprise Spidery Snuggles on the Lord of Shipping and Scotch.* You doing ok over on your end of the planet?
    Everything's fine! Just fine! wild, hysterical laughter Those fires are SUPPOSED to be there!
    Sorry, not really sorry and forgot if one Datcord was an Arachnophobe or not ... Oh well *Surprise Trapdoor Spidery Snuggles.*
    For almost a year now, we have heard people "borrow Datcord's Scotch", but have not seen you actually posting your usual stuff in Creative Writing. Is that just because you are busy doing Assistant Administrator things, or you just not being in the mood, or having to set an example, or what?
    Actually, it's because for the last year and change, I've been absolutely DESTROYED by work. My average work week's been 50+ hours, which makes my ability to do anything shitposty CREATIVE WE'RE CALLING IT CREATIVE NOW roll up and whimper.
    Hope it gets better for you, then. Your posts were always funny.
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