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But wait a minute, viewing the soul and viewing magic isn't the same thing. The sevirscope lets dwarves see magic, cool, but I don't think any living wizard since Volans could see the soul. Even Mathilde can't.
We've been calling it Bok's soul, but it isn't really a soul. It's just a magical construct in the same place.
They usually take very vaguely the appearance of their summoner, nowhere near this level of detail, and as you stare at it with your Magesight, you also recall that they normally don't bear five Runes superimposed upon where the soul of a living creature would be.
If we can see it with our Windsight, then it is viewable with Windsight. Call it what you like.
I dont see them doing a worse job than Mathilde either.
Sure, but then we're spending this big boon on something Mathilde can do herself in 1 or 2 AP. Meanwhile independent spell minds is a unique opportunity that we most certainly could not figure out in 1 or 2 AP.

Objectively speaking, they may be of approximately equal value! But Mathilde has several traits and upgraded traits that make creating a Seviroscope uniquely possible for her, and has a high level of enchanting too. She has none of such for the independent minds, so subjectively, for Mathilde, the latter is a great deal more valuable than the former.
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Also, for those interested int the Seviriscope, we can probably collab with either Johann or Maximilian to create it, especially once we have the AI, which should help.
But wait a minute, viewing the soul and viewing magic isn't the same thing. The sevirscope lets dwarves see magic, cool, but I don't think any living wizard since Volans could see the soul. Even Mathilde can't. So it'd help, but not be the be all end all for

Gold Order outfits a branch college (created through separate Great Deed expenditure)

-This, however, is my thing. It's barely comparable. The secrets of Gehenna would be good, that's been a roadblock for ages, and I'd be fine with that. It's not something we can get otherwise. But the research branch is a major investment that we'd otherwise need the transcendant Boon or AP hell to set up.

Both of these are just worth more then the servirscope, which we could make ourselves soon enough. Bok isn't going anywhere.

They usually take very vaguely the appearance of their summoner, nowhere near this level of detail, and as you stare at it with your Magesight, you also recall that they normally don't bear five Runes superimposed upon where the soul of a living creature would be.

We viewed the soul of Bok with our Magesight. This would let us share how it looked to magesight... if the sevirscope shares our interpretation of how it looks.
If this Seviroscope could also be plugged into a MMAPP such as to make it self updating then I think it would be a worthy price.
Incidentally, Gold AI would probably be a key component to a self-updating MMAPP, which makes me extra want it.

Gold AI would make me a lot more confident in making the Seviroscope for ourselves, for that matter.
About the Sevirscope, it is more than just a way to give windsight. It is, presumably, a way to standardize windsight. Which could be massive for improving understanding.
Archmage, one could argue.
boney is this a comment about us being the highest-ranked mage in K8PS, the fact we almost know every spell in the book thats not BM or something else?

does Mathy know what this comment about? or is it foreshadowing something he knows that we don't but is falling for our poker face like the elves did?
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I'm not seeing how the those would mesh by either purpose or mechanism tbh, would you mind expanding on this?
The Eye of Gazul has keystones that detect match the magical signatures of various enemy types. Identifying those same magical signatures in a high range sevirscope and then outputting the results into MMAPP is the goal, so we have real-time map updates to eliminate the fog of war.
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About the Sevirscope, it is more than just a way to give windsight. It is, presumably, a way to standardize windsight. Which could be massive for improving understanding.
I don't think anyone's arguing not to make the Seviroscope at all - they're just arguing that we should make it ourselves with the help of Gold AI, or that we should just pop a Great Deed to make the Colleges research it anyway.
About the Sevirscope, it is more than just a way to give windsight. It is, presumably, a way to standardize windsight. Which could be massive for improving understanding.
If there was an easy way of standardizing perception of Winds, I imagine elves or even humans would have already done so, after approximately thousandth promising student dying horribly in a miscast because of misunderstood lecture.

That said, Goldies likely are better than Mathilde at artifact creation, so it could still be worthwhile, especially with AP hell in mind.
Probably not. I was thinking more that this is part of a plot by Feldmann to shore up influence among the Colleges and the Empire in preparation for a bid for Supreme Patriarch.
I did say that wasn't a serious theory. :p

As for your idea, meanwhile... Supreme m/patriach-hood is decided via duel, so I'm not sure how well that would work. It's plausible, at least. Though with that said, for the prices he's willing to pay I'm becoming more and more convinced that there's something going on here that he's not telling us. I'm just not sure what it is and why it's being kept from us, and it doesn't mean his stated reason is actually incorrect.
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I am against learning the AI just because that would become another thing that we need to use our AP on. The best prices are things that save us AP not cost us more.
Can the sale include quietly getting copies made of the skaven engineering books?
The gold order will want those.
Edit wow the tread moves fast.
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If we want AI, can't we just reverse engineer the command processes from the Liber Mortis, or derive something from analyzing our shadow, instead of burning a massive opportunity with the Golds? If it were for a major project, sure, but this sounds more like a hobby thing.
Pretty sure the gunnery school set up in a Dwarf Hold, by order of a Dwarf King who currently has Wealth = Yes, already has the best of everything.
This is to get the Gold Order to expand the school and foundry beyond what it currently has in terms of volume. Considering the concern that something could happen to the school in Nuln, and the fact that more cannons = good, I think that there is room for improvement; Belegar's money might be 'Yes', but he definitely did not expand the school to it's utmost size, that would be unreasonable unless one had a cryptic and ominous warning from a diviner :p
Nothing against you @BoneyM but I am really struggling to see how the stuff we got is supposed that rare/important considering the fact that the Empire just took down three(?) entire under-cities with the help of the colleges even if we ignore the fact that the conflict has been ongoing for decades if not centuries before that. Unless the Skaven info-sec is unmatched in history, in which case how exactly did a freshly minted magister beat it, shouldn't the colleges have gotten as much information and artefacts as they could ever want that way? Hell, I am pretty sure that if the colleges somehow lacked in the necessary artefacts they could probably approach any decently sized dwarfenhold and get pretty cheap access there considering the amount of loot they should have amassed over the centuries if not millenia of warfare (and they don't have any real reason to hide skaven stuff other than maybe disliking it as shoddy/heretical work). At least in my opinion that interlude paints a pretty desolate picture of the colleges since once again it seems that without us they are incapable of anything which is at odds with you hammering home their expertise every other update....

And really gameplay wise this interlude seems to make even less sense beyond cleaning up the research possibilities - the way you have given out college favours and the like recently as well as how easy it has become to gain more of them inflation has been rampant and the only real difficulty seems to have become coming up with ways to meaningfully spend those favours in a way that is at least tangentially related to Mathilde interests instead of just straight up altruism/empire uplifting... We are already drowning in reputation and favours so I really don't see how giving us even more that is a good idea.
But wait a minute, viewing the soul and viewing magic isn't the same thing. The sevirscope lets dwarves see magic, cool, but I don't think any living wizard since Volans could see the soul. Even Mathilde can't. So it'd help, but not be the be all end all for
I seem to recall the only reason making a seviroscope is a thing is because Mathilde saw 5 Runes on Bok's soul...
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I did say that wasn't a serious theory. :p

As for your idea, meanwhile... Supreme patriach-hood is decided via duel, so I'm not sure how well that would work. It's plausible, at least. Though with that said, for the prices he's willing to pay I'm becoming more and more convinced that there's something going on here that he's not telling us. I'm just not sure what it is and why it's being kept from us, and it doesn't mean his stated reason is actually incorrect.
To be honest, I was mostly thinking that because we just mentioned to Heidi that he was the most likely Patriarch to make a ploy for the top spot, so I was assuming that Heidi has somehow already gotten her claws into him or they've managed to work out a working relationship or something.
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