being kept in the loop is automatic I'm pretty sure.Fair enough.
I think my vote will look like this:
[] The secrets behind the minds of Gehenna's Golden Hounds
-[] That we're kept in the loop regarding any discoveries that are made
We can make the Seviroscope ourselves, we're an extremely competent enchanter with uniquely effective Windsight. This is pretty much the only way we'll ever have access to the answer for this specific question. It might help with Bok, too!
If he refuses, we can just go to Thorek again.Assuming that Kragg is willing to use Azulzhufokri tools in his research at all.
Boney confirmed it would be.The problem with the hounds of Gehenna is that it might not be useful knowledge to us.
I know you have certain preferences about certain artifacts that we'd like to keep, and I can sympathize with that, but do you really think Boney would allow that? It's a gameplay limitation.Actually, if the Golds are really offering anything, we could add a clause where we get the rights to buy back the artifacts we want to keep for a token price, then immediately buy them back.
Example prices:
Gold Magisters or Battle Wizards or Wizard Lord assistance for a specific project or expedition
Outfitting of an entire College-scale library
Complete Gold Order cooperation for the Waystone investigations
Gold Order creates and supplies a 'seviroscope' - a way to provide Windsight without interacting with the brain
Gold Order outfits a branch college (created through separate Great Deed expenditure)
Insights on creating independent, temporary, and combat-capable constructs in the vein of Gehenna's Golden Hounds
Gold Order influence, politicking, and bribery to assist with a vote to legitimize the worship of Ranald
I explicitly went out of my way to confirm that this wasn't the case, in order to head off this specific argument.The problem with the hounds of Gehenna is that it might not be useful knowledge to us. Meanwhile, a Seviriscope is useful to Kragg, not us.
Oh! I thought that was in regards to the waystones.
@BoneyM how much does the Gold College know about Elementals? About Earth Elementals in specific?
Alongside the Seviroscope, can we also just ask them to provide a bunch of material and knowledge and expertise on Elemental stuff, to help out with the research?
Gotta say, I really don't like that. It makes me more inclined to reject the whole offer.
That attitude makes this an aggressive attempt to take advantage of Mathilde by a making a surprise out-of-the-blue offer, not to make a genuine good-faith deal in the best interests of the Empire.
Screw him, and screw this deal, if that's the case.
@BoneyM Could we be given estates of lands or some other revenue source?
So if we only ask for a seviroscope we get a much better seviroscope.
@BoneyM : Do the Golds have any special advantage when it comes to researching it?
@BoneyM If we take the Seviroscope (which allow us to bypass the Dahar in the brain problem) would it be possible to create a version that instead of Windsight would allow us to use with Eyes of Truth and/or Breach the Unknown?
I'm on the side of no deal for now. If his true goal is to get as much Skaven stuff as possible and not just to get a good deal if we come back and offer home a partial list of backlog he should accept, fewer artifacts is better than no artifacts.
So it's the Gold equivalent of the Ulgu Tongs the thread is so enamoured of.
It would be very nice to know if the gold knowledge of hounds mind is a dead end for Ulgu casters (which is very likely) before we buy it.
Any words @BoneyM ?
On that note, I really want to ask this @BoneyM : if Mathilde was a Dawi descendent of Thungi, would we have made Kragg consider taking us as an apprentice at this point? It doesn't really matter in any way, although I guess someone could make a couple of funny omakes with drunk Kragg complaining that the only person worthy of being his apprentice he even got didn't fit ancestral requirements, or with an AU dawi Mathilde omake.
@BoneyM out of curiosity what exactly did he mean by "Archmage"? Because my first thought was that he was comparing us to an eleven Archmage, which... well, is a little much. Maybe in, like, twenty turns or so, but I don't think we're anywhere near comparable right now.
@BoneyM in light of the warning we got just a update ago.
[ ] Outfit the K8Ps gunnery school with the best equipment, texts and tools they can.
we can pick as many as we want, and the effort the golds would put in will be divided between the choices.
We could have a staff that talks back to us!Oh wow. Guys. Guys. Independent minds.
How many enchanting ideas have been shot down because putting a construct capable of interpreting data or making decisions is daemonsmithing?
If we can replace "daemons" with whatever these are, this could be huge.
I've no doubt that asking for a Sevirscope here will get the Golds to work harder at it than with the Great Deed, but one of the colleges would, presumably, get there eventually.Yes.@BoneyM
Can we use a Great Deed to put the Colleges on a project? Finding a way for Runelords to see magic for example?
He's using lots of tricks to try and make us pliable; emphasising our importance, saying we'd no doubt produce brilliant insights if we did the investigations ourselves, and so on and so forth. Plus, he seems to be expecting and pushing for an immediate answer. That's probably what you're picking up on. It doesn't change the fact that- once you remove the doublespeak- he's actually right about what he's saying, but it's still grating to me.The politics student in me is sensing something off about this, but im not sure what it is.
I would really like to be about to keep the Eshin stuff, but overall I'm not pushed to keep the rest.
@BoneyM in light of the warning we got just a update ago.
[ ] Outfit the K8Ps gunnery school with the best equipment, texts and tools they can.
Bok. Kragg can't see his five runed soul. Plus being able to share a standardized windsight variant, since it varies so much between individuals.So what are Seviroscopes useful for, and why do people want one? Mathilde is really good at seeing the winds, so I'm not sure what the added gain is. But then I've never heard of them before.
It's the thread nickname for a device that would allow Dwarves to view the Winds with their eyes, allowing Kragg to see the runes on Bok's "soul" for himself.So what are Seviroscopes useful for, and why do people want one? Mathilde is really good at seeing the winds, so I'm not sure what the added gain is. But then I've never heard of them before.
This is also a potentially useful thing for teaching and research among wizards, yeah.Plus being able to share a standardized windsight variant, since it varies so much between individuals.
Primary sources means talking to someone who knows, or reading their writings. That's why we dropped our dictionary on the table: our cover story for our Skaven tactical knowledge is "we stole all their writings and learned how they think." We've already published Eshin correspondence, so this is plausible.@BoneyM could this lead to Algard getting suspicious about our sources for Winning the War Below? Mathilde alluded to using primary sources for her "insights", and if the Gold Order gets all our Skaven materials they'll realize that there aren't much in the way of tactical/strategic inspirations there.
We wanted to make one for Kragg, so that he could see inside Bok.So what are Seviroscopes useful for, and why do people want one? Mathilde is really good at seeing the winds, so I'm not sure what the added gain is. But then I've never heard of them before.