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I feel the most important factor here is how well can Marienburg do without food trade from the empire. Marienburg is surrounded by horrible land, I'm sure it has some farms but I doubt it is self-sufficient, of course it has fishing.

So the question I have to ask is Brittonia willing to support Marienburg or can they be convinced to Embargo Marienburg.

Other issues I see for the Empire, if Marienburg is blockading the river this cuts off sea access from Nordland and Ostland (for whatever they have) making it so they would have to cross over land or by whatever rivers they can connect with. I can't see a way for the dwarfs to help with that issue, although the elves near Nordland might be able to help.

I still prefer the non-violent route but I understand the wanting to break any blockades. I doubt the dwarfs would use all five dreadnoughts, but they will likely use a fair few ironclads and monitors to support this.

As a silly option I'm imagining using the flying dreadnought concept to bypass Marienburg for trade... and then use that to encourage the empire to make a few more flying ships (galleon size or treasure ships)
To say that breaking the blockade won't involve a shooting war is as tenous an assertion as saying that rerouting the trade routes won't involve actually running new caravans. I mean, technically Marienburg could give up as soon as the dwarves voice their support, but i doubt that'll happen.
That's the ultimate consequence of the Chamberlain deciding to not only inform himself about the option, set it up, and use it in his negotiations to the extent required, but to actually fully go through with it until Marienburg is forced to surrender instead of deciding to plea.

Even the go to war option doesn't actually mean that a land war against Marienburg will definitely happen.

On the flip side of course it might well be that Marienburg won't blockade us for the full five years, for whatever internal reasons get rolled up in the intervening 10 turns.
You can't loan dwarf lives. @BoneyM has confined this this will cost dwarf lives opening and keeping open trade routes. I feel I must remind everyone again that we are not playing Thorgrim. This is advice given on what the dwwarfs are likely to do. Is it really likely that the whole of Karaz ankor will spill treasure and blood to make up for the Elgi lovers' Blockade. I find that unlikely.
Sorry if this has been addressed already but, can you elaborate on where exactly this was said and the 'strong confirmation' you're implying/stating was? I went through BoneyM's yesterday posts again, and I didn't find anything quite so definite. Not the way your post makes it sound like, where you're working off of a big (and strong) assumption and confirmation.

(If anything, the opposite seemed true, but nevermind...)

So, er, what was the information you used as the jumping off point for your repeat of "This will cost Dawi lives!" because I'm kind of stumped.

... And apparently you changed your vote in the past hour, blargh, but I was looking into this on and off for a past few hours so... Even if you've changed your mind now, I still want to know how you came up with that debate-point originally, what you based it off of.
... And apparently you changed your vote in the past hour, blargh, but I was looking into this on and off for a past few hours so... Even if you've changed your mind now, I still want to know how you came up with that debate-point originally, what you based it off of.
Most Waaaghs that form in the badlands crosses the Barak Var-Empire land route. It is the only place for them to go if they want to go north. Which they often do, that's why the border princes are so weak. The route also goes right by the goblin infested forests.
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And all a guy seeking to sabotage the trade needs to do is swim out at night, board a merchantmen and sink it in the channel. So, we'll need to put a constant occupation force on the shores to stop the Marienburgers from trying anything.
That would sabotage all trade that goes through Marienburg, not just Empire-related.
I feel the most important factor here is how well can Marienburg do without food trade from the empire. Marienburg is surrounded by horrible land, I'm sure it has some farms but I doubt it is self-sufficient, of course it has fishing.
Expensively. Bretonnian merchants will gouge them for all they're worth. Marienburg can do everything with money...but doing anything costs money.

Thats why a blockade is playing chicken it hurts them just as much, they're just betting they have deeper pockets than the Empire. Which they do!

Just not deeper than the Karaz Ankor
Sorry if this has been addressed already but, can you elaborate on where exactly this was said and the 'strong confirmation' you're implying/stating was? I went through BoneyM's yesterday posts again, and I didn't find anything quite so definite. Not the way your post makes it sound like, where you're working off of a big (and strong) assumption and confirmation.

(If anything, the opposite seemed true, but nevermind...)

So, er, what was the information you used as the jumping off point for your repeat of "This will cost Dawi lives!" because I'm kind of stumped.

... And apparently you changed your vote in the past hour, blargh, but I was looking into this on and off for a past few hours so... Even if you've changed your mind now, I still want to know how you came up with that debate-point originally, what you based it off of.

Malus is a death world, trade caravans are often ambushed in conditions unfavorable to dwarfs. More dwarf caravans could thus translate to a lot of dead dwarfs especially over 5 years. It turns out it will not cost a many as I anticipated hence the changed vote.
Expensively. Bretonnian merchants will gouge them for all they're worth. Marienburg can do everything with money...but doing anything costs money.

Thats why a blockade is playing chicken it hurts them just as much, they're just betting they have deeper pockets than the Empire. Which they do!

Just not deeper than the Karaz Ankor
Didn't boney say they were self sufficient.

Silly dutch and their silly polders.

No, my bad.
Marienburg is obscenely wealthy. They can afford being cut off from trade a lot better than the Empire can. Unless you also mean cut them off from overland trade, at which point you're talking about a siege and that's called a war.
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Don't suppose Clan Angrund have any credit or debt with Marienburg as a once nomadic clan of warriors?

Marienburg is a long way from any mountain, let alone Dwarf-inhabited ones. Their only real contact with Dwarves are those that call Marienburg home.

Actually, what's the rule on Dwarfish Mercs? Slayers, Surfacers, Young Hold Clans, Lost Hold Clans?

Some Warrior Clans use it to make money and keep in practice, but they tend to be very choosy about their clients. Other Clans end up mercenaries after losing their home and choosing not to settle somewhere new. And there's always a fair few individual Dwarf mercenaries of various backgrounds.
The option literally says :

To say that breaking the blockade won't involve a shooting war is as tenous an assertion as saying that rerouting the trade routes won't involve actually running new caravans. I mean, technically Marienburg could give up as soon as the dwarves voice their support, but i doubt that'll happen.
That the dwarves would be willing to break the blockade does not mean they have to.
There are loads of steps between now, and blockade, to try to make Marienburg back off, and if they fail, we go to breacking blockade that will be what the option says it will, fire and all.
guys was just re-reading the update and when the chamberline is spitballing about ulthuan possibly helping marienburg it is under the expectation that it will be like the last time the empire fought marienburg but there is the major difference of the dwarves quite likely being on the empier's side and although the dwarves are far weaker than they were in the war of the beard the elves have a major issue themselves.
the fact the elves are constantly overstretched they cannot afford a potracted war, which with the dwarves being involved becomes a damn high likelyhood .
So you have to think can the elves send enough troops and naval support so that marienburg could outlast a hypothetical war in this or would the elves be willing to send the force for the hypothetical length of the conflict weaking them enough that their main enemies in the dark elves may hit them.
i'm only mentioning this as the assumption that the elves would get involved is dependent on them getting involved the last time the empire tried but the elves getting involved is not a certainty.
You are correct. We can choose to spend blood and treasure, or we can choose to spend treasure alone.

I prefer to just spend treasure.
I too have voted for the treasure alone one now, but you are unfairly oversimplifying.

The winning option is about gambling with Barak Varr blood and spending some of Barak Varr's treasure. The option you (and currently I) prefer is spending a lot of treasure from the coffers of two empires.

And then there is the fact that among humans, who are constantly besieged and feudaly ruled farmers, treasure is life.
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