There's comments going around on how the Dwarves would set fixed canal tarrifs based on what their work is worth to them based on Dwarf accounting of effort and investment as opposed to being based on sly assessment of supply and demand.
That talk sparked curiosity in me as to how Barak Varr economy and trade actually functions. Material goods are either common or rare and either useful/valuable or not (on a spectrum). So no matter what, any Dwarf would still be beholden to some kind of supply and demand.
But when it comes to services, like construction, maintenance, rent, appraisal, crafting, armed protection, banking, cooking, and whatever else a non-Dwarf can get a Dwarf to do for him I imagine calculations might be very different than how it would be done in a Human free market.
I don't know if I am on the mark there as far as Dwarves of the Karaz Ankor in general are concerned, but even if I am, Barak Varr is a special case and has witnessed non-Dwarves trading with other non-Dwarves under their roof for centuries. So they might follow supply and demand more closely than your usual Dwarf polity after all.
tl;dr ~ How do Dwarves in Barak Varr set prices for services? Does it differ by customer race? How does it compare to how other Holds do it?