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We're not fully ready for the Elf trip, going now would be a terrible waste of an opportunity.

Firstly and most importantly Mathilde doesn't yet speak even a small amount of the Elven magical language, learning this before the trip is of paramount importance as one of the big selling points of this trip is what magical lore she might be able to learn.
We can't learn that before we go.
With the possible exception of inside the White Tower of Hoeth, Anoqeyan isn't a living language and isn't taught as one. You might learn fragments from various esoteric topics that use it out of necessity or tradition, but you're very unlikely to ever be able to hold a conversation in it from teachings received in the Old World.
IMO the most important things to nail down before we go are "control our arcane marks so elves won't be sneering at us for them" "make a basic no-frills wood staff" and "take another Assassination course."
I don't get what you think makes a lord Magister that Mathilde doesn't have. She's a lord tier character in every sense except battle magic spells, and that's by choice mostly. She's geared in a way that would make her more expensive to buy in the TT game than pretty much any non-named lord character. Her abilities are way beyond the norm of any other magister.

The only thing she's lacking is time in service which is nebulous as hell and really doesn't matter that much.
Mostly general experience and diplomacy, really. Our diplomatic score, while not bad by any means, is below where it probably should be for a Grey Wizard Lord Magister, and while Mathilde has done and experienced a lot she's still young and has plenty more to learn. For example, the 'nearly getting ganked by orcs' incident was the type of event you'd expect a Lord Magister to be able to get through pretty easily, but Mathilde's only just picked up the skills to deal with it, and there are probably other similar blindspot or problems out there that we haven't yet learned to face.

Basically, I just don't think she's quite there yet. Close, as I said in my original post, but still not quite ready.
Do we even have the resources to learn it? I'm assuming you're talking about Anoqeyan here? As far as I'm aware, it's not on the Colleges list of learnable languages.

Well there's the alternative elf faction operating in the forests of the Empire that we could presumably learn from, probably sell it to them as helping with the future way stone project. Unless BoneyM is running things very differently all of the magically inclined Elves should be speaking, reading and writing in Anoqeyen, as it's their actual magical language. Praestantia is a simplified version that Teclis created for humanity.
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Well there's the alternative elf faction operating in the forests of the Empire that we could presumably learn from, probably sell it to them as helping with the future way stone project.
While what the Eonir do is an unknown, the Asrai don't exactly do magic the same way as the Asur. They lean on their connection to Athel Loren. It's possible the Eonir do the same and therefore don't have a magical language.
While what the Eonir do is an unknown, the Asrai don't exactly do magic the same way as the Asur. They lean on their connection to Athel Loren. It's possible the Eonir do the same and therefore don't have a magical language.

The Elves of Athel Loren have wood singers yes, but they also have high mages and dhar users.

That was also the case when Boney wrote what Pickle quoted saying that we can't.
Possibly as a general rule when people talk about the Old world they mean the human empires within, Athel Loren and the Eonir aren't usually held under that umbrella even though geographically it'd be correct.

It's also sort of weird when you think that to the Elves the "old world" is actually the site of their newest colonies and indeed was the "new world" to them. Just an odd perspective thing I found interesting.
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The Elves of Athel Loren have wood singers yes, but they also have high mages and dhar users.
Who are still Spellsingers. Who shield themselves from negative magical consequences through joining their minds to the forest, instead of ritual. Which I read to mean they use the huge very magical forest to protect them, and so don't need the ritual of actual spell words.
While what the Eonir do is an unknown, the Asrai don't exactly do magic the same way as the Asur. They lean on their connection to Athel Loren. It's possible the Eonir do the same and therefore don't have a magical language.
The Elves of Athel Loren have wood singers yes, but they also have high mages and dhar users.
the elves of Athel Loren are also, you know, fucking nuts.

do not follow them into the woods, no matter what magic they offer.
I'd really rather patch up the few remaining holes in our build before we go for the elf internship - it just seems like the best approach for maximizing value, both in the short term (the more we know already, the more likely they are to teach us stuff not otherwise available) and in the long term (the better our showing, the better our chances of getting invited back).

Getting to Lord Magister would be nice, since that basically translates to "I graduated Teclis's community college course for human magic users" in elven, as would finishing the basic spell list and getting a grip on our arcane marks.
For example, the 'nearly getting ganked by orcs' incident was the type of event you'd expect a Lord Magister to be able to get through pretty easily,
I mean, not really? Lord Magister level characters are at the point where their specialties shine through far more than any sort of assumed base level of competence. Ours is in Assassination. We kill things. We have insane tactical and strategic mobility, we cut through armor in five different ways, and our shadow murders things so that we don't have to think too hard about cleaning up the low value targets. The Bursar's is in spying and thievery and such. She doesn't carry around a gigantic greatsword because she can't swing those, and while she could probably gut the average combatant trivially I'd put far lower odds on her surviving an orc warband through any expedient besides just not being there for them to catch.
I'm very much against. Ulthuan isn't going anywhere and I very, very much doubt it would be something we 'finish' with any speed. The elf trip is not something to do between big projects. It is a big project in and of itself.
You do realize that the Trip is explicitly locked to six months, right? One turn length, basically. Sure, the goal is to get invited back, hopefully open-endlessly, but as it stands we literally can't make it a big Project because it is very limited in scope. Your assertion doesn't stand.
That being said, my personal preference is to get our Diplomacy up to 20, which is basic competency for elves IIRC, and bump our intrigue over 25. Maybe Martial as well, but that's slightly harder to manage.
I mean, not really? Lord Magister level characters are at the point where their specialties shine through far more than any sort of assumed base level of competence. Ours is in Assassination. We kill things. We have insane tactical and strategic mobility, we cut through armor in five different ways, and our shadow murders things so that we don't have to think too hard about cleaning up the low value targets. The Bursar's is in spying and thievery and such. She doesn't carry around a gigantic greatsword because she can't swing those, and while she could probably gut the average combatant trivially I'd put far lower odds on her surviving an orc warband through any expedient besides just not being there for them to catch.
Eh, I think she's seen some action herself. She's got 10 Great Deeds, and those basically require silencing a threat that would have required an army.
You do realize that the Trip is explicitly locked to six months, right? One turn length, basically. Sure, the goal is to get invited back, hopefully open-endlessly, but as it stands we literally can't make it a big Project because it is very limited in scope. Your assertion doesn't stand.
That being said, my personal preference is to get our Diplomacy up to 20, which is basic competency for elves IIRC, and bump our intrigue over 25. Maybe Martial as well, but that's slightly harder to manage.
I mean, four months, I think it was, but you're essentially correct. It's one cool Turn's worth of actions.
Eh, I think she's seen some action herself. She's got 10 Great Deeds, and those basically require silencing a threat that would have required an army.
Yeah, but I got the impression that we're supposed to be abnormal in how good we are specifically at murdering things, and if there are people who are better at stabbing than we are then they should be teaching us, not sitting in the back anonymously like one of those anime antagonists at the top end of whatever profession the protagonist is in.

You don't have to get rid of army-level threats by personally putting them all to the sword.
You do realize that the Trip is explicitly locked to six months, right? One turn length, basically. Sure, the goal is to get invited back, hopefully open-endlessly, but as it stands we literally can't make it a big Project because it is very limited in scope. Your assertion doesn't stand.
That being said, my personal preference is to get our Diplomacy up to 20, which is basic competency for elves IIRC, and bump our intrigue over 25. Maybe Martial as well, but that's slightly harder to manage.

I expect that when we go on the elf-cation it will become a campaign that will last many updates, yes only 6 months in duration one turn, but we saw how much more happened when we were on campaign in K8p.

that said I'd like to get closer to 20 Dip if possible but I think realistically we're look at most 16 before going out which is fine.
I mean, not really? Lord Magister level characters are at the point where their specialties shine through far more than any sort of assumed base level of competence. Ours is in Assassination. We kill things. We have insane tactical and strategic mobility, we cut through armor in five different ways, and our shadow murders things so that we don't have to think too hard about cleaning up the low value targets. The Bursar's is in spying and thievery and such. She doesn't carry around a gigantic greatsword because she can't swing those, and while she could probably gut the average combatant trivially I'd put far lower odds on her surviving an orc warband through any expedient besides just not being there for them to catch.
We could have gotten out of that incident quite easily if we'd just had a couple of different spells we didn't have at the time, and that we can reasonably assume any Grey LM will have. We now have them, but until we did we had a blank spot in what our repertoire of abilities was capable of responding to. And I suspect there'll be other types of situations out there which we're just not prepared for- whether because we don't have the right spells, or the right skill-set, or just the experience to anticipate it coming- that a LM would be able to deal with.
Yeah, but I got the impression that we're supposed to be abnormal in how good we are specifically at murdering things, and if there are people who are better at stabbing than we are then they should be teaching us, not sitting in the back anonymously like one of those anime antagonists at the top end of whatever profession the protagonist is in.
If we pay some favor, we could probably get some lessons, yeah.

The people who are better at stabbing people than Mathilde is have a lot of stuff that they can be doing, they're not just waiting around for Mathilde to need their help.

Could we put up a bounty to find a tutor for Anoqeyan?
I don't think you'll find a lot of High Elf loremasters in Stirland or Barak Varr.
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I don't think you'll find a lot of High Elf loremasters in Stirland or Barak Varr.

Even learning a smattering of the written language would be very useful. Enough to put us at 1/3 written would be useful for the jump start it would mean when visiting.

We could have gotten out of that incident quite easily if we'd just had a couple of different spells we didn't have at the time, and that we can reasonably assume any Grey LM will have. We now have them, but until we did we had a blank spot in what our repertoire of abilities was capable of responding to. And I suspect there'll be other types of situations out there which we're just not prepared for- whether because we don't have the right spells, or the right skill-set, or just the experience to anticipate it coming- that a LM would be able to deal with.

I actually disagree on this one, I think it's quite likely there are a number of Grey wizard lords that don't know all of the non-battle magic grey spells. Now granted I highly doubt there's any Grey wizard Patriarchs/Matriarchs where that would be true, but Wizard lord is much more about deeds and other capabilities, being a wizard lord in the grey order is not likely to be about being a bastion of magical might.
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I expect that when we go on the elf-cation it will become a campaign that will last many updates, yes only 6 months in duration one turn, but we saw how much more happened when we were on campaign in K8p.

that said I'd like to get closer to 20 Dip if possible but I think realistically we're look at most 16 before going out which is fine.
Sure, but the point I was making is that it's something we can do between major research projects, since in-game time wise it doesn't take much. I do, however, agree that out-of-game it would take awhile and that's why I suggest we spend some time preparing first.
As for diplomacy, it really depends on how much effort we want to put into it. Assuming a single action in diplomacy lessons earns the same plus it did last time, we would complete both Kislev and Brettonia which, as you say, puts us at 16. I'm... not exactly clear and how the advanced skills work, I think it usually takes two actions for one part? In which case it would take four more actions thanks to xeno-affinity, again assuming they advance together, to put us at eighteen, and Empire of Man would only be one away from reaching advanced, putting us at nineteen. If we can somehow finish up that Advanced Colleges of Magic at well, it would put us at 20 exactly. All of this in... five turns, I think, before Waystones start? It's possible, at least. Or my math is completely wrong for various reasons and you can just ignore me. That's possible too.
I actually disagree on this one, I think it's quite likely there are a number of Grey wizard lords that don't know all of the non-battle magic grey spells. Now granted I highly doubt there's any Grey wizard Patriarchs/Matriarchs where that would be true, but Wizard lord is much more about deeds and other capabilities, being a wizard lord in the grey order is not likely to be about being a bastion of magical might.
I think this is probably just a difference in what we think of as a typical baseline, for lack of a better word since by definition every Lord Magister is exceptional, for a Grey Lord Magister. When you say Lord Magister, one of the first things that springs to mind for me is basically someone that can use their wind as easily as breathing- they can use all or almost all of the basic spells, have magic 7 or 8, etc.
I think this is probably just a difference in what we think of as a typical baseline, for lack of a better word since by definition every Lord Magister is exceptional, for a Grey Lord Magister. When you say Lord Magister, one of the first things that springs to mind for me is basically someone that can use their wind as easily as breathing- they can use all or almost all of the basic spells, have magic 7 or 8, etc.

It's possible that this is the case, I think with the Grey order the practical needs of the order matter more than the ability to use magic in that way, I suspect that all lord magisters eventually come to have that capability but I don't think it's a requirement. I expect that spycraft, diplomacy and other abilities are lauded more highly and are the more likely path to Wizard lord, especially the diplomacy part which necessitates a large degree of autonomy and authority due to travel times in a pre-modern setting.
It's possible that this is the case, I think with the Grey order the practical needs of the order matter more than the ability to use magic in that way, I suspect that all lord magisters eventually come to have that capability but I don't think it's a requirement. I expect that spycraft, diplomacy and other abilities are lauded more highly and are the more likely path to Wizard lord, especially the diplomacy part which necessitates a large degree of autonomy and authority due to travel times in a pre-modern setting.
For me, I just expect that those skills are also requirements for the rank.
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