Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Sounds good, need to talk with the Bursar first though.
Yes god dammit, that's my point.

If we are going to do a knock-off Branch College, might as well reap all the benefits that being Matriarch brings and do an actual Branch College.

Because what else do you call a sanctuary for wizards that's also an enormous library that's also a research institute, if not a College of Magic?

In one or two turns, due the Waystone Project, it'd cost Belegar almost nothing to request the college's formation, as they'd probably be considering doing it anyway.
[X] [BOON] Save it until the Karak is wealthy enough to afford my ambition

I want to take over the border princes one day and this will be very useful then.
Honestly, the more we talk about it, the less I care about how we use the boon. It is true though that currently we only have 2.5 different viable plans for the boon, a few more if BoneyM rules that the CoL thing is multiple separate boons. So anyone who doesn't want BOOKS or BOAT would pretty much feel like the boon is thrown out the window.

And I also can see why some people would like to keep it as a reaction. For instance in a multicultural Karak we are just waiting for some form of massive blunderGrudge to happen.

Here's a third option. It's a bit tasteless and I wouldn't vote for it, but you could use it as "seed favor" to create a kind of Grudge insurance for certain kinds of Grudges. Specifically those that arise from culture clash and those that are inherited and other such forms that non-Dawi will simply not grog.

Or maybe such an organization would just be a massive and enduring insult to the Dwarves that they can't do anything about. As I said, I'm just spitballing here and wouldn't vote for it.

Another option would be a large cache of technology that wouldn't otherwise be shared be given and taught to the Empire to whatever extent our boon is worth.

Honestly, other than research forever I can't think of things I want for Mathilde personally that Belegar can provide. Just "improve humanity/aid the Empire" kind of stuff that I'm ultimately pretty meh about.

Edit: @TotallyNotEvil What you say makes some kind of sense. But then the "waiting till Belegar has more dough" vote that's second place would be decidedly the wrong one to go for.
Also, a difference between a normal College of Magic branch and what I'm hoping for is that it also includes a non-magical University and an independent Dwarf-run Library that both aren't legally subordinated to the Magister Patriarch, even if the College branch clearly is.
Yes god dammit, that's my point.

If we are going to do a knock-off Branch College, might as well reap all the benefits that being Matriarch brings and do an actual Branch College.

Because what else do you call a sanctuary for wizards that's also an enormous library that's also a research institute, if not a College of Magic?

In one or two turns, due the Waystone Project, it'd cost Belegar almost nothing to request the college's formation, as they'd probably be considering doing it anyway.
We need to make the decision first before we start talking about it.
Also, i don't want a college branch, i'm just ok having a grand library that is practically a college branch.
Also, i don't want a college branch, i'm just ok having a grand library that is practically a college branch.
The Colleges are probably going to take exception to that.

And it's an enormous waste besides, not being able to officially draw upon the resources of the Colleges. Especially as they are going to look into sending a lot of qualified folk down here for the Waystone thing, so making a proper College is a hop and a skip away.
[X] [WE] Scavenge the Gauntlet
[X] [BOON] I know just what to spend it on...
[X] [ROOM] Vault
[X] [ROOM] Wolf's Room
[X] [ROOM] Shrine to Ranald
[X] [ROOM] Guest Room
[X] [LIBRARY] Linguistics (Dwarf Antiquarian), The Eonir of Laurelorn (Imperial Extensive & Esoteric, Dwarf Extensive), Waystones (Imperial Extensive, Dwarf Extensive)
[x] [COLLEGE] 5 favors for a full translation of the Cathayan books
[X] [DWARF] Have a Grandmaster Engineer have a go at the Stirland Repeater - 8 favors
[x] [PURCHASE] No purchase.
The Colleges are probably going to take exception to that.

And it's an enormous waste besides, not being able to officially draw upon the resources of the Colleges. Especially as they are going to look into sending a lot of qualified folk down here for the Waystone thing, so making a proper College is a hop and a skip away.
Hence, after we decide what we want, we go talk to the bursar.
We don't need the boon for college branch btw, that can be done with money.
Hence, after we decide what we want, we go talk to the bursar.
And why not wait two turns to see how it shakes out?

If the Colleges get to charge Belegar for it, they will.

In a couple turns, his bargaining position will be "do this and I will let you in on the Waystone project".

For either pure books or the knock-off College, that's fantastic for him.
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And why not wait two turns to see how it shakes out?

If the Colleges get to charge Belegar for it, they will.

In a couple turns, his bargaining position will be "do this and I will let you in on the Waystone project".

For either pure books or the knock-off College, that's fantastic for him.
So wait a year.
And then another year because we are busy.
While were at it, what's another year as we get ready for the elfcation.
No point using the boon until we get back from elfcation.
[x] [BOON] Save it until the Karak is wealthy enough to afford my ambition.
[x] [BOON] Save it as a trump card to exploit an opportunity or address an emergency.
[x] [BOON] I have no idea what to spend it on. Put the matter aside for now.
[X] [BOON] Save it until the Karak is wealthy enough to afford my ambition.
[X] [BOON] Save it as a trump card to exploit an opportunity or address an emergency.
[X] [BOON] I have no idea what to spend it on. Put the matter aside for now.

I don't find any of the current ideas majorly compelling and would prefer the boon not be used for now.
If we want a proper college branch we would also have to use our great deed, so it's something we could accomplish.

But honestly, do we want to? Managing such a thing is not Mathilde's role, we have plans and obligations that would interfere with such an endeavor.

So no, i do no think we should go for a full college, If we make a library, i think we should keep it neat and clean, no college collaboration beyond just book copies, no research centre, nothing that needs management.
[X] [BOON] Save it until the Karak is wealthy enough to afford my ambition.
[X] [BOON] Save it as a trump card to exploit an opportunity or address an emergency.
[X] [BOON] I have no idea what to spend it on. Put the matter aside for now.
If we want a proper college branch we would also have to use our great deed, so it's something we could accomplish.

But honestly, do we want to? Managing such a thing is not Mathilde's role, we have plans and obligations that would interfere with such an endeavor.

So no, i do no think we should go for a full college, If we make a library, i think we should keep it neat and clean, no college collaboration beyond just book copies, no research centre, nothing that needs management.
I'd say no to running a collge branch as well, we are already drowning in things to do with nowhere near enough AP to do it with.
Maybe the Colleges will want to upgrade the "practically a college branch" thing into an actual college branch, then fine, they can rent some land and pay for the construction.
Me, i want a grand library (and add ons that are needed to get people onboard are fine with me).
But most of all, i want us to come to a decision on what we want. We don't need to start it the second we do, but once we have the decision, we can decide on how to do it and what kind of timetable is needed.
I could go either way.

But if people are dead-set on the mish-mash sanctuary-library-research institute, then call it what it is and ask for a Branch College.

But for whatever we want, Belegar's position is going to be MUCH stronger with the College if he is going for the Waystones.

And for either Books or Knock-Off College, that's going to massively drive down the bill. A very significant amount of books is going to come out of the Colleges, after all.
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