lets vote. Hmmmm
[X] [WE] Economic Integration
The we are waaaaymore valuable to the races of order as producers. Their armour changes the rules of the game. Heck, their silk would be very valuable today for construction and/or making light armour better than kevlar, although it would not as game changing. Better teach them early to optimize as such.
[X] [BOON] Save it as a trump card to exploit an opportunity or address an emergency.
What can I say, I like contingencies.
[X] [ROOM] Shrine to Ranald
The room where you mugged Mork with Him is all well and good, but something convenient and private might be nice.
Contractually obligated to vote for that.
[X] [ROOM] Trophy Room
Your collection of mementos is growing large and impressive enough to deserve a room to itself, complete with tasteful little plaques describing the circumstances under which you acquired each piece.
Well, we need somewhere to place a ton of ash that we'll ask as a memento
[X] [ROOM] Guest Room
For when you have visitors; can fit three comfortably, or up to six if enough of them are on good terms with each other.
May be useful for diplomacy
[X] [ROOM] Wolf's Room
He sleeps at the foot of your bed, but he'd probably appreciate a room of his own for midday naps and playing with the Wolf-Rats.
Just yes
I'll leave favour and money purchases to others, as there is nothing that draws me but also no reason for me to put my foot now and say "no", as we are not lacking for resources. Well, I do want Waystone books and Eonir books, but everyone is voting for that anyway, and voting for every single purchase option presented would be a hassle.