Btw, because Windherder is making this a possiility...
Is Quaysh dissallowed by the laws of magic if we "success need no excuses" it?
Its one of the major goals of the Colleges to attain High Magic.
Its allowed
if you can do so without producing Dhar deliberately.
I suspect he shows up pretty often, but he only shows himself if he's actually needed
We didn't need him.
Well, it does explain how he's always showing up to critical battles: he shows up whenever he can learn of it in time and travel there in time.
Much of the time they got this, all he needs to do is reassure them a bit and then axe some greenskins/skaven.
Also...considering a recurring theme this arc, theres probably conservation of power in play. He can't just go maximum dwarf demigod all the time, he'd run out of fuel.
He gets away with being basically a daemon-like existence walking the earth because most of the time he's functioning as a very old and experienced dwarf rather than as a godly powerhouse.
"The romantic lead is saying he wants the protagonist kept in his house forever? Like, kidnapping? Geez, druchi romance is rough." -- Mathilde, probably
Qrech: *Shifty look*
I ask that everyone stops trying to use OOC information to parallel construct a way for Mathilde to just so happen to ask the exact right questions to defuse the situation. don't need OOC info to arrive at something close.
We got all the required bits in Eight Peaks:
-Gunnars straight out told Mathilde that Valaya's blessing is an aftermarket modification.
-Kragg PROBABLY could figure out how the blessing relates to the Karaz Ankor, if he knew what Gunnar knew and he knew that the Karaz Ankor is a massive magical energy network.
-Belegar has the missing part of the information needed to bridge Gunnars and Kragg's understandings in the form of his crown and its effects.
Now if only they'd talk in the same room on the same topic without keeping secrets.
Because Mathilde sure as hell isn't going to make the leap, she lacks the context.
It's an understanding of the circumstances under which multiple magics in one place goes bad and how to avoid that. Off the top of my head, times Mathilde may have been able to develop this understanding are the Vitae research, the three towers of the Eye of Gazul, using Ulgu to manipulate Waaagh Magic, the reading of the Liber Mortis and the observations of Alkharad, and the Dragon Ogres sickened by 'wrong' lightning.
We've been pretty dang fascinated about the idea for a long time, and very very carefully poking at it.
At long last it arrives!
Isn't a bunch of it going to the Vortex, which is the biggest thing stopping the chaos gods from pulling the "flood world with demons and win" lever?
Naw, the Vortex is the drain you flush the excess into. Theres more magic in the world than can be used up, and it wouldn't leave on its own.
Its energy is great right? But what if none of it ever leaves the planet and also there were two suns AND your moon is replaced by a giant moon sized fission reactor.
The elves use a great deal of the power but the critically important part is to get RID of the power, use it up, dump it into a giant laser to blast the energy into space, as long as its gone.