Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Trickster falls into the weird spot where we deal mainly with dwarves all the time so like sure "That Mathilde does seem pretty sketchy, but she is the single most beloved human being amongst my entire race! Hmmmm!"

Thinking on it, It'd probably make getting more dwarf favor difficult or maybe lead to a slow bleed off of rep. If not just giving us negatives to any Diplo/Intrigue that requires us to talk at people.

Honestly, I don't see Trickster having much effect. We are allready suspicious by nature all said.
Look, I just don't want forgettable, no matter what. It'll destroy everything social.
You're forgetting that learning to control arcane marks is a thing and that all it does is makes people forget our face. While it's certainly not beneficial, it is something we can mitigate—and with enough work, possibly even turn to our advantage.
The remaining marks:
  • Shrouded is slightly good for us.
  • Mark of Ulgu is very good for us.
  • Aspect of Ulgu disrupts our #aesthetic but is otherwise inconsequential.
  • Disturbing Eyes ups our spoopiness factor but only to a trivial degree.
  • Insubstantial is a mixed blessing: sneaker but less tough.
  • Forgettable makes our face difficult to remember, making our social life harder.
  • Trickster makes us seem inherently untrustworthy, making almost everything we want to do involving other people that much harder.
These odds do not delight me. It's not, like, automatic doom, but it's still not something I'd like to court without good reason.
I'd like it better after we took a turn getting our smokeface or murder shadow under control. Once we've proven we can manage/manipulate our Mark's getting any more becomes less chancy.
I'll chip in my two cents and let it be known where I stand: Re-Reading the previous turn, the first non-negotiable component any plan must have for me to vote for it is to at least attempt to eliminate the continual Qrech AP drain. That's honestly seems like a fairly obvious and hopefully uncontroversial priority number 1. Second, I will not support any plan that tries to (from my point of view) waste AP on getting one spell Mathilde already kinda has, and one that has certain applications but that can largely be replicated. Is it irrationally irritating that the spellbook isn't finished? Yes, but with only four or five actions without penalty, it's not worth it. ...And that's pretty much it. Oh, and while I remain undecided on the EIC issue, I maintain that the rumor mill is more important.
Look, I just don't want forgettable, no matter what. It'll destroy everything social.
it will make social harder.

we can take actions to train our marks to be less of a problem.

we can up are dip.

and work on traits that fight it e.g gorgeous or charming

as someone who has played the rpg forgettable is annoying as hell, but its not a game breaker, it doesn't make us 'no one can remember you ever'. just forgettable, you need three or meeting to stick in peoples memory.
You're forgetting that learning to control arcane marks is a thing and that all it does is makes people forget our face. While it's certainly not beneficial, it is something we can mitigate—and with enough work, possibly even turn to our advantage.
it will make social harder.

we can take actions to train our marks to be less of a problem.

we can up are dip.

and work on traits that fight it e.g gorgeous or charming

as someone who has played the rpg forgettable is annoying as hell, but its not a game breaker, it doesn't make us 'no one can remember you ever'. just forgettable, you need three or meeting to stick in peoples memory.

Fine, if we precommit to use AP to mitigate the consequences in future turns if we get a stinker, I will acquisce that rolling that gacha is not doom...

As long as we can also find away to reliably roll THAT gatcha and not the miscast gatcha.
It really depends on precisely how Boney decides to treat Trickster if Mathilde gets it. It's possible that it would function as a supernatural makes-people-think-you're-suspicious field, but it's also possible it would function by altering Mathilde's personality so that she acts the it describes. There are both sorts of effects among the various arcane marks for the different winds.
I'll chip in my two cents and let it be known where I stand: Re-Reading the previous turn, the first non-negotiable component any plan must have for me to vote for it is to at least attempt to eliminate the continual Qrech AP drain. That's honestly seems like a fairly obvious and hopefully uncontroversial priority number 1. Second, I will not support any plan that tries to (from my point of view) waste AP on getting one spell Mathilde already kinda has, and one that has certain applications but that can largely be replicated. Is it irrationally irritating that the spellbook isn't finished? Yes, but with only four or five actions without penalty, it's not worth it. ...And that's pretty much it. Oh, and while I remain undecided on the EIC issue, I maintain that the rumor mill is more important.
honestly, I think we should just pass Qrech on to the college, we have got what we need from him.

spoken is something the college can work on from here. (I just don't see us getting far on a language that has a smell component anytime soon with the resource we have right now.)

we also don't have a supply of Skaven stuff anymore to give him, and the moment he figures out that mouder is dead and he is not helping us with morr and the others he is going to clam up.
Honestly, I don't see Trickster having much effect. We are allready suspicious by nature all said.
Boney isn't exactly wedded to the letter of what's in the book. If he feels it wouldn't have an impact, he might change it.

For instance, he's said that he'd roll for the exact effects of Forgettable if she got it.
While I understand not everyone wants to risk potentially rolling on the arcane mark table, I would really like to get cloak activity down. On top of it not being redundant—unlike illusion it allows us to effectively multi-task, and there are circumstances where we do not want to just disappear with invisibility—it also looks like something that might work very well as the basis for some form of Fog of War based battle magic.

Yeah cloak activity would actually be useful.

i would side with learning it one hundred percent of the time.
Fair enough, but its not like any of our arcane marks HAS a large effect.
well... I actually think they do, their just not game-breaking, and our dip is low so we don't notice how creepy our shadow is to people.

if you look at Francesco chapter, the shadow and flickering and mist is creepy as fuck. we are just no good at noticing it.

I would not be surprised if we have a secret (-5 -5 -5) to first impressions that we don't know about because that gives us a dip of -5 for the roll.🤔
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TBH, for Forgettable, I imagine it's far more likely that Mathilde's deeds and actions tend to get shoveled into the Urban Legend category, and her deeds fall into that field while people look at the person and go "Who's dis? Clearly it can't be (X) superhero"
I like Qrech! He's been both skaven and interesting, and honestly we've gotten more character development and working from him than I ever would have guessed. I am unwilling to 'hand him off' to what's probably an execution, so if people are unwiling to keep him in a gilded cage then I'd argue for releasing him somewhere far away. Maybe with a trinket that'd help him against other skaven.

But as far as it goes, one is freedom, so he is as close to free as he has ever been. I'd like to push that towards full rehabilitation, even if I expect him to remain locked up forever. Honestly, a skaven librarian would be pretty cool.
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