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So... is that a no to a tacky giftshop?
Of course not, the giftshop is key to the whole experience! In fact, we shall set it up so they have to leave through the giftshop, like you see in some museum exhibits.
How cute. He should get better so he doesn't need a rune of protection. Just do as Kragg does and make the winds flee in fear.
It would be an extremely interesting reaction if we told him this, that's for sure.

"Have you considered just... being Kragg? That seems to work for him. Look into it."
To be fair, the turnout increased because of the :
"Warning: Autor of paper on Waaagh might be delayed because of giant Waaagh"
"Nevermind, Waaagh got rekt, conference will procede on schedule"
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The Grey College does not often play host, and never to as varied an audience as the one accumulated for your lectures. It has been decided that the information you are to share can only be used to the detriment of the greenskins, so there is no reason to give it the usual restrictions that magical information would normally be shielded by, and the predicted crowd quickly outgrew the usual location of the gathering field of the Amber College. The University of Altdorf was asked to provide, and over the complaints of the local dramatic club, they granted the use of the Magnus Hall. To your eyes, the stage that usually hosts orchestras and plays looks quite outsized for you alone and your nerves and your ego are warring over how to feel about the vast area of seats arrayed in front of the stage, and in the balcony that rings it, which is already filling with those about to be your audience.

"Should be quite a crowd," says Regimand, who has been managing some of the details while you were in Eight Peaks. "Algard and Dragomas signed off on the Universities sitting in, and the Emperor okayed foreign guests."

That explained the woman with the very odd combination of magics intertwined inside her and an outfit barely within the constraints of decency. "Kislev or Bretonnia?" you ask, nodding in her direction.

"Bretonnia, I assume. The Kislevite ambassador has requested transcripts, as their lot are still occupied with their Ogre problem."

As Regimand bustles off to see to one detail or another, you run several of your senses over the gathering crowd. There's a veritable rainbow of robes from all eight Colleges, from the neat and unadorned robes of Perpetuals to the heavily runed robes of Battle Wizards to the eclectic fashion tastes of Magister Lords. Algard is present in the very centre of the balcony, flanked by No-Relation Reicthard of the Bright Order and Elspeth von Draken of the Amethyst. And though they were the most gratifying and intimidating of your audience, they were far from the most exotic or unexpected.

One of the Hedgewise, under a grey robe and a fair few cloaking spells, almost certainly here under a false name. If they're not also here by invitation and under the protection of the Grey College, they're likely to be on a pyre or in a shallow grave by sunrise tomorrow.

An Arabyan magician, dressed impeccably in the silk doublet and hose that was currently in style in Altdorf, only slightly incongruous from the curved dagger on his waist to mundane eyes, and rather more so to ones capable of seeing the magical beings trapped within the stones of his rings. Arabyans insist their Djinns are completely distinct from Daemons, and though academia is still divided on the issue, politics dictates acquiescence.

Daroir of Nagarythe, with a fully battle-ready Shadow Warrior on one side as a bodyguard or a date or both, and on the other an Elf that bears the universal expression of a harried bureaucrat, a stack of note paper, and a midnight-black feather quill.

A mercenary wizard of Tilea, looking very nervous and holding in his lap what you guess to be a declaration of good standing from a Tilean Prince or Doge or Triumvir or some other variety of ruler, which would be all that stood between them and being labelled a Black Magister and executed. There's a Grey Wizard in the row behind them, almost certainly keeping a watchful eye on them.

A Runesmith of Karak Norn, keeping a wary distance from the wizards and compulsively checking the medallion on his chest, no doubt bearing a Rune of protection from magic of some sort.

Several Priests, mostly Verenan and Myrmidian, though there's a Taalite-and-Rhyan pair close to the back. And almost indistinguishable from the Verenans, academics of several stripes, carefully clumped according to affiliation. The University of Altdorf locals are keeping their distance from their University of Nuln cousins, and both are keeping a much larger distance from the interlopers of Marienburg's Tempelwijk.

As the Hall fills near to capacity and the appointed hour approaches, you take a deep breath and go over your notes one more time.

Well, when the wizard known for snuffing out 2 orkish armies mostly on her own gives a lecture on how to fuck up orks, I guess people decide its worthwhile.
On the positive side, even a mildly good result is going to be a massive rep bump, simply because of how much attention was given to this even. Mathilde is now pretty famous.
...thinking on it, MAPP basically lets us do PowerPoint presentations...
This is an intimidating venue, but you know what any good presentation needs? Props and diagrams, thankfully Mathilde's Patented MMAP provides! I sincerely hope that we can leverage that, and maybe even illusion into the lecture.
Law of Powerpoint Presentations means this huge august crowd is the perfect venue for the MAPP presentation to go haywire in the most annoying ways.

Edit: Like there's a sorta-legit reason, what with the rainbow vomit of magic winds trapped inside a closed room is bound to make something act wonky.
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But what if one of the five other things that could end the world ends the world because we didn't put our Gambler bonus on it?
Then the world ends cause we dont have that many bonuses and instead we dump our points into sneaking into the glittering realm, cutting it off from the rest of Malus and make ourself court wizard to Gazul.
Law of Powerpoint Presentations means this huge august crowd is the perfect venue for the MAPP presentation to go haywire in the most annoying ways.

Edit: Like there's a sorta-legit reason, what with the rainbow vomit of magic winds trapped inside a closed room is bound to make something act wonky.
And would give us the opportunity to shut down a miscast in a frankly startling way. Which would be cool.
Law of Powerpoint Presentations means this huge august crowd is the perfect venue for the MAPP presentation to go haywire in the most annoying ways.

Edit: Like there's a sorta-legit reason, what with the rainbow vomit of magic winds trapped inside a closed room is bound to make something act wonky.

We miscast and violently explode, killing everyone in the room and start a multiway war over the attempted assassination of foreign officials.

the empire and other forces of order are destroyed and chaos wins everything forever.
Putting these together, mostly for my own reading pleasure. I figured everyone else might appreciate it too. I'll probably add further snippets as Boney posts them if people like the idea.
While Dame Mathilde Weber was watched with interest by her fellows among the Grey College and was known to many of those that make it their business to know what occurs on the fringes of civilization in the Old World, to the Colleges in general she was not that prominent a name until very recently. The Matrix was only useful in a few niches and the papers she produced upon the Eight Peaks Expedition were solid enough, but only attracted the attention of those already interested in what she was reporting on.

Then the MAP and then the improved MAPP circulated, and hot on its heels was a paper reporting not only hitherto unknown capabilities of vampires, but also a series of countermeasures against them. This got the attention of some, and those that did watch out for her work were very quickly rewarded by the publication of Waaagh and Peace. In language understandable to any Magister and even some of the more advanced Journeymen, the paper promised to completely revolutionise what the Colleges considered possible in the intersection of counter-magic and the greenskins. Some dismissed it as clearly impossible, but many more sought any advantage they could get over the greenskins shamans, and when Magister Weber scheduled a series of supplemental lectures, dozens cleared a spot in their calendars for them.

But a quirk of fate pushed things a little further. When Barak Varr received news of a million-strong Waaagh marching on Eight Peaks, that information flowed north, through Black Fire Pass, and into the ever-listening apparatus off the Grey College. And when the next day brought news that it had been obliterated, that too travelled north. And thanks to the eternal efficiency of the staff of the Grey College, that meant that those wizards that had expressed an interest in the lecture received a small note informing them of a possible delay or cancellation due to seven figures of advancing greenskins. And directly atop that in each of their pigeonholes was another note, informing the reader to disregard the first note due to the utter destruction of said greenskins.

To say this increased interest in Dame Weber's lecture would be an immense understatement.


Fragments will be posted as and when I get the chance to write them. They will be compiled into full turns when I'm back at my computer.
The Grey College does not often play host, and never to as varied an audience as the one accumulated for your lectures. It has been decided that the information you are to share can only be used to the detriment of the greenskins, so there is no reason to give it the usual restrictions that magical information would normally be shielded by, and the predicted crowd quickly outgrew the usual location of the gathering field of the Amber College. The University of Altdorf was asked to provide, and over the complaints of the local dramatic club, they granted the use of the Magnus Hall. To your eyes, the stage that usually hosts orchestras and plays looks quite outsized for you alone and your nerves and your ego are warring over how to feel about the vast area of seats arrayed in front of the stage, and in the balcony that rings it, which is already filling with those about to be your audience.

"Should be quite a crowd," says Regimand, who has been managing some of the details while you were in Eight Peaks. "Algard and Dragomas signed off on the Universities sitting in, and the Emperor okayed foreign guests."

That explained the woman with the very odd combination of magics intertwined inside her and an outfit barely within the constraints of decency. "Kislev or Bretonnia?" you ask, nodding in her direction.

"Bretonnia, I assume. The Kislevite ambassador has requested transcripts, as their lot are still occupied with their Ogre problem."

As Regimand bustles off to see to one detail or another, you run several of your senses over the gathering crowd. There's a veritable rainbow of robes from all eight Colleges, from the neat and unadorned robes of Perpetuals to the heavily runed robes of Battle Wizards to the eclectic fashion tastes of Magister Lords. Algard is present in the very centre of the balcony, flanked by No-Relation Reicthard of the Bright Order and Elspeth von Draken of the Amethyst. And though they were the most gratifying and intimidating of your audience, they were far from the most exotic or unexpected.

One of the Hedgewise, under a grey robe and a fair few cloaking spells, almost certainly here under a false name. If they're not also here by invitation and under the protection of the Grey College, they're likely to be on a pyre or in a shallow grave by sunrise tomorrow.

An Arabyan magician, dressed impeccably in the silk doublet and hose that was currently in style in Altdorf, only slightly incongruous from the curved dagger on his waist to mundane eyes, and rather more so to ones capable of seeing the magical beings trapped within the stones of his rings. Arabyans insist their Djinns are completely distinct from Daemons, and though academia is still divided on the issue, politics dictates acquiescence.

Daroir of Nagarythe, with a fully battle-ready Shadow Warrior on one side as a bodyguard or a date or both, and on the other an Elf that bears the universal expression of a harried bureaucrat, a stack of note paper, and a midnight-black feather quill.

A mercenary wizard of Tilea, looking very nervous and holding in his lap what you guess to be a declaration of good standing from a Tilean Prince or Doge or Triumvir or some other variety of ruler, which would be all that stood between them and being labelled a Black Magister and executed. There's a Grey Wizard in the row behind them, almost certainly keeping a watchful eye on them.

A Runesmith of Karak Norn, keeping a wary distance from the wizards and compulsively checking the medallion on his chest, no doubt bearing a Rune of protection from magic of some sort.

Several Priests, mostly Verenan and Myrmidian, though there's a Taalite-and-Rhyan pair close to the back. And almost indistinguishable from the Verenans, academics of several stripes, carefully clumped according to affiliation. The University of Altdorf locals are keeping their distance from their University of Nuln cousins, and both are keeping a much larger distance from the interlopers of Marienburg's Tempelwijk.

As the Hall fills near to capacity and the appointed hour approaches, you take a deep breath and go over your notes one more time.
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damnit boney why, youve hit me with a horrible nam flashback of all my past presentations except worse. And only 5 days from Chrimbo, how dare you.
Dont worry, since she have time to prepare Matilde should be able to use her excellent learning stat instead of her diplomacy stat
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