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It does not say Sigmarism being the main god, only sigmarism flourishing.
Like if majority of a given org (very real possibility in the empire) worship sigmar, we then must stamp down on that or suffer penalties.
I think your interpretation is wrong. If it were accurate, when we were taking active EIC leadership actions, we should have suffered penalties, and we didn't. So I am pretty sure it has to do with official patronage.

I am very much inclined to dump the Hatred for Sigmar Trait, because it's pretty strongly going to limit our ability to get promoted inside the College and operate back in the Empire when needed--the shit is going to steadily and increasingly hit the fan in the upcoming years, and being capable of not screwing the pooch when interacting with Sigmarite organizations is dangerous. Doubly so as this is likely one of the big things preventing us from being promoted to Wizard Lord--because we will be expected to cooperate with primarily Sigmarite organizations then, and if we're going to screw the pooch trying, they're going to think twice.

Like, Mathilde just saw here that Divine Intervention isn't something that necessarily goes unchallenged. "Sigmar might have literally been blocked by something else and I couldn't see it because Elector Counts are important, and the Four have a wide reach, especially in a place so full of Dark Magic."

Because while the big main plot of Eight Peaks is concluded, we want to have as many options as possible for future story arcs. We have the one going to Ulthuan yes, but we also have the Imperial shit going on including Heidi--and the option of rolling in as the Empress' champion if the Northern Debacle escalates further is very appealing.

Of the Campaign Traits, General of Fog to the hilt, along with increasing Mathilde's ability at spellcrafting in that field (And likely opening up Battle Magic grade stuff to boot), it's a very powerful commander trait, especially with where we're likely going to be deployed.

And for Eight Peaks, again, leaning into the fact that a lot of our work as Loremaster was liasing with the Colleges of Magic--and that we're still a distinct Academic and will continue to interact with them further--Collegiate is very useful to us, and it'll double as something nice to have when we get our own mini-Mathilde.

(Oh my god what if we actually get a Not!Akko for that? That would be both incredibly adorable and hilarious because we're already using Akko as a cutesy representative of Mathilde for memes)
Humans are petty creatures. It is extremely relatable to be petty. Grinding off rough edges of her contact surface with other people necessarily means reducing the points of contact and thus tools Boney has to work with as a writer and so doing this is a negative.
That does not make it any more commendable.
This is precisely the sort of attitude that Dwarves exhibit about old injuries and grudges that drives Mathilde nuts IC.
They end up doing themselves more injury in attempts to get back at old enemies.

The whole Dwarf infection meme is amusing, but we aren't actually supposed to imbibe their worst character traits.
And a Grey is supposed to be able to apply some introspection as well. Not immediately, but with time.
And it's been several years since Abelsworth.

Humans may be petty. But humans also forget, and forgive, and decide that revenge is not worth the cost.
We aren't Dawi.

And frankly, BoneyM has been offering the option of downgrading this trait for a while now.
If he needed it as a plot hook, it wouldn't be available.
We do not need to go out of our way to create drama in order to give him plot hooks.
I did not even think about EIC.

You might recall that Wilhelmina is also not a big fan of Sigmar, and isn't particularly interested him him becoming an institution of the EIC.

Like if majority of a given org (very real possibility in the empire) worship sigmar, we then must stamp down on that or suffer penalties.

Yes, stamp down on it by way of making sure they only have formal worship outside of company hours and provide other religious opportunities. We saw what form it took pretty clearly in the watch, and it wasn't forced conversions, it was replacing the shrines with ones of a different god.
I am very much inclined to dump the Hatred for Sigmar Trait, because it's pretty strongly going to limit our ability to get promoted inside the College and operate back in the Empire when needed--the shit is going to steadily and increasingly hit the fan in the upcoming years, and being capable of not screwing the pooch when interacting with Sigmarite organizations is dangerous.
I think you're exaggerating the trait.

It's merely disdain for Sigmar. Mathilde's not going to attack Sigmarites like some rabid dog. Given her talents, I'm more than certain we can function without getting rid of the trait.

Heck, we get along well with Kasmir, and he's a sigmarite priest.

All the trait does is give us a penalty on managing organisations where Sigmarite beliefs are formally encouraged.
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You might recall that Wilhelmina is also not a big fan of Sigmar, and isn't particularly interested him him becoming an institution of the EIC.

Yes, stamp down on it by way of making sure they only have formal worship outside of company hours and provide other religious opportunities. We saw what form it took pretty clearly in the watch, and it wasn't forced conversions, it was replacing the shrines with ones of a different god.

Yeah, this is not a private hatred, I would be not surprised in the slightest if this trait is what the Patriarchs look at when they're passing Mathilde up for Wizard Lord, since we'd be expected to not fuck up when liasing with other major organizations in the Empire then.

I think you're exaggerating the trait.

It's merely disdain for Sigmar. Mathilde's not going to attack Sigmarites like some rabid dog. Given her talents, I'm more than certain we can function without getting rid of the trait.

Heck, we get along well with Kasmir, and he's a sigmarite priest.

It's bad enough that she aggressively tries to throw down sigmarite worshippers in anything she has responsibility over, it nearly caused a riot in the Watch and probably would have if we stayed in charge any longer.

She's not going to murder them, she's just going to aggressively seek to deny their faith and punish them for keeping to it regardless.
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New Trait:
[ ] Infiltrator: Nobody seems to guard anything well enough to keep you out. +2 Intrigue, +10 bonus to infiltration.
[ ] Scout: Sometimes the best weapon is knowing where everything is. +2 Intrigue, +20 to infiltrating all but the highest-security areas.
[ ] Assassin: Combat is easiest when the other person doesn't realize they're in it. +2 Intrigue, +40 bonus against unaware targets.

Changed Traits:
[ ] Blooded > Campaigner: You've seen more than your share of battles. +2 Martial, +10 bonus to fighting alongside others.
[ ] Bureaucrat + Practical > Warrior of Paperwork: Scholarship is just a specific form of paperwork. You can live with it. Combines the two traits, +2 Learning, remove penalty to writing papers yourself.
[ ] Practical > Collaborator: Though you still prefer fieldwork to paperwork, you've found that as long as someone else is doing the actual writing, you're capable of producing some amazing papers. +2 Learning, +20 bonus to dictating papers.
[ ] Practical > Hands On: Wait, you can just get other people to do the paperwork? Why didn't I think of this sooner? +1 Diplomacy, +1 Stewardship, +1 Martial, +1 Intrigue, -1 Learning, +10 bonus to insights developed 'in the field' (as opposed to careful laboratory study).
Variations of these still seem relevant.
[] Karak: Recusant Mage ?
Archmage? A general magic researcher trait seems like it would fit.
While there is a chance if great things here, there is a lot of chance of it going sooooo wrong it's not funny.
True. That said, it does open up an interesting idea. Even putting aside us giving items back to the elves, the presence of the crown does mean that the dwarves should have several other valuable elven artifacts. I'd see if we can't spend our huge dwarf favor or just our influence as Court Wizard at KaK or other dwarven karak to see if we can't get access to some elven artifacts.

Just the chance to study them might be worth a whole lot and would give us insight into elven magic and enchantment. There might even be stuff that gives us an insight into the Earth Elemental. This is definitely a useful line of enquiry for a lot of reasons.
[] Personal: The Clawed Cat
You begin to feel a strange stream of divine energy flowing your way, as rumours of the shadowy creature that eats the souls of Skaven and toys with those that stray too far from the safety of their tunnels begin to spread.
More concerning are the stories of it's dark under-underempire and the horrors that await those captured by it.
Man, I wish.

Of course, my personal course of action would be to go 'If I'm the cat, and I'm real, and I'm supposed to have an underunderempire, which isn't, obviously I need to fix that' and trying to establish something. They will be subjected to mental torments they never could have conceived of! Like not being betrayed! And having to trust people! :V
It says something that even after years of writing; I still have no idea what some of those words mean. :p
Neither do I, but I can guess: Something like you might say that you are 'door-ing' someone, if you hit them with a door, plus the implication that you did it in the past, 'door-ed', so to speak.

I will again reiterate that I don't really care about Sigmar one way or another. However, I'm still very much not inclined to pay for the privilege of not disliking him and nothing else. It's a waste of a trait we could spend on things I actually care about.
It's bad enough that she aggressively tries to throw down sigmarite worshippers in anything she has responsibility over, it nearly caused a riot in the Watch and probably would have if we stayed in charge any longer.

She's not going to murder them, she's just going to aggressively seek to deny their faith and punish them for keeping to it regardless.
This is not what happened in those updates.

We build a bunch of shrines to Ranald. You make it seem like we actively tried to repress any other faith, when in reality we just build some shrines.
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Possible life trait:
Interrogator -> Chameleon
You've spent so much time in the minds, cultures and shapes of others that you can blend into almost any crowd.
+2 Intrigue, +1 Diplomacy, +5 to avoid drawing unwanted social attention.


So, would something like this sound better?
[ ] Personal: Roll With It
New Trait: Roll With It, bonus to Mathilde reacting to chaotic or unexpected events.
You learned that you cannot really stop the dice from rolling, but react fast enough, and you can still change the outcome.

'Chaotic or unexpected' is very subjective, and I don't want to have to fight off 'is this chaotic enough' questions for the rest of the quest.

@BoneyM After some thought, here's my library-trait proposal:

Having Fun Isn't Hard If You've Got A Library Card: Your book collection has contributed to your success, and you're dedicated to continuing that state of affairs... by hook or by crook. [Bonus] to convincing people/institutions to give you access to controlled texts or to find merchants who can sell rare books, [bonus] to finding books while attempting to loot a place.


And while I am at this @BoneyM I was wondering, with the ridiculous amount of greenskinns that died today, did anyone recover any magic items of orcish make or not ?

All the Orc weapons are getting smelted down. Anything that shows signs of malignant magics jumps to the front of the line.

During our time in the Karak our research has been very exotic. We've read the Liber Mortis, unlocked the secrets of Dhar, multi-Wind magic both small scale and in large projects, dabbled in the Divine of multiple origins and Theurgy both in wielding that divine and Necromancy's Nehekaran origins. We've yet to pick up any Eshin spellbooks but we have the opportunity to add another school of Dark magic to our collection soon.

Could we get a trait that clearly defines that? Something that coves a bonus to learning foreign schools of magic?

[] Karak: Recusant Mage ?

Most of that has only been talked about at length in the thread, rather than actually pursued by Mathilde.

Sometimes you just need to get your hands dirty. Bonus to command roles after Mathilde has personally taken the field.



Zhuf-logic: Mathilde has become skilled at knowing when the interaction of magic makes the natural laws of the world more malleable and how to exploit them.

Zhuf-logic is going to remain entirely the domain of QM fiat and not even a little bit in the hands of the thread because I really don't want to have to deal with people asking if there's enough magic in the air for them to start breaking out the Wile E Coyote plans.

Huh, @BoneyM, do we have information on how and where this epic final battle started and turned out?

The defence of the West Gate.

I am very much inclined to dump the Hatred for Sigmar Trait, because it's pretty strongly going to limit our ability to get promoted inside the College and operate back in the Empire when needed--the shit is going to steadily and increasingly hit the fan in the upcoming years, and being capable of not screwing the pooch when interacting with Sigmarite organizations is dangerous.
The colleges are not sigmarite organisations though. The Cult of Sigmar is but the Emperor and the Empire itself also are not sigmarite. The only god I can see being less popular then Sigmar among wizards is Ulric.

So the only sigmarite organisation we would interact with back in the colleges is the Cult of Sigmar itself, who I have been very clear about my antipathy for. Besides, I never want to leave K8P except to take our Elfcation.
Huh, @BoneyM, do we have information on how and where this epic final battle started and turned out?

Word trickles down to you of the long, hard work of clearing the greenskins from the soil one group at a time, which got significantly harder once reality healed enough to disallow the boiling of non-liquids, and of the glorious battle at the Western Gates, which will probably be what the songs that will be sung of this day will focus on.

Pretty sure it's the 6 digit count of greenskins that we didn't get, charging at the West Gates while harassed by Da Howlaz.

Edit: Eshin'd by QM
The colleges are not sigmarite organisations though. The Cult of Sigmar is but the Emperor and the Empire itself also are not sigmarite. The only god I can see being less popular then Sigmar among wizards is Ulric.

So the only sigmarite organisation we would interact with back in the colleges is the Cult of Sigmar itself, who I have been very clear about my antipathy for. Besides, I never want to leave K8P except to take our Elfcation.

The Empire is the quintessential Sigmarite organisation. He's the patron god of the Empire.
Yeah, this is not a private hatred, I would be not surprised in the slightest if this trait is what the Patriarchs look at when they're passing Mathilde up for Wizard Lord, since we'd be expected to not fuck up when liasing with other major organizations in the Empire then.

Who cares? Wizard Lordship is not particularly important in my view. My take on it is if we go and deal with the empire/Sigmarite institutions often enough that it becomes relevant we're a big enough name to withstand the fallout until it likely becomes ameliorated by exposure.

However I don't particularly have much interest in doing that so even that downside isn't really relevant to me.
That does not make it any more commendable.
This is precisely the sort of attitude that Dwarves exhibit about old injuries and grudges that drives Mathilde nuts IC.
They end up doing themselves more injury in attempts to get back at old enemies.

The whole Dwarf infection meme is amusing, but we aren't actually supposed to imbibe their worst character traits.
And a Grey is supposed to be able to apply some introspection as well. Not immediately, but with time.
And it's been several years since Abelsworth.

Humans may be petty. But humans also forget, and forgive, and decide that revenge is not worth the cost.
We aren't Dawi.

And frankly, BoneyM has been offering the option of downgrading this trait for a while now.
If he needed it as a plot hook, it wouldn't be available.
We do not need to go out of our way to create drama in order to give him plot hooks.
You'll note I'm not saying its commendable. It's a pretty terrible character trait as it stands because Sigmar is a main reason why the Empire even exists, and its a further terrible character trait if it leads her to conflict and persecution of others who worship him, because she's a terrible person for holding that belief against other people.

In the past two options for traits it's been present you are right. I don't recall it being in the Karagril one because that wasn't a trait choice it was a trait potential, and you're right we don't need to. I however am curious to see what he ends up doing with it if it so ever becomes relevant again so I want to leave it in his capable hands.
The colleges are not sigmarite organisations though. The Cult of Sigmar is but the Emperor and the Empire itself also are not sigmarite. The only god I can see being less popular then Sigmar among wizards is Ulric.

So the only sigmarite organisation we would interact with back in the colleges is the Cult of Sigmar itself, who I have been very clear about my antipathy for. Besides, I never want to leave K8P except to take our Elfcation.

They're not, which is why it's not a problem up through Magister.

Wizard Lords are expected to interact with the other major Imperial appratuses though, which means that if Mathilde is going to get snitty at a Sigmarite (The majority faith of most of the major organizations), she's going to risk fucking the Colleges reputation--and the fact it's a risk immediately removes her from consideration, because Wizard Lord is something you only get if they are absolutely certain that you'll make the Colleges look good.

And if we want the actual restricted shit? Like the stunt the Master Assassin did to be invisible to Windsage? We need Wizard Lord, because those are the guys responsible for tracking down and dealing with apostates. I have zero doubt there's a big list of Restricted Subjects that appears once you get the nod.
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Which I understand and actually agree with. I do not however want to remove the trait for previously stated reasons of it's not relevant to our current time and place. If that time and place changes such that Sigmarites are now in focus I think that'd be the perfect time.
If it becomes relevant, it is already too late, traits get removed at and of arcs.
I don't mind being flawed, i don't mind being imperfect, i don't even mind being kinda terrible person.
But religious intolerance and persecution is a kinda of flaw that i find morally reprehensible.
And not in an entertaining way like a Skaven backstabbing circle. Or orcish WAAAGH.

It's the kind of real, every day evil i really, really don't like in a protagonist.
It has not come up often, and i hope it never comes again.
And this could be a change to make sure it does not.

Yes, stamp down on it by way of making sure they only have formal worship outside of company hours and provide other religious opportunities. We saw what form it took pretty clearly in the watch, and it wasn't forced conversions, it was replacing the shrines with ones of a different god.
Yes, ban one religion during working hours and mandate another.
Is this meant as a defense? Because it is phrased like a defense. But it is not in anyway a defense.
Worst comes to worst, we get King Belegar to make us a 'Wizard Lord' equivalent for the Karaz Ankor.

Would you want to argue with the King of Karak Eight Peaks (and the giant mountain of burning-fuck-you) over it? :D
I mean we have the autopass one issue for magister lord ticket, and I think if we are blocked by Sigmarites, but punch through with a great deed that would be a much more interesting story.

Imagine dealing with the politics of Sigmarites and us having a rivalry, but both of us being to useful to discard vs a more standard party line approach to the sigmarites.
Also...right, its been covered in a thick layer of disintegrated orc ash and then the runelords boiled the soil.

I don't think the agricultural manual describes what to do if someone had boiled the soil.
Just think of the paper she can write on it!
I mean we have the autopass one issue for magister lord ticket, and I think if we are blocked by Sigmarites, but punch through with a great deed that would be a much more interesting story.

Imagine dealing with the politics of Sigmarites and us having a rivalry, but both of us being to useful to discard vs a more standard party line approach to the sigmarites.

Just think of the paper she can write on it!

It's not a Rivalry, Mathilde won't suffer a Sigmarite having their faith on her watch, and she's nosy enough to poke into personal life as well.

Alas, I feel deep concern over this trait vote, I'm not off rotation until Wednesday morning, and the vote's going to be resolved one way or the other by then.
Wizard Lords are expected to interact with the other major Imperial appratuses though, which means that if Mathilde is going to get snitty at a Sigmarite (The majority faith of most of the major organizations), she's going to risk fucking the Colleges reputation--and the fact it's a risk immediately removes her from consideration, because Wizard Lord is something you only get if they are absolutely certain that you'll make the Colleges look good.
And we're perfectly capable of interacting with Sigmarites. We had no trouble interacting with any Sigmarite character we encountered.

It's not a Rivalry, Mathilde won't suffer a Sigmarite having their faith on her watch, and she's nosy enough to poke into personal life as well.
I think you're just imagining things.

This is not Gestapo : the trait.

All the trait does is that Mathilde will try to promote other faiths. For example, by building Shrines to other Gods. There's no secret investigation, no forcible conversions, ...
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Yes, ban one religion during working hours and mandate another.
Is this meant as a defense? Because it is phrased like a defense. But it is not in anyway a defense.

It's explaining what's actually happens when she's in charge of such an institution which i felt was being misrepresented. If you don't like it that's fine. I personally think it's fine, the leader gets some perks for being the leader, if the rest of the organization doesn't like it then kick out said leader. I also think the situation is unlikely to even arise again though. Why would she want to represent such an organization in the future?
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