I like to think of it as like changing social institutions or cultures or government positions.That you can change them by how a large mass of people believe isn't really all that different from your being changable by the means of blunt percussion after all.
Like changing the power and duties of the leader of a country, or of the duties of the nobility or the priesthood -- it's not just a matter of "if everybody believes it, it becomes true", it's a matter of... working towards it. And then, if enough people act in concert with it, and if there is enough tradition behind it, and if there is enough official power in the new powers of the government or bureaucracy...
Then the nobility/leader/whatever actually has that new responsibility/power/thing.
But it doesn't come about just by a ruler's subjects all starting to believe that their ruler has a given power or responsibility.
That plays into it. But it's a number of things. (And in fact, sometimes you can have people believe that the churches/nobility/Colleges of Magic work in a certain way... only for that belief to be wrong.)
Is that... a reference to the Sindragosa boss fight? Huh....
I cannot resist.
Oh Skaven, why must you be this way.
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