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I...just had a thought that kind of scares me.

Might Kragg be able to tell us anything about how the Coin works?

Yes, he's not a priest or a wizard. But Dwarven runecraft was originally a divine gift from the ancestor gods, and the runelords needed to understand how the runes work to replicate them. There might be some overlapping insight to be offered.
It's not clear that dwarf ancestor gods are the same sort of entity as other gods; there's a lot of speculation on that front, and back after the divine mugging, BoneyM cautioned the thread a fair bit about suggesting to the dwarves that they might have insight about Gork&Mork due to insight about ancestor gods.
Kragg literally is a priest.
Also this; the Venn diagram of "priests of Thungni" and "runesmiths" is a circle.
Anyone else worried that the "have Heideck establish a Ranaldian Black Market before another happens" is no longer available?
I noticed that and raised it for comment a while back. It happened between T22 and T23, so sometime between "us heading off to Sylvania" and "the end of the Karagril reconquest."
(Personally, I think the best way to keep greenskins away is just to make fighting boring and scary for them. The impersonal nature of tower defense would be just as dangerous as the standard armies they throw themselves at, but there's no glory or bloodshed they can indulge in, just their friends dying pointlessly as they approach a big wall. You can't wage wars with towers, but you can stop other people from waging them on you, and if that couldn't get them to stop trying to go and murder people for fun I don't know what could. Plus, tower defense means our own friends won't have to die to protect the civilians).
And/or, let Kazador start training another set of greenskins to learn to climb! After all, he's gone and got rid of nearly all the enemies within Karag Eight Peaks, so now he gets to go on field trips outside! Isn't it exciting?!
(Yes, exclamation points are mandatory when talking about Kazador.)

Let's not count chicken before they melt.
I will admit to assuming "nothing goes horribly wrong" for the purposes of that post, which I acknowledge is an unsafe assumption in any Warhammer world.

Also, *frowns in Halfling*. Melted chickens mean fewer chicken pies.
Granted, next turn in BelegarQuest will be 1) Diplomancy at Dragon, 2) fortify lines in Kvinn-Wyr/prep for removing remaining trolls, 3) confirm Skyre gone, 4) scout entire underground for possible Skaven entryways, and 5) fortify Karak Drazh underway. Dreng and Gotri are going to be busy.

6. Weep at the chaos your Loremaster left for you as a present. 7. Debate the pros and cons of rewarding her with more work. 8. Promise yourself you will never leave Mathilde to her own devices while you and every other nominal leader goes out to handle things outside 8 peaks.

And finally, 9. Have a party. The biggest party in Dawi memory. One of the first holds reclaimed!
Kragg is a priest?
Do Runes works on divine power?! No, no... Can't be. The runes were invented(?) by the ancestor Gods, not powered by them... or were they? Now I'm not going to stop the sneaking suspicion that Dawi are some proto-necrons, siphoning power of an unknown divine trapped somewhere to power their runic arrays.
Kragg is a priest?
Do Runes works on divine power?! No, no... Can't be. The runes were invented(?) by the ancestor Gods, not powered by them... or were they? Now I'm not going to stop the sneaking suspicion that Dawi are some proto-necrons, siphoning power of an unknown divine trapped somewhere to power their runic arrays.
They work on the ambient winds; multiple runic items too close to one another short each other out.
Kragg is a priest?
Do Runes works on divine power?! No, no... Can't be. The runes were invented(?) by the ancestor Gods, not powered by them... or were they? Now I'm not going to stop the sneaking suspicion that Dawi are some proto-necrons, siphoning power of an unknown divine trapped somewhere to power their runic arrays.

Supposedly the Runes were discovered in and draw power from a place called the Gilded Realm. what that might be is not very clear.
6. Weep at the chaos your Loremaster left for you as a present. 7. Debate the pros and cons of rewarding her with more work. 8. Promise yourself you will never leave Mathilde to her own devices while you and every other nominal leader goes out to handle things outside 8 peaks.

And finally, 9. Have a party. The biggest party in Dawi memory. One of the first holds reclaimed!
6: Hey, I'm pretty sure that the overall chaos in K8P after this War Phase is over will be less than before! (Granted, chaos level during spiked just about into space...)
7: If she is working on something she already has all the materials for, she's much less likely to start something messy. Maybe assign her an essay on exactly what happened... and then try to find someone who can read it without their head exploding.
8: Fortunately, new problems are mostly going to arise outside of K8P proper... so the mess will be outside the Karak as well.
9: Thorgrim won't be able to get any sleep, the party will be so loud. And that's before the party in Karaz-a-Karak gets started... :V
9a: Spike dwarven ale with Aethyric Vitae, offer to dragon. For Science! :ninja::whistle:
It's two ap to do the entire dictionary project in one swoop.

Max + Mathilde (two papers equivalent all of the dictionary)
Serenity + Mathilde = 2nd dictionary.
leaving two mathilde free ap one goes to Qrech to try and get him to teach us either the magical lexicon that he knows or spoken the other to Wolf for some self improvement. assuming we can make this our project for now.

I suspect we're going to need to deal with the dragon next turn potentially or not maybe if any dwarves know classical otherwise that will be for mathilde to handle in which case we'd be looking at Max + Mathilde for the Khazalid dictionary. Then ap on the dragon and Qrech + what ever else.

I really do think it's time we taught wolf language though, there have already been a number of occasions where him being able to talk would have helped. Time to put an ap towards wolf boy.

I don´t know why there are so many people who want to do the Queekish Dictionary thingy immediately... We are probably going to unlock a few other paper topics this turn, and refresh the Waaagh! ones and those are more urgent than something atemporal like Queekish

Besides that, we should wait until we see what loot can we can get from Yin and Skyre, since there are decent chances of getting enough material to complete the magical part of our lexicon, and as I said before we should get the Linguists experts into it because BoneyM has confirmed that we will get a bonus for the quality of the book if we do so
I don´t know why there are so many people who want to do the Queekish Dictionary thingy immediately... We are probably going to unlock a few other paper topics this turn, and refresh the Waaagh! ones and those are more urgent than something atemporal like Queekish

Besides that, we should wait until we see what loot can we can get from Yin and Skyre, since there are decent chances of getting enough material to complete the magical part of our lexicon, and as I said before we should get the Linguists experts into it because BoneyM has confirmed that we will get a bonus for the quality of the book if we do so
A reminder that our current job from Belegar is to translate Queekish for K8P.
So, to frame where I'm coming from with this.

I see it as a diplomatic overture with Mathilde as the diplomatic representative from the Empire of Man's Grey College and King Belegar's friend. In such a context being "too good" is not a practical problem we can actually reach, because we want to be making as good an impression as possible. There are three other factors as well.

They're Elves, and as has been established, elves are Bullshit and in the context of Nagarythe have been doing their bullshit in the Elf version of Sylvania. With the youngest probably doing it for centuries and the oldest since far before Sigmar was even born.

Making a good impression is basically the only currently theorized way to gain a extended or hopefully a permanent invitation. If we gain an extended and especially a permanent invitation, then training time becomes a bit of a moot point (working around the usual And Then Stuff Happens clause)

Thirdly, something that I just realized is that like with the dwarves some things they may be able to teach us or do with us may be reputation gated.

So with those three factors, which are pretty general, I don't think your perspective captures the full scope/and or has some holes. Worth thinking about, I guess?
Treating it as a diplomatic exercise where Mathilde is acting as a representative of both the Empire and Belgar is almost certainly a mistake. Much like the Dwarves, many elves are still holding a huge grudge* over the war of the beard and heavily dislike dwarves. Drawing heavy attention to Mathilde's status vis a vis Belegar, Karak 8 peaks and the Dawi in general, rather than leaving it mostly unspoken and carefully stepped around is likely to heavily decrease any chance of being invited back.

Similarly, there are better representatives for the colleges as a whole than Mathilde. We do not want to be considered in the light of "Representative of the Grey college" because Mathilde, whilst very good, is far from the top of what human mages can produce. Hell, if you go back to our discussions around Asarnil anything less than Lord Magister is only ever going to get to "dangerous animal with a cute trick" rather than "person" levels. Someone like Melkoth or our Patriarch is the level you want to be impressive as a representative of the grey college.
Asarnil's relationship score is a three-point scale: Annoying human, unremarkable human, tolerable human. You're in the last of those categories. He likes you, but in the same way you'd like an animal that learned a clever trick. Full ten-point scales are for his equals.
Would a battle wizard merit that scale?
A Lord Magister might; a Magister Patriarch (or Matriarch) would.

For this initial visit we want to be considered by a more reasonable metric if we hope to excel and get that extension or return invitation. It's also much easier for the elves to invite "Mathilde Weber, this cool human wizard I met and killed Druchii with" to stay longer than it is for them to invite "Mathilde Weber, representaive of the Grey College of the Empire of Man and visiting Loremaster of Karak 8 peaks", even though they're the same person. The later's got all kinds of political implications that might require going much higher up the political food chain.

It's a bit like how Magister Mathilde Weber isn't filthy rich and flagrantly violating her vow of poverty, that's Dwarf-Friend Weber's money. It's a polite fiction, but an important one.

We want any thoughts of Mathilde as a representative of the college or the Dawi to be secondary to her personal impression at most.

I will also note though that whilst Elves are indeed bullshit and generally above human baseline I doubt that most of the ones will enounter in Naggarythe are will be much better than Mathilde. The leaders will cetainly be a lot better at killing Druchii than her, but my general impression is that Human Hero's (which Mathilde defintely is) tend to be better than most Elven trooops, but the absolute best of the Elven heros (Telcis, his brother, Malekith, etc.) being better than the best human hero's in their area's of expertise (unless you count Nagash as human).

*Small G. Technically I think the capital G Grudge from the War of Vengence/War of the beard is over, but everyone is still massively pissed over it.
Just a quick reminder that we are scheduled to give a lecture at the Grey College once this is all over, that would certainly be an interesting lecture after this.
7: If she is working on something she already has all the materials for, she's much less likely to start something messy. Maybe assign her an essay on exactly what happened... and then try to find someone who can read it without their head exploding.
I would actually laugh if Bro-King started giving us busy work for the next few turns to get a break from our shit.
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