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They usually take very vaguely the appearance of their summoner, nowhere near this level of detail, and as you stare at it with your Magesight, you also recall that they normally don't bear five Runes superimposed upon where the soul of a living creature would be.
So who wants to bet that Kragg the Grimm would love for us to sketch out these five different runes that we can see with our mage sight?

Also, who wants to see a new branch of the Colleges of Magic form in Karak-Eight-Peaks focused on melding magic with Dwarven runes and forming these types of automatons. Just getting a squad of immortal guardians who can't be dispelled would be amazing at holding chokepoints or other consistent dangers.
If they won't anihilate or get killed by dragon, then the time is best spent fortifying and preparing for their arival.
I don't really expect fortifications to stop the Eshin Sorcerer running, and I'm not confident they'll be great versus the assassins, either. Certainly helpful versus Mors, though.

... The problem with going after the Sorcerer ourselves is that they almost certainly also noticed our message for the dragon, and thus know we're active and in the area.
Personally I am in favor of just picking off the stormvermin. It would likely force Mors to either retreat, into our prepared positions and without their stormvermin, or cause Mors to try and attack Eshin even harder and more desperately, since they would think it's the Eshin picking off their forces. Either way it causes Mors to make a mistake from lack of knowledge.
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Hmm. I like the idea of Mors being a thorn in skavendom's side but on the other hand helping Mors is what got Belegar his stressed trait to begin with and if we wipe them out then ALL their grudges could be wiped from the Damaz Kron. That would be a huge deal for the entire Karaz Ankor. I am also scared of Clan Mors recovering and launching a revaunchist campainge against us rather then the under-empire, after all if we just go by time in occupancy then Clan Mors has a better claim to K8P the Clan Angrund.

Edit: @das_slash that is amazing and the baby wolf-rat is adorable.

Elimination-of-Mors and thus all their accumulated Grudges could indeed be huge for Belegars state of mind
Perhaps even a way to mend the relationship with High King Thorgrim.
I don't really expect fortifications to stop the Eshin Sorcerer running, and I'm not confident they'll be great versus the assassins, either. Certainly helpful versus Mors, though.

... The problem with going after the Sorcerer ourselves is that they almost certainly also noticed our message for the dragon, and thus know we're active and in the area.
I'm also reluctant to get into a game of assassins with Eshin, but I'd very much prefer them not making it out of the Karak alive either.

My current idea is to go for the low-hanging fruit, and hope that will cause a bottom-up cascade that lets Mors' mooks overwhelm Eshin's and swarm the elites. Plus, the still-alive Heroes of Eshin will probably inflict some hefty casualties on the Albion Stormvermin (and maybe even Sleek himself) before they're brought down even in a Mors victory.
This clearly states that 1) Mathilde does not expect the dragon to wipe them all out 2) if Mors wins they will try to retreat to under-Caldera, which is where our forces are, which means we are going to be fighting Mors elites. We don't want that to happen.
Those elites will continue to exist whether we fight them now or not. Or the Eshin elites. If we're going to finish reconquering K8P then we'll have to take on those elites at some point.

I can't imagine a much better situation than having occupied and fortified what they think is their safe harbor, taking them on right after they barely won a hard fought battle and then had to dodge a dragon on their way home.
Kragg is going to be in whatever happy land Kragg believes in. An object with FIVE runes to study. Especially since it is likely these runes are not carved into something. It could very well be something similar to Mathilde's matrix might be holding those runes in a metaphysical place. Opens up a lot of possible studies.
I am absolutely against trying to play silly buggers by making deals with Skaven. It's bad for our relations with the dragon and it's bad for Belegar's mental health.

We want Eshin dead more than we want Mors dead, since Eshin is more able to perform major damage to us with a handful of hero units.

As such, I strongly suggest hitting Eshin enough to tip the balance and have them lose to Mors, then wipe out the remainder.
My current idea is to go for the low-hanging fruit, and hope that will cause a bottom-up cascade that lets Mors' mooks overwhelm Eshin's and swarm the elites.

The problem is that - as their survival to this point strongly suggests - the assassins and the sorcerer are very good at not getting swarmed, and once the battle turns against them badly enough they might simply leave.

And it's not going to be terribly practical for us to stop them, once it reaches that point.
Plan: Avoid the slayer oath.

[ ] Strike against Clan Eshin
- [ ] ESHIN: Attempt to assassinate their Assassins.

We take out Eshin and then fight Mor in the Trenches.

It will suck but it's the only sure way of wiping out both clans and wining in the appropriately Dwarf Grudge way.

success needs no excuses, but the post-trauma Clan clan Angrund needs vengeance!
I mean, "bok" is the sound a hen makes in Danish, so until proven otherwise I will assume we're looking for an archmage with the physical form of a chicken.
Golem, /with feeling: "The Karak is in danger. Please inform Archmage Chicken Boo at once."
Mathilde's Dream Daddy V2: Daddy Democracy Edition.

Mathilde, /with annoyance: "Utonki, as our resident Runelord, I present: the Mhonar Mystery."
Golem, /greetings: "Runelord Utonki logged. Runelord Utonki, the Karak is in danger."
Kragg, /...: "Manling. Would you do me the honor of marrying me?"
Golem, /noted: "Archmage Manling, the Karak is in danger. Please inform the King of this together with Runelord Utonki."
@BoneyM How many forces do we have concentrated in the Under Caldera? How many siege Weapons?
… That's a good point. The Dragon is confirmed not-hostile, the other Karags are clear aside from the Under-Karagril defense and Kvinn-Wyr, and we've got something like an hour or so before the battle ends. If we could bring down some of our siege weapons and grapecannons, a defense of the Under-Caldera becomes a lot easier. Look how big a concern Mors' one Warp-Lighting Cannon was on the defense.

Clan Angrund and the Border Princes mercenaries. And pretty much all of them.
Well, that's a very pleasing report.
As such, I strongly suggest hitting Eshin enough to tip the balance and have them lose to Mors, then wipe out the remainder.
What do you counsel, then?
[ ] Strike against Clan Eshin
- [ ] ESHIN: Take low-risk targets of opportunity.
- [ ] ESHIN: Attempt to assassinate their Assassins.
- [ ] ESHIN: Attempt to assassinate their Sorcerer.
- [ ] ESHIN: Attempt to identify and then assassinate their leader.
These are our options. Low-risk targets of opportunity are... probably not super relevant. Hero units are difficult for obvious reasons.
Kragg is going to be in whatever happy land Kragg believes in. An object with FIVE runes to study. Especially since it is likely these runes are not carved into something. It could very well be something similar to Mathilde's matrix might be holding those runes in a metaphysical place. Opens up a lot of possible studies.
Actually, if that turns out to be the case, I wonder if we could use the theory to stick runes on ranged weapons. This could be the answer to getting that runed sniper rifle.
Clan Angrund and the Border Princes mercenaries. And pretty much all of them.
Wait, where di the Azul throng go after they pulled back from Ziflin?
I'd say Eshin targets of opportunity is the best bet. Tilt things towards Mors, who will hopefully win and walk back exhausted and at very low strength to a prepared Dwarven positions. Game, set, and match with no significant enemy factions left in Eight Peaks.
Clan Angrund and the Border Princes mercenaries. And pretty much all of them.
So, all of those men and weapons in dug in positions vs. a nearly obliterated force of Skaven that are exhausted and on the tail end of the Black Hunger.

Yeah, I like our odds, even with their elites.

I say we either target the Eshin Assassins, or roll the big one and try and take out their leader. Mors can handle the Sorcerer.
What do you counsel, then?

These are our options. Low-risk targets of opportunity are... probably not super relevant. Hero units are difficult for obvious reasons.
I actually would be in favor of hitting low-risk targets of opportunity. That might let the Mors' mooks cascade up to swarming the elites, and if Eshin starts running out of mooks, they might go for an All Or Nothing strike against Sleek, which means the Heroes and Lords will tear each other apart.
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