The head retreats, and a moment later it is replaced with a massive clawed hand pushing what looks at first like a massive fistful of rubble. But the stones writhe of their own accord, and they seem to melt and flow into the floor as it passes over it. When the dragon ceases pushing it, it quivers and begins to reform, slowly sliding into a shape that's first vaguely humanoid and then slowly and painstakingly refines itself, stone crumbling to pebbles crumbling to dust as it increases in detail until you are presented with what seems to be a perfect (if oversized) statue of a Dwarf, complete with hammer and chainmail. It looks at you in what appears to be a disapproving manner, though you've come to recognize that as the default state of older Dwarves, and despite being literally stone, it's still less stoney than some of the looks Kragg has given you. With slow and careful movements it sheathes the hammer into a loop on its belt, and then approaches you slowly, a pause between each step. A glance at its feet shows that at least one is melded into the stone at all times, which confirms your suspicion: an Earth Elemental.