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This was likley an automated guide or tourist-trap thingie. Bok was likley a series of shelters in the event of an emergency named for... well, a low tunnel. The next step was to let the authorities know people had taken shelter in that location.

We just found a distress beacon from the Dark Elf raids pre-War Of Vengeance.
I think it's just saying "Bok" for "Error", because that's the word they decided fits the computing context most.

It being emergency shelters doesn't make much sense when it says it in response to trying to look up the Runelord.
Personally, I would be rather surprised if a prepared Dwarves defensive position couldn't take what's left of Mors after what they've been through, even if they do have Albino Stormvermin. We should strike at Eshin, ensure the Skaven is comes away from this as damaged as possible.
We could take them, but what would be the point? Dwarves would die and we'd gain the same territory we'd gain as if Eshin won.
Regarding the approach, I don't really want to fight any of them.
Could we instead use a combination of illusions and subterfuge to lead them to each other?
They're already going to fight each other to the death. The question is if we want to tip the scales.
Likely varied topics of discussion with Dwarven King of these mountains. Primacy is this.
Thats good!

It looks at you in what appears to be a disapproving manner, though you've come to recognize that as the default state of older Dwarves, and despite being literally stone, it's still less stoney than some of the looks Kragg has given you. With slow and careful movements it sheathes the hammer into a loop on its belt, and then approaches you slowly, a pause between each step. A glance at its feet shows that at least one is melded into the stone at all times, which confirms your suspicion: an Earth Elemental.

"Agreement. Third matter. Uppermost one-part-in-three of mountain to north, the largest of the eight, is hewn and barren, not inhabited stone. It is mine. My judgement: Daroir will not invite extinction by seeking to reclaim."
Thats... basically good? Yeah? I mean that was about the best thing we could have expected.

Mathilde's Dream Daddy V2: Daddy Democracy Edition.


In Khazalid, 'bok' means "Banging head on a low tunnel ceiling" or the scar caused by doing so.
Error. Error. Error.
This was likley an automated guide or tourist-trap thingie. Bok was likley a series of shelters in the event of an emergency named for... well, a low tunnel. The next step was to let the authorities know people had taken shelter in that location.

I think it is more likely used by Dwarves as an "Error" message.

Also fuck me, that Dragon got even more terrifying this turn. Calm, cold, collected and utterly convinced of its own superiority. If the one million orc Waaagh intrudes upon its home? They die. If the Dwarves decide to try reclaim its mountain? They invite extinction.

This is not a being to be trifled with, and you notice it even through the language barrier. It reminds me of good portrayals of AIs. A force of nature, shackled by an inhuman, calculating supercomputer.

It also doesn't help that Speed of Light apparently actually lets it move at the speed of light considering it just suddenly popped up in the cavern with only a bright light as warning.
The problem with this is that the update implies that we risk this happening:

This clearly states that 1) Mathilde does not expect the dragon to wipe them all out 2) if Mors wins they will try to retreat to under-Caldera, which is where our forces are, which means we are going to be fighting Mors elites. We don't want that to happen.

Between dragon interrupts, an even fight still with Eshin, and retreating unknowingly into prepared defenses. I don't think even if this scenario comes about that it will be a huge deal to finish them off. Far better to do so then leave them to escape with a huge grudge (I have no faith at all that the Skyre story would hold up long term.).
I don't really think negotiations are on the table with the Skaven.

or, we can and then belegar takes the slayer oath for making a deal with them.

lets remember what happened to him when we only indirectly helped mouder, for pure selfish benefit.

I don't think his heart could take it if we purposely avoided vengeance just for an easier time.
Hmm. Currently leaning on striking against Eshin's low priority targets. I don't want to risk an Assassin vs Assassin fight, and killing the lower rankers will let Mors cascade up from there.

Plus, keeping Eshin's elites intact for their final confrontation against Mors will probably deplete the number of Albion Stormvermin we have to deal with in the aftermath.
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If we can be reasonably confident of them leaving without us doing any more attacks then is it still not a priority to preserve our Dwarven forces and so just going on the defensive appropriate?
Between dragon interrupts, an even fight still with Eshin, and retreating unknowingly into prepared defenses. I don't think even if this scenario comes about that it will be a huge deal to finish them off. Far better to do so then leave them to escape with a huge grudge (I have no faith at all that the Skyre story would hold up long term.).
Yeah, I also don't like the Skryre story much now that I think about it, but I feel like helping Eshin win might be worthwhile, since they just want to take their ball and go home. I'd prefer that over even a single dwarf casualty we don't need to take.
Or towards the dragon...
They're smart enough to do some fighting where the dragon can't reach:
The dragon is certainly formidable, but it is also very, very large, which limits where it can go. Clan Mors and Clan Eshin would easily be able to reach this conclusion and work around it to finish their fight to the death.
Hmm. I like the idea of Mors being a thorn in skavendom's side but on the other hand helping Mors is what got Belegar his stressed trait to begin with and if we wipe them out then ALL their grudges could be wiped from the Damaz Kron. That would be a huge deal for the entire Karaz Ankor. I am also scared of Clan Mors recovering and launching a revaunchist campainge against us rather then the under-empire, after all if we just go by time in occupancy then Clan Mors has a better claim to K8P the Clan Angrund.

Edit: @das_slash that is amazing and the baby wolf-rat is adorable.
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We could take them, but what would be the point? Dwarves would die and we'd gain the same territory we'd gain as if Eshin won.
Eshin Intel is incredibly valuble, and any skaven that comes our way is going to be extremely tired and in a killzone...

Plus I consider that the Dragon will have much better chances of wiping out Mors than Eshin, if only because it will be much easier to find them.
So the way I see it, this is something that will cause the Longbeards quite a bit of grumbling.

On one hand, it's a dragon. They eat dwarves AND their gold for a kick, and it will never submit to Dwarvish Rule.

On the other hand, it's pretty much solved the Skaven problem for us. Dwarves like it when Skaven die, and this thing is perfectly okay with killing Skaven and leaving the dwarves alone.

On the OTHER hand it's pretty much claimed one of the peaks as its sovereign territory. Even if there's nothing of value up there but the dragon's own hoard the dwarves won't really appreciate the reconquest of Eight Peaks to turn out to be Seven Peaks + The Dragon's Peak.

But on the OTHER other hand, this thing just gave us a fully functional Earth Elemental, as made by the dwarven Runelords of the Golden Age, as a show of good faith and has been remarkably polite and respectful.

I foresee much beard tugging over this issue.
My suggestion for this would be to make a deal with Esshin for helping to finish off Mors. As the Skaven Husband said, "kill you last." Not to mention it would be really good to have an in with Skaven society later on, whether to help infiltrate or for the plan to kill the Horned Rat. Plus it gives us a chance to see Lore of Stealth in action.
We could take them, but what would be the point? Dwarves would die and we'd gain the same territory we'd gain as if Eshin won.
Because I consider Eshin a greater threat at this point. If they win they will probably pull out in force, but there's nothing to say they won't leave an assassin or something lying around to keep an eye on things. And I don't fancy getting into a shadow war right now. I consider that less likely if they are broken and forced to flee, especially if we target the assassins they currently have in the field.

And while losing the men under us is unfortunate, I'm concerned this thread is becoming too risk averse. Everyone here signed up to fight and kill the enemies of the Karaz Ankor, and maybe die doing so. Missing out on a chance to break the local Eshin force completely and finish off Mors in near totality seems like a waste.
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Yeah holy fuck that was very well done. I coul feel the threat coming off this thing.

The head retreats, and a moment later it is replaced with a massive clawed hand pushing what looks at first like a massive fistful of rubble. But the stones writhe of their own accord, and they seem to melt and flow into the floor as it passes over it. When the dragon ceases pushing it, it quivers and begins to reform, slowly sliding into a shape that's first vaguely humanoid and then slowly and painstakingly refines itself, stone crumbling to pebbles crumbling to dust as it increases in detail until you are presented with what seems to be a perfect (if oversized) statue of a Dwarf, complete with hammer and chainmail. It looks at you in what appears to be a disapproving manner, though you've come to recognize that as the default state of older Dwarves, and despite being literally stone, it's still less stoney than some of the looks Kragg has given you. With slow and careful movements it sheathes the hammer into a loop on its belt, and then approaches you slowly, a pause between each step. A glance at its feet shows that at least one is melded into the stone at all times, which confirms your suspicion: an Earth Elemental.

The best part about deep pessimism is that you can be very pleasantly surprised.

The Elemental stops before it reaches you and raises a hand, and stone spreads out from its fingers until it is holding out a stone depiction of a tablet, and the surface of it ripples as Khazalid appears upon it. Visitor to Vala-Azril-Ungol; there exists danger within the Karak. Please proceed to safety at: Bok. None found. Please inform Runelord: Bok. None found. Please inform Archmage: Bok. None found. Please inform Runelord... And the writing repeats itself over and over until it reaches the the of the tablet. Underneath that, Eltharin runes, Classical characters, Nehekharan hieroglyphics, and another language you don't recognize perform what you assume to be the same repetition.

Holy shit. Alright.

1) Someone created a Dawi-shaped earth elemental that attacks enemies and trespassers, auto-reforms upon destruction, and hides in the earth in between. It has lasted for several thousand years.

2) This Elemental has an AI that guides it, also algorithms to display messages to people as needed, with algorithms to figure out where in the Karak is a safe stronghold and who are the higher-ups.

3) This message comes in multiple languages including Nehekharan and Eltharin, indicating a very multi-species community.

4) There was a fucking smart mage on staff, probably an elf.

How much of this was known already? I had definitely envisioned a Dwarf only place that hated magic. It's eerily similar to the modern reality of K8P's community, and that was alleged to be an almost radical departure from the Ancestors.

As for the Nope about the Waaagh, I'm way less worried than Mathilde is. We have the tools and the smarts to wipe it out, and enough Runic might to stomp any counter-spelling.
The problem with this is that the update implies that we risk this happening:
Nothing is certain, true. There are two good options for us.
- Dragon kills them all
- Mutual anihilation
We cannot attack and speak with clans. It means we can only attack, thus throwing balance off, or allow one clan to escape, which removes one from equation, leaving another to be problem.

Leaving them to stew on their own seems best. Dragon proved that it can drag enemies out with spells, and will keep stirring the pot for some more time, not allowign them to relax, rest and recuperate. The'll need to be alert. Longer we wait more tired they'll be.

If they won't anihilate or get killed by dragon, then the time is best spent fortifying and preparing for their arival.
Yeah, I also don't like the Skryre story much now that I think about it, but I feel like helping Eshin win might be worthwhile, since they just want to take their ball and go home.

This could be an ok move, but we're on a winning trajectory right now by just sitting back and letting the slaughter continue. At this point I think our focus should be more on making sure we stay alive to man the tower than pushing for absolute minimum dwarf casualties in the Yar aftermath.
Regarding our options, i feel that we should do our best to ensure that no rat of officer rank leaves K8P alive. Anyone who might have a chance of piecing together exactly what happened today needs to die. This allows us to keep stories of our machinations concealed and only lets out the obvious parts of the story, like the Emperor Dragon and Clan Mors demise, meaning the Council of Thirteen will not have the inclination to invest further resources into K8P to verify Mors destruction.

This seems most easily accomplished by eliminating Clan Eshins heroes, because Sleek will attempt to retreat to the Under-Caldera once he wins his battle here instead of running away, which gives us another chance to catch him.
How much of this was known already? I had definitely envisioned a Dwarf only place that hated magic. It's eerily similar to the modern reality of K8P's community, and that was alleged to be an almost radical departure from the Ancestors.
Before the War of Vengeance, there were Elves around Eight Peaks in what are described as "forested realms", and in close friendship at that. But they were driven out during the war.
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