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Well yeah. Honestly, killing Malekith would be easier in many ways than an Emperor Dragon.
I'm pretty sure Lore says Malekith on foot is a match to the High King of the High Elves, while Riding his Emperor Dragon. So no, we'd rather fight an Emperor Dragon than the Witch King. That fucker is among the few beings alive who can take enthusiastic walks in the warp and spit in all four chaos gods faces, while in their realm.
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Honestly... I am pretty sure that killing the Emperor Dragon is a longshot.

Like, "If we toss everything at it, we might slow it down as it slaughters all of us enough for both of our Runelords to work together and use a dozen Ancestor Runes in conjunction to probably, maybe, kill it or for ranald to take pity on us and use Divine Intervention."

I am not even joking, I am completely serious and while I might be wrong, I don't think I am that far off.
Eh, let's not sell ourselves short. We've got two names runelords, just shy of a hundred cannons, soon an air force of Karaz Ankor, and a Doom Weapon on top of that.
On what to do about the dragon, I vote for making it Not Our Problem. Hash out a truce and wait for Belegar to deal with it. He's got higher Diplomacy and he's the king. Not betraying our duty to do that unless it's urgent to get a full deal out immediately, which it really isn't.
While I agree with this, I think you may have missed the earlier parts of the debate where a whole bunch of people seemed to think that asking for mutual protection in a manner similar to this would break the whole thing. I'm not sure why, personally, people had a problem with it, but it happened.

Sorry if I have missed the relevant parts of the discussion, but I have to go to work soon and reading the... Huh, only 44 pages of discussion (must be a slow day) since the update is a bit much for my timetable.

Either way, if this discussion's evolution goes into a Danegeld kind of deal territory, there is something rather wrong with it. There are multitude of ways to work and word a deal acceptable for all parties without deciding to become the subject of a protection racket.

Even our negotiating hand isn't bad: attacking a bunch of Dwarves in a fortified Karak is more daunting to anyone, even a dragon, than disorganized Skavens either in the middle of a civil war or in the middle of an industrial accident.

We could even use the argument that the forces of Karaz-a-Karak are on their way to relieve K8P, while pointing at the flock of Air Corps coming from the north, and that attacking us would be rather unwise and could potentially result in retribution from the whole Karaz Ankor.

It wouldn't even be a lie.
Old World Bestiary, Page 54, I believe.
You're right. Though I feel you misrepresented the quote slightly.

Old World Bestiary Page 54 said:
"When the Old Ones first crafted their Gates from the
substance of stars, I was there to assist their labour. Down
the long ages I have come, watching the rise and fall of
you lesser races and your civilizations. I've laid waste to
knights and cities, burned fields and routed armies in my
years. I could tell you much of the world that you have
forgotten and more that you never knew, but I think
not. You and yours are suited for nothing more than to
provide me with amusement and the occasional graceful
bauble for my lair. I see little else worthwhile about you."
– Brinrairdih oft-called 'The Storm that Roars',
Ancient Wyrm
So the Ice Dragon might be that old but it is very far from a certainty and if it is then it likely has less then zero interest in collaberating with us.

If it does then that's great but lets not get our hopes up yeah?
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exisiting dwarf karak problems are underground most of the time unless a catastrophic waagh comes more or less.

And i still advocate having the outer defenses at first be manned by human mercenarys. Even for the underway entrances and the karagil entrance.
on the matter of the dragon, lets talk to the dragon first and see how that turns out.

then discuss how we are going to react to it, as we don't know its temperament yet.
@BoneyM, any chance that the Empire would be interested by a Doom Tower on Blackfire Pass? That could stop cold any Waaaagh looking to reenact the fall of Solland.
Everyone is so concerned with what's going on in Belegarquest, when the real question is what's going on in Eshin Assassin #3794012 Quest?

I like to imagine he's still with us, waiting in the shadows for his chance.... to show us all the love-love poems he's been writing!

Ever since that day he's been pining for a chance to open up another conversation with us. Alas, his cleverly written serenades are all tragically in Squeekish and translate very poorly. So he sits patiently from the third best observation point in a given room, waiting for the day we reveal we can communicate with skaven (because he doesn't want to come off as stalkerish)

As Mathilde sighs from the second best observation point, she can't help but feel a chill up her spine. Must have been the wind!

Eh, let's not sell ourselves short. We've got two names runelords, just shy of a hundred cannons, soon an air force of Karaz Ankor, and a Doom Weapon on top of that.
And the dragon is a 5000+ old Wizard who existed before the rise of chaos at least and could quite well be significantly older.

So, please do tell how we are going to beat a Hysh wizard with litteral thousands of years of experience, and a body that lets him fight thousands of soldiers by himself without magic?

That is what "Star Dragons" do, and Emperors are a step above that.

Remember, Hysh is basically the natural counter for Ulgu too so...
Or the dragon finishes them off, and then suicides itself against the Waaaaaaagh.
It outlived the Old Ones, the fall of the polar gates, the Slaan buggering up the Dwarven Empire....its not suicidal.

Ice dragons are lazy, patient and contemplative sorts. If it were in the habit of attacking forces which might kill it successfully it'd already be dead
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