A Penguin Flailing Against The Keyboard Of Life.
Future means agreements made after this one. The trigger is if something comes up that causes them to renegotiate.Legally suspect, what does future mean, what is the trigger for renegotiations.
The dwarves can take it if it's magically worthless; otherwise it comes down to individual agreements, because each Runic Item is unique. The dragon isn't going to agree to anything more limiting, because each Runic Item is super valuable and it's smart enough to know that.Legally suspect, cultural or historical are often the same as magical or runic, and recognising somethings cultural or historical value is the same as recognising that they don't have the right, by the document, to withhold the item if gold if offered 'compulsory purchase' the same problem in reverse if the dwarfs recognise the magical or runic value of a cultural or historical item.
New agreements can be brokered. 'Second verse, same as the first' sounds entirely plausible, and it's five standard dwarven lifetimes.Legally suspect, knowing the lifetimes of both parties is that generous? even if so, the dragon is currently in residence and in defence. to agree to this term is to agree to let the Dwarfs into a position to enforce this clause.
uneven trade, nothing is offered in trade of dwarf Service for unspecified time and difficulty
'We get to be your neighbors, and we'll afford you the dignity and defenses of a normal citizen' isn't exactly a high bar. Do you imagine that dwarves do less for those who steal from any other person in the hold?uneven trade, nothing is offered in trade of dwarf Service for unspecified time and difficulty.
'We'll pay you a fourth of what another dragon charges, just once, and we won't try to take your hoard from you' is eminently reasonable; it's only not reasonable if you think that you can take the hoard away from the dragon.uneven trade, legal suspect by terms of 3*, gains and loses unspecified, high chance of dwarf refusal etc etc. this is the wost clause ive seen since the 2019 US farm bill drafts.
This is a really good point, yes. They're not a monster, they're a person. A big, scaly, Kragg-Tier person, but if they're not starting the trouble killing them would make you a murderer, not a monster slayer.To be clear: you're talking about murdering a person so you can take their stuff and use their corpse for parts.
They killed off chaos worshipers. Having fur doesn't make Skaven not chaos worshipers.Well, if we are going to humanize things, that person just committed genocide, and there is a good chance we are next.
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