Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I'm voting for AV this round, but I think this is unfair to the people who aren't. Most of the people I've seen arguing for one of the non-AV plans haven't been objecting on the grounds of sharing credit, they're objecting on the grounds of not wanting to propose it to Belegar before we've done a bit more basic research.

There are multiple posts from people objecting on the grounds of not wanting to share credit. I'm not going to call any one out on it but they exist.
I'm voting for AV this round, but I think this is unfair to the people who aren't. Most of the people I've seen arguing for one of the non-AV plans haven't been objecting on the grounds of sharing credit, they're objecting on the grounds of not wanting to propose it to Belegar before we've done a bit more basic research.
Given that we can't fit even a shred of basic research while juggling everything else, people need to realize that way lies never doing it at all.
Given that we can't fit even a shred of basic research while juggling everything else, people need to realize that way lies never doing it at all.
I am objecting to AV because it's too close to what the Chaos Dwarves are doing.
I won't bring that to Belegar. He's already stressed enough.

We either do it ourselves or if we can't find the time not at all.
Enchant Item gives us a +5% bonus to a stat associated with the item. If we enchanted a gas mask with Enchant Item, the only difference would be that we get a +5% bonus to our Toughness, which is as minor as it sounds. If you want conceptual bullshit, Enchant Item is not the spell you want.
It's much cooler in the spell description which refers to the function of the item rather than the stats of the user.
They don't help because dwarfs rarely ask to.

"Help dwarves" is literally their second commandement, right after "obey orders". And even before the whole k8p debacle the lack of fucks the hammerpope gave about helping thevstruggle against the forces of old night was enough to induce a crisis of faith in his own hand-picked zealot agent (Kasmir).

And hammerpope has been actively surpassing that low. His next move was to not offer even a token support when a dwarf king directly asked for it. Instead, he chose to engage in a conflict asinine enough that a lot of Nordlanders and Middenlanders decided "fuck that shit, we're out" and went on a dwarven crusade. They actually pretty quickly found common ground in hating Al-Ulric and Grand Theogonist, despite being on different sides of the internicine conflict. They just hated their leadership more than the enemy.

And now he managed to top even that by complaining that cannons are being sold to dwarfs actively fighting the enemies of mankind rather then to fuel his dick-measuring contest.

You know, I am not even mad. I am impressed.
There is a part of me that was sad that the Grand Theogonist wasn't around for Mandred's birth so that Mathilde could rub what a shitty Sigmarite and general human being he is in his face. Possibly by performing extremely exaggerated and entirely unnecessary maintenance on Branulhune whenever he's nearby.

Belegar uses a human wizard as an assassin, and relies on rangers and humans to retake K8P: Gains trait Radical.
Belegar orders surreptitious assistance to a skaven clan, by focusing on their enemies, in order to prolong a bloody stalemate amongst his enemies: Gains trait Stressed, "what am I even accomplishing?"
Belegar orders the construction of a warpstone-powered anything. Gains trait Skaven in disguise "Clan Eshin is better in sneak-sneak than too-quiet human Mathilde, yes-yes. Many years-time fooled!"
Mathilde: *gasp* Belegaroth! You were behind all this?!
Belegar: Yes-yes, it was I! My-my machinations lay undetected for years, for I am a master of deception!
Also.. whats the cultural oppinion on harlots? If they are like the (ancient) greek, theres no shame in being a working woman.
General cultural attitudes map to medieval/renaissance views rather than ancient greek. Add to that prostitution being associated with the spread of disease and their springing up where vice is prominent.
Great, thank you for the clarification.

@ the thread: My takeaway from that is that we should not feel the Room of Oh Dear necessary if we want to proceed down the powerstone route of the AV tech tree; the most dangerous part of the learning process necessarily happens at college. If we can fit the Room of Oh Dear's construction in, that would be nice, because AV is weird and who knows what will happen, but I think that Gambler should cover it.
Creating powerstones is one thing, experimenting with applying the technique to something OTHER than Ulgu probably still wants Oh Dear.
Bleh, the greed inplicit in not wanting to propose AV because we'd have to share credit and resources with Belegar is kind of grating. Especially as it means realistically we're never going to do more than chip away at it once every 5-6 turns.
Please, its not been a major factor.
You'd have better luck actually addressing the major dispute: That why are we proposing AV usage to Belegar/Kragg when we have none of the significant handling, safety or properties testing, which should be only 1-2 free AP away if we have either Skaven handling option made our job, and the need to manage Qrech the major reason for pushing it back by adding a 2-4 AP investment per turn to get what we can out of him before the intel source expires, one way or another.

As it is, as someone voting for both, this type of argument really sours me on keeping the AV vote
I am objecting to AV because it's too close to what the Chaos Dwarves are doing.
I won't bring that to Belegar. He's already stressed enough.

We either do it ourselves or if we can't find the time not at all.

I disagree with this reasoning, firstly it has very little in common with what the chaos dwarves do except in the fact that it's daemon adjacent and secondly Belegar needs reassurance that his expedition is a net positive for the dwarven race his concern is primarily that the values he believes in run counter to this expedition even being a thing. AV as a project and a benefit to the dwarves wouldn't be a thing at all with out his expedition so this would actually go some way to alleviating his concern, as it'd be an unquestionably good thing that rune smiths have a way to fast charge their ancestor runes.

Please, its not been a major factor.
You'd have better luck actually addressing the major dispute: That why are we proposing AV usage to Belegar/Kragg when we have none of the significant handling, safety or properties testing, which should be only 1-2 free AP away if we have either Skaven handling option made our job, and the need to manage Qrech the major reason for pushing it back by adding a 2-4 AP investment per turn to get what we can out of him before the intel source expires, one way or another.

As it is, as someone voting for both, this type of argument really sours me on keeping the AV vote

With respect it's cropped up multiple times in the thread, I didn't say that every one voting against proposing AV did it for that reason but to deny it's an undercurrent is wrong. Frankly though you do you, if you're soured and don't want to research AV that's your choice just know that realistically if it isn't a project proposed to Belegar we're pretty much never going to have the time to dedicate more than one action to it every 5 turns which is exactly the schedule we're currently running on because you're always going to be fighting other actions like the temple upgrade and needing the coin boost.

So based on the idea that you are proposing we need to wait until we've done 3 more research actions on it before proposing it we're likely a minimum of 15 turns away from doing so.
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mmm if we're discussing steam engines again a reminder we have plenty of dwarf favours.

We could get Zhuffbar to reverse engineer the steam tanks.

Maybe do that as a sorry to Nuln?
I disagree with this reasoning, firstly it has very little in common with what the chaos dwarves do except in the fact that it's daemon adjacent and secondly Belegar needs reassurance that his expedition is a net positive for the dwarven race his concern is primarily that the values he believes in run counter to this expedition even being a thing. AV as a project and a benefit to the dwarves wouldn't be a thing at all with out his expedition so this would actually go some way to alleviating his concern, as it'd be an unquestionably good thing that rune smiths have a way to fast charge their ancestor runes.
This is what BoneyM said in regards to what Kragg will think of AV.
She thinks he likes runes. She thinks he doesn't like demons. She thinks the exact weighting of the two is tricky. Discuss.
As can easily be read, this is a tricky subject to bring up and I do not want to push Belegar further along the edge.
As can easily be read, this is a tricky subject to bring up and I do not want to push Belegar further along the edge.

We know from the social scenes with Belegar that his edge is because he's worried that the entire expedition is essentially a waste of dwarven lives, to counter that you need to provide evidence that taking K8P and the way in which he's doing it is an unquestionable benefit to the dwarves as a whole. AV is one of those ways of doing so because it provides an unquestionable benefit to K8P and the Dwarves as a whole in perpetuity.
We know from the social scenes with Belegar that his edge is because he's worried that the entire expedition is essentially a waste of dwarven lives, to counter that you need to provide evidence that taking K8P and the way in which he's doing it is an unquestionable benefit to the dwarves as a whole. AV is one of those ways of doing so because it provides an unquestionable benefit to K8P and the Dwarves as a whole in perpetuity.
Going further away from tradition is not something dwarves see as a benefit.
Dwarves are very pro tradition and anything trying to change things that have always been done has to prove itself a lot.
Experimental research into Daemons isn't even a Slippery Slope for them, it's jumping off the cliff with a laugh.

Even Mathilde had to argue with herself that the Snek is not aligned with any Chaos God to maybe not come against the articles.
What reason do we have to apologize to Nuln. It was their scouts screwing up that lost them the battle and Kazrik's presence that saved the elector count. Nuln loves K8P right now.
Fair its not exactly our fault, but even then do we need a reason to want to reverse engineer one of the most powerful weapons in the empire's arsenal as well as potentially getting humans a working knowledge of how to steam engines on top of the gun craft improvements Anton diplo'd out of Gottri?
Creating powerstones is one thing, experimenting with applying the technique to something OTHER than Ulgu probably still wants Oh Dear.
I'd say that depends on the minimal amount of AV needed to apply the techniques. The neutral tower is in many ways a downscaled permanently-on oh dear tower, and if the theoretical amount of Dhar produced in a total conversion is not too great to swamp the magic disposal system, the neutral tower should actually be better for it.
mmm if we're discussing steam engines again a reminder we have plenty of dwarf favours.

We could get Zhuffbar to reverse engineer the steam tanks.

Maybe do that as a sorry to Nuln?
Dwarves already have all the necessary know-how to build steam tanks, which puts this sort of suggestion in fuzzy ground. Does it count as sharing dwarven secrets, as they wouldn't actually be reverse engineering or discovering anything (just seeing what humans have already done), and humans don't know how to make this tech? Or would it be fine, as what they'd share would be something humans have shown themselves as capable of building, even if they don't currently have the knowledge to do it again?

Either way, it's a pretty low priority compared to the twenty-odd fires we have to worry about.
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I refuse to feel bad for not wanting to share credit on what will be our greatest magical achievement. If we were receiving genuine assistance, that would be one thing, but to share the credit on a completely unique and earthshattering discovery because they made it easier to fit into our schedule is not good enough. Mathilde has given 110% to her job, considering one of the perks of being such a skilled loremaster is supposed to be 'more time to work on personal projects' I don't think it's selfish to want to keep AV under our control. I mean, it might just be something that could genuinely get the attention of Teclis et. all (at least for ten minutes or so). Easier to do so if it isn't directly tied to the dwarves. Easier to provide the elves samples if Belegar doesn't have grounds to object. If it's not unreasonable for Kragg and other runesmiths to keep their knowledge to themselves, it's not unreasonable to keep AV for our self. I see the whole saga with the snake as something deeply personal to Mathilde, I would like to keep it that way until she writes her book.

We know from the social scenes with Belegar that his edge is because he's worried that the entire expedition is essentially a waste of dwarven lives, to counter that you need to provide evidence that taking K8P and the way in which he's doing it is an unquestionable benefit to the dwarves as a whole. AV is one of those ways of doing so because it provides an unquestionable benefit to K8P and the Dwarves as a whole in perpetuity.
Not really, AV has nothing to do with K8P except that it is ours, and we happen to be at K8P. It's just as easy to say that we could have deployed it years ago if we weren't being kept busy by the reclamation effort.
Oh, and since I haven't actually voted yet:

[X] Plan Present Concerns

No proposing AV research until we at least have the mystical equivalent of a Safety Data Sheet for it.
Dwarves already have all the necessary know-how to build steam tanks, which puts this sort of suggestion in fuzzy ground. Does it count as sharing dwarven secrets, as they wouldn't actually be reverse engineering or discovering anything (just seeing what humans have already done), and humans don't know how to make this tech? Or would it be fine, as what they'd share would be something humans have shown themselves as capable of building, even if they don't currently have the knowledge to do it again?

Either way, it's a pretty low priority compared to the twenty-odd fires we have to worry about.
No idea, all I know is that it'd take 10 favors for the Grand Master of Zhufbar's engineering guild to have a crack at it, which strikes me as a rather cheap cost for potentially getting something the Nuln folks have been hitting their head on for generations. Steam tanks and the steam engines are worth it. Seems to me that we just have to pay the favors (which we have) and let it happen as it will.
I am objecting to AV because it's too close to what the Chaos Dwarves are doing.
I won't bring that to Belegar. He's already stressed enough.

We either do it ourselves or if we can't find the time not at all.
I'm just going by stuff I heard, but wasn't daemon blood alongside dragon fire already used in some of the dwarves' lost runework?
... why don't dwarves actually use steam tanks?

Usually it would be the unproven technology part, but our Military advisor is a ranger, our engineer is a radical and our king is pragmatic.

Trying 'newfangled' things like explosive shrapnel to control chokepoints has come up just one turn ago, along with the fact that it's not tactically mobile.

Why not float the idea of a steam tank to Gotri?

Depending on the state of the underway (i.e. is the ground level?), having a couple of armored hulls forming mobile chokepoints would probably do pretty well...

And with the new technology having been proven successful in battle, it's something that could be sent over to the rest of the dwarfs as a 'contribution' to Karaz Ankor's tech base.
... why don't dwarves actually use steam tanks?

Usually it would be the unproven technology part, but our Military advisor is a ranger, our engineer is a radical and our king is pragmatic.

Trying 'newfangled' things like explosive shrapnel to control chokepoints has come up just one turn ago, along with the fact that it's not tactically mobile.

Why not float the idea of a steam tank to Gotri?

Depending on the state of the underway (i.e. is the ground level?), having a couple of armored hulls forming mobile chokepoints would probably do pretty well...

And with the new technology having been proven successful in battle, it's something that could be sent over to the rest of the dwarfs as a 'contribution' to Karaz Ankor's tech base.
Why work on a steam tank when the Gyrocopter does the same thing but better?
No proposing AV research until we at least have the mystical equivalent of a Safety Data Sheet for it.
That's for spending favors to get Kragg to look at it at rates where we still get all the credit. Suggesting AV for research means we get to actually put actions into it, including creating a safety sheet to determine its storage and handling properties.
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