Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
okay, since there really nothing important going on

i say Krak and the Amber to see what the Axe and Egg are
Anyway, for social actions this turn I definitely want Kragg and Gunnar. Gunnar's still an interesting mystery, and Kragg is... Kragg. Other than that, I don't have any strong preference yet.
[X] The Amber College, to see how your donation of Lustrian eggs is going.
[X] Investigate the aftermath of the Empire's campaigns against the Skaven in Nuln and Ubersreik.
[X] Investigate the aftermath of Bretonnia's campaigns against the Skaven in Mousillon and the Black Chasm.
[X] Kragg, who's begun to be seen around the Karak once more, indicating he might be finishing his study of the rune-axe you and Johann found.

let see the aftermath and what the fuck the stuff we bough/brought in are doing or what even are they
One hour moratorium.
You're also able to wrap up some unfinished business from Illusion, finishing off what the lessons you took a year ago started without any trouble, but you're not sure you're able to say the same for Universal Confusion. Though you're quickly able to successfully cast the spell, you're not immediately able to keep the spell from immediately being drawn back to you until it becomes dense enough to collapse into a cloud of bewildering fog. It takes a fair bit of work to finally manifest the spell as it should be, and then a little more to study the interesting possibilities of the spell as it has entwined itself with your latest Arcane Mark.
This makes it sound like Mathilde has a choice in how she casts universal confusion. It sounds like she can cast it as normal or as her mastery. Is this the case?
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[] Francesco Caravello, proud leader of the Undumgi and possible future Thane.
[] Soizic, newly elevated to military leader of the Undumgi.
Vetting the Undumgi. We really haven't spent much time getting to know them.
[] Kragg, who's begun to be seen around the Karak once more, indicating he might be finishing his study of the rune-axe you and Johann found.
Hopefully, we find out what was up with the rune-axe.
[] Barak Varr, to watch the progress of the canal.
We're traveling to the college anyway, it would be nice to get an update on how things are progressing.
[] The Amber College, to see how your donation of Lustrian eggs is going.
It has been a while, there is a good chance of there being something to report.
[] Yes, have one social interaction be initiated by someone other than Mathilde.
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[X] Francesco Caravello, proud leader of the Undumgi and possible future Thane.
[X] Soizic, newly elevated to military leader of the Undumgi.
[X] Kragg, who's begun to be seen around the Karak once more, indicating he might be finishing his study of the rune-axe you and Johann found.
[X] Barak Varr, to watch the progress of the canal.
[X] The Amber College, to see how your donation of Lustrian eggs is going.
[X] Yes, have one social interaction be initiated by someone other than Mathilde.
1 hour moratorium
Though your previous experience with canines are limited to working dogs and whatever it is that Wolf is, your need for one that will be content sharing even a roomy cell with their companion leads you further afield to the lap-dogs of the nobility. After some thought you bypass the currently-in-vogue Bretonnian Phalène in favour of the less energetic Spaniel Gentle, an offshoot of fowling Spaniels more comfortable with dozing with their owner than diving into a lake to fetch a shot duck. The books can be introduced the customary way accompanying Qrach's meals, but introducing a puppy the same way is likely to result in a fat puppy and no meal, so you do so in person instead.

Though he seems thankful but relatively unmoved, when you leave the cell and the newly-supplied curtain swings back into place, your observations reveal a different side of the Skaven, as he chatters in Queekish to it while bribing it with food he'd stashed away in his bed-nest to overcome its wariness towards an oversized bipedal rat. Puppy appetite trumps concern, and soon enough Qrech's claws are gently scratching the spaniel behind its ears and it's quickly won over. You make a mental note to install a flap when Qrech is next asleep so that Wolf can take the pup for a walk every few days, and trickle your stash of stolen Clan Mors correspondence in over the coming weeks. Sure enough, Qrech's plates (now licked clean by the spaniel) are soon accompanied by translations, and you subject them to careful examination, first to ensure they're consistent and then to extract any useful information they might contain.
Awww, that's adorable.
[Building a lexicon: Learning, 89+26+9(Library: Linguistics)+5(Strategy - Skaven)=129]

Clan Mors, more than just about any other Skaven clan, focuses on the fundamentals of warfare rather than a niche speciality, and it shows. The reports flowing between the Skaven leadership and the outposts are detailed and varied, and the beginnings of a lexicon starts to come together, and as he reaches the end of what you've got to pass on to him, you've developed an understanding of basic sentence structure and developed a rather broad dictionary of Queekish military terminology. It's not an entire language, but it's undeniably useful - not just to any future intelligence operations against the Skaven, but also for Max and his long slog through the anatomy textbook.
Excellent! I think I'd rather hold out for the full language than just write a paper here, though.
You're also able to wrap up some unfinished business from Illusion, finishing off what the lessons you took a year ago started without any trouble, but you're not sure you're able to say the same for Universal Confusion. Though you're quickly able to successfully cast the spell, you're not immediately able to keep the spell from immediately being drawn back to you until it becomes dense enough to collapse into a cloud of bewildering fog. It takes a fair bit of work to finally manifest the spell as it should be, and then a little more to study the interesting possibilities of the spell as it has entwined itself with your latest Arcane Mark.

[Mastery acquired: Universal Confusion]
Oh good, the Mastery is optional - it opens interesting possibilities, but it would have sucked to be locked out of casting it near allies entirely.
PRE-POST EDIT: :ninja:'d here.
[Altered result: 57+26+10(Partial Waaaghbane)+4(Library: Waaagh Magic)+5(Max interrupt)=102.]
[Delivery: Diplomacy, 89+10+9(Library: Greenskins)=108.]
[Waaagh and Peace: Efficient Solutions to Greenskin Magic, 2481. Subject: Uncommon, +0. Insight: Shattering, +3. Delivery: Compelling, +1. Thorough, +1. Tactically Groundbreaking, +3. Alien, +1. Total: +9.]
Max, you beauty! I'm looking forward to the next time we see Regimand and see his reaction.
So to my mind Kazrik and Belegar are a must. Kazrik because he's an apprentice runesmith and we should be trying to make ties with some one that's more easily able to be influenced into collaborating with us potentially for free and also because he's interesting in general. Belegar because I want us to take have a greater narrative understanding of his situation which will help with knowing what projects to suggest the next turn.

After that I'm interested in getting to know Gunnars better.
[ ] Anton, to see how his firearm factory is going.
[ ] Check in on your fief in Stirland.
[ ] Prince Gotri, who is enhancing the underground defences of the Karak.
[ ] Kragg, who's begun to be seen around the Karak once more, indicating he might be finishing his study of the rune-axe you and Johann found.
[ ] Yes, have one social interaction be initiated by someone other than Mathilde.

this would be my choice.
It's been a long while since Mathilde has been to her own fief. I'd like to see what's been done there.
Thus concludes the work Mathilde performed these past months, but not every waking moment was filled with work. With whom did she spend her free time, this past year? The five with the most votes will be chosen, not counting those locked in.

[+] The Wizards of Karak Eight Peaks (locked in)
[+} EIC Results (locked in; does not cost an action)
[ ] King Belegar, as he arranges for Clan Ironspike to rejoin their ancestral home from Karak Hirn.
[ ] Princess Edda, as she oversees the reopening of a long-dormant silver mine north of Death Pass.
[ ] Prince Kazrik, as he builds on his relationship with Nuln.

I want to see Edda in her element. How dangerous is such a mine, anyway?
And how is a Dwarf handling having to buy cannons from humans? Are the humans super smug about it?
And of course, more Belegar. I want to see how he's doing when he's getting good work done and not moping over some slayer. Is he constantly depressed, or simply regularly depressed?

[ ] Gretel, who's apparently spending her newly-earned wealth to make herself at home.
I want to know what an Amethyst wizard does with an enormous pile of cash.

[ ] Francesco Caravello, proud leader of the Undumgi and possible future Thane.
[ ] Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart, as the new home of the Winter Wolves takes shape.

These are important local leaders. What are they like? What are they up to?

[ ] The Amber College, to see how your donation of Lustrian eggs is going.

I want to know what's in those eggs!

[ ] Investigate the aftermath of the Empire's campaigns against the Skaven in Nuln and Ubersreik.
[ ] Investigate the aftermath of Bretonnia's campaigns against the Skaven in Mousillon and the Black Chasm.

It's nice to know if we've caused horrible defeats or great victories.

[ ] Kragg, who's begun to be seen around the Karak once more, indicating he might be finishing his study of the rune-axe you and Johann found.
I want to see Kragg again! He's the best!

[ ] Check in on the Gong Farmers and the Niter Factory.

Forget the fief, I want to know how they're doing. And how are they sending us our money?
I remember them being very proud of being part of the Watch. How are they handling suddenly belonging to an absentee boss?

[ ] Prince Gotri, who is enhancing the underground defences of the Karak.
[ ] Gunnars, to see if you can pierce his terse nature.
[ ] Titus Muggins, who's returned to farming with every avenue of attack defended.

[ ] Elder Hluodwica, as the Halflings prepare for their first proper harvest festival in this new home.
[ ] Oswald Oswaldson, newly-minted Chief Bombardier of the Undumgi.
[ ] Soizic, newly elevated to military leader of the Undumgi.
[ ] Barak Varr, to watch the progress of the canal.
[ ] Karak Hirn, to satisfy your curiousity about Prince Ulthar.
[ ] Roswita, as she campaigns through Hunger Wood.
[ ] Kasmir, to see how he's keeping himself busy in Sylvania.
[ ] Anton, to see how his firearm factory is going.
[ ] Wilhelmina, to see how she's going when she's not a terrifying financial juggernaut.

None of these choices seem especially interesting, new or urgent.

Additionally, would the thread choose to sacrifice one social action each turn to be replaced with someone else initiating an extended interaction with Mathilde? This will reduce the thread's control over her free time, but will grant some agency to other characters.

[ ] Yes, have one social interaction be initiated by someone other than Mathilde.

Clearly the best option. It's fun! It's a mystery box! It's an opportunity for BoneyM to have more fun writing!
[X] Francesco Caravello, proud leader of the Undumgi and possible future Thane.
[X] Oswald Oswaldson, newly-minted Chief Bombardier of the Undumgi.
[X] Soizic, newly elevated to military leader of the Undumgi.
[X] Sir Ruprecht Wulfhart, as the new home of the Winter Wolves takes shape.

[X] Yes, have one social interaction be initiated by someone other than Mathilde.

These, plus the EIC action, makes it a human turn! I'll keep the last one free for any interesting stuff, perhaps Kragg?
Approval votes:
[X] Prince Kazrik, as he builds on his relationship with Nuln.
[X] Max, during the few breaks in the silence as the two of you worked on Queekish in the Room of Serenity.
[X] Julia, See what she has gotten up to as Stirland's most experienced spy master.
[X] Investigate the aftermath of the Empire's campaigns against the Skaven in Nuln and Ubersreik.
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I think Caravello is a great pic this turn, given that Undumgi are rausing in status and becoming a clan.

I also really want to see how the war against Skaven is going in Nuln.
Question about the "papers to be written" spoiler, is the one on Waaagh energy supposed to be there, or is it the paper we just wrote and should be removed?

Waaagh energy and magic witnessed during the Expedition. (FADING)

Or did we write a paper on counterspelling Orc magic, which is different from just observations of Orc energies?

Also: Max is the MVP of this paper! Thanks, Max.

Max and Mathilde trying to crack Queekish as Max tries to translate the book, and Mathilde keeps bringing him more translated papers to try and help, and the two of them discussing Queekish -- that might be an interesting Social Action to add.
[X] Elder Hluodwica, as the Halflings prepare for their first proper harvest festival in this new home.
[X] Francesco Caravello, proud leader of the Undumgi and possible future Thane.
[X] The Amber College, to see how your donation of Lustrian eggs is going.
[X] Check in on the Gong Farmers and the Niter Factory.
[X] Check in on your fief in Stirland.
Voting is open