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Brutal. You are fighting in your awesome dragon body, burning enemies left and right while they can only scratch you, they flee, you roar in victory. Then your transformation ends and it turns out that those dragon-sized scratches are wizard-sized mortal wounds. I imagine there was a number of battle wizards who died from this effect without even realizing what killed them - 3 wounds out of Chimera's 10 or Dragon's 8 may be masked by the adrenaline, but 3 out of wizard lord's 3 is quite different matter.
This. Meeting high elves is the way to practical information of multi-wind interaction, divine magic and studies on the warp. No other race we have close to easy access to has all of that information.
You missed my point: If we turn him over to the High Elves, the Empire and Dwarves will not learn what the Dark Elf knows. Us getting to meet some High Elves for new reading material isn't worth the human and dwarf lives that would be lost to Ulthuan's reclusive foreign policy.
I was wondering did clan mors manage to capture clans moulders, breeders, because if so that means clans mors can keep up this war of attrition a lot longer than otherwise possible.

also, that is one of the best ways to fight a war against the skaven for someone with our abilities, sneak in an kill all the females before the wars starts and suddenly the endless waves of skaven throwing themselves at you are not so endless anymore.
in fact, that will be a good strategy once the ninja rats are destroyed, clan mors find out all their breeders are dead, so they throw everything at clan Skryre to take their breeders to replenish their numbers only to find out all of them somehow dead in the fighting. surprise!, oh and there is a dwarf army upstairs that "love" to meet the neighbors.
You missed my point: If we turn him over to the High Elves, the Empire and Dwarves will not learn what the Dark Elf knows. Us getting to meet some High Elves for new reading material isn't worth the human and dwarf lives that would be lost to Ulthuan's reclusive foreign policy.

He was a corsair off the coast of Lustria as far as we know, the odds of him knowing anything relevant to the dwarfs are remote IMO. There is a fair point about interrogating him to find out what he was doing in K8P, but we have action crunch
OK then, guys I think 10-15 favor is a good investment to make sure we can keep our prisoners safe while we mine all the secrets out of their skulls. I'm particularly woried about Eshin kiling Igor before he can teach us Queenish.

That sounds way too much. How is Eshin even going to find out that we have a captive Warlord, especially in the next couple of turns?

Also, if Eshin assassins can penetrate so easily and that deeply in dwarf-part of K8P, there is a dozen of better targets for them, who are a lot more valuable and difficult to replace.
You missed my point: If we turn him over to the High Elves, the Empire and Dwarves will not learn what the Dark Elf knows. Us getting to meet some High Elves for new reading material isn't worth the human and dwarf lives that would be lost to Ulthuan's reclusive foreign policy.

We ask nicely when handing the dark elf over to share any and all information they get that does note compromise the intrests of the High Elves then, as part of the deal. *shrugs*

Edit: I think 5-10 favours on security and a separate dungeon would be useful imo.
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Hmm... on the elf what would be the possible downsides of interrogating him now and sending him off next turn other than having to spend an AP on it?

Because it seems like a straightforward way of getting info for K8P and the College and then getting Elf favour.
[ ] PROJECT: Aethyric Vitae
You're reasonably confident that the magical energies Aethyric Vitae can be made to release could fuel powerful runecraft.
[ ] PROJECT: Queekish
Being able to translate Queekish would be a boon for not just the Dwarves, but for all enemies of the Skaven.
[ ] PROJECT: Moulder Mysteries
Though they've been wiped from Eight Peaks, whatever it was Moulder was up to is certainly worrying. Chaos Dwarf anatomy? Druchii involvement? Perhaps this merits intensive investigation.
[ ] PROJECT: Burning Shadows
Weaponizing Karag Nar's shadow could add significantly to the security of the East Gate and the Citadel.
[ ] PROJECT: Undumgi
It's definitely not under the Court Wizard's umbrella, but Princess Edda is leaving money on the table by not involving herself in the Undumgi. A temporary intercession by yourself could set them up so they'd be able to function independently.
[ ] PROJECT: Cartographer
Your maps have made significant differences to several battles now. You could map the entirety of Karak Eight Peaks, and enchant a map room so that it would forever display your findings, and could be updated as needed.
[ ] PROJECT: Kvinn-Wyr
Kvinn-Wyr is a strategic boon, but it still needs to be retaken at some point. Perhaps a magical approach is the way to do so.
Though throwing different teachers at them until one sticks isn't the worst approach, perhaps you should give the matter your full and personal attention and get it done.
[ ] PROJECT: Defence
Though Clan Mors is unlikely to attack, Skaven are never entirely predictable and they might not remain your neighbours on all fronts. Magic might be able to amplify the underground defences, both your own and that of other Colleges.
[Q] PROJECT: Get more actions
Apply pictures to Boney in the hopes he breaks.

Its 40K, sue me.
Added this and +4 favour:

You receive a few back-pats yourself, though all for the one semi-competent Warboss you slew in front of everyone and none for all the much more dangerous ones that died without an appreciative audience.
Hmm... on the elf what would be the possible downsides of interrogating him now and sending him off next turn other than having to spend an AP on it?
Well, the AP is a big one. The other is the problem with actually interrogating the elf and keeping him in our custody. He's a dark elf who aren't the easiest to torture. If he has information worth having, he's likely trained to resist interrogation.

He might also escape. Far easier than the skaven. Elves are considered dangerous for a reason.
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I actually think the public dungeon would be a good idea in its self

Someone said something about a multicultural experiment is a privilege not a right. But part of a multicultural experiment is working with the needs of all groups.

Realistically, human crime will happen, and many humans will not follow the dwarf way of dealing with it in 'clan' at least not in the first generation, not to mention the foreign visitors.

It will be better to have it, to stick someone in for a few days as punishment or whatever. Then to need it and not have it.
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You missed my point: If we turn him over to the High Elves, the Empire and Dwarves will not learn what the Dark Elf knows. Us getting to meet some High Elves for new reading material isn't worth the human and dwarf lives that would be lost to Ulthuan's reclusive foreign policy.

Ulthuan's reclusive foreign policy? That's something that simply doesn't exist. Ulthuan under Finubar the Seafarer has the most outwards reaching foreign policy of any nation in the world. It acts as the world police, actively intervening in trouble spots all over the globe, and its merchants trade with every one of the forces of order save the dwarves, gathering information and strengthening their allies as they go. The elves are the fantasy British Empire, as seen by the British.

Their entire strategy is to work with the other forces of order to fight the forces of destruction.

The elves have every reason to tell the Empire and Mathilde as a backchannel to the dwarves everything that's relevant for them to know, as every man or dwarf that dies fighting the enemy is an elf that doesn't, and they value high elven lives very highly.
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