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Ya know while it's probably not going to getting up on their I actually think that a combo of our Shadows/Darkness focus with Dwarven defensive skills could produce some pretty darn impressive means for underground defensive fighting, especially considering the Skaven attempt underground assults more than above ground ones to my knowledge.
From an action cost perspective, how would interrogating the prisoners work? Half an action each, a full action each, or would it depend on what we're asking about?

I've never felt that the Aethyric Vitae was that useful in and of itself: it's an extremely limited resource, so even if we discover something we can do with it, we'd be using it to boost the work of a single expert.

I always saw snek juice as a stepping stone to messing with the immaterium (Theurgy and other stuff), we learn to manipulate warp stuff with ulgu, and then we can reach into the warp and do the same. "Losing" some credit is not that bad really, if it means we get to focus on it, and get some assistance from Kragg or Thorek.

Also finding one use for it doesn't necessarily prevent us from finding another use for it.
I argue that since our last project hasn't been finished yet aka spooderfrens education we shouldn't really add Undumgi to our pile yet
honestly feel like we shouldn't put anything up and just focus on the spider

Belegar is stress and i rather not even so much as breath near him right now on the off chance that he mentally break and explode from being way too radical
From an action cost perspective, how would interrogating the prisoners work? Half an action each, a full action each, or would it depend on what we're asking about?

I've never felt that the Aethyric Vitae was that useful in and of itself: it's an extremely limited resource, so even if we discover something we can do with it, we'd be using it to boost the work of a single expert.

I always saw snek juice as a stepping stone to messing with the immaterium (Theurgy and other stuff), we learn to manipulate warp stuff with ulgu, and then we can reach into the warp and do the same. "Losing" some credit is not that bad really, if it means we get to focus on it, and get some assistance from Kragg or Thorek.

Also finding one use for it doesn't necessarily prevent us from finding another use for it.
The problem is that if we use present it as something for use for K8P, we are now obligated to give up at least a certain amount of snekblood for dwarven use. I'm happy to give some blood for use by Runesmiths but I'd rather retain the right to refuse without getting a reputation hit.
provisional plan
[ ] ELF: Extradite him to Ulthuan.
Get the elf favor

Has any reason been given to extradite the elf to Ulthuan other than elf favor? This guy isn't likely to be worth it compared to the sort of things that earn dwarf favor, and even if he is worth anything, by the time we accumulate enough elf favor to do any of the stuff people want with elf favor (specialized studies in places humans are explicitly forbidden from being in) we'll have either figured it out independently or found something more interesting.
Has any reason been given to extradite the elf to Ulthuan other than elf favor? This guy isn't likely to be worth it compared to the sort of things that earn dwarf favor, and even if he is worth anything, by the time we accumulate enough elf favor to do any of the stuff people want with elf favor (specialized studies in places humans are explicitly forbidden from being in) we'll have either figured it out independently or found something more interesting.

Books are pretty cheap favor wise and elven books are the best bar none when it comes to colored magic.
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The problem is that if we use present it as something for use for K8P, we are now obligated to give up at least a certain amount of snekblood for dwarven use. I'm happy to give some blood for use by Runesmiths but I'd rather retain the right to refuse without getting a reputation hit.

We just need enough to experiment with, we're not making a huge pile of it to sleep on.

[edit] It was always going to be an extremely limited resource, finding uses for it would block off other possibilities, that's why I feel that using is as a stepping stone to other stuff is the better option.

[edit the second] Bringing up our collective phobia of reputation hits is actually a pretty dirty debating tactic when we don't know for sure we'd take a reputation hit, the dwarves still know it's our stuff. I doubt Belegar would ask for all our snek-juice forever, he knows it's valuable.
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Has any reason been given to extradite the elf to Ulthuan other than elf favor? This guy isn't likely to be worth it compared to the sort of things that earn dwarf favor, and even if he is worth anything, by the time we accumulate enough elf favor to do any of the stuff people want with elf favor (specialized studies in places humans are explicitly forbidden from being in) we'll have either figured it out independently or found something more interesting.
We already know that we can buy elven books with gold. The favor isn't what we want. We want a way to make a connection with Ulthuan or open a dialogue.
Foot in the door principle. Once we have connections it's much easier to build on them if have something specific to look for and get from the Elves.
Books are pretty cheap favor wise and elven books are the best bar none when it comes to colored magic.
As Quest points out, we can get that with gold.
We already know that we can buy elven books with gold. The favor isn't what we want. We want a way to make a connection with Ulthuan or open a dialogue.
Foot in the door principle. Once we have connections it's much easier to build on them if have something specific to look for and get from the Elves.
Asarnil's Memoirs do that.
I don´t know why people wants to have our prisoners in the makeshift cells instead of any of the other two actions.
[ ] CELLS: Use your authority to get the most skilled Dwarven stoneworkers working on a dungeon just for you.
This will excavate two rooms under your quarters and convert one into a prison at no cost to yourself, but Eight Peaks will need to see some benefit from at least one of these prisoners, or your reputation will suffer.
We are going to learn Queekish from the rat, so K8P is going to get a boon and our reputation won´t suffer, plus a Dungeon is a great thing to have in any Grey Order tower...
[ ] CELLS: Talk to Princess Edda about building a proper dungeon in Karag Nar.
As well as holding captured enemies, this could be useful in the future as human populations increase and crime starts to be a concern. She may call on you to return the favour at some point in the future.
And this is something that we want to build because eventually K8P will need it, so it may be a good idea to do it now...
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We just need enough to experiment with, we're not making a huge pile of it to sleep on.
And I'm sure you're an expert in the Vitae yes? You have absolutely certainly ruled out the idea that it might be useful for something other than dwarven runes?

We won't want to give it the colleges who will WOG send us requests after we publish? We won't want to use for our own enchanting once we understand more of it? We won't need it for Theurgy given it might change into more divine energy when exposed to a little divine energy?

This is an incredibly short-sighted suggestion.
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Well, the first cracks are starting to show in the internal structure of Karak-Eight-Peaks. There will always be these troughs and I hope that Karak-Eight-Peaks can learn to deal with them.

Also, I have hope that King Belegar will find some way to relieve the stress piling upon him.
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[ ] PROJECT: Queekish
Being able to translate Queekish would be a boon for not just the Dwarves, but for all enemies of the Skaven.

[ ] PROJECT: Moulder Mysteries
Though they've been wiped from Eight Peaks, whatever it was Moulder was up to is certainly worrying. Chaos Dwarf anatomy? Druchii involvement? Perhaps this merits intensive investigation.

These are the two that I personally think we should focus our efforts on in the coming rounds.
Primarily Queekish, then Moulder Mysteries. Perhaps we could send someone down there to seal off the room for when we have time to investigate it proper.
I am trying to think of how I want to say this.

Friends and family, close interpersonal connection.

These are also necessary for dwarves psychology. They function better as a group?

Who is Belegars friends/family?

We haven't seen them, I imagine...

It's entirely posibile that we have seen Belegar's close friends all one of her and her name is Mathilde Weber. The life of an exiled dwarvish king is a rather lonely one, many people looking up (or down) at you, few on the same level.
We can do that by getting contacts in Marienburg though.
I don't want to make contacts with people who have contacts with Ulthuan. I want to make contacts with Ulthuan. No middleman. No one with divided loyalties out to make a profit.
Asarnil's Memoirs do that.
Can you point to the post that shows the apparently large amount of connections that the exiled elf Asarnil's banned memoirs has gotten us in Ulthuan?
From an action cost perspective, how would interrogating the prisoners work? Half an action each, a full action each, or would it depend on what we're asking about?

Full action each.

It's entirely posibile that we have seen Belegar's close friends all one of her and her name is Mathilde Weber. The life of an exiled dwarvish king is a rather lonely one, many people looking up (or down) at you, few on the same level.

I invite people to go back to the update where the Ulrikadrin messenger reached Karak Azul, and see how Kazador's attitude changed when he learned Belegar had a Kingdom to go with his title once more.
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