Gnnrgh, I just realized that learning Queekish would mean that in the future, we'd also be raiding the Skaven's library books.
Meaning, our Library would expand to have Skaven books, too. Not just Imperial and Dwarf, but Skaven. We could be seeing +1s and +2s start showing up in more categories. Or perhaps an ability to build up 'Obscure' books on Skaven, due to having Skaven material.
We're gonna want to translate those, of course. If for no other reason than because we'd be the only person around who could read Queekish, and this would be completely heretofore unknown data. So we'd want to be able to make that useable for our fellows, too. (And also, having books in Imperial rather than Queekish -- or at least, like, Imperial but encoded by a Grey Order encryption -- would be easier to reference and use.) But we'd end up with possibly the only known human library that has material and data from Skaven, too. ... ... We'd probably want to keep the Skaven books just a wee bit more secure though. Both the translated and originals.
But yeah. The Colleges are really going to want some of that.
Speaking of book purchases though... How would people feel about shelling out for an Esoteric book on Sevir or Aethyr? Since if we're doing materials research into stuff like that, it might be neat.
More relevantly though, I have a suggestion; more Bretonnian books. Especially on magic, and divine magic.
Divine Magic, Aethyr, Sevir definitely. The Lady herself, if possible.
Skaven Magic and Waagh Magic if possible. Maybe Skaven in general, too.
Especially the Divine Magic and magic in general, though. We talk about theurgy and stuff a lot, right? Well, what better (closeby) source than Bretonnian Damsels? So buy books on gods and magic and the Lady, if possible.
In fact, it might be worth it to double up on Winds we already have... and get Bretonnian books on Ghyran, Ghur, and Azyr -- because those are the three Lores that we most associate with Damsels. Mmmaybe ask around if there are any Bretonnian books oh Qhaysh as well. If nothing else, if they exist, they might tell us if the Fay Enchantress knows anything about that.
But potentially books on High Elves, too. The Bretonnians built their kingdom all over Elf ruins, right? They might have material on Ulthuan that the Empire might lack. (Admittedly, probably more books on Ancient Ulthuan Architecture, but... Might be something, yeah?) They've also lived right next to Athel Loren of course, but I don't know if we'd care to get books on the Asrai.
In fact, get Imperial books on Ulthuan, too. We currently only have Dwarf books on Ulthuan. And we're about to deal with Ulthuan the coming turn, right? We probably don't want to have just Dwarf books on Elves. Maybe even the Druchii, too, but Ulthuan is definitely the priority/need here.
Are there books on Diplomacy? Or would that fall under culture/nation books in "Civilized Realms"? Would books on negotiation or courtesy or whatever, help with talking to some cultures or people? By which I mean; what even are the relevant topics here? Am I asking for the right thing or what?
(Bringing up our poor Diplomacy itself is somewhere on my wishlist, it's just... AP hell.)
So meanwhile, I'd like to take Mathilde's tendency to prepare for conversations, and grab books on Ulthuan and Diplomacy. So that we'll be more prepared for stuff.