Yeah, but we can afford to spend at this pace for ~5-6 more turns. I'm inclined to invest heavily in ensuring we reap maximum value from our good gacha luck; we're going to feel pretty dumb if we botch the rolls on the cool stuff we acquired.Our fortress is also a bit of a moneysink, which will be doubly so as we start digging down--it's clear now that we're going to need to build a brig for interrogations for instance.
...Assuming the rest are still considered real possibilities at some point in time and not subject to a nebulous state never having existed what in the holy hell is Moulder up to?SLAVES
Skaven - obedient
Skaven - wheedling
Skaven - grateful
Skaven - Reikspiel
Skaven - Khazalid
Skaven - Mors
Grey Seer (test subject)
Mors Breeder
Chaos Dwarves
Humans (Empire)
Humans (Tilea)
Humans (BP)
Pacified Orc Shaman
Elf (Dark)
Elf (Wood)
Elf (Snob)
Ogre (tribal)
Ogre (travelled)
It's the powerbase of one of the stronger Skaven clans, when you think about it. Even with the billion-way Skaven-off in the tunnels, all their cool stuff is likely to still be around here, somewhere, if it hasn't already been stolen by somebody else....Assuming the rest are still considered real possibilities at some point in time and not subject to a nebulous state never having existed what in the holy hell is Moulder up to?
Skink and lizardmen slaves? In 8 peaks?
Rare/very are costs 1 favour and extremely rare costs 2 favour, so it's 1 favour for +1/+2 and 2 favours for +3. (Difference in cost between +1 and +2 is gc, not favour.)Esoteric Dwarf for 150gc, 4 DF to gain +3; if we want to spend less, drop 50gc/2 Favour to go to +2, and drop 50gc/1 Favour additional to go to +1.
We're studying a thing that can turn into the eight winds. The intricacies of one of those winds don't actually matter to its study, only the winds as a whole, which would be Sevir.We are studying a thing made up of eight winds and only have books for seven.
Psychology/interrogation books so we can question the dark elf and skaven better.I will update this post as needed if people start seriously floating other subjects.
My understanding of Boney's QM style is that he lets the dice decide what shows up, and then fills in the worldbuilding gaps afterwards, as opposed to populating the dice possibility table based on pre-existing worldbuilding....Assuming the rest are still considered real possibilities at some point in time and not subject to a nebulous state never having existed what in the holy hell is Moulder up to?
Skink and lizardmen slaves? In 8 peaks?
Are you sure about that? I thought it was stacking, so 1 favour obscure, 2 favour antiquarian, and 4 favour esoteric. I tried to search a QM comment, but only found people talking about it as though it were the latter.Rare/very are costs 1 favour and extremely rare costs 2 favour, so it's 1 favour for +1/+2 and 2 favours for +3. (Difference in cost between +1 and +2 is gc, not favour.)
I don't think that would work? My understanding is that that would help us improve our skill in interrogation, but I don't think just having them around would help us interrogate subjects better. @BoneyM, if you have bandwidth, would you weigh in?Psychology/interrogation books so we can question the dark elf and skaven better.
Are you sure about that? I thought it was stacking, so 1 favour obscure, 2 favour antiquarian, and 4 favour esoteric. I tried to search a QM comment, but only found people talking about it as though it were the latter.
Look at the bottom of dwarf favour information.Are you sure about that? I thought it was stacking, so 1 favour obscure, 2 favour antiquarian, and 4 favour esoteric. I tried to search a QM comment, but only found people talking about it as though it were the latter.
Oh, also anatomy. Anatomy would help in interrogation.I don't think that would work? My understanding is that that would help us improve our skill in interrogation, but I don't think just having them around would help us interrogate subjects better. @BoneyM, if you have bandwidth, would you weigh in?
We are the expert confession extractor.Do we have a *ehem expert confesional extractors * on hand that we can use to interogate him? Lets be profesional if we have to do a dirty deed.
Interrogator: You've seen what men are made of, and you've seen them unmade. +2 Intrigue, +1 Martial, -1 Diplomacy.
I just managed to find a QM comment confirming it directly. It is in fact cumulative.Rare/very are costs 1 favour and extremely rare costs 2 favour, so it's 1 favour for +1/+2 and 2 favours for +3. (Difference in cost between +1 and +2 is gc, not favour.)
Plan redshirtgoes with an interpretation that favor-based book purchases are cumulative: 1 for obscure, 1 more to upgrade to antiquarian fora total of 2, and 2 more to upgrade to esoteric, for total of 4.
Plan anchor the foundations on the other hand seems to interpret the '+1/+1/+2' favor cost for rarity as the total cost, as opposed to it being cumulative
@BoneyM which way do the favor costs add up?
...Assuming the rest are still considered real possibilities at some point in time and not subject to a nebulous state never having existed what in the holy hell is Moulder up to?
Skink and lizardmen slaves? In 8 peaks?
@BoneyM: Assume we've learned and published a book on queekish. But the thing with languages is that they can't really be learned from a book, so to spread the knowledge of Queekish we would need to send someone capable of speaking Queekish. If we still had need of Sir Squeeksalot, would there be a reduced cost to hiring a college mage to learn Queekish with the understanding that they could become a teacher of Queekish at the Grey College, and earn College Favor from that?
Are you sure about that? I thought it was stacking, so 1 favour obscure, 2 favour antiquarian, and 4 favour esoteric. I tried to search a QM comment, but only found people talking about it as though it were the latter.
Right, yes, that is what I meant and how I added it up in the library masterpost. But it's late and I haven't slept much this week and I'm bad at words.Cumulative, not stacking. Getting to Esoteric costs 4 total, not 4 just for Antiquarian to Esoteric.
If any financial purchase is that important we can convert Dwarf Favour to cash. Johann confirmed that there's no problem with doing that, unlike with non-dwarfs.Will be an awkward position if we have an important financial purchase and we can't do it because we blew our fortune on +4 roll bonuses.
For all we know this might be a smart and active rat, who likes to work out, with healty living and avoids warpstone. He might have learned dwarven on his own.We'll probably catch more with honey than vinegar anyway
Skaven are rarely loyal creatures, and this one has a lot of reason to care little for how others of his kind fare
Lock him in a reasonably spacious cage, offer to merely feed him reasonably well with further comforts up for consideration if he proves cooperative and we might very well hear a rat sing
Torture and violence as an opener gets you nothing but a frightened/defiant rat, save that for punitive measures for if we discover treachery or misinformation
Be more convincing if we pretended to be Asarnil ready to deliver a supreme ass wooping.So crazy idea: what if we use the Deceiver coin for interrogating the druchii?
Doppelganger + dulled senses from Ulgu + prepared lie: "I'm totally a fellow druchii who rescued you, what happened?"
I doubt there's any appetite for the action expense, just wanted to think more about what we could use the Deceiver for.
There is no groan face.For all we know this might be a smart and active rat, who likes to work out, with healty living and avoids warpstone. He might have learned dwarven on his own.
We might be the first who have a.. Lab Rat.