Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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For a shopping list, I'm thinking:
[Library] Extensive Skaven (Brettonian), Extensive Anatomy (Dwarf) - 200 gc
[Enchantment] Speed of Light - 10 college favor
[Purchase] Revolver and a Rifle

Because at this rate we will run out of money before we buy the gun, I'm pretty sure. At least the revolver we should do, tho, for reasons already explained.

Unless we roll Shadow Knives, I suppose. Then our one revolver should do.

Not that I'm terribly confident that I can convince the thread to shop for awesome guns. At this rate, we will literally learn to teleport before we pick up sniping, so the need is less urgent anyway.
If we're buying guns we should consider the better pistol. Our current one can't reliably kill Orcs but the good dwarf pistol should be able to do it. Also maybe throw in caltrops or something for our escapes.

Not sure about Speed of Light either. If we're gonna spend a fortune on battlemagic to help us out why not just grab a battlemagic fireball** and kill everything. That way we don't need to ask for favours from our rivals in the Light College and don't need to run magic through Mathilde's body* .

*we can do it but it prevents us using other internal magics and it doesn't sound narratively healthy despite being mechanically sound
**Or go for banishment if you still want Light college stuff, similar to fireball in that it just blasts everything down.
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Not sure about Speed of Light either. If we're gonna spend a fortune on battlemagic to help us out why not just grab a battlemagic fireball and kill everything. That way we don't need to ask for favours from our rivals in the Light College and don't need to run magic through Mathilde's body
Running magic on our body for those short whiles isn't an issue.

But yeah, in the post just above yours, I'm musing on straight up asking for a Flame Storm item. 13 favors, but fuck, dropping one of those point-blank would be amazing.
If we're buying guns we should consider the better pistol. Our current one can't reliably kill Orcs but the good dwarf pistol should be able to do it. Also maybe throw in caltrops or something for our escapes.

Not sure about Speed of Light either. If we're gonna spend a fortune on battlemagic to help us out why not just grab a battlemagic fireball and kill everything. That way we don't need to ask for favours from our rivals in the Light College and don't need to run magic through Mathilde's body.
Didn't the GM say that a Speed of Light item wouldn't work for Mathilde because it would make Dhar in her brainmeats?

Also, can we not bring the freaking gun argument out again when we've got so much other crap to do?
-[X] ELF: Claim him.
-[X] SKAVEN: Claim him.
-[X] PUPS: Cede them.
-[X] OOZE: Cede it.
-[X] AXE: Split it.
-[X] BOOK: Claim it.
-[X] GOLD: Cede it.
I am way behind so I haven't read the thread yet so I don't know the plan names or anything but I figured I'd put some of my thoughts down. I won't have time to catch up until tomorrow at best.

but don't want to keep the elf if he can work with Skaven it might be interesting and open up some nice plotlines but he just feels to dangerous. I am having trouble figuring out if the college, the empire, or Ulthuan would be the better choice in giving him away as I don't think we need more college favour right now so one of the other two.

I want to keep the Skaven. It's likely that he's from Mors and given "the Karagril front is likely to be a cautious and unspoken detente with the outcast Skaven." His presence and maybe a throttle spell embedded into the matrix to keep him honest could be of great help to make sure that we have a stable front in that area.

He likes the rat puppies so Johan can get the rat dogs. I also don't care whatsoever about the OOZE so I would be fine with either Cede or send to college but I don't think we need more wealth. As for the coins I'm fine with anything there but I'm voting for split or cede.

I'm not giving up the Axe but I'm ok with Splitting the credit if needed as for the chaos dwarves I don't want it to go to the army but I'm fine with any of the other options.

[] ELF: Extradite him to Ulthuan. (+???)
[] ELF: Send him to the Emperor's Spymaster for questioning. (+???)
[] SKAVEN: Claim him.
[] PUPS: Cede them.
[] OOZE: Send it to any College that will take it. (+College favour?)
[] OOZE: Cede it.
[] AXE: Split it.
[] AXE: Claim it.
[] BOOK: Send it to the Colleges. (+College favour)
[] BOOK: Hand it over to the Dwarves. (Dwarf favour)
[] BOOK: Claim it.
[] BOOK: Cede it.
[] GOLD: Split it.
[] GOLD: Cede it.
Didn't the GM say that a Speed of Light item wouldn't work for Mathilde because it would make Dhar in her brainmeats?

Also, can we not bring the freaking gun argument out again when we've got so much other crap to do?
No. He said it's a body buff. Dread Aspect and Aethyric Armour are external and shouldn't clash with it. Trying to cast with it active would be a problem but it's a short duration effect you only use when you need to be the best sword in the world for one round right now. It could likewise clash with the Seed in theory but normally it will have run its course by the time we have a moment to activate the seed.
I am way behind so I haven't read the thread yet so I don't know the plan names or anything but I figured I'd put some of my thoughts down. I won't have time to catch up until tomorrow at best.
If you go to Thread Tools in the upper right, you can see the vote tally thus far; since it's all plan voting, you can see exactly what the plans are named and what they contain.
What does HUMINT stand for?
Human Intelligence, a euphemism for information gained from either friendly informers or hostile interrogation.

Gonna make a roundup post for our purchases in a second, I was playing Hearts of Iron 4 and seem to have missed a bunch of the fun.
You know, on the one hand, Flame Storm would be amazing, but on the other, Speed of Light just jives better with the Mathilde Way.

I am having trouble figuring out if the college, the empire, or Ulthuan would be the better choice in giving him away as I don't think we need more college favour right now so one of the other two.
Claiming the Elf, which the leading plan does, allows us to get the maximum reward for extraditing him.
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For what it is worth I think we need an item that can serve as an oh shit button to get us breathing room with which to activate the seed, run, or cast invisibility/smoke and mirrors as that would help us against both formidable singular foes and hordes.

To that end the bright wizard blasty spells, an item of nets of amentock, an item of wind blast, or ect. would be better that speed of light or similar buffs as they give us breathing room in which to heal, restablish surprise, or escape.
If we bound a pair of boots with skywalk, could we wear them without them interfering with magic armour, or filling the magic armor/talisman slot, or does the "slot-less" feature of bound items only apply to wands/rings/scrolls etc?
We should get the Hysh books, Aqua Vitae has all colors of magic and we are not doing ourselves any favor by excluding one of the colors from our library.
You know, on the one hand, Flame Storm would be amazing, but on the other, Speed of Light just jives better with the Mathilde Way.

Claiming the Elf, which the leading plan does, allows us to get the maximum reward for extraditing him.
The Mathilde way is something we're already very good at and as we get even better at getting the drop on individual opponents and more sword skilled we'll improve further. SoL is nice but it's not a game changer.

Being able to kill every motherfucker in the room* with one spell rather than keep hacking and hope we win before our buffs run out is a seriously good new option. Being able to make that an area denial as long as we stay in the area because we're fireproof gives all sorts of extra tricks. Once we have illusion we could make the area look conflagration free and taunt our enemies. Plus, it has value just as a magical signal horn with a five mile range.

*We have no AK and there's only so many grenades we can carry.
Wasn't there a big discussion of Mathilde starting to reach critical mass on her Shiny Equipment?
You know, at this rate Belegar is on track for some kind of tactics related trait. The conquest of Karagril went about 99% as smoothly as it could possibly have gone, even down to getting the exact strategic situation he wanted in the wrap-up.

When generals dream, they dream of battles that go exactly accordingly to plan like this one.
I wonder if Mathilde's Matrix works on non-sapients, ex: A pile of rocks. It was based on a sword after all.
Here is a roundup post in preparation for our Library purchases.

Resources we have to work with, as of right now before sheet updates:

Money: 255 Imperial gold coins, 228 dwarf gold coins, and silver ingots worth 3993 Imperial gc or 3072 dwarf gc. We cannot actually freely spend a lot of it as Imperial currency, since we're committed to the legal fiction of most of it being Dawongr Weber's wealth and thus must spend it within the Karaz Ankor, but I am listing this for completeness' sake. Any listings of just "gc" should be construed as dwarf gc for this purpose, since we've got an amazing hookup with a bookseller in Barak Varr who can get us the goods.

(We have 1024 ingots in total. Such a beautiful round number. Disrupting this breaks my heart. But books are a higher good even than aesthetics.)

Favours: 15 Dwarf (hereafter DF), 16 College (hereafter CF)

Potential Library purchases, organized by the goal they would serve:
  • Skaven. We've made a friend. We're currently at +7 (Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Dwarven).
    • Esoteric Dwarf for 150gc, 4 DF to gain +3; if we want to spend less, drop 50gc/2 Favour to go to +2, and drop 50gc/1 Favour additional to go to +1.
    • Extensive Brettonian for 100gc to gain +2.
  • Linguistics. We want our new friend to teach us Queekish so that we might learn the language of treachery. We're currently at +7 (Extensive and Esoteric Imperial / Extensive Dwarven).
    • Esoteric Dwarf for 150gc, 4 DF to gain +3; if we want to spend less, drop 50gc/2 Favour to go to +2, and drop 50gc/1 Favour additional to go to +1.
    • Extensive Brettonian for 100gc to gain +2.
  • Anatomy. We picked up a copy of Greyseer's Anatomy from the campus bookstore, presumably because we confused it for the TV show with hunky doctors and thought it was a romance novel. Oh well! If we want to understand what it has to teach us about Chaos Dwarfs, knowing something about the subject might help; we're currently at +0 and don't know a fibula from a medulla oblongata.
    • Extensive Imperial for 100gc to gain +2.
    • Esoteric Imperial for 150gc to gain +3; if we want to spend less, drop 50gc to go to +2, and drop 50gc additional to go to +1.
    • Extensive Dwarf for 100gc to gain +2.
    • Esoteric Dwarf for 150gc, 4 DF to gain +3; if we want to spend less, drop 50gc/2 Favour to go to +2, and drop 50gc/1 Favour additional to go to +1.
    • Extensive Brettonian for 100gc to gain +2.
  • Powerstones. We might do something involving them with our snake juice at some point, but we have yet to take a single college class on the subject, so we don't really have any baseline knowledge of them or a place to start; that experiment option was crossed out last turn. Currently +0.
    • Extensive Imperial for 100gc to gain +2.
    • Esoteric Imperial for 150gc, 4 CF to gain +3; if we want to spend less, drop 50gc/2 Favour to go to +2, and drop 50gc/1 Favour additional to go to +1.
  • Hysh. We are studying a thing made up of eight winds and only have books for seven. But more importantly, one of those complete tossers valuable colleagues might come visit, and we can't do the Smug Grey Wizard thing if we don't have the info on hand with which to be smug.
    • Extensive Imperial for 100gc to gain +2.
    • We are absolutely not getting Esoteric/Antiquarian/Obscure on this, it would spoil the symmetry of our library. Calculate it your own damn self if you care.
I will update this post as needed if people start seriously floating other subjects.

(Currently, my preference would be Skaven: Extensive Brettonian, Linguistics: Extensive Brettonian, and Anatomy: Extensive all three. 500gc is a noticeable chunk of change, but not a pace that is going to bankrupt us any time soon. We had warning the last time wizards dropped in on us and bought their Lore then, we can do the same if Sunscryer Jr. decides that K8P would look better with a manmade crater in it.)
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Our fortress is also a bit of a moneysink, which will be doubly so as we start digging down--it's clear now that we're going to need to build a brig for interrogations for instance.
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