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Hmm, if we could get hysh's lie detecting spell made into an item that worked independently from us (no brain dhar), that'd be pretty useful for interrogation.
@BoneyM A couple of things.
If we claim both the Dark Elf and the Skaven we ask the Dwarves to interrogate them without costing us actions? If possible can we ask them to make sure that they are both alive and realtively healthy at the end of the interrogation?

If we keep them as prisioners I suposse that the dwarves will provide appropiate cells for them, no?
Anatomy (Use as Rosetta Stone)
Extensive Dwarf - 100g
Extensive Empire -100g
Extensive Bretonnian - 100g
Should this specify which race's anatomy this is on? IIRC the Anatomy notes in Queekish are for Chaos Dwarves, so the closest comparision (unless Dwarves also have a book of Chaos Dwarf Anatomy) would be Dwarven Anatomy.

It's possible that just plain old anatomy would get you human anatomy or one set for each by default.
He'd almost certainly just assume that we'd been lied to by another dark elf who was running a con using a catspaw.
Fair enough.
And now we have to do spell creation! That's definitely AP intensive and possibly impossible unless it plays well with Warrior of Fog. If it was easy to distill Melkoth's into the bread and butter of a seasoned Grey Wizard interrogator it would be a spell available for us to learn already.
No, it just means it is not a standardized spell just yet.
No, it just means it is not a standardized spell just yet.
That's the sort of thing so exceptionally useful the Grey Order would have it on their spell book. It's only really amazing if you have Magic 7 but given that the existence and spells of battlemagic weren't classified for us I don't see why that spell's existence would be.

At some point in every Grey's career, they're likely going to have to interrogate someone. Even just a witness, a spell to compromise the target's psyche and make gleaning information from them, when used in conjunction with mindhole is absolutely huge. They'd absolutely be pushing it's standardization as much as possible.
That's the sort of thing so exceptionally useful the Grey Order would have it on their spell book. It's only really amazing if you have Magic 7 but given that the existence and spells of battlemagic weren't classified for us I don't see why that spell's existence would be.

At some point in every Grey's career, they're likely going to have to interrogate someone. Even just a witness, a spell to compromise the target's psyche and make gleaning information from them, when used in conjunction with mindhole is absolutely huge. They'd absolutely be pushing it's standardization as much as possible.
Yes, it could be an amazing spell. It could also not be refined to the point where any Grey wizard can learn and use it with enough skill.
@BoneyM A couple of things.
If we claim both the Dark Elf and the Skaven we ask the Dwarves to interrogate them without costing us actions? If possible can we ask them to make sure that they are both alive and realtively healthy at the end of the interrogation?

If we keep them as prisioners I suposse that the dwarves will provide appropiate cells for them, no?

No to everything. Dwarves don't really do interrogation beyond 'where are the others' field interrogations by Rangers.
Bretonnian Extensive - 100g
I queston how much extensive linguistics books on a language we barely speak will help.
Extensive Physics, Dwarven - 100g (States of Matter)
Already covered by our Chemistry books, given we consulted them on the matter.

Don't feel like blowing 100 gc on Hysh books, don't think Emoire or Brettonian anatomy will help when we are dealing with dwarf one.
Considering we only have 4000 gold (just from what people in the thread have said), and we refuse to grab gold because fish and boats or whatever, I'm not inclined to spend 800g on more books.
For a shopping list, I'm thinking:
[Library] Extensive Skaven (Brettonian), Extensive Anatomy (Dwarf) - 200 gc
[Enchantment] Speed of Light - 10 college favor
[Purchase] Revolver and a Rifle

Because at this rate we will run out of money before we buy the gun, I'm pretty sure. At least the revolver we should do, tho, for reasons already explained.

Unless we roll Shadow Knives, I suppose. Then our one revolver should do.

Not that I'm terribly confident that I can convince the thread to shop for awesome guns. At this rate, we will literally learn to teleport before we pick up sniping, so the need is less urgent anyway.
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For a shopping list, I'm thinking:
[Library] Extensive Skaven (Brettonian), Extensive Anatomy (Dwarf) - 200 gc
[Enchantment] Speed of Light - 10 college favor
[Purchase] Revolver and a Rifle

Because at this rate we will run out of money before we buy the gun, I'm pretty sure. At least the revolver we should do, tho.

Don't we already have a dwarven revolver?
Don't we already have a dwarven revolver?
We usually run out of bullets before we join the melee, and a loaded revolver confers an entire extra attack.

This is resolved if we pick up Shadow Knives, and if we aren't keen on fighting shit this turn, then I suppose it can wait for next turn, to see what we get on the gacha.

Really would like the rifle before we spend all our money on trivial books, tho.
Given that we're investigating a substance made of all of the winds having books on all the winds just in case seems purdant.
I'm pretty keen on that Speed of Light item. Should be a terrific bonus on the narrative/d100 system, and due the Seed being unfortunately way weaker than I thought (not actually in-combat healing!), the SoL doesnt have great downsides.

Quick opponents are our bane, and this is the best way to handle that afaik.
Given that we're investigating a substance made of all of the winds having books on all the winds just in case seems purdant.
Eh, I can sort of see it.

We seriously should put the brakes on our spending tho.
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I'll make a purchase plan for just a revolver without a rifle, since given the past vote, a plan including a rifle is pretty unlikely to win.

Given that we're investigating a substance made of all of the winds having books on all the winds just in case seems purdant.

This is pretty much my reasoning, along with the idea that a Hysh user will probably show up eventually, and leaving the library at 7/8 winds is bugging me.
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