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Hmm, shopping list...

I'd like to pick up some dispel scrolls - they're pretty cheap iirc, and when we want them, we want them.

As for books, let's stack all the modifiers we can get on the translation project.

Extensive Brettonian Linguistics, if that's available.
Spend some Dwarf Favor on esoteric Skaven info, same for Empire if that's possible but I suspect with the Conspiracy of Silence it isn't.

Extensive Dwarf/Empire Anatomy texts, since that'll probably help us use the Skaven text as a Rosetta Stone.

Extensive Hysh, since we have texts on 7/8 winds, and the completionist in me demands we finish the set.
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Ooh, interesting. Would you be willing to share any of the other loot tables, assuming they're not too spoilery? (and that you still have them saved, but i admit i'm assuming that if you had that one saved you have the rest as well :p)

Most of the others are likely to be adapted for future loot tables, so I'll keep them tucked away.

I'd like to pick up some dispel scrolls - they're pretty cheap iirc, and when we want them, we want them.

At this point, I don't really see many situations where Mathilde would bust out a scroll instead of poking at the spell herself.
First off the vampire's are the ultimate solution to chaos.

Being immune to chaos corruption and all.

If every human was a vampire chaos wouldn't be a problem.
That's like saying 'if we were all fish, drowning would not be a problem'..

I was thinking of an Ulgu Spell to speed up interrogation. Just conduct mind-reading instead of torture.
Extensive Brettonian Linguistics, if that's available.
Spend some Dwarf Favor on esoteric Skaven info, same for Empire if that's possible but I suspect with the Conspiracy of Silence it isn't.

Extensive Dwarf/Empire Anatomy texts, since that'll probably help us use the Skaven text as a Rosetta Stone.

Extensive Bretonnian Anatomy as well I'd say, given it's the homeland of the Cult of Shallya who are likely to be knowledgeable about such things. Possibly Extensive Bretonnian Skaven as well, given they don't seem to have a Conspiracy of Silence and the Bretonnians kicked the crap out of the skaven invasion during the Red Pox an awful lot more recently and successfully than the Empire did them during/after the Black Death.

I was thinking of an Ulgu Spell to speed up interrogation. Just conduct mind-reading instead of torture.

I think the Wind of Confusion and hiding things is unlikely to reveal the hidden contents of a person's mind. You're probably better off with the revelation of Hysh or the knowledge of Azyr.

Or just get good enough with Magesight to read thoughts.
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I wonder if we could use the Deceiver side of the coin to cheese the delf interrogation by just telling him we'll let him go free if he tells us what we want to know.
First off the vampire's are the ultimate solution to chaos.

Being immune to chaos corruption and all.

If every human was a vampire chaos wouldn't be a problem.

Eh, the mental effects are unpredictable, and tend strongly negative. Further, the cure for the thirst is deeply impractical to apply on any sort of scale. Vamparisim would need a lot of work to be a really practical solution, if only because nothing stops vampires from willingly working with chaos and giving everyone a roll on the vampire insanity table would likely give chaos collaborators.

Vampires as they exist now are not really a reliable solution, and unfontualy the negative mental effects means Necrarchs are deeply unlikely to try and fix them. They tend to just vanish up their own scholarly asshole and fuck around ultimately failing to actually do much beyond making the area around their lairs "interesting"
I wonder if we could use the Deceiver side of the coin to cheese the delf interrogation by just telling him we'll let him go free if he tells us what we want to know.

That doesn't stop him thinking he can feed Mathilde a line of bullshit though. Cheesing the interrogation really requires truth detection spells, which Mathilde doesn't have.

Eh, the mental effects are unpredictable, and tend strongly negative. Further, the cure for the thirst is deeply impractical to apply on any sort of scale. Vamparisim would need a lot of work to be a really practical solution, if only because nothing stops vampires from willingly working with chaos and giving everyone a roll on the vampire insanity table would likely give chaos collaborators.

Vampires as they exist now are not really a reliable solution, and unfontualy the negative mental effects means Necrarchs are deeply unlikely to try and fix them. They tend to just vanish up their own scholarly asshole and fuck around ultimately failing to actually do much beyond making the area around their lairs "interesting"

Vampires can't be blessed though, so don't have incentives to work with chaos, and are immune to the chaos god influence feedback loop of extreme emotions.
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I think the Wind of Confusion and hidden things is unlikely to reveal the hidden contents of a person's mind. You're probably better off with the revelation of Hysh or the knowledge of Azyr.

Or just get good enough with Magesight to read thoughts.
I mean it's the wind of deception, lies, delusion, and Mathilde has the interrogator trait. There's almost assuredly avenues. Like targeting their Ld stat or deluding them into believing you are their trusted confident.
Whoa. Clan Moulder would really be pushing things if they were trying to use a Grey Seer as a test subject. If we found one I'd be tempted to pat them on the back and send them back to another skaven clan, just to wach the massive cluster-fuck that would result from them being caught trying this on one of the 169 high priests of the Horned Rat!

A wood elf would have been interesting, whether from Eonir or Athel Loren. As would a high elf in another way.
I suspect it would have less been an active Grey Seer, and more one of the rat pups that demonstrates the physical characteristics indicative of a candidate for the Grey Seers. Easier to control, and a lot of a Grey Seer's potential from what I understand is actually rooted in some of their biology.
If we're going to be spending our time learning Queekish next turn then we should also raise Wolf's intelligence so he can help us with any sounds/smells Mathilde can't identify on her own.
Yes, and those people are us.

We are one of the people with responsibility for interrogating enemies of Man and the Empire, we pledged as much on becoming Magister. We're trained and equipped for interrogation, even if we're not the best in the Empire (fairly reflected in Mathildes uncertainty about her ability to crack a Druuchii).

They Grey College could equally likely at some point come to us- "Mathilde, we've got [some mid-ranking asset or other] for you to interrogate."
No. We might have been one of those people if we'd taken a stay around the college or seek employment with another EC option at the various forks on our career. There are people whose jobs are specifically in naval intelligence or Asur trade, both grey mages and not. There are grey mages doing the college academic and other duties as needed lifestyle who are good at interrogating in Elven - both the language and the skill are common among our order. There are people who put as much of their self development into knowing and fucking with Druchii as we have into greatsword and spellcasting.

Other Greys can't be expected to just jump in and sort out matters related to K8P or the EIC without being asked and paid in favour - they have their own duties and it would be rude to us. If they see a need in those areas they'll ask us to deal with it. Likewise, working on the war with the Dark Elves is not expected of us, passing this asshole on is what we have organisation for.
Possible but it does cost College Favours.

Looking at the list, we actually already have Esoteric Empire Skaven.

Whoops. :V

Extensive Bretonnian Anatomy as well I'd say, given it's the homeland of the Cult of Shallya who are likely to be knowledgeable about such things. Possibly Extensive Bretonnian Skaven as well, given they don't seem to have a Conspiracy of Silence and the Bretonnians kicks the crap out of the skaven invasion during the Red Pox an awful lot more recently and successfully than the Empire did them during/after the Black Death.

Hmm. Y'know what, I'll make a properly organized list for future reference.

Skaven Info
Bretonnian Extensive - 100g

Bretonnian Extensive - 100g

Anatomy (Use as Rosetta Stone)
Extensive Dwarf - 100g
Extensive Empire -100g
Extensive Bretonnian - 100g

Magic Research
Extensive Hysh, College - 100g (Complete the set!)
Extensive Powerstones, College - 100g (Snekjuice!)
Extensive Physics, Dwarven - 100g (States of Matter)

Total: 800g
Vampires can't be blessed though, so don't have incentives to work with chaos, and are immune to the chaos god influence feedback loop of extreme emotions.

chaos can still offer them stuff like power and secrets. Sure a legion of daemons sworn to your severance is less immediate than super powers, but its still a way to achieve domonice over your fellow vampies, and a lot of vampires seem to really crave that. You would not really need that many vampires to decide those nice chaps up at the poles have reasonable prices for their services to have a problem.
I mean it's the wind of deception, lies, delusion, and Mathilde has the interrogator trait. There's almost assuredly avenues. Like targeting their Ld stat or deluding them into believing you are their trusted confident.
I mean, that is a good point- theoretically Melkoth's Mystifying Miasma's ability to target leadership would be really useful to make subjects more open. But it's also Battlemagic.
I mean, that is a good point- theoretically Melkoth's Mystifying Miasma's ability to target leadership would be really useful to make subjects more open. But it's also Battlemagic.
Increase the casting time to 10 minutes and make it a single-target spell at Short range! That should get it down to Fiendishly Complex.
If we're going to be spending our time learning Queekish next turn then we should also raise Wolf's intelligence so he can help us with any sounds/smells Mathilde can't identify on her own.

I wonder if Johann gilds his nose and ears whether it would extend the range/acuity of those senses so he could potentially learn to understand Queekish.
Looking at the list, we actually already have Esoteric Empire Skaven.

Whoops. :V

Hmm. Y'know what, I'll make a properly organized list for future reference.

Skaven Info
Bretonnian Extensive - 100g

Bretonnian Extensive - 100g

Anatomy (Use as Rosetta Stone)
Extensive Dwarf - 100g
Extensive Empire -100g
Extensive Bretonnian - 100g

Magic Research
Extensive Hysh, College - 100g (Complete the set!)
Extensive Powerstones, College - 100g (Snekjuice!)
Extensive Physics, Dwarven - 100g (States of Matter)

Total: 800g
Let's not get Hysh books until or unless we have an actual use for it; we don't want to waste money. Anatomy is a non-magical subject so I think we can get up to Esoteric Imperial. There may be books on interrogation that'd be useful for us, or if not then there would be on psychology. We should also do some shopping and buy torture tools, either to use or to threaten with. (Step 2 of the Inquisition's torture process is explaining to the subject what exactly you're going to do to them, and is the point where a majority of subjects crack.)

EDIT: Anatomy would probably be useful for torture if we ever do any.
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Increase the casting time to 10 minutes and make it a single-target spell at Short range! That should get it down to Fiendishly Complex.
And now we have to do spell creation! That's definitely AP intensive and possibly impossible unless it plays well with Warrior of Fog. If it was easy to distill Melkoth's into the bread and butter of a seasoned Grey Wizard interrogator it would be a spell available for us to learn already.
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