Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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The fifth is simple: a Rune-axe that causes Kragg to double take, stare at it intently, and then grab it and beeline towards his workshop, muttering thoughtfully. The only real question is who gets the credit.
[ ] AXE: Split it.
[ ] AXE: Claim it.
[ ] AXE: Cede it.
What credit? For Mathilde and/or Johann? From what or who? The Dwarfs? I mean if we're giving it back to Kragg...
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[] ELF: Extradite him to Ulthuan. (+???)
[] SKAVEN: Claim him.
[] PUPS: Send them to the Amber College. (+College favour)
[] AXE: Split it.
[] OOZE: Claim it.
[] BOOK: Hand it over to the Dwarves. (Dwarf favour)
[] GOLD: Cede it.
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Coming to eight peaks is the best decision Kragg has made in a long time.
It's literally the only decision he's made in a long time.

[X] ELF: Extradite him to Ulthuan. (+???)
[X] SKAVEN: Claim him.
[X] PUPS: Send them to the Amber College. (+College favour)
[X] AXE: Split it.
[X] OOZE: Claim it.
[X] BOOK: Hand it over to the Dwarves. (Dwarf favour)
[X] GOLD: Cede it.
Plan voting, and two hour moratorium mate.
Here's my preliminary take.

[ ] Plan: Take what we need
- [ ] ELF: Extradite him to Ulthuan. (+???)
- [ ] SKAVEN: Claim him.
- [ ] PUPS: Cede them.
- [ ] OOZE: Sell it to the Imperial Zoo. (+wealth)
- [ ] AXE: Split it.
- [ ] BOOK: Hand it over to the Dwarves. (Dwarf favour)
- [ ] GOLD: Split it.

Elf may or may not be some pirate prince or something, but either way, they're the professionals for dealing with the Naggarothians--and this one was very far from home and relatively intact (And thus, likely not a prisoner)--so he's likely to be of considerable interest to Asur intelligencers while of relatively limited interest to us (One of the white whales the Skaven chase are penetrating Ulthuan and getting a presence there, if this guy might have been facilitating an attempt of theirs to get a foothold...). The Skaven is a wealth of potential intelligence on the Eight Peaks campaign, since it seems he was the loser of a recent leadership duel, and his knowledge of Khazalid is enough that he's likely local. Beyond that? He promised to serve us, and while he'll betray that if he thinks he can get away with it, we can squeeze him first, and he's liable to play along for a good while because the food's probably better than he's had in years and we're unlikely to go too hard in the torture if he cooperates--and he'd know that full well too.

The pups are cute and Johann seems to like them so he can keep them, the Ooze seems like a curiosity more than anything else, but it should be valuable for the Imperial Zoo--lord knows, a waste disposal creature would probably be useful for keeping things clean for them. The book is something that we want to make sure gets appropriately buried, so Belegar gets to decide what to do with it, and the axe and gold were a joint effort, so splitting credit is what is right and proper.
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Oh my god, could that be a Spell of 13'd Chaos Dwarf???

Oh my god, was that a Druchii -- a people renowned for taming monsters -- making deals with Clan Moulder, the Skaven faction best known for making monsters??

Jesus Christ. That "there's shit going on in every Peak" thing was no joke. Even if its hypothetical, the thought of Dark Elves gaining access to a lot more monsters... Or to Skaven gaining insight into more Chaos Dwarf technology -- though, with Clan Moulder, its likely they focused on the Bull Centaurs and stuff, on the beasts of the Chaos Dwarfs rather than technology and warmachine focus.

Hm. If this Druchii and Chaos Dwarf thing is limited to Moulder's mountain, that's one thing. But if the other factions had also had this... well, Skyre would have focused more on technology and warmachine. ... And an Eshin-Druchii treaty of some sort would be troublesome, too.
Cede the gold and split the axe credit. We should gain some goodwill from Johnson, he probably got few specialty we can purchase.
Plan voting, and two hour moratorium mate.

Well I'm likely to be unavailable for the next 4-6 hours, I've edited out the actual votes.

We should try and use the Druchhi to forge connections in ulthaun, keep the skaven for our selves we need to learn queekish from him asap any other intel he might have could be useful as well. Chaos dwarf books should be given to the Dwarves. Cede the gold to Johann so we can claim more of the stuff we want with out rumpling feathers. Split the credit on the axe.

Claim the ooze, if it can eat mutated and warpstoney flesh and doesn't mutate it's self it's actually a good biological cleaner.

[ ] SKAVEN: Claim him.

"Igor, bring me the brain!"

@BoneyM Can we tell what kind of Elf it is? High, Wood, Dark?

Druchi are dark elves.
Anyway, all things considered, it looks like our plan fired without a hitch. Mors took it--but only barely, and they pissed off the Red Fang in doing so, which should mitigate any possible territorial gains they acquired.

Lustrian gold eh

What are odds of suddenly angry lizards in our face?

There's no inscriptions carved in, we're cool.
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