Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
Mathilde wooing herself is probably against the rules of this forum.
I think that was supposed to be a joke vote for the bard quest, not the main quest.

Van Hal will tell you to piss up a rope.

This is the man that told us to pay our spy network in patriotism and threats.
My impression from the given quote was that he would have different expectations for our informers and for the Watch.


Aside question: What spell(s) does the thread favour learning next?
Knowing this in advance might be useful for designing plans containing "learn more spells" if there's any sort of consensus.

Relatively Simple - Magic 2 required to learn, Magic 3 to cast reliably.
Bewilder: A target at short range will have their mind clouded and will act unpredictably.
Doppelganger: You take on the appearance of a specific humanoid creature for around half an hour, though not their voice.
Eye of the Beholder: You can change something's appearance to make it look either worthless or valuable for several hours.
Mutable Visage: You can make a target you are touching (or yourself) noticeably more or less attractive for several hours.
Shadowcloak: Makes you significantly harder to detect for several minutes.

Moderately Complicated - Magic 3 required to learn, Magic 5 to cast reliably.
Cloak Activity: Allows you to perform an action while appearing to perform something entirely different for up to half a minute.
Mockery of Death: Causes someone you touch to act and appear dead for several days, or until you end it. They will still need to breathe and drink.
Pall of Darkness: Creates an area of impenetrable blackness within short range.
Shadow of Death: Makes you seem fearsome to all those who look upon you for one minute.
Shroud of Invisibility: Makes you invisible for up to half a minute.
(We currently have Magic 4, it may increase from learning many spells.)
While it does give a straight-up bonus to the diplomacy stat in the tabletop, please keep in mind that there's more to diplomacy than just how pretty you are.
While it does give a straight-up bonus to the diplomacy stat in the tabletop, please keep in mind that there's more to diplomacy than just how pretty you are.

Yes? I said that it would help, not that we'd be able to wink and make people kneel before us.

Though there's probably a spell for that too.
Purge of the Haunted Hills - Brauzeit, 2476
[X] Plan Train The Watch, or How To Not Have A Watch Revolt On Our Hands
-[X] The Dwarves have crossed into the Empire and joined up with the Empire forces. Perhaps you could spend some time with the general staff as the two of them start to work together.
--[X] Enquire about arranging for some Tunnel Fighting trainers for the future "War Below" (after the Purge), or at least make some contacts. Not hired right now, we can't afford them.
-[X] Stirland Watch: Work alongside Jack to administer the Watch. Choose another Organizational Action for the Watch.
--[X] Improve the training of the Watch, hiring trainers and dedicating paid time each week to sharpening skills.
---[X] A formal program of a few old-timer veterans with the right attitude and aptitude being paid to train and pass local knowledge to newcomers. Perhaps injured Greatswords or officers provide some candidates to sharpen fighting skills? Jack might know some trainers in the arts of avoiding notice. Watchmen who arrived prior to us probably can't read. Does Van Hal know a retired Witch Hunter who could pass on some investigation and Corruption-spotting skills? Maybe Julia can suggest an Agent particularly skilled at ferreting out information and sifting useful leads from bad. Anything that comes up from the meeting with the senior Watchmen below?
---[X] Meet with some and gain a better understanding of the senior Watchmens' grievances and discuss our shared hopes for the future of the Watch. We really respect the Watch and want to address their concerns, we owe our life to a brave and dedicated village Watchman. Shouldn't every child in Stirland have the same protection, and more?

-- [X] Ranald's Blessing

"So!" states the apparent leader of the dwarves, who when viewed from the front appeared to be made entirely of neatly-braided, fiery-red beard. "You're the manling out to try his luck against the bloodsuckers!" Van Hal smiles and glances pointedly down at the skull he's scraping the last traces of flesh off, and the dwarf chuckles. "Point well made. Our rangers are of the opinion that the grobi that besieged Zhufbar sought shelter in that pathetic excuse for a fortress, only to be eaten by the lot you were chasing. Not the best end to the tale, but the extinction of the Crooked Eye tribe will settle a fair few Grudges, I dare say."

"Glad that Stirland could be of service," Van Hal says, placing the skull atop the table and rising to his feet.

"That lad of yours did say that you wanted to be friends," the dwarf says. "Time will tell if anything will come of that, but you're off to a damn fine start." A stubby hand extends from the beard, and Van Hal shakes it. "Thorri, of clan Stoneheart, Thane of Zhufbar."

"Abelhelm Van Hal, Elector Count of Stirland."

"I suspected as much." He looks over at you, and looks you up and down with a critical eye. "This the lass that did such a number on the creatures at the breach?" He stumps over to you and extends his hand, and you shake it gingerly, expecting a rock-crushing grip and surprised at the carefulness with which his fingers close around yours. "You did a day's work there. Nothing a few flame cannon couldn't have done, but I daresay you're more portable than they would be."

"Thank you," you reply uncertainly.

"Since we're on the warpath already," he grins suddenly, "Khazukan Kazakit-ha!" The cry is picked up by a dwarf outside, and in seconds has spread to the rest of the throng in the distance. "I decided we would coordinate to better exterminate the grobi and the despoilers of the dead. What's your plans?"

Van Hal leads the dwarf over to the table where the map of the Hills sits, and Thorri pulls a tube from a pocket and unrolls his own map, and they start comparing, with a great deal of complaints about how impossible it is to find one's way around without good solid mountains around to act as reference points. "Right," he decides as last. "We'll hang about here for a season and make sure the Crooked Eye are extinct for good, and then we'll join you on the march against Drakenhof. About time that particular peak was removed from the range, I daresay." He claps Van Hal on the back, and with that the partnership was struck.


Your attempt at mingling with the dwarves gets off to a rocky start at first. It takes you some time to get to the bottom of why they're so standoffish, but eventually you start piecing together the dwarf mindset. To them, magic was to be nailed down properly and used only through the medium of their strange pseudo-enchantment runes; wizardry was, to their mind, something like taking the gunpowder one would use in a rifle, throwing it in an enemy's face, and then trying to hit them with a torch - potentially effective, but clumsy, wasteful, and certain to end in disaster all around and your beard burnt off. Nevertheless you persevere, and end up spending time with the only one that seems unbothered by your presence - a short-bearded begoggled dwarf engineer named Narfi, who is apparently in charge of the scant few war machines the Throng has brought with them in their pursuit and as such is used to spending times around things that are likely to explode in everyone's faces.

"A dwarf with his back against the wall can sell his life very dearly indeed," he says to you one evening as you try your best to contribute to a combined plan for the artillery of Zhufbar and Stirland. "But scaled up, there's very few dwarfholds that can be said to have anything solid at their back. Each is an island in a sea of enemies, and every dwarf born for the past four thousand years comes out of the womb with an uncomfortable itch between their shoulderblades."

"So for Zhufbar..."

"To the north, your land of Sylvania. To the east, endless mountains of greenskins, ever since Gunbad fell. To the south, Varn Drazh - the Black Water. A thousand mineshafts lost to us and crawling with foes. And to the west, Karak Varn, that once produced the metal that Zhufbar smelted, long lost to the thaggoraki."

"Thaggoraki?" you ask.

"I believe you know them as 'beast men'."

"I didn't realize beastmen tormented the dwarves so," you comment, frowning.

"Some days it seems that there's little that doesn't torment us, lass." He frowns, thinking. "The point... I believe I had a point, somewhere."

"Backs against walls," you prompt.

"Ah, yes. Stirland has been an adequate friend to Zhufbar, in matters of trade and such. If you could take Sylvania in hand, and be the wall that we of Zhufbar could put our backs to..." He sighs, long and heartfelt. "A manling state, being the best our hold could hope for. Such are the times we live in."

Most of you is busy with trying to keep from being offended, but part of you feels the utmost pity for a race that sees a good death as the best they could hope for.

In the end your contributions are of questionable utility, but given the backhanded compliment of being adequate when one accounts for the fact that you've yet to finish your third decade, which makes you still a child in dwarf terms. And you've become at least acquaintances with Narfi.

[Making friends with dwarves: Req 50, Diplomacy, 21+8=29]
[Contributing to military matters: Req 60, Martial, 42+13=55]


Having failed to capitalize on the good impression you had made on the dwarves, your mood as you retreat back to Wurtbad is far from positive. It is, however, slightly improved when you check in with Jack, who has apparently acquired through unspecified means the details of a few varying but universally disgusting techniques to derive saltpeter from human and animal waste. And then it's right back to misery when you learn that the mood of the Watch has plummeted further when they learned that their new leader is quite literally pissing his time away instead of doing anything to improve their lot.

It may, you reflect, have been a tad tone-deaf to begin the saltpeter operations when moods were already soured. Oh, you could tell them of budgetary concerns and such, but as far as they're concerned their pay comes from the Treasury of Stirland and any deviation from that is inherently suspicious. A soldier's career begins when they ceremonially take the Count's shilling from the recruiter, and the Paymasters of the army play a very pivotal role in the military psyche, and as such they are annoyingly preoccupied with the legitimacy of their pay.

Nevertheless, one must press on.

There is, tragically, a deluge of potential new recruits as the wounded filter back to Wurtbad; you spend days filtering through them all, and eventually find a few solid candidates: one of Gustav's pistoliers, a crackshot who unfortunately can no longer sit astride a horse due to damage to his back, a spearman sergeant who lost a hand to the jaws of a ghoul in the Battle of Fang Island, and a swordsman who left both legs in the Haunted Hills. You ask Jack and Julia for candidates, and they produce them: Jack has two names in mind, one a former smuggler who claims knowledge of every tunnel from here to Salzenmund and the other a Hochland poacher, and Julia a former tutor in horsemanship and swordplay run out of Flensburg for a habit of being seduced by the young women he taught, which hopefully won't be a problem with the grizzled veterans of the Watch.

You push further afield; Van Hal has every man he can call upon focused on the Purge, Kasmir says the same, and Wilhelmina and Schultz can't think of anyone suited for the task. Gustav gives you the name of an old friend who used to lead a company of Nordland Marines. Anton, who appears in Wurtbad only briefly before hurrying off in the direction of Reikland, gives you the name of a man who he says is the only name worth knowing when it comes to the breeding of Stirland Terriers. Markus, of course, can't spare a single one of his able-bodied greatswords, but does pass on the name of a field doctor who he claims is actually capable of improving a wounded man's chances of survival.

You're left with a diverse pool of candidates to choose from, but sadly, only two of them can be hired at this time. And you might have to take into account how the Watch will feel about your choices...

[Trainer hunt - Diplomacy: Req 60, 14+8=22]
[Trainer hunt - Intrigue: Req 60, 70+17+10(Ranald's Blessing)=97]
[Trainer hunt - Martial: Req 60, 68+13=81]
[Trainer hunt - Stewardship: Req 60, 30+14=44]
[Trainer hunt - Learning: Req 60, 14+18=32.]
[Trainer hunt - Piety: Req 60, 9+16=25]


Watch Trainers: Pick TWO.

Conventional Candidates:

[ ] Promote Internally - Best for morale, but brings nothing new to the table
[ ] Spearmen - Watchmen become proficient in the spear, can form spearwalls
[ ] Swordsman - Watchmen become proficient with swords and shields
[ ] Pistolier - Watchmen become proficient with pistols, carry them on patrol

Unconventional Candidates:

[ ] Dog Breeder - Stirland Terriers become part of the Watch
[ ] Smuggler - Watchmen become much better at operating underground
[ ] Poacher - Watchmen learn woodsmanship and archery
[ ] Tutor - Watchmen learn advanced swordsmanship and horsemanship
[ ] Marine - Watchmen learn marine combat and non-lethal subdual techniques
[ ] Doctor - Watchmen learn first aid



ORGANIZATIONAL ACTIONS - these have been LOCKED IN for the next purge turn.

Information Network - pick ONE (no action expenditure required):
[ ] Expand your information network into another province (choose one)
[ ] Expand your information network into another county or barony (choose one)
[ ] Expand your information network into the military (choose a Division)
[ ] Expand your Intelligence Attaché program to another Division (choose one)
[ ] Off the Leash: Let Julia handle the network without your micromanagement from now on.

Information Network finances - can be chosen INSTEAD of a selection from the above.
[ ] Attaché Paperwork: The Intelligence Attachés are your biggest expense by far - see if you can have them paid for by the Army of Stirland instead.
[ ] Fixer: Work with the Wurtbad Thieves Guild, supplying them information in exchange for a portion of profits.
[ ] Special Branch: Pull some financial trickery to get the information network classified as part of the Watch, so that their costs are covered by the Stirlandian treasury.
[ ] Trade Delegation: Convince Wilhelmina and Markus to partner your network with the EIC based on the value of market information.

Stirland Watch - pick ONE (no action expenditure required), currently at +1 Budget Points:
[ ] Expand the ranks of the Watch, so that they're able to start covering even the poorer parts of their covered area. (-1 Budget Point)
[ ] Expand the Watch into a new county or barony (choose which) (No Budgetary Impact due to expanded Gong Farming)
[ ] Expand the Special Branch into areas already covered by the Watch, so you have an additional pool of manpower you can call upon to supplement the full-time Watchmen. (-1 Budget Point)
[o] Improve the training of the Watch, hiring trainers and dedicating paid time each week to sharpening skills (LOCKED until administrative staff acquired) (-1 Budget Point)
[ ] Solve the current morale problem by brute force: throw time, effort and money at it until it goes away. (-1 Budget Point)
[ ] Integrate the Roadwarden network of covered areas into the Watch.
[ ] Investigate the possibility of adding a River Warden branch of the Watch.
[ ] Headhunt administrators from other organizations in Stirland.
[ ] Attempt to hire administrators and clerks from Altdorf and Nuln.

Stirland Watch finances - can be chosen INSTEAD of a selection from the above, will yield an unknown number of Budget Points.
[ ] Formalize and organize the payments people make for the Gong Farmers to perform their service, as well as having the Watch start enforcing existing laws against dumping human waste in the street or the Stir.
[ ] Currently, solid waste is sent by cart and wagon out to the fields for a pittance. It could instead be used to create market gardens along the banks of the Stir (hopefully downwind) and increase revenue and provide jobs for the desperate by growing a variety of cash crops.
[ ] Tanneries have a seemingly limitless demand for urine, which explains a lot about the smell. A bit of fragrant research would allow you to identify how much demand there is and how much of a profit you can wring from this.


Genießt den Krieg - join the divisions in Sylvania:
[ ] If you're feeling nosy, Vanhaldenschlosse is apparently free of anything that would object to you poking around in what was once the proud ancestral home of the Van Hals.
[ ] Something apparently quite similar to the Purge of the Haunted Hills is going on in Ostermark's southern regions; you could inspect goings-on up there yourself.
[ ] Attach yourself to the army so you can join in the final push of the Purge of the Haunted Hills. (specify which regiment to join; can join the artillery under Narfi of the Throng of Zhufbar). (NEW-ish)

Self-Improvement: Things have been going well so far, but the skills of a Journeyman Grey Mage can only go so far.
[ ] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned (choose which trait; can be taken multiple times; will be more effective if you've used the trait a lot lately).
[ ] Tutoring: One of your fellow councillors may be willing to teach you in their chosen field (choose who; can choose which, or you can let them decide).
[ ] Really Good Swords: You have achieved proficiency with the Greatsword. Future progress is possible, though it will take more effort to see results.
[ ] Combat Training: You're virtually surrounded by armed warriors of various sorts. See if you can convince one to teach you (choose who).
[ ] Combat Training, In The Free Market: You haven't made many heavily armed friends yet, but gold is good for that. Go out and buy some training. (-personal gold)
[ ] Gun Shopping: You're currently using a pistol that was a spare for the pistoliers. Visit Nuln to upgrade. (will trigger a subvote next turn for what type and how many)
[ ] Enchantment: You're naturally talented at enchantment; so far, this just amounts to being able to make your desk meow for about an hour. See if you can improve on that, or at least figure out a way to make that useful.

Home Comforts: Your Palace-Shrine is bursting with potential. And also mud.
[ ] Diggy Diggy Hole, Remixed: You're getting sick of having workmen tramping in and out of your abode. Recruit an entire team and personally oversee them to clear out all of the reachable portions of the Palace-Shrine and be done with it. (-personal gold)
[ ] Filled with Potential: You've got a room cleared out and ready to be put to use. Decide what you're going to put there and get started on equipping it. (write in the purpose of the room)

[ ] Undead Research: You know the basics, now. Perhaps a great deal of effort will allow you to advance further.
[ ] Snooping: Van Hal gave you a key to his Study. It's been a while since he's been in Wurtbad; he probably forgot he did so, and won't remember until he returns. And he didn't specifically say not to poke around and see what you could find.
[ ] Shyish-kebabs: The Shyish swords are hideously dangerous as weapons, but fascinating as a subject of study. Try to reverse-engineer the lost enchantments woven into them.
[ ] Qhaysh Juice: Whatever it is, it's dripping out of the box at a steady rate. You've got several gallons of the stuff and it's still coming out. It's got to be good for something.
[ ] Qhaysh Skunkworks: It would take careful study to unlock the secrets of the liquid. It would take considerably less time to find out if it can be made to burn, or explode, or do something militarily useful.
[ ] There's always room for more shadow spells in your repertoire. Send off to the Grey College for the basics on one of the others and get started on trying to learn it.

[ ] Information Network: Work alongside to Julia to administer the network. Choose another Organizational Action for the Network.
[ ] Stirland Watch: Work alongside Jack to administer the Watch. Choose another Organizational Action for the Watch.
[ ] Financial Jargon: Everything with the EIC flew right over your head last time. Try again. Succeeding here will mean that you can take a more active hand in the company, adding it to the organizational actions; failing or not attempting means Mathilde will remain a silent partner.
[ ] Thieves Guild: It's currently little more than a church group, albeit of a very unconventional god. If it could be expanded under your aegis, it could be a powerful tool.
[ ] Biderhof: This village based on woodcutting and agriculture, has adopted you as one of it's own. Maybe you should adopt it as your own, in a literal sense.
[ ] Non-Thief Guilds: Wurtbad, like all major cities, is home to a number of guilds. Reach out to them and enforce your will.

[ ] Getting To Know You: Spend time with one of your fellow councillors, your liege, or any of the other important figures you've come to know, offering your help in their tasks and generally getting a feel for them (choose one).
[ ] Getting To Know You Whether You Like It Or Not: Trust, but verify. Spend some of your time seeing what a certain person spends their time doing (choose one).
[ ] Letters Home: You might be able to wring more information out of your Master, or you might just be able to get news, information and guidance in general from the Grey Order.
[o] Free Time: Now well-established in Wurtbad, you can spend some time in your scant off hours getting to know someone better. Pick one character. (not possible during Purge Turns)

- You currently have one (1) Dwarf Rep, gained from your showing in the Battle of Fang Island, and, sadly, none from the time you spent with them. Dwarf Rep is not the out-of-ten scale that your relations have used so far - it starts at zero and increments (or decrements) as you perform acts that have an impression on them. This is the currency one could use, for instance, for attempting to hire a dwarven teacher for the Watch; there will be opportunities to gain more in the combined campaign against Drakenhof.
- It's been hashed out already, but for posterity and those that skip to the update: trying to write in every single step that Mathilde might take to perform a task
will not help you. This is not a quest where you have to write in to keep breathing or Mathilde will keel over and suffocate.
- Before anyone asks: any trainers not chosen now are lost. You can't offer them any other roles, you can't save them for later; they're either one of the two picks you make this turn or they're gone.
- You will be able to expand the training staff further after administrative staff and a new headquarters are acquired.
- The Trainer Vote will be separate to the vote on Personal Actions.
- I've further formalized the Watch's budget system; 'Budget Points' are gained and lost based on actions taken. The 'status quo' before you took over was 0; it's up to you whether you think that's a good balance to aim for under your stewardship.

- This is the last Purge Turn before the assault on Drakenhof. Just saying.
- Don't forget Ranald's Blessing!
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[X] Pistolier - Watchmen become proficient with pistols, carry them on patrol

[X] Dog Breeder - Stirland Terriers become part of the Watch

I think someone once said dogs and guns are human's most trustworthy companion in WHF. :V
[X] Pistolier - Watchmen become proficient with pistols, carry them on patrol
[X] Dog Breeder - Stirland Terriers become part of the Watch
[X] Tutor - Watchmen learn advanced swordsmanship and horsemanship
[X] Doctor - Watchmen learn first aid

Any of these two sounds good.
[X] Promote Internally - Best for morale, but brings nothing new to the table
This is the most pressing issue, and it's what we came here for.

[X] Dog Breeder - Stirland Terriers become part of the Watch
Regarding the Watch Trainers, I think we *really* should take Promote Internally for one of them to help with morale problems. And then for the other I'm drawn between:
Smuggler - prelude to further underground ops, would get us a head start on that, but might also get obsoleted if we later get a dwarf trainer who thinks the Watch has been mis-trained. Might also result in complaints from watchmen who really wanted a dwarf.
Pistolier - likely to be expensive, but guns are good
Dog Breeder - iconic ratcatcher trappings, dogs are good, if less impressive

For the action plan, here's two sketches I have in mind, now with the detailed thoughts separated from the plan for Boney's sake:

[:???:] Plan Backtrack
-[*] Getting To Know You Whether You Like It Or Not: Trust, but verify. Spend some time seeing what Julia spends her time doing.
--[*] Ranald's Blessing
-[*] Really Good Swords: You have achieved proficiency with the Greatsword. Future progress is possible, though it will take more effort to see results.

Investigate our advisors like Van Hal investigates his, (more charsheet? did she embezzle gossip money?), make sure we're not rusty with the blessed sword when it's time to march on Castle Drakenhof, maybe hope for the Fitness trait.
I speculate that Van Hal is going to ask for a full report on our entire year's activities after the Purge, so these two can also be used to cement the facts that Mathilde has been doing spymastering job, as well as arming herself for battle like the boss requested.
But people may already be satisfied that accompanying the army various places and studying undead and learning Burning Shadows and taking down the Singing King is good enough on that score, which I can't entirely disagree with, so another possibility:

[:???:] Plan Wizardening
-[*] Enchantment: You're naturally talented at enchantment; so far, this just amounts to being able to make your desk meow for about an hour. See if you can improve on that, or at least figure out a way to make that useful.
-[*] Qhaysh Juice: Whatever it is, it's dripping out of the box at a steady rate. You've got several gallons of the stuff and it's still coming out. It's got to be good for something.
--[*] Ranald's Blessing

"While the army is cleaning up the last of the Haunted Hills with dwarf support" seems like a great time for Mathilde to get some research done in peace and quiet away from the front. I've put Juice and not Skunkworks because of Alliterate's earlier point: Stirland has gunpowder and cannon (thanks Anton!) and dwarf support, a small amount more of a rare explosive/incendiary with limited supply is probably not what we need now.

Will put an actual vote later after thread considers for a bit.
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Already? Jeez, kinda seems sudden. Well, time to send those letters asking for Battle Mages and some last-minute improvement to our martial score. Maybe getting a fancier pistol? Is it worth spending an overwork action to try and be as prepared as possible?
[X] Pistolier - Watchmen become proficient with pistols, carry them on patrol

[X] Dog Breeder - Stirland Terriers become part of the Watch

I feel that we should devote actual time next turn solely on improving moral in the Watch, not expanding it, if at all possible. Promoting internally is rather unnecessary then.
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Already? Jeez, kinda seems sudden. Well, time to send those letters asking for Battle Mages and some last-minute improvement to our martial score. Maybe getting a fancier pistol? Is it worth spending an overwork action to try and be as prepared as possible?

There'll be a final miniturn dedicated to final preparations, where the battle mage letters will come into play.
Well, time to send those letters asking for Battle Mages and some last-minute improvement to our martial score.
About that, @BoneyM , how do you intend to handle issuing request for Battle Mages?
Action now? Action next turn for Castle Drakenhof? Nonaction because it takes significantly less than a month?

Edit: Ninjaed by the QM, answer above!
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Having the doctor will probably boost morale a lot- nothing says "I care about your survival" like giving them a skilled physician to ensure their survival
[X] Pistolier - Watchmen become proficient with pistols, carry them on patrol
[X] Doctor - Watchmen learn first aid

Range keeps you alive. Also helps explain the saltpeter production. You need powder to use guns.
Anything that keeps you alive longer is a good thing.

[X] Plan Expand Job and Knowledge.
-[X] Stirland Watch: Work alongside Jack to administer the Watch. Choose another Organizational Action for the Watch.
--[X] Expand the Watch into a new county or barony (choose which) (No Budgetary Impact due to expanded Gong Farming) (expand east of current control.)
-[X] Qhaysh Juice: Whatever it is, it's dripping out of the box at a steady rate. You've got several gallons of the stuff and it's still coming out. It's got to be good for something.
--[X] Ranald's Blessing
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[X] Promote Internally - Best for morale, but brings nothing new to the table
[X] Dog Breeder - Stirland Terriers become part of the Watch

So a small concession to morale, with a 2nd one being the inclusion of man's best friend. I feel we've been rocking the boat all too much in this year. Way too much considering we'd actually be away on campaign for most of the time. We can pick up further hiring once we've finished with drakenhof.
Voting is open