While I am all for dragonbone, I am not so sure it is perfect for a grey wizard staff. Amethyst? Look no further, this is the shit, but grey - I have my doubts.Dragonbone? You want to make a legendary Wizard Staff? This is--quite literally--the perfect material. Especially since we looted it from a Necrarch Vampire Lord's personal lair
. It would take Great Deeds to do it. Which is the name of the new currency it looks like you'll be getting from this turn.
I'll lob this one straight to the QM. @BoneyM: Mat's a Grey mage, and an Enchanter. Can she think of a way to enchant something in a way it wouldn't be obvious to her own magesight that it is enchanted? And could a thing so enchanted, be dangerous to her?
Sweet. Also how many other WOGs have invisitext? or the main updates?
Is that a professional title or just an honor/prestige one?
But we aren't waxing about our personal talent. We are suggesting that we can facilitate contact with famously known dwarven talent. That's like getting an email from some relatively unknown dude that a prestigious overseas university is willing to provide funding. As long as there's an official stamp of whichever Karak we are hiring the dwarf from, that should make all the difference.they do not have time in the day to listen to every gods-damned smartass who thinks that their outstanding talent in their own field makes them qualified to solve the problems of a completely different one.
Doesn't have to be actively. All it requires is a few critical failures in a row while we are trying to study the text in question. Then again, this is true for a majority of actions that we are or have been taking. All in all no more risky than a first time performance of some magical ritual.Well, technically you could argue they might have spells on them and they've just been concealed (similar to the Eshin thing), but at that point you start to move from reasonable caution and into the territory of outright paranoia and assuming the GM is actively trying to kill us. At which point we should also start preparing for BoneyM to drop a flight of Bloodthirsters into our lap.
Possible. Hochland has a College. It would take Great Deeds to do it. Which is the name of the new currency it looks like you'll be getting from this turn.
Well, I know what his next turn actions are going to be!
Pretty unique. It's common for vampires to have a small number of necromancer or weaker vampire apprentices, but that's a more one-to-one arrangement; a full-on teaching institution isn't something I can recall popping up before. It's not the biggest potential disaster that's happened, not by a long shot, but its nature is very unusual.For the more knowledgeable on lore, just how unique is 'holy shit old (ancient?) vampire with established Necromancy College inside the empire'? Like...obviously it falls under 'mobilize everything we can, burn it with fire', as mentioned in the update, but where on the scale of 'yeah this happens every few decades, warhammer universe is hellscape' to 'this is literally the first time something like this has happened in the empire' does it fall?
Also, for anyone on mobile or who otherwise doesn't/can't have the invisitext script running:
Now-now, would be unsporting.er boney and the rest of the topic , could we just leave the dragon bones behind and try hiding them and come back to loot them wich would cost us a action so it isnt 3 items. Basicly destroy the entrance and do that make treasure look shittier spell on the bones maybe. Is this realistic @BoneyM , we probably would still have to roll what occupies the town after we leave and did they find it or not but it could be a great action in the future. I know we are action sinked to hell but dragonbones are worth the effort to be honest.
We have two runelords at eight peaks currently and them making stuff with dragonbone and with the amount of dragonbones we could get would be cool. And i think thorek might be a bigger expert on crafting dragon items since a dwarf killed a dragon in his neighbourghood awhile ago so there should be bones available from that to actually have done dragonbone stuff with kraggs being just learned and maybe more high end stuff from old timey stuff maybe . They probably wont be items for us but for eight peaks and for dwarfs in general and this should generate a pretty decent chunk of favors and cool items.
The... entire argument is that a flaw in the voting information has led to an uneven distribution in the voter-force, though?Whatever possible flaws in the vote format you may or may not have made, (and I don't think you made any,) there's a silent majority here far larger than everyone currently participating in discussion.
For the more knowledgeable on lore, just how unique is 'holy shit old (ancient?) vampire with established Necromancy College inside the empire'? Like...obviously it falls under 'mobilize everything we can, burn it with fire', as mentioned in the update, but where on the scale of 'yeah this happens every few decades, warhammer universe is hellscape' to 'this is literally the first time something like this has happened in the empire' does it fall?
Also, for anyone on mobile or who otherwise doesn't/can't have the invisitext script running:
For the more knowledgeable on lore, just how unique is 'holy shit old (ancient?) vampire with established Necromancy College inside the empire'? Like...obviously it falls under 'mobilize everything we can, burn it with fire', as mentioned in the update, but where on the scale of 'yeah this happens every few decades, warhammer universe is hellscape' to 'this is literally the first time something like this has happened in the empire' does it fall?
Also, for anyone on mobile or who otherwise doesn't/can't have the invisitext script running: