Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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[X] The EIC is a tool that can allow Mathilde to economically intervene in all sorts of ways. She will wield it as such for the good of the Empire and its allies.

[X] The EIC has potential to be an amazing source of information, and now that it can be trusted, Mathilde will shape it as such.

[X] Introduce him to Prince Gotri as a factory builder seeking his advice in gunsmithing.
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Question fellas: Would being able to come up with an Elf Lord and an Emperor Dragon when sent to get mercenaries be a pro, or a con, for one such as Belegar?

He's unconventional, but still a Dwarf.
Honestly? It's rubbing it in her self-righteous face. We destroy Drakhov itself for all time*, and we get kicked out. We come back as the right-hand human of the second most important Doof King in the entire world. What's she going to do to us now, push us out the copter?

*Barring someone like Vlad or Manfredd being BS at magic.
Actually she's being perfectly civil with us, barely Blinked at the "suddenly Dwarves" and seems to have far more pressing concerns on her mind than any perceived grudge, actually I don't think she even registers that there's any grudge to be had
From her point of view she gave a straightforward and honest dismissal of a former advisor to her father that she didn't trust for her own reasons and that was the end of it
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[X] Mathilde's intervention with the EIC was to prevent them from being a new Stirlandian League. That mission is accomplished. Pull back and let it manage itself.
Question fellas: Would being able to come up with an Elf Lord and an Emperor Dragon when sent to get mercenaries be a pro, or a con, for one such as Belegar?

He's unconventional, but still a Dwarf.

I seem to remember hearing somewhere that the dragon rider is one of few elves not subject to the grudge. I don't remember why (something to do with his exile), nor do I know where, nor even if it is true.
[X] Ride to Black Fire Pass and take a Dwarven monitor down Skull River, stop at Barak Varr, and then up Blood River. Reasonably fast, comfortable, maximizes Dwarf-y showing off.

Gotta maximize the time for AWKWARD CONVERSATIONS.

[X] Introduce her to King Byrrnoth of Barak Varr, who would love to have a new distributor in the Empire for all the valuables from the East now that Death Pass is secure.

I feel like this is going to be the best long term option for the Empire and EIC. Karak Eight Peaks and Karak Azul are basically just going to dump a shit-ton of bullion onto the market the drop back down to relatively normal Dwarfhold levels of economic activity, whereas positioning yourself as distributor of an increased flow of Eastern goods is stronger from a long-term standpoint.

[X] Introduce him to all the single Journeymanlings.
[X] Introduce him to the self-proclaimed Questing Knight Soizic.

Matchmaking is #1 vitally important priority

[X] Mathilde's intervention with the EIC was to prevent them from being a new Stirlandian League. That mission is accomplished. Pull back and let it manage itself.

I'd much rather spend our EIC actions on research or stabbing stuff. They're more interesting to read.
Roswita Van Hal genuinely believes she is soon to die. And from the well-worn grooves in her soul, she has believed it for quite a while.
Now that I think about it, this explains a lot. Her economic policy, her headlong dash into Sylvania, all of it. She wants to get something done before she bites it. The question is, did Abelhelm have something like this as well, or is this something unique to Roswita?
[ ] Introduce her to King Belegar, who has a hoard to spend and is desperate enough for firepower to buy from manlings.

I will Just point out for this option, we just instituted a policy on the gun factory where Stirland gets the right of first refusal on all guns made. Including on credit and is actively equipping it's forces with firearms so this may not be as beneficial as it looks at first glance.
Honestly, the first thing I thought when I saw that line about Roswita being sure she's gonna die, is that she thinks we're gonna be the one to do it. Not sure why, just a random feeling.

I seem to remember hearing somewhere that the dragon rider is one of few elves not subject to the grudge. I don't remember why (something to do with his exile), nor do I know where, nor even if it is true.
The original Grudge was against the Phoenix King that had the beard of the Dwarfen Ambassador shorn off. The grudge extends to all subsequent Phoenix Kings and those that serve them. Since Asarnil was Exiled personally by the current Phoenix King, he's obviously not a servant of the King, so isn't subject to the Grudge.
[X] Mathilde's intervention with the EIC was to prevent them from being a new Stirlandian League. That mission is accomplished. Pull back and let it manage itself.

This pretty much perfectly encapsulates by feelings on the EIC.
"Nudalit nudaled annudalit, Ekumgrik Roswita. Dawrik, ordohdrengi a Dawrik Belegar Angrund a Vala-Azril-Ungol. Or-Mhornzhufokrul Mathilde Weber, Orgnoli a Vala-Azril-Ungol."
Mathilde actually walked right up and talked in Khazalid instead of Reikspiel. Roswita needed a translator. That was every bit of dwarfiness I hoped for and I love it.

On that note, I'm trying to decipher this and while that is fun, and I can find parts of words and then guess at the roots, I think it would probably be faster and easier to just ask. @BoneyM, can you break down how this was put together and what it says for us?
[X] Ride to Black Fire Pass and take a Dwarven monitor down Skull River, stop at Barak Varr, and then up Blood River. Reasonably fast, comfortable, maximizes Dwarf-y showing off.

I want some awkward conversations and also to maybe find out if we can help her at all since it's kind of sad that she's basically convinced she's going to die.

[X] Introduce him to all the single Journeymanlings.
[X] Introduce him to the self-proclaimed Questing Knight Soizic.
[X] Introduce him to the We and see if he makes friends with them.

I don't care which of these win I just feel they're all super fun and will be amazing.

Don't have an opion on the Wilheminla actions since I like all of them.

[0] Mathilde's intervention with the EIC was to prevent them from being a new Stirlandian League. That mission is accomplished. Pull back and let it manage itself.

This is my preferred answer the EIC question but just in case I'll vote for this too since I would be okay with it.

[X] The EIC has potential to be an amazing source of information, and now that it can be trusted, Mathilde will shape it as such.

Edit: Removed my get rid of EIC vote since I don't like the arguments against it.
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[X] Ride to Black Fire Pass and take a Dwarven monitor down Skull River, stop at Barak Varr, and then up Blood River. Reasonably fast, comfortable, maximizes Dwarf-y showing off.
[X] Introduce him to the self-proclaimed Questing Knight Soizic.
[X] Introduce him to King Belegar as a seasoned diplomat who can round up mercenaries for him.
[x] Introduce her to King Kazador, the ruler of a Karak that hasn't been able to spend a single penny on luxuries for thousands of years.
[x] Mathilde's intervention with the EIC was to prevent them from being a new Stirlandian League. That mission is accomplished. Pull back and let it manage itself.

For Anton little bit of date prompting and a whole lot of trying to inflict Anton's supernatural luck on Belegar. Good times.
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