Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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[] [SPIDER] They are foreign allies and thus the responsibility of Prince Kazrik.
[] [KRAGG] Hit Hard
[] Tower of Utter Neutrality - with rune and material and a great deal of care, make your Tower completely magically neutral. Large bonus to studying anything magical, small bonus to studying everything else from higher Magesight contrast. 250gc, 5 Dwarf favors.

If the towers stack on top of each other and keeping with themes, then...

/\ Roof
[ ] Tower of the Burning Shadow = Eye of Sauron super super magic
[ ] Tower of Dawn and Dusk = super magic
[ ] Tower of Serenity = kinda magic
[ ] Tower of Oh Dear = cancels magic
[ ] Tower of Utter Neutrality = no magic
----- Mountain
Move everything from the Tower of Dawn and Dusk up off the first tower and into its own area, and then build a bridge between them. Sticking a big block of anti-magic at the base of a tower doesn't say that it'll mess with the rooms above it anywhere, but thematically it makes sense to have an uninterrupted pillar of pure Ulgu magic running straight into the Ridiculous Ritual Room.
Oh my god he's Armstrong
I *know*. Its quite nice to see him portrayed like this. Thanks Boney a lot for doing our resident Cogboy like this.

Punchy Tech Priests/Gold Wizards are great stuff.

Aaaaaaassss to what to do:

[X] [SPIDER] They are military assets and thus the responsibility of Dreng.
[X] [SPIDER] They are the very definition of 'miscellaneous weirdness' and thus the responsibility of the Court Wizard.
I'm torn on these tbh.

Holy shit Kragg is not Grumpy on Main right now. What the fuck ate him and is using his skin as a suit? :o
[X] [KRAGG] Hit Hard

Mathilde was just complimented by a Clan Eshin Assassin, one of the best assassin groups in the Old World. She is uniquely suited to deal with infiltration with her other skill sets, but she uses her sword to kill. So to me the best way to kill something for sure is to hit like ten Mac trucks.

[ ] Tower of Dawn and Dusk - with ritual and material and expert consultation, make your Tower like a tuning fork for Ulgu. Bonus to enchantment, rituals, spell learning, spell making, and power stone creation within the tower. 250gc, 5 College favours.
That's some swank ass "Applied Low Energy Test Range" right there where we can go in to apply our theoretical knowledge in low energy tests and to learning spells.

[X] Tower of Utter Neutrality - with rune and material and a great deal of care, make your Tower completely magically neutral. Large bonus to studying anything magical, small bonus to studying everything else from higher Magesight contrast. 250gc, 5 Dwarf favours.
Snek! Too bad we can't stick both this and Oh Dear in one room but ah well.

[ ] Tower of Oh Dear - with a series of very prominent buttons easily accessible from anywhere in the room, be able to drain all magical energies in three heartbeats. Near-complete immunity to miscasts and any other conceivable magical threat. 200gc, 3 College favours, 3 Dwarf favours.
If Dusk and Dawn is our "Low Energy Test Range" this one is for our "Criticallity and High Explosives Laboratory". Also the defense from any conceivable magical threat is an interesting and probably quite useful second benefit.

[ ] Tower of Serenity - Perfect temperature, perfect level of background noise, perfect conditions to get those bloody papers written. Or for someone else to do it for you. It even has a rune to keep your drink warm. Every turn, writing or dictating 1 paper costs no actions. 300gc, 3 College favours, 1 Dwarf favour.
Very nice indeed, able to chug through those papers we got finally.

[ ] Tower of the Burning Shadow - to your sorrow, Burning Shadows cannot be cast on a mountain. To your delight, there's a way around that. There may not be a practical purpose to this, but deep in your soul you know you want to turn the entire shadow of Karag Nar into acid. 150gc, 4 College favours.


Can be done later tho.


[X] [RUNE] No purchase.
[X] [LIBRARY] No purchase.
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I know it will never happen, and would probably result in a grudge if we tried to make it happen, but imagine:

Ranger Spider Cavalry.

Show those grobi how it's done right.
[] Tower of Dawn and Dusk - with ritual and material and expert consultation, make your Tower like a tuning fork for Ulgu. Bonus to enchantment, rituals, spell learning, spell making, and power stone creation within the tower. 250gc, 5 College favours.
[ ] Tower of Utter Neutrality - with rune and material and a great deal of care, make your Tower completely magically neutral. Large bonus to studying anything magical, small bonus to studying everything else from higher Magesight contrast. 250gc, 5 Dwarf favours.
[ ] Tower of Oh Dear - with a series of very prominent buttons easily accessible from anywhere in the room, be able to drain all magical energies in three heartbeats. Near-complete immunity to miscasts and any other conceivable magical threat. 200gc, 3 College favours, 3 Dwarf favours.
[ ] Tower of Serenity - Perfect temperature, perfect level of background noise, perfect conditions to get those bloody papers written. Or for someone else to do it for you. It even has a rune to keep your drink warm. Every turn, writing or dictating 1 paper costs no actions. 300gc, 3 College favours, 1 Dwarf favour.
[ ] Tower of the Burning Shadow - to your sorrow, Burning Shadows cannot be cast on a mountain. To your delight, there's a way around that. There may not be a practical purpose to this, but deep in your soul you know you want to turn the entire shadow of Karag Nar into acid. 150gc, 4 College favours.
So looking at this. We want to avoid mixmatching anything and causing problems.

So I would suggest two different towers.
Tower 1: First Floor, Utter Neutrality and Second Floor, Tower Of Oh Dear.

Tower Two: First Floor, Serenity. Second Floor, Dusk and Dawn. Third Floor, Burning Shadow.

To explain. We don't want to mixing the floors that go 'EMERGENCY CONTAINMENT' and 'STERILE LAB DO NOT ENTER' with the floors that require major spell casting being done. Tower 1 would be our 'Lab Tower' where do all the most important and dangerous research, while Tower 2 would be our 'Working Tower' where we defend the hold with Burning Shadow, do papers with Serenity, or conduct rituals, enchantments, spell learning, spell making, or power stone creation with Dawn and Dusk. More so, Dawn and Dusk making the tower a tuning fork with Ulgu should provide a nice bonus to the Tower Of Burning Shadow.
Just want to say, awesome update.

[ ] [SPIDER] They are foreign allies and thus the responsibility of Prince Kazrik.
[ ] [SPIDER] They are military assets and thus the responsibility of Dreng.
[ ] [SPIDER] They are the very definition of 'miscellaneous weirdness' and thus the responsibility of the Court Wizard.
[ ] [SPIDER] No recommendation.
Being the point of contact for the We will open up a new category of interactions, but will not cost actions unless actions are spent on them. This largely decides whether anything We-related is your problem or someone else's.
We should give the responsibility for the spiders to someone who will actually spend actions on dealing with them freely rather than sparingly and reluctantly like the miser we are.

[ ] [KRAGG] Hit Hard
[ ] [KRAGG] Hit Fast
[ ] [KRAGG] Hit When They're Not Looking
It's true we tend to want to attack 'when they're not looking', but I can't help but wonder what this would actually do. Would it allow us to cleave our way through armies unnoticed?
Hit Hard seems like the most straightforward option here but they're all interesting.

[ ] Tower of Dawn and Dusk - with ritual and material and expert consultation, make your Tower like a tuning fork for Ulgu. Bonus to enchantment, rituals, spell learning, spell making, and power stone creation within the tower. 250gc, 5 College favours.
Ulgu bonuses. Would be good if we actually had any intention on doing any of this, right now it's pretty useless. We're likely to do spell learning down at Altfdorf, don't know how to make power stones, and don't have any plans to make spells in the immediate future. This leaves enchanting.
[ ] Tower of Utter Neutrality - with rune and material and a great deal of care, make your Tower completely magically neutral. Large bonus to studying anything magical, small bonus to studying everything else from higher Magesight contrast. 250gc, 5 Dwarf favours.
The Snake Juice option. Probably also quite useful for skaven tech, random enchantments and other miscellaneous projects. As the head of miscellaneous projects this is quite obviously quite nice.
[ ] Tower of Oh Dear - with a series of very prominent buttons easily accessible from anywhere in the room, be able to drain all magical energies in three heartbeats. Near-complete immunity to miscasts and any other conceivable magical threat. 200gc, 3 College favours, 3 Dwarf favours.
The warpstone testing area? Good for doing anything dangerous, a good choice for later on when we start doing large scale experiments.
[ ] Tower of Serenity - Perfect temperature, perfect level of background noise, perfect conditions to get those bloody papers written. Or for someone else to do it for you. It even has a rune to keep your drink warm. Every turn, writing or dictating 1 paper costs no actions. 300gc, 3 College favours, 1 Dwarf favour.
Free actions.
[ ] Tower of the Burning Shadow - to your sorrow, Burning Shadows cannot be cast on a mountain. To your delight, there's a way around that. There may not be a practical purpose to this, but deep in your soul you know you want to turn the entire shadow of Karag Nar into acid. 150gc, 4 College favours.
Nothing to say here.

Tower of Utter Neutrality is the option we probably want so we can study snake juice (finally). But after that we definitely want the tower of serenity so we can start getting those free actions and easy college favor.
[ ] [LIBRARY] Write-in.
Fungus, Extensive Imperial - 100g, Fungus, Extensive Dwarven - 100g: We know Belegar has fungus on the brain, it's possible we don't need this with the Greenskin texts but it's good to get in front anyway.
GreatSwords, Extensive Imperial - 100g, GreatSwords, Extensive Bretonnian- 100g: These give a bonus to learning how to sword apparently.
Romance Novels, Varied - 50g
: It's not that expensive and novels have been good to us.
Vampires, Extensive Imperial - 100g: Because we need to prevent any vampires getting entrenched. Most cities have vampires, let's not be one of them. Also it's possible the same ability to spot vampires may come in handy in spotting sneaky skaven who are capable of hiding from mage sight.

Total gold: 550.

[ ] [RUNE] Write-in.
I have no ideas here.

[ ] [ENCHANTMENT] Write-in.
Grounding Rod - 2 favour.

Grounding rod is a good idea, best to keep it on hand. Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
If we get something better later on we can always pass it on to someone else.

[ ] [SHOPPING] Write-in.
Fancy sniper handgun is a good choice.
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Please don't put the room of maximum magic on top of the room of minimum magic.
So certain rooms have inherent incompatibilities with one another even if they can be connected by a unifying theme, good to know. And the other ideas have, well, not been nixed? I want to interpret your lack of comment as declaring them feasible but I know that's too strong a reading, so a general comment would be nice.

Anyway, the room incompatibility effect implies by reversing it that rooms can also have inherent synergies with one another, ex., the suggestion to keep piling Dusk And Dawn rooms into the same tower could actually work to produce a bonus significantly larger than the individual room bonuses because we'd have constructed a mutually supporting room complex. This can happen? Should we be considering "build a massive tower focused toward X for 4 actions and 400g" rather than only looking at one-room 100g bonuses, or can we rely on not losing effectiveness when we lego everything together one layer at a time?
[X] [SPIDER] They are foreign allies and thus the responsibility of Prince Kazrik.
[X] [KRAGG] Hit Hard
[X] Tower of Utter Neutrality - with rune and material and a great deal of care, make your Tower completely magically neutral. Large bonus to studying anything magical, small bonus to studying everything else from higher Magesight contrast. 250gc, 5 Dwarf favours.

This for now. Snekjuice next turn. Do we need to buy any books in prep?

[ ] Tower of Serenity - Perfect temperature, perfect level of background noise, perfect conditions to get those bloody papers written. Or for someone else to do it for you. It even has a rune to keep your drink warm. Every turn, writing or dictating 1 paper costs no actions. 300gc, 3 College favours, 1 Dwarf favour.
Next turn.
[X] [SPIDER] They are military assets and thus the responsibility of Dreng.
[X] [KRAGG] Hit Hard
[X] Tower of Utter Neutrality
So, guys, why not let Dreng handle the spiders?

We sold them as a military asset, we positioned them as a military asset.

Dreng is the best one to make use of them.

Integration will take a hell of a lot more time, and in the end, not starting by treating them as foreigners might even be a better move.
If Dusk and Dawn is our "Low Energy Test Range" this one is for our "Criticallity and High Explosives Laboratory". Also the defense from any conceivable magical threat is an interesting and probably quite useful second benefit.
Also known as "room where we could learn Battlemagic in".
Do you really think 200g on fungus is a good purchase?
Last turn's adviser meeting hinted to us that fungus might be an issue we have to deal with soon:
"The elevator will have to wait - blasted mushrooms run amok, damn near entirely clogging it in places. Build your engineering bay."
Which is what Redshirt is trying to get ahead of, acquiring books for it in the event that we are asked to deal with it.
[X] [SPIDER] They are the very definition of 'miscellaneous weirdness' and thus the responsibility of the Court Wizard.

I don't trust any of the options to have the needed mindset to deal with the spiders without ending in a lot of pain, death or big misunderstandings.

Dwarves are many things, but cementing an alliance with an alien intelligence is not playing to theirs strengths.

[X] Tower of Utter Neutrality - with rune and material and a great deal of care, make your Tower completely magically neutral. Large bonus to studying anything magical, small bonus to studying everything else from higher Magesight contrast. 250gc, 5 Dwarf favours.

Snek Juice plz

[X] [SHOPPING] Pick up a marksdwarf pistol

I love our revolver, but that shot that killed the Goblin leader would have been easier with a marksdwarf pistol.

[X] [ENCHANTMENT] Grounding Rod
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I'm contemplating whether to switch my vote to [] [KRAGG] *Smash sword through nearby boulder* :p
If there's some other purpose you had in mind for a tower, please request it. Future towers can be built, and extra levels can be added to this tower. Please keep your towers thematically consistent.

Could we build a tower room dedicated to being a library?
So certain rooms have inherent incompatibilities with one another even if they can be connected by a unifying theme, good to know. And the other ideas have, well, not been nixed? I want to interpret your lack of comment as declaring them feasible but I know that's too strong a reading, so a general comment would be nice.

Anyway, the room incompatibility effect implies by reversing it that rooms can also have inherent synergies with one another, ex., the suggestion to keep piling Dusk And Dawn rooms into the same tower could actually work to produce a bonus significantly larger than the individual room bonuses because we'd have constructed a mutually supporting room complex. This can happen? Should we be considering "build a massive tower focused toward X for 4 actions and 400g" rather than only looking at one-room 100g bonuses, or can we rely on not losing effectiveness when we lego everything together one layer at a time?

As long as there's some logical underpinning as opposed to just piling them up willy-nilly, I'm fine with it. And no, there's no larger bonuses coming down the pipeline, what you see is what you get.
So, guys, why not let Dreng handle the spiders?

We sold them as a military asset, we positioned them as a military asset.

Dreng is the best one to make use of them.

Integration will take a hell of a lot more time, and in the end, not starting by treating them as foreigners might even be a better move.

Also known as "room where we could learn Battlemagic in".
Yep that'd be one use.

I do wonder if the Oh Dear room might be a good place to hide if a Daemon is trying to hunt our pretty ass or our apprentices. Regardless the Room of Utter Neutrality or Oh Dear would be good places to put McSnake.
To explain. We don't want to mixing the floors that go 'EMERGENCY CONTAINMENT' and 'STERILE LAB DO NOT ENTER' with the floors that require major spell casting being done. Tower 1 would be our 'Lab Tower' where do all the most important and dangerous research, while Tower 2 would be our 'Working Tower' where we defend the hold with Burning Shadow, do papers with Serenity, or conduct rituals, enchantments, spell learning, spell making, or power stone creation with Dawn and Dusk. More so, Dawn and Dusk making the tower a tuning fork with Ulgu should provide a nice bonus to the Tower Of Burning Shadow.
That's not my reading.

I figured "Neutrality" and "Grounding out magic" would go pretty well with "zero distractions".
Last turn's adviser meeting hinted to us that fungus might be an issue we have to deal with soon:

Which is what Redshirt is trying to get ahead of, acquiring books for it in the event that we are asked to deal with it.
That honestly sounds like a job for the Steward: getting the elevator cleaned.

It's not particularly weird mushrooms or anything.

Might be entirely bait for us to spend a couple hundred gold on nothing useful.
[x] [SPIDER] They are military assets and thus the responsibility of Dreng.
[X] [KRAGG] Hit Hard
[X] Tower of Utter Neutrality - with rune and material and a great deal of care, make your Tower completely magically neutral. Large bonus to studying anything magical, small bonus to studying everything else from higher Magesight contrast. 250gc, 5 Dwarf favours.

[ ] [LIBRARY] Plan Redshirt

Here. The library vote, in easy copy-paste format.
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I do wonder if the Oh Dear room might be a good place to hide if a Daemon is trying to hunt our pretty ass or our apprentices. Regardless the Room of Utter Neutrality or Oh Dear would be good places to put McSnake.
I'd rather keep him in one of the most secure vaults in the world.

The Mirrorbox is a one in a million freak accident for all we know. Move it as little as possible, keep it as safe as possible.
Re: Chipper Kragg, I guess that the chance to work on a genuine masterwork made him happy?
You could but I'm not going to give a flat bonus to the library bonuses and nothing else is leaping out at me.
Hey BoneyM, its understandable if you want to wait for us to actually do is IC, but given how everyone is going to go Gaga over Towers for the next...4 Turns, could you do a write up of the possible underground rooms we can get? Or rooms inside the mountain I mean.
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