Urgent(do this in the next 2 turns if possible):
[ ] You have acquired the possession of the Temple where Ranald mugged Mork. Set up a shrine and spread knowledge of it throughout Karag Nar.
We want this set up before the big influx of migrants arrive so they get with the local program rather than bringing their own.
[ ] Settlers, traders, and prospective wives will begin arriving soon. Start building an information network amongst them.
We want this set up right after the big influx of migrants arrive. The EIC branch office will help here, we can reach them through the EIC informants, and they'd have regular reasons to meet those traders AND its easy to transfer renumeration by giving them discounts.
Demi-Urgent(do this sooner than later, but specific time is flexible):
[ ] Kvinn-Wyr is full of trolls. Investigate this for yourself.
[ ] Travel underneath Kvinn-Wyr and investigate Karag Mhonar.
[ ] Some of the richest parts of the historical Karak were under the Citadel. See who currently resides there.
[ ] Scouts found mauled Skaven corpses under Karagril. See what's going on.
[ ] Greenskins currently occupy Karagril. Find out what tribe they are and who rules them.
[ ] Investigate underneath Karag Lhune: the Lhune Deeps and the Grand Abyss.
[ ] Send to the Grey College for the appropriate scrolls to learn a specific spell: specify which.
[ ] Investigate the constantly-dripping blood of the Wisdom's Asp. Current accumulation: 12 gallons.
Basically all things we want to do sooner than later.
Conditionally Urgent:
[ ] Investigate how Pall of Darkness interacts with your sharpened magical senses.
We really want to do this one before we do any serious deep recon. Its important to know before we're running for our lives.
Thanks for the reply!
Urgent Tasks
[ ] You have acquired the possession of the Temple where Ranald mugged Mork. Set up a shrine and spread knowledge of it throughout Karag Nar.
I think the first urgent task, the building of a Ranaldite Shrine is probably easy to build a winnable plan for, because it likely unlocks other piety options and other ways to honor aspects of Ranald that are less controversial, such as Gambler and Protector, of which there seems to be much support within the thread. Plus, we do have a soft time-limit to build the shrine, so it's probably both in character and more sensible to get it done with now before other urgent priority actions start to appear.
[ ] Settlers, traders, and prospective wives will begin arriving soon. Start building an information network amongst them.
I think that setting up that Information Network is a harder sell for the thread though - there seems to be a significant portion of the thread that think this is not a high priority move since it's outside the job scope of our remit as Court Wizard. The counter would IMO would be that it's one of our jobs as a Grey Wizard to set up internal eyes and ears over Imperial subjects residing in Karak Eight Peaks, which would help further justify our presence in Karak Eight Peaks to the Grey College, but I anticipate that a significant debate would be waged over the urgency of the Information network. That being said, it seems that from your analysis, the information network can likely wait for the third turn, unless the migrant influx hits Karak eight Peaks as early as this first turn.
Conditionally Urgent
[ ] Investigate how Pall of Darkness interacts with your sharpened magical senses.
Given how many Demi-urgent tasks entail deep recon, it seems to me that this is something that ought to be taken as soon as action points permit.
I'd also imagine that this:
[ ] Send to the Grey College for the appropriate scrolls to learn a specific spell: specify which.
might also fall under conditionally urgent, since invisibility might come in handy.
Demi-Urgent(do this sooner than later, but specific time is flexible):
[ ] Kvinn-Wyr is full of trolls. Investigate this for yourself.
[ ] Travel underneath Kvinn-Wyr and investigate Karag Mhonar.
[ ] Some of the richest parts of the historical Karak were under the Citadel. See who currently resides there.
[ ] Scouts found mauled Skaven corpses under Karagril. See what's going on.
[ ] Greenskins currently occupy Karagril. Find out what tribe they are and who rules them.
[ ] Investigate underneath Karag Lhune: the Lhune Deeps and the Grand Abyss.
These six actions are deep recon actions, which means that Pall of Darkness investigation are almost a must. That being said, I can see that at most, we can only devote a single action to a deep recon mission every turn. Since investigating the underground of the Citadel has won this turn, the question is, what should we prioritize next turn?
I do think if we allow Johann to focus on the Skaven once he returns from Altdorf, investigating the Skaven presence under Karagil may well be a move that we should take together with a turn where Johann focuses on the Skaven. Infact, we might want to bring Johann along in our investigations of under-Karagril.
Other scouting actions, I believe depend on which peak the Council proposes should be targeted next for liberation. A targetted peak probably goes to the top of the demi-urgent priority queue, but otherwise, I can see a significant debate each turn on which Demi-urgent scouting action to to choose.
Personally: we should look to focus to secure the peaks already conquered as far as possible. Scouting the Lhune Deeps and Grand Abyss feels like the wiser and more urgent moves for me since Under Lhune and Under Citadel are potential vectors for assualt from hostile forces and schemes, and in some ways, a soft underbelly of the liberated Karags.
As for the Wisdom Asp snake juice, I think that it's best to devote research action to it this turn, as a test-run of our current investments into our tower. Hopefully, it would shed more light on what kind of expansions to the tower we need to do to improve our research capabilities if any.