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This is kind of tipping my hand early, but for the library purchase round this turn, since we're not in need of anything in particular I wanted to advocate for doing a Barak Varr for Tylos/Strygos/something, because I actually am really interested in doing the Tylosian coin book and seeing what we can learn about the Warden who became the Horned Rat.

I can't think of anything we need urgently, though thanks to the Library of Mornings we would get a ton of books if we did backfill since we would be filling in topics that have neither dwarf nor humans books.
I was wondering if the Eonir retained knowledge of Theogenesis that we could find books on or even a tutor for Eike.

I mean... we already have what they were willing to give us from the Library of Morning, who are you expecting to have knowledge of theogenesis and be willing to share it with the fifteen year old human?

I do not think that is very workable and almost almost certainly not book-acquisition related.
Wait, what is theogenesis supposed to be? I know what the word means, but I don't have any idea what it means in game terms, let alone as something one can be tutored in.
Wait, what is theogenesis supposed to be? I know what the word means, but I don't have any idea what it means in game terms, let alone as something one can be tutored in.
Given that Eike picked it up while working with the Council of Manhorak, it's likely relating to how sufficiently powerful local spirits (of bogs, fens, swamps, etc) transition to godhood holding conceptual domains.
There seems to be a threshold, or a series of thresholds, where spirits that grow strong enough can become more and more conceptual in nature. A spirit of a tree becomes a spirit of a forest, and then a spirit of forests in general, and then, say, of something like 'growth' or 'fertility'. This seemingly unshackles them - or, ha, uproots them - allowing them to move and grow beyond their origins, both physically and metaphorically
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'Ivan is the Russian version of the English John' doesn't imply an origin to me? But that might just be because Ivan is more familiar in that location.
To me it does (mildly) imply that Russian got Ivan from the English name John. Not necessarily that John was the original, but that of the two John is the older.

To be neutral about the sourcing I would phrase it as "Ivan is the Russian equivalent of the English John" - equivalent makes it clear that they are on equal footing.
Given that Eike picked it up while working with the Council of Manhorak, it's likely relating to how sufficiently powerful local spirits (of bogs, fens, swamps, etc) transition to godhood holding conceptual domains.
Sure, but how is that a skill that someone can pick up, let alone be tutored in? What would "Advanced Theogenesis" entail? Until now I thought that Eike just got to learn a mystery that even Mathilde doesn't know, not that she got a new practical ability.
Sure, but how is that a skill that someone can pick up, let alone be tutored in? What would "Advanced Theogenesis" entail? Until now I thought that Eike just got to learn a mystery that even Mathilde doesn't know, not that she got a new practical ability.
Pretty confident it isn't the ability to do the genesis, it's knowledge of it. Less a practical application and more a theoretical framework to draw conclusions from.
Sure, but how is that a skill that someone can pick up, let alone be tutored in? What would "Advanced Theogenesis" entail? Until now I thought that Eike just got to learn a mystery that even Mathilde doesn't know, not that she got a new practical ability.

Geology isn't the skill of being a mineral, but of understanding minerals. Eike cannot do Theogenesis since she is not herself a spirit.
I agree, except pedantrism compels me that an Ulgu version of the gilding taken far enough could maybe reach that point.

Maybe, but even then I do not think we would get quite the same kind of spirit that could ascend to godhood. Being a spirit of Ulgu in the shape of a wizard would be more like daemon princehood without the Chaos and as such the only higher concept one is likely to be able to grow into is Ulgu itself and that seems rather ambitious.
Eike MAY be able to "do a theogenesis" in the sense of identifying a Big Spirit with the potential to become a Small God and pushing the process along.
Kasmir. appropriately enough considering he's from a religion with a Grand "Theogonist", may have done this accidentally with the Swamp Gods, we know Bylorak is an oldie but the other swamps didn't have known gods associated with them, if they never did its possible that by worshipping distinct gods for every swamp he not only brought back the old swamp gods but allowed non-godly spirits of other swamps to ascend to godhood with the spiritual niches he created.
Maybe, but even then I do not think we would get quite the same kind of spirit that could ascend to godhood. Being a spirit of Ulgu in the shape of a wizard would be more like daemon princehood without the Chaos and as such the only higher concept one is likely to be able to grow into is Ulgu itself and that seems rather ambitious.
True, that is a good point. That said, we know that Gods can spilnter off new gods, so there's flexibility there, and it's plausible this also goes for a magical entity bad off a single wind.*

Of course, we're probably twenty turns to early to really talk about it, and forty turns too early to put it into practice.

*Endtimes has wind based gods. Clearly this is very compelling evidence, right?
There's also precedent for humans turning into gods with Sigmar, unless Arcane Marks prevent that or Sigmar the god is a distinct spiritual entity from Sigmar the man it's possible in principle.
Eike MAY be able to "do a theogenesis" in the sense of identifying a Big Spirit with the potential to become a Small God and pushing the process along.

That is an interesting thought, though it would be the kind of advice one should be very sparing with giving. The idea that the Grey College is getting involved in religion in that way would scare the hell out of most of the nobles in the Empire and it wouldn't leave the peasants all that happy either
There's also precedent for humans turning into gods with Sigmar, unless Arcane Marks prevent that or Sigmar the god is a distinct spiritual entity from Sigmar the man it's possible in principle.
A ghost is not an entirely dissimilar thing to a spirit, and presumably a soul that's actually in the afterlife is not an entirely dissimilar thing to a ghost. Theogenesis of the dead is PERHAPS two or three steps away from theogenesis of spirits.
That is an interesting thought, though it would be the kind of advice one should be very sparing with giving. The idea that the Grey College is getting involved in religion in that way would scare the hell out of most of the nobles in the Empire and it wouldn't leave the peasants all that happy either
I think the issue is less with the nobles, and much more with the cults.

Although the difference between small god and big spirit is more nomenclature, and Kislev for example draws out differently. I think one of the updates with Baba mentions that as an aside.
I think the issue is less with the nobles, and much more with the cults.

Although the difference between small god and big spirit is more nomenclature, and Kislev for example draws out differently. I think one of the updates with Baba mentions that as an aside.
Specifically the wording is that a lot of small gods in the Empire would be TREATED as big spirits in kislev. We don't know that that treatment itself doesn't itself change the nature of the... Spiritual Entity.
There are also Saints that are dead people who are worshipped as intermediaries to the gods they served in life.

And Sigmar was reverred as a saint of Ulric before have a Cult established worshipping him as a god in his own right.
Specifically the wording is that a lot of small gods in the Empire would be TREATED as big spirits in kislev. We don't know that that treatment itself doesn't itself change the nature of the... Spiritual Entity.
I wonder if the way AC reacts to the entity in question is at all based on it label. Or if you could empower a spirit using it. That's potentially a path for Eike to learn more about Theogenesis, though she'd have to pursue that path on her own.

Something we could potentially research on av that is similar, is the way it interacts with elementals and apparitions, and whether they can be empowered with it or not.
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