"I approached Karak Vlag about a book exchange deal, thinking they might have books that the Fire Spire had left with them for safekeeping.
you find a place in conversation to gracefully bring up the matter - though the intense silence that was the initial response made you question whether you had actually done so.
So at first i read this as a bit of "i *did* say that outloud not just in my head, right?" second guessing, but on reread no this is more of mathilde having internalized dwarven mindsets on 'things we dont talk about.' If the only answer they could give was problematic, then obviously that would have meant that she never asked in the first place
Concealed among those shipments is a few shelves worth of books for you to sort through at your leisure, mostly in Reikspiel with a minority in Kislevarin dialects. The distress the Vlagians referred to seems to not be any physical damage - they're actually shockingly well-preserved for their age - but a great deal of Khazalid notes in the margins that, from the brief skims you've been able to give them, would raise a great deal of questions that it is now your responsibility to not answer. You look forward to being able to carve out enough time to sort through them.
Huh...so did they not have any 'regular' books then? or at least not ones that our library and existing agreements already cover? I mean, fire spire books and the unexpected aid for runesmithing guild problems are more than enough for this to be useful, just a little surprised that (if i didn't miss anything) there wasn't even a mention of the matter of other books, only "officially we are sending rune texts for safe keeping until we have a guild that can be trusted with them. unofficially theres some extra weight for magic books that we dont talk about"
"Even different in that there's actually some normal coin, rather than those horrible warpstone ones. Why do they even keep them, anyway?"
So since it looks like our money total didn't change, out of curiosity: did these coins disappear into Johann and Adela's pay, into general WEBMAT discretionary funds, or into the "we dont track the money mathilde spends on expensive alcohol or inn stays, this is the flipside of that agreement" hole?
You wonder if it's worth pursuing more information on the subject with an eye to future papers - it's somewhat outside your usual specialities, but the pleasing symmetry of the names of the two conceptual roads begs to be elaborated further upon. And it might be something you can tie in to Roswita's research into the economies of the Vampires.
Very fun to see the thread's constant "ok but can we write a paper for [single point of data that is most supported by meta knowledge]" refrain filtered into mathildes thoughts like this XD
Where the resonances of the smaller, reactionary Waaaghs you encountered in the Karak Eight Peaks campaign were choruses of contrasting notes and the larger, nation-destroying Waaaghs that carve themselves into history you imagine to be more orchestral, the incipient Waaagh of the Forest Goblins is a single tone, high and sharp, hovering incessantly in one specific point behind your eyes like the prelude to a headache.
Huh...i thought mathilde perceived Waaagh energies as a flavour...was it also as sound and i just forgot that?
then begin to prod at the Waaagh field emanating from the struggle for dominance occurring over the horizon, sharpening your Ulgu into nasty little jabs that only disperses the Waaagh for a moment, but causes it to roil as violently as a sizable skirmish would.
Something about the wording of "nasty little jabs" makes me think more to the little hints of Mork vibes still present from her run in with him
The immediate relevance of which is that when you request a Journeyman with auditory Magesight to assist with your idea for an auditory seviroscope, the Wizard that responds - who is able to take a break from their undercover duties in a Reikland troupe due to their overwintering in Altdorf - you're not sure whether their aggressively contradictory approach to gender cues is a personal choice or a professional requirement.
Hmm... the grammar on this seems a little off. Removing the aside, you get "The immediate relevance of which is that when you request a Journeyman with auditory Magesight to assist with your idea for an auditory seviroscope, the Wizard that responds "
"you're not sure whether their aggressively contradictory approach to gender cues is a personal choice or a professional requirement."