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When was the last time the chaos dwarfs attacked anywhere in force? I am given to understand that their true threat is just how they arm all the other evil factions.
I'm not sure if the Chaos Dwarfs ever go out on expedition themselves, compared to merely hiring out a portion of their forces to some Chaos army. Or at least, if there's any examples.

Even the substantial force they added to Tamurkhan's army was ultimately only a part of his overall force.
There's not much they want that they can't get through proxy armies. Dwarven magical secrets are novel enough that they might move, because you can't trust the help to not be working for one of your rivals if you aren't there riding herd on them.

There are at least three assumptions baked into that:
  1. That that the information will somehow get to them
  2. That they would believe it if it did, the truth has no special persuasive power as Boney once said
  3. That they would deign to learn from those so inept in magic as to turn themselves instantly to stone trying to cast
It would be kind of cool to see the chaos dwarves mobilize to assault k8p- they'd have the weapons needed to break down the gates and the sorcerers needed to counterspell the eye.
They would have to go through the Death Pass, while under constant artillery bombardement since K8P made point of ensureing that nowhere in the pass was safe from their artillery.
"And yours, in some areas," Egrimm replies with an odd little smile. The tone he used is odd, an inch away from well-practiced slickness but some element deliberately left out to prevent it all from harmonizing, which must have taken more effort than actually following through. Your first thought is that he's toying with you, but he's not watching you closely enough for that. He's not amused by your reaction, but by his own - he's mocking himself for defaulting to that form of oily flattery when it's entirely unnecessary.

This sure was an odd, interesting little note. Has it taken Egrimm this long to let got of the the "oily flattery" he uses as a shield and a disguise when dealing with Mathilde?

I see to remember Mathilde saying something once about cats and how with the most skittish, all you can do is wait for them to approach you.

It occurs to me that K8P is, if word of that gets out at all,

I'm sure the Fire Dwarves would be interested, but as the Spartans once wrote to Phillip II, "If."[1] It's now Mathilde's responsibility to have no word getting out about such matters.

[1] Yeah I know how that worked out for them, but it's still a good line.
Well, we know they have good enough spies to keep track of a grey lady Magister when she tries to leave Altdorf, and we know that Algard's screaming towers get regularly attacked on the off chance that they have dark lore, so I don't think the first two are particularly unlikely. All it would take is some wizard coming in to look at the fire spire books and mentioning somewhere they are overheard that the margins are covered in khalazid.

The last is the one I'm least concerned with- much like Skaven, any chaos dwarf that ignores a potential advantage over their rivals out of arrogance is likely to suffer a sharp lesson, am so I think the mindset of the seniors will be pretty well conditioned to grab for new prizes that reveal themselves.

They would have to go through the Death Pass, while under constant artillery bombardement since K8P made point of ensureing that nowhere in the pass was safe from their artillery.

It would be an artillery duel, and I think it would be really cool to see the defenses challenged like that. If it is never tested, then was there ever any point in building it?
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in to look at the fire spire books and mentioning somewhere they are overheard that the margins are covered in khalazid.
Mathilde having been living in a Dwarven Hold for so long is the most likely person to write such margins.

Nobody sane is going to think dwarven wizards when they see them. Everybody knows that Dwarves can't use magic (without turning to stone).
It would be an artillery duel, and I think it would be really cool to see the defenses challenged like that. If it is never tested, then was there ever any point in building it?
A duel with massive defenders advantage. I would bet on that any day that, K8P Dwarves are better defenders than Fire Dwarven as attackers.
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[X] Spinning Lyre

You can play all eight wind strings simultaneously for hours and it'll actually sound good. That's worth creating a more complicated musical instrument for, and it's still not outside the bounds of normal people to get properly repaired or maintained.
Nobody sane is going to think dwarven wizards when they see them. Everybody knows that Dwarves can't use magic (without turning to stone).

I don't think anyone has ever accused chaos dwarf sorcerers of being sane.

And yeah, defender's advantage, but aren't you curious what might get rolled out to even the odds?
Hmmm.... hope we can copy the books without the Dwarven margin notes. It would be a pity if nobody other than us was allowed to read them, but we cannot just give the books to anyone, what if they know Khazalid and we leak runic knowledge?

We'll probably need trusted scribes who do not know Khazalid to copy them, just for the double sense of security. And even then it feels risky. But I do not want us to monopolise the fire spire books....
Well, we know they have good enough spies to keep track of a grey lady Magister when she tries to leave Altdorf, and we know that Algard's screaming towers get regularly attacked on the off chance that they have dark lore, so I don't think the first two are particularly unlikely. All it would take is some wizard coming in to look at the fire spire books and mentioning somewhere they are overheard that the margins are covered in khalazid.

The last is the one I'm least concerned with- much like Skaven, any chaos dwarf that ignores a potential advantage over their rivals out of arrogance is likely to suffer a sharp lesson, am so I think the mindset of the seniors will be pretty well conditioned to grab for new prizes that reveal themselves.

Just because they can track one wizard and the tower which advertises itself to bad guys in the hope of killing them does not mean they have access to the College rumor mill and even if they did 'Khazalid marginalia on some magic books' doesn't exactly scream 'secret runelord lore', it could just be someone calling the umgi rude names while doodling, indeed it might not even be a dwarf who wrote it, most of the Udumgi are fluent in Khazalid by now, including all our scribes. That is a very dubious rumor to send an army after.
I suspect that one reason for all the margin notes was that Vlag found itself very short on spare paper.
So their theory was that I was being sent as an adit to bypass the obstacle
It's fun how Mathilde has incorporated mining terminology into her regular language. I had to look adit up to see what it was.
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You're not unaware of the staggering amount of provisos built into that plan. While it would be nice if everything goes of exactly as planned, perhaps due to some sort of divine intervention, you're completely prepared for this to break down somewhere along the way, and to take advantage of the opportunities that breakdown will present to learn more about the area and its inhabitants. It's a plan more in Heidi's usual mien than yours: go into a complicated situation, introduce a new disruptive element, and be ready to take advantage of the opportunities that will inevitably emerge as the knock-on effects ripple outwards.
I am starting to feel like Mathilde views Randal as a weird sort of war god at this point. The sort of war god you pray to before going on a raid for loot.

Do any of the other order war gods cover that territory? Or is it free real estate so long as Randal can take it from Khorne.
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"I approached Karak Vlag about a book exchange deal, thinking they might have books that the Fire Spire had left with them for safekeeping.
you find a place in conversation to gracefully bring up the matter - though the intense silence that was the initial response made you question whether you had actually done so.
So at first i read this as a bit of "i *did* say that outloud not just in my head, right?" second guessing, but on reread no this is more of mathilde having internalized dwarven mindsets on 'things we dont talk about.' If the only answer they could give was problematic, then obviously that would have meant that she never asked in the first place :V

Concealed among those shipments is a few shelves worth of books for you to sort through at your leisure, mostly in Reikspiel with a minority in Kislevarin dialects. The distress the Vlagians referred to seems to not be any physical damage - they're actually shockingly well-preserved for their age - but a great deal of Khazalid notes in the margins that, from the brief skims you've been able to give them, would raise a great deal of questions that it is now your responsibility to not answer. You look forward to being able to carve out enough time to sort through them. did they not have any 'regular' books then? or at least not ones that our library and existing agreements already cover? I mean, fire spire books and the unexpected aid for runesmithing guild problems are more than enough for this to be useful, just a little surprised that (if i didn't miss anything) there wasn't even a mention of the matter of other books, only "officially we are sending rune texts for safe keeping until we have a guild that can be trusted with them. unofficially theres some extra weight for magic books that we dont talk about"

"Even different in that there's actually some normal coin, rather than those horrible warpstone ones. Why do they even keep them, anyway?"
So since it looks like our money total didn't change, out of curiosity: did these coins disappear into Johann and Adela's pay, into general WEBMAT discretionary funds, or into the "we dont track the money mathilde spends on expensive alcohol or inn stays, this is the flipside of that agreement" hole?

You wonder if it's worth pursuing more information on the subject with an eye to future papers - it's somewhat outside your usual specialities, but the pleasing symmetry of the names of the two conceptual roads begs to be elaborated further upon. And it might be something you can tie in to Roswita's research into the economies of the Vampires.
Very fun to see the thread's constant "ok but can we write a paper for [single point of data that is most supported by meta knowledge]" refrain filtered into mathildes thoughts like this XD

Where the resonances of the smaller, reactionary Waaaghs you encountered in the Karak Eight Peaks campaign were choruses of contrasting notes and the larger, nation-destroying Waaaghs that carve themselves into history you imagine to be more orchestral, the incipient Waaagh of the Forest Goblins is a single tone, high and sharp, hovering incessantly in one specific point behind your eyes like the prelude to a headache.
Huh...i thought mathilde perceived Waaagh energies as a flavour...was it also as sound and i just forgot that?

then begin to prod at the Waaagh field emanating from the struggle for dominance occurring over the horizon, sharpening your Ulgu into nasty little jabs that only disperses the Waaagh for a moment, but causes it to roil as violently as a sizable skirmish would.
Something about the wording of "nasty little jabs" makes me think more to the little hints of Mork vibes still present from her run in with him :p

The immediate relevance of which is that when you request a Journeyman with auditory Magesight to assist with your idea for an auditory seviroscope, the Wizard that responds - who is able to take a break from their undercover duties in a Reikland troupe due to their overwintering in Altdorf - you're not sure whether their aggressively contradictory approach to gender cues is a personal choice or a professional requirement.
Hmm... the grammar on this seems a little off. Removing the aside, you get "The immediate relevance of which is that when you request a Journeyman with auditory Magesight to assist with your idea for an auditory seviroscope, the Wizard that responds "
"you're not sure whether their aggressively contradictory approach to gender cues is a personal choice or a professional requirement."

I wouldn't hold out much hope for the Vlagian margin notes being insightful enough to provide library bonuses, honestly. Boney's been very clear in the past as to how a single library point represents somewhere between an armful's and a shelf's worth of books, with some outliers like Puchta's Modest Treatise.

Besides which, I don't think there would necessarily be unique enough insight to distinguish those notes from the books they drew from. Maybe there's some stuff in there regarding how the Winds behaved while trapped in a bubble of reality, or maybe for how dwarfs actually cast spells, but shrug. Those are big maybes.

Just because they can track one wizard and the tower which advertises itself to bad guys in the hope of killing them does not mean they have access to the College rumor mill and even if they did 'Khazalid marginalia on some magic books' doesn't exactly scream 'secret runelord lore', it could just be someone calling the umgi rude names while doodling, indeed it might not even be a dwarf who wrote it, most of the Udumgi are fluent in Khazalid by now, including all our scribes. That is a very dubious rumor to send an army after.
Admittedly, it's not just that Algard's towers advertise themselves, it's that apparently every major enemy group the Empire has finds it super believable that he has enough dark books that it's worth assaulting.

If someone followed Mathilde's exploits, it wouldn't be entirely out of the question for them to think she got dark magic books from poking at Drakenhof. Not enough justification to attack a dwarf Karak, but still. She has a known hunger for books.

Huh...i thought mathilde perceived Waaagh energies as a flavour...was it also as sound and i just forgot that?
Yeah, it was flavor iirc, but then again I don't think she's ever before encountered Goblin-only Waaagh energies - it's previously always included some flavor of orc into the mix. It feeling different isn't out of the question.
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It's going to be weird if, eventually, Algard dies, Mathilde becomes matriarch, passes on, and in the aftermath all of her dark books are assumed to have just been inherited from him. After all, everyone knows about the screaming towers, and now his successor shows up with... Five? Famous tomes of we-will-kill-you-for-owning-this forbidden knowledge. did they not have any 'regular' books then? or at least not ones that our library and existing agreements already cover? I mean, fire spire books and the unexpected aid for runesmithing guild problems are more than enough for this to be useful, just a little surprised that (if i didn't miss anything) there wasn't even a mention of the matter of other books, only "officially we are sending rune texts for safe keeping until we have a guild that can be trusted with them. unofficially theres some extra weight for magic books that we dont talk about"

Mathilde opted to take the win and leave with everyone's dignity still intact. Without the draw of the Fire Spire books, the Karak Vlag libraries would be sparser than any other major Karak.

So since it looks like our money total didn't change, out of curiosity: did these coins disappear into Johann and Adela's pay, into general WEBMAT discretionary funds, or into the "we dont track the money mathilde spends on expensive alcohol or inn stays, this is the flipside of that agreement" hole?

Johann and Adela.

Huh...i thought mathilde perceived Waaagh energies as a flavour...was it also as sound and i just forgot that?

It's a noisy taste.

I wouldn't hold out much hope for the Vlagian margin notes being insightful enough to provide library bonuses, honestly. Boney's been very clear in the past as to how a single library point represents somewhere between an armful's and a shelf's worth of books, with some outliers like Puchta's Modest Treatise.

Just ask Fermat about the limitations of marginalia.
I am starting to feel like Mathilde views Randal as a weird sort of war god at this point. The sort of war god you pray to before going on a raid for loot.

Do any of the other order war gods cover that territory? Or is it feel real estate so long as Randal can take it from Khorne.
Continuing this thought. Imagine if a Norsca tribe converted to worship of Randal and their behavior barely changed at all.
If someone followed Mathilde's exploits, it wouldn't be entirely out of the question for them to think she got dark magic books from poking at Drakenhof. Not enough justification to attack a dwarf Karak, but still. She has a known hunger for books.
Hell it is known to bunch of people that we have Creeping Flesh. That is a book on necromancy that is not forbidden only because it is useful to doctors.

Every necromancer worth his salt would want that book. It is no liber mortis but it might rival most every other book on necromancy that anybody can't get their hands on.
I am starting to feel like Mathilde views Randal as a weird sort of war god at this point. The sort of war god you pray to before going on a raid for loot.

Do any of the other order war gods cover that territory? Or is it feel real estate so long as Randal can take it from Khorne.
Continuing this thought. Imagine if a Norsca tribe converted to worship of Randal and their behavior barely changed at all.
Doesn't Ranald already have a guise that pirates worship with somewhat similar look to them? Jack o'the Sea?
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Mathilde opted to take the win and leave with everyone's dignity still intact. Without the draw of the Fire Spire books, the Karak Vlag libraries would be sparser than any other major Karak.
Entirely reasonable, and presumably what saved us the AP of having our own scribes do the copying.

It does mean there's still a major draw to getting copying rights from another major Karak too, which I think on balance is a positive - though without magic books specifically being a possibility, I imagine that's going to wait until we've copied at least most of the Nuln libraries, which is a fair few turns away.
I am starting to feel like Mathilde views Randal as a weird sort of war god at this point. The sort of war god you pray to before going on a raid for loot.

Do any of the other order war gods cover that territory? Or is it feel real estate so long as Randal can take it from Khorne.
Loec, I would say. Definitely raids, though they're hard to distinguish from involuntary aggressive dance parties.
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