We also know about the instruction book that allows us to get the first stage of this trait, which is just as cool.
@BoneyM, we need all the Johann and Maximillian options to be distinct from one another
@BoneyM what action do we take to get those magically sterile tools you said would be good for researching things?
Mandatory Actions: Pick one from each category.
So we're back to the usual six-per-turn action structure, but one action is going towards the EIC and one towards managing the two Gold Wizards. Mmkay.Personal Actions: choose between four and six. Any chosen beyond four will come with risks - please specify 'additional' tasks.
This seems very useful in many ways: better lives for the workers, better culture for the institution, Grey College will probably approve that we're putting the EIC's good behavior over sheer profit. I want it.[ ] Call in 1 favour for Dwarven expertise for the Factory's safety
Should probably be the first thing done.Karag Nar Penthouse: each turn, you get ONE free choice in this category.
[ ] Purchase furnishings so you can stop sleeping on a bedroll and can unpack your things: -20gc.
Autopsies: it'll be just like old times with Abelhelm, dissecting vampiric infiltrators! Well maybe not quite like old times. Also, Mathilde just upgraded Magesight, so that seems worth both using it to learn about the spiders and learning more about how being a Windsage now works...Current Task: Investigate the Chiselwards spiders.
[ ] Be on hand for Esbern and Seija's attempts to communicate with the spiders.
[ ] Perform an in-depth series of autopsies on the spiders.
[ ] Study both living and dead spiders with your Magesight.
[ ] Investigate the properties of the spiders' webs.
[ ] Investigate the properties of the spiders' venom.
Seems to be among the most time-sensitive things here.[ ] The Undumgi are to select a leader from among themselves. Get involved in the process so you can investigate the candidate and influence their decision.
Seems good to have if we're going to be managing Journeymanlings and being Court Wizard and all that.[ ] Set up quarters and a basic laboratory for the Journeymanlings and any other visiting Wizards: -100gc.
This vote is going to be an enormous thing, isn't it.[ ] Resolve to read the Liber Mortis.
[ ] Resolve to seal away the Liber Mortis.
[ ] Resolve to rid yourself of the Liber Mortis.
I'm not interested in Dhar or necromancy and wasn't entirely certain of the worth of reading it just to counter them, but secrets on the nature of magic? Absolutely.But on the other hand, when Mannfred von Carstein had lead an army of the dead upon Altdorf in the Third Vampire War, Grand Theogonist Kurt III had brought forth a copy of the book from the vaults of the Grand Cathedral and read an incantation from its pages, and Mannfred and his army had been forced to retreat as the spell unravelled the terrible magics holding the undead together. As far as you know, that copy still lay in the vaults because even the Sigmarites were forced to concede it could be a powerful force for good, and the Extremely Redacted Liber Mortis (Approved Edition) was standard reading amongst all but the most hidebound of Witch Hunters. Frederick van Hal had not taken to necromancy from madness or a lust for power, but because the Skaven had been overrunning Sylvania and nothing else seemed capable of stopping them. At the very least the insights it contained could be a powerful tool against the undead and possibly even the Skaven, but it could also contain deeper secrets on the nature of magic itself. Necromancy used Shyish to shield the wielders from the corruption of Dhar - what else could be made possible by using one magic to manipulate another?
This is all about the consequences of being discovered, really. I'm almost completely unworried about that. I'm worried more about reading it leading to necromancy.The reasons not to were pretty convincing. One might be able to make an argument that simply reading the Book didn't count as 'study' under Article 7, but such was the reputation of the book that if anyone ever found out about it, no amount of technicalities could protect you. Though it was Otto von Drak allowing Vlad von Carstein to marry his daughter that had cemented the grip of Necromancy over Sylvania, it had been Frederick van Hal that had introduced it centuries earlier, and the Liber Mortis. Copies of even single chapters of the book could transform even the pettiest of necromancers into existential threats to Stirland. The idea of the unedited original in the hands of a Wizard would give the Grand Theogonist conniptions, and many in the Colleges would agree with him.
I'd say that everything else should be a moratorium vote, what with being pretty involved plans, but oh well.
As an ardent partisan of reading the thing, let me reassure you that I will vote against Dhar use save only in the most extreme circumstances (and that I don't count mere certain death to be extreme enough) hope that helps!This vote is going to be an enormous thing, isn't it.
As for the vote itself...Looking at Mathilde's concerns make me want to read it. It brought up reasons to do so I didn't consider and also failed to bring up the reason not to read it that actually worries me. Specifically:
I'm not interested in Dhar or necromancy and wasn't entirely certain of the worth of reading it just to counter them, but secrets on the nature of magic? Absolutely.
This is all about the consequences of being discovered, really. I'm almost completely unworried about that. I'm worried more about reading it leading to necromancy.
Personally, I'd absolutely vote to read it with just the concerns mentioned in this update. However, I also don't want to even take the chance of reading it turning to actually using Dhar.
So I'll decide on a vote in the morning.
Proto-plan: Not putting the X yet, thinking a bit first.
-Maximilian: Have him perform or assist with spider autopsies.
-Johann: Have him perform or assist with spider autopsies.
-Call in 1 favour for Dwarven expertise for the Factory's safety
-Perform an in-depth series of autopsies on the spiders. [1]
-Study both living and dead spiders with your Magesight. [2]
-A library is basically an external brain. Add to yours. (no action required, money and favour cost listed on charsheet) [free action]
-Purchase furnishings so you can stop sleeping on a bedroll and can unpack your things: -20gc. [free action]
-The Undumgi are to select a leader from among themselves. Get involved in the process so you can investigate the candidate and influence their decision. [3]
-Set up quarters and a basic laboratory for the Journeymanlings and any other visiting Wizards: -100gc. [4]
I like this plan a lot, but I'd prefer not to be spending the barrel minimum of time on our actual job on the first turn. Would you be willing to swap out scouting for another investigation action? That or put off the snekjuice for another turn.Let's see... Do I have time to make a suggestion?
(Checks the clock)
I think I do.
[X] Resolve to read the Liber Mortis.
[X] Plan: Anchor The Foundations
-[X][COIN] Gambler
-[X][MAX] Current Task: Have him investigate the properties of the spiders' webs.
-[X][JOHANN] Have Johann return to Altdorf and 'graduate'.
-[X][EIC] Instil corporate policy: long-term financial good of the Empire.
-[X] Study both living and dead spiders with your Magesight.
-[X] A library is basically an external brain. Add to yours. (Skaven, Greesnkin Dwarf Lore, Extensive, Esoteric, -500 GC, -4 DF)
-[X] Purchase furnishings so you can stop sleeping on a bedroll and can unpack your things: -20gc.
-[X] The Undumgi are to select a leader from among themselves. Get involved in the process so you can investigate the candidate and influence their decision.
-[X] Set up quarters and a basic laboratory for the Journeymanlings and any other visiting Wizards: -100gc.
-[X] Investigate the constantly-dripping blood of the Wisdom's Asp. Current accumulation: 12 gallons.
--[X] Ranald's Blessing (+20 x2)
[X] Spend time in Stirland helping Anton with his love life.
This should be pretty good, get the basic foundations set up, get our duties out of the way, and otherwise get settled in for the long haul. We've got enough leverage on Johann at least that he'll likely be willing to take the hint, and this is the time that is least likely to cause problems for him being absent. We'll likely be able to mollify him with the presence of a laboratory that he'll have access to on the return trip.