Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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OMG. Anton x Rosalita as a *love match*, can you imagine? She admires him for standing on his principals and the successes in his wake, and he warms up to her as she starts to spend more time around him. Mathilde remains the unspoken barrier between them, until his advocacy of us breaks through her witchunter conditioning and we get a dramatic, tearful apology as the two come to visit us. Mathilde stays up with her telling her stories about her dad, and by the morning, is willing to give Anton her blessing. The two fly off, cuddling and smiling on a gyrocopter.
Well this has my full support mostly because it stabilises the Stirland power structures in favour of prosperity, stability and competence, but... sure love that's the ticket that's the reason Anton should be with Rosalita.
(How by Ulgu does Romance work again?)
The charsheet should have functioning maths now but if anyone spots any other errors, please point them out.

That's not even it. "All your rep" is something like becoming a vampire, or working with the Skaven. It's more like being the Everchosen.

That sounds ridiculously hyperbolic, but I'm damn sure WOG had it that all the dwarfs would band together to kill us, above even Skaven and Orks, and the Everchosen is one of the very few that would reach that level.
It's in the drop down bit of the quote I posted. Knowingly breaking the Oaths to Gazul = "suddenly the entire Skaven and greenskin races are bumped down a notch as you become public enemy kill-on-sight number 1 for literally every Dwarf."

Archaeon doing Archaeon things is normal. If Mathilde was trusted enough to be told deep secrets of the Dwarven understanding of souls and then broke what are some pretty easy to get along with strictures, that's an enormous betrayal.
It's in the drop down bit of the quote I posted. Knowingly breaking the Oaths to Gazul = "suddenly the entire Skaven and greenskin races are bumped down a notch as you become public enemy kill-on-sight number 1 for literally every Dwarf."
Huh, by that reading, the dwarfs would hate us more than the Everchosen. That's an impressive feat. Understandable even, Chaos does a lot of bad shit, but at least it can't touch the honored dead.
Oh, great, it'd cost 6 Dwarf Favour to buy the training, too. On top of the never-get-caught-breaking-them-or-lose-all-your-Dwarf-rep level oaths.
He did say "knowingly break them". If we did enter the hypothetical that all signs are that there is some gribbly in a tomb, and we go in, and there wasn't, we might be able to make the case that we acted under the best of our knowledge.

@BoneyM, what sorts of gods count for a tomb to be blessed?
@BoneyM, what sorts of gods count for a tomb to be blessed?

For the purposes of this oath: Morr, Gazul, any Estalian/Tilean/Brettonian/Kislev equivalents if they don't use Morr, and if the Halflings have a separate Death God, them too.

Part of the Gazul-lore would also be 'how to spot a blessing' and 'how to re-sanctify a breached tomb'. And Gazul's 'blessings' are along the lines of 'seal the place so goddamn tight that Skaven could try for three thousand years and not break in' so even if you wanted to, breaking that part could be a challenge.
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Avatar: You've had close encounters not only with your own God, but with others, and are growing able to recognize and understand divine energies. +1 Piety, +1 Learning, able to sense nearby divine intervention.
A hybrid Piety-Learning trait huh? It seems underwhelming in first glance but that's probably because it is the first glance. The trait becomes stronger narratively when you account the fact that Boney already said that the trait already helps us trying to not get ganked by Chaos Gods. I think further details and questions pertaining those would have to wait until the actual update is posted. No sense in trying to get too worked up when Boney's going to get it explained for us more ^_^;
Going into a tomb because it's full of nightmare ghosts and necromancers is very different from going into one because we really wanted some dudes old shiny.
Current with page 1567.
God I hate mystery boxes. People always want them.
I believe this is the proper response.
Per the quote @BungieONI quoted above it makes us a less appealing target for posession.
Specifically by Chaos gods.
A daemon is just a shard of the dark gods, if we are better able to defend against possession by the Chaos Gods than we can scoff at most daemonic possession
I'm just applying generally known knwolege of the setting to what the GM said, a Chaos God is the sum and total of his daemons. Unless the GM specifically speaks up against the notion in his universe I'm going to keep voting based on said setting lore.
This is 40K lore... more importantly this is WH fantasy... which mean that there are large amounts of unaligned deamons and random other things running around the local warp. So for instance This is useless versus wisdom asps or say a random deamon once tied to a dead god.

So if you want Avatar for trying to get stuff with Ranald its one squiggly thing... if you want it for protection fro possession from Chaos gods it will protect you by letting other gods fight them for possession. Probably.
A hybrid Piety-Learning trait huh? It seems underwhelming in first glance but that's probably because it is the first glance. The trait becomes stronger narratively when you account the fact that Boney already said that the trait already helps us trying to not get ganked by Chaos Gods. I think further details and questions pertaining those would have to wait until the actual update is posted. No sense in trying to get too worked up when Boney's going to get it explained for us more ^_^;
TZEENTCH is going to HATE us.
The charsheet should have functioning maths now but if anyone spots any other errors, please point them out.
Once again:
Learning: 20+2+1-1=23 - The magical world makes more sense to you than the 'real' one.
Previously (paraphrased from memory): The more you learn, the more you understand how ignorant everyone else is.
Windsage: Your magical senses are incredibly acute, and can track magical energies and discern emotions at a glance. +4 Learning, +1 Magic
Is that +2 supposed to be +4?
No, but you can learn skills which can have the same or similar effects. Traits aren't just what you know, but also part of who you are, which is why for the most part they only arise at the end of arcs or from major events.
Does mastery of a skill line eventually generate a trait? I don't know if I'm recalling correctly that getting to Master Greatsword would get us a trait.
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