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I wonder if we could use the vault of Old One writings as justification for getting one of the Grey Lords to teach us Anoqeyån if we mention that we'll also get a Runesmith to teach us Arcane Khazalid and promise to share anything we can puzzle out from the Old One texts?

They won't expect results quickly and they'll know that they won't be able to be taught Arcane Khazalid (unless they already know it).

It's definitely a good way to start a conversation.

I wonder if we are at the point where we can make proper deals with other libraries, since we certainly have a lot of rare books that other libraries would be interested in.

There's very likely going to be some sort of change along those lines made to the options for the coming turn.

All of Laurelorn's fighting, sure, but aren't many of the Eonir descended from elves from other Reik Basin colonies that fled to Laurelorn after being on the losing end of dwarven invasions? They presumably would have brought their painfully earned knowledge with them.

The ones that were able to put up fights that required deploying significant amounts of Runes were the major settlements that ended up being evacuated to Ulthuan - the fourteen sieges of Tor Alessi (modern day L'Anguille) come to mind. Most of the Tor Lithanel refugees were from smaller settlements, rural populations, or those that refused to fight against the Dwarves and so refused to evacuate to Ulthuan when commanded.

As for ecology and forestry being new subjects, are there and Taal or Rhya worshipping libraries we could hit up for the imperial side of it? Maybe Talabecland has one.

Talabheim's Temple of Taal or the Royal Academy of Talabecland would be the two most likely candidates.

I'm a bit surprised ther is no category for stuff like Flora,Physical art (painting,sculpture,etc),politic or a general history.

Politics and general history are part of each peoples' individual sections. The current categorization system has no real space for things like arts or sports, so they can be assumed to be in the stacks somewhere. 'Flora' is a problem, just saying 'Plants, lol' is a bit vague as a category but I don't want to create a list of, like 'Oaks +5, Elms +5' and whatnot, and I ended up forgetting to make a decision about it.
I'm a bit surprised ther is no category for stuff like Flora,Physical art (painting,sculpture,etc),politic or a general history.
It I was going to put in art, I would put it as 'high art' and 'artisan'

Not because I think pottery can't be high art, or paintings can't be completely kitsch crap made to sale to people with more money than taste.

But it will be easier to track.
Guys we are vanishingly unlikely to ever roll high art or the like and thus need a bonus, so's everyone important enough to roll d100. Probably best to leave it alone, no sense giving @Boney more work that is not going to lead to anything actionable. I could kind of see the point for Flora with Pan, but I think those rolls are more likely to be Terraforming anyway.
Anath Raema, the Savage Huntress +2 - Extensive Asur
@Boney, Cytharai not Cytherai.

For subjects:
-Dendrology if that isn't covered in Ecology.
-Ungulates because Kurnous has a deer head I think.
-Mineralogy because the towers and jewels of Tor Lithanel have captured the soul of many an artist. Plus they probably make glass.
-Engineering because even if they leave out the bits about walls and artillery pieces, I think they'd share how to make sewers and roads.
-The rest of their Romance and Overly Vulgar Romance if they have any. Literature's at +2, but Atharti's at +5, so don't know if there's more.
-Dancing, unless that's covered by Loec.
-Prophecy, since they have wizards and are also elves.
-Psychometry, unless that's too niche to get books written about it.
-Unarmed martial arts
-Leatherworking, which I believe would be relevant since books are made of leather. Though you also make armour out of leather, so maybe not.
-Art like painting and pottery and engraving and so on.
-Physical exercise books, such as Forbidden Fitness: Summoning of the Abs with Musclemancer Kraig Diabolucci
-The Chaos Gods
-Lizardmen, since they've managed to preserve a good amount of knowledge on the Old Ones by elf standards.
Politics and general history are part of each peoples' individual sections. The current categorization system has no real space for things like arts or sports, so they can be assumed to be in the stacks somewhere. 'Flora' is a problem, just saying 'Plants, lol' is a bit vague as a category but I don't want to create a list of, like 'Oaks +5, Elms +5' and whatnot, and I ended up forgetting to make a decision about it.

You could just pirate Theophrastus' (Father of Botany) form based classifications that Ray adopted; herbs, shrubs, and trees.

Herbaceous versus woody is an obvious distinction, and trees versus shrubs is as well.

I wouldn't go into his sub classifications into 25 categories of dicotyledons and 4 categories of monocotyledons.
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'Flora' is a problem, just saying 'Plants, lol' is a bit vague as a category but I don't want to create a list of, like 'Oaks +5, Elms +5' and whatnot, and I ended up forgetting to make a decision about it.
Well, next social vote I advocate we go for a scene where Pan finds Mathilde's massive stack of books just labeled, "Plants maybe? I dunno I'll sort it later." And helps her figure it out. Could make a fun omake too I suppose lol.
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So the pattern for the Eonir God books seem to be that Gods in the inner ring of the Eonir's Pantheonic Mandala get Extensive Esoteric Eonir, and Gods in the outer ring get Extensive Asur, which I assume indicates that the Eonir put more thought and have more unique insights on Gods that are important to them. The few exceptions are:

-Mathlann (inner ring) gets only Extensive Eonir. This is because He's not important to most Cityborn (but the Esoteric books do exist, just not in the Library of Mournings).
-Vaul (inner ring) gets only Extensive Eonir. I would guess that it's because the Esoteric part of the Vaul books include trade secrets, such as stuff to do with how the priest-smiths use the rainbow falls in their craft.
-Loec (outer ring) gets Extensive and Esoteric Eonir. Is this just grandfathered from the time we bought Loec books in a book purchase, or is this because of the Eonir's interest in poetry and music? They do have the full +5 on that topic, after all.

-The rest of their Romance and Overly Vulgar Romance if they have any. Literature's at +2, but Atharti's at +5, so don't know if there's more.
Clearly there is more, but the Esoteric books on Overly Vulgar Romance are Cult secrets.
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And Ranald and His cult are lying liars who lie, so He doesn't count either.
I mean, categorically, yeah, they are.

The story of Ranald as a mortal literally ends with 'and that was all a lie, Ranald was always a god'. There's no historical record of a mortal Ranald, and plenty of evidence (especially in-quest) to suggest he's been a god just as long as the rest.
-Dendrology if that isn't covered in Ecology.
You could just pirate Theophrastus' (Father of Botany) form based classifications that Ray adopted; herbs, shrubs, and trees.

Herbaceous versus woody is an obvious distinction, and trees versus shrubs is as well.

I wouldn't go into his sub classifications into 25 categories of dicotyledons and 4 categories of monocotyledons.

Ended up going with:
Old World Forests +5 - Extensive and Esoteric Eonir

-Ungulates because Kurnous has a deer head I think.
-Mineralogy because the towers and jewels of Tor Lithanel have captured the soul of many an artist. Plus they probably make glass.
-Engineering because even if they leave out the bits about walls and artillery pieces, I think they'd share how to make sewers and roads.
-Unarmed martial arts
-Leatherworking, which I believe would be relevant since books are made of leather. Though you also make armour out of leather, so maybe not.
-The Chaos Gods


-Dancing, unless that's covered by Loec.
-Art like painting and pottery and engraving and so on.
-Physical exercise books, such as Forbidden Fitness: Summoning of the Abs with Musclemancer Kraig Diabolucci

The Stacks - Storage of books that don't fit into the library's current categorization system. Contains writings on various Eonir sports and arts.

-The rest of their Romance and Overly Vulgar Romance if they have any. Literature's at +2, but Atharti's at +5, so don't know if there's more.
Might add. Mathilde's kinda been neglecting that hobby in favour of nonfiction writings that more directly advance her goals.

-Prophecy, since they have wizards and are also elves.
Grey Lord and Temple territory.

-Psychometry, unless that's too niche to get books written about it.
Too niche.

-Lizardmen, since they've managed to preserve a good amount of knowledge on the Old Ones by elf standards.
Categorized under Old Ones as some sort of unknown and possibly extinct servant people. Realization of the Lizardmen-Old One connection is something that has to be earned.
I mean, categorically, yeah, they are.

The story of Ranald as a mortal literally ends with 'and that was all a lie, Ranald was always a god'. There's no historical record of a mortal Ranald, and plenty of evidence (especially in-quest) to suggest he's been a god just as long as the rest.
Unless 'Ranald' always existed as an old one mantle and some mortal came along and took it up with isha's help, thus making both and neither thing true :V
Perhaps I've just missed it, but has the book hoard library started seeing extensive academic pilgrimage (for lack of a better term) yet?

With the way Mathilde's been raiding libraries it seems like it'd have some exposure to the right circles, and even if it's a long journey it'd still be better than screwing around with multiple trips to different ones if you're looking for something specific.

Not sure how viable this would be, but if I ran an academic institution capable of exchanging mail with 8 peaks I'd be tempted to station a scribe and some interns in the city purely so I could send them letters with research requests and they send summaries/excerpts of relevant sources.
@Boney flora and fauna is fine.

In all honesty, as the library gets bigger you're going to have to make more and more compromises when it comes to sticking things together.

We get what you mean in the list when you say flora, it story you can say ' the Herbs section, next to the tillandsia and across from the Creeper shelf.
Politics and general history are part of each peoples' individual sections. The current categorization system has no real space for things like arts or sports, so they can be assumed to be in the stacks somewhere. 'Flora' is a problem, just saying 'Plants, lol' is a bit vague as a category but I don't want to create a list of, like 'Oaks +5, Elms +5' and whatnot, and I ended up forgetting to make a decision about it.
Could split flora up by biome (plains, forrest, ect) or by region. That would make it easy to decide when the b9nus would apply to any rolls at least.
I love this so dearly. It's very clear that the Undumgi see wizards as something positive, reputable, and foremost profitable. A reputation that the wizards of K8P have been working at for a decade. I have nothing but joy for this, and I do hope the kid will follow the example of reaching out to communities around him.

Edit: Just realized that there are few priests (aside from the Ulrikian heresy) and even fewer witch hunters around. Might be that.
There's also, well, it moves them up financially.

Think about it, the kid was going to be a professional solider. Not the most well paying of jobs, but now? He's a Wizard. Much less a Gold Wizard at that-

Oh god, I just had a possible brainwave- What if his name is Balthasar Gelt?
Not sure where it would fit, but the Asur were a global maritime empire back when Laurelorn was part of them.

Would they have at least basic books on the world's seas and global geography. Atlases, maps of currents and prevailing winds, etc.

They might not know much about modern day Cathay or Ind or Khuresh, but they could well have quite detailed records of visits from Asur merchants and tourists to their ports, so at least know things about their coasts' physical geography and ecology, even if their cultures and politics have moved on.

And in the case of Cathay, even the later two may not have changed all that much.

It might be mostly in the form of travelogues and memories of visitors from the cities that became Laurelorn who then went back home, or texts ordered from Lothern by curious librarians.
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