Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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Incidently we can leave Wolf with Eike in Lothern and that should allow us to keep an eye on her.

Plus every magical girl should have a talking animal maskot on their advanture.
Eike starts a—gods damnit two other people beat me to the same joke.
well that's no barrier to entry! you can join as an affiliate-peon to the Eike silk distribution/joke company! we are an ethically sourced fashion brand/lifestyle and we are always recruiting! the projected profits are quite high, you just have to pay a nominal sign up fee, monthly subscription, and quota. currently, there arent enough units for all the affiliates but worry not, you can preorder!
Although I imagine the Bursur would have some pointed looks for us if we turned up at the college wearing silk robes.
We can just throw the book at her. That Spider one we wrote. :V
That one is pretty sure, yeah :V
Haven't put much work in your own magic, have you, von Carstein? :V
Mathilde: "That goes in the book."
Eike: "Under diplomatic contacts?"
Mathilde: * glares in dwarf*
Eike: "Under diplomatic contacts, right?"
Edit: hey, maybe we'd be able to say "find something to occupy yourself with that interests you" and Boney would roll a d6 for it. Not counting on it, but it's a possibility, especially if there's a multitude of viable ideas floating around.
I think the general thrust is that we're going to be passing through a foreign, fantastical city and if we're already going, it'd be a shame if Eike didn't get a chance to experience it herself.
For three months, though? I'm fine with the general idea of Eike hanging out in foreign places when we take actions there - I like the idea of taking her along to spend some time in Bretonnia when we finally recruit the Damsels, for example. Immerse herself in the culture, get her some of that xeno-affinity spirit. But three months? Three (3) months? There's passing through a cool city, and then there's spending a quarter of a year there. I'm not saying the idea is completely unworkable, but it feels really under-developed.
but it feels really under-developed.
I imagine it a good test about her eventual Journeymanship. We could look at what she does with her time and get a good idea what she will eventually do with her freedom. And we won't be that far away that we can't show back up in case of an emergency, especially if we were to leave Wolf with her.

As for being underdevoloped idea, that is mostly because we don't have much of an idea what Lothern is like. Which is one of the points why we want to explore it and Eike could be our guide once she spends some time there.
Given Boney's statements on Lothern, I think Eike might run out of fun/interesting things to do there after a month or so.

I'm fine with her staying there for a single action's worth (maybe encourage her to buy some interesting materials or helping KAU secure a source of Asur books, and then we come back and return to the Empire together), but no more.

Maybe she could spend some of the Elfcation months studying with Wilhelmina - her economic training still needs to finish.
An alternative to bringing Eike to Lothern could be leaving her with Wilhelmine/Wilhelmina/Regimand and letting them decide the curriculum for the duration. Having multiple teachers can be helpful and I'm sure they'll have an idea or two.
An alternative to bringing Eike to Lothern could be leaving her with Wilhelmine/Wilhelmina/Regimand and letting them decide the curriculum for the duration. Having multiple teachers can be helpful and I'm sure they'll have an idea or two.
Nah, if we leave her with someone else, it should be a wizard.
I vote Egrimm, as a Hysh wizard he has a very different perspective that could valuable for Eike to see, and he seems like a good influence in general.
I'm in favor of taking Eike along for a simple reason. How will we ever get to Araby? By coming back to Lothern after our murdercation and hearing that our apprentice took a boat there to stop something or get something or whatever. And now we have to head after her and get her back.
How long does the sea journey to Lothern take? Weeks to a month+ right? I think Age of Sail voyages between New York and London took 20-30 days in the 18th century. An Ulthuani ship is likely faster than an Empire merchantman (which don't seem to be 18th century equivalent), while Mallus is also much bigger than Earth.

So, will we be spending effectively an action onboard? One each way? If that factors into turn planning, there could be a month for lessons onboard with Eike.
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How long does the sea journey to Lothern take? Weeks to a month+ right? I think Age of Sail voyages between New York and London took 20-30 days in the 18th century. An Ulthuani ship is likely faster than an Empire merchantman (which don't seem to be 18th century equivalent), while Mallus is also much bigger than Earth.

So, will we be spending effectively an action onboard? One each way? If that factors into turn planning, there could be a month for lessons onboard with Eike.
IIRC Boney's said the travel time's not a problem, and that it's not a concern action-wise.
IIRC Boney's said the travel time's not a problem, and that it's not a concern action-wise.
That is a surprise, but also convenient. Thanks.
Does this require acknowledging the greatness of Settra of the Many Titles or just a standard attempt to raid the treasury of a lesser Tomb King?
That's the promised eventual payout at the very top of the Pyramid scheme, built on exploitation of lesser pyramids. Pyramids upon pyramids.
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In theory, we could have an action in Laurelorn, an action visiting the waystone networks in Nehekhara and Araby, negotiate with Cathay and the Ogres Kingdoms, and then start our adventure in Ulthuan all in the same turn, using no write-in actions or significant overwork.

Travel time is very much below the layer of abstraction in the quest, unless the journey itself is an adventure.
In theory, we could have an action in Laurelorn, an action visiting the waystone networks in Nehekhara and Araby, negotiate with Cathay and the Ogres Kingdoms, and then start our adventure in Ulthuan all in the same turn, using no write-in actions or significant overwork.

Travel time is very much below the layer of abstraction in the quest, unless the journey itself is an adventure.

I think visiting the Ogres and the Elves in the same turn is pushing it a little, to be honest.
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