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The Colleges are a military resource, that is the point of them existing at all. If you hand them to Kislev then Kislev is also going to be able to use them, including against the Empire in case of war or say... assassination, not that anyone would use Grey Wizards to murder a head of state of course ( :V ). Kislev and the Empire are not close at the moment, they have shared interests but the closest tie they have at the moment is the Waystone project after generations of neglect on the relationship.

I mean, we know that branch colleges outside of the Empire are not an insurmountable problem to the Empire, or else the K8P branch college would never have been possible. While the Empire might not be as close to Kislev as it is to the Karaz Ankor right now, i feel that Boris is probably going to change that in the very near future. Also, the Colleges already do what they want and are an independent player in the feudal politics of the Empire. Two feuding nobles can already in theory hire battle mages to throw fire at each other, the reason this rarely happens is because the Colleges have influence and an identity themselves that makes them frown on people using their members to fight each other. The same would apply to a hypothetical Kislev-Empire war.
I mean, we know that branch colleges outside of the Empire are not an insurmountable problem to the Empire, or else the K8P branch college would never have been possible. While the Empire might not be as close to Kislev as it is to the Karaz Ankor right now, i feel that Boris is probably going to change that in the very near future. Also, the Colleges already do what they want and are an independent player in the feudal politics of the Empire. Two feuding nobles can already in theory hire battle mages to throw fire at each other, the reason this rarely happens is because the Colleges have influence and an identity themselves that makes them frown on people using their members to fight each other. The same would apply to a hypothetical Kislev-Empire war.

The K8P Branch is outside the Empire, but it is not outside the Emperor's control, they are still under the Articles of Imperial Magic. He can just order all of us home, he can order us to participate in his wars, he has lost nothing by our mere physical distance. While two feuding nobles can hire wizards against each other no noble can hire one against the Emperor himself, Kislev would change that... or it would not in which case it would be a massive hit to the sovereignty of Kislev and the prestige of the Tsar when he needs it the most.
Sure we can ask the Tsar for increased Military and Economic ties, but will the Empire reciprocate? We have tremendous influence in the Southern Trade and Empire-Dwarf Trade, but we don't have much influence on the Northernmost provinces to ensure such a deal went through.

If we wanted that, we'd have to coordinate with our friend the Empress, the Grays, and the Golds to properly ensure that we didn't waste our blood debt.
I say go for it. We haven't dipped our fingers in that pie to far yet. It'd be a good way to further grow ties between the North and South especially if we influence the Southern Markets in such a way to increase demand for northern produce.
I'll second this. I feel that we need to ask something for the Empire, but we're annoyingly rather limited in our knowledge of exactly what the Empire needs.
Not sure I'd call Birdmuncha 'beautiful', that may be flattering him a bit. :V
More like having a Hysh-made statue of a Warboss, with his death perfectly preserved for all time, would be a beautiful sight to all enemies of the greenskins, especially those with a massive grudge against them. A memento of a superb and symbolic victory against a hated enemy.

And a rare case of asur and dwarven royalty being in the same room and finding grim satisfaction in the exact same thing.
The K8P Branch is outside the Empire, but it is not outside the Emperor's control, they are still under the Articles of Imperial Magic. He can just order all of us home, he can order us to participate in his wars, he has lost nothing by our mere physical distance. While two feuding nobles can hire wizards against each other no noble can hire one against the Emperor himself, Kislev would change that... or it would not in which case it would be a massive hit to the sovereignty of Kislev and the prestige of the Tsar when he needs it the most.

De Facto people can hire wizards to go against the Emperor himself, in truth the Colleges even occasionally go against the Emperor on their own authority, or else Reginald would not have killed the last Empress. The idea that the Colleges are under the Emperors control is at least as much polite fiction as truth, because they are an independent player in the Empires feudal politics. Them also serving in Kislev would not change the status quo by much.
It occurs to me that we can ask for Fire Spire. Either for ourelves or Grey Collage to plunder its secrets and make use of it.
Firstly, regarding the Cooperation option - I would say it's solidly the second best option, but just because Ulthuan coughs up the Waystone knowledge doesn't mean it will be actually usable in the immediate term. If anything, it's probably based on High Magic, which no one but them can use. I've no doubt it will be valuable in terms of magical scholarship regardless, but still - it will be one more research option that only a handful of people in the Empire are qualified or have the clearance to work on. Don't get me wrong, more Waystone knowledge is good - but Eltharion is literally here because what we have is already good enough for government work. Hell, we might even figure out how to connect our Waystones to the network by ourselves - we don't actually know that we need Ulthuan for that.

I don't necessarily think we've hit the point of diminishing returns, but what we'd be giving up in opportunity cost is enormous - Marienburg.

I'd like to make an argument for Marienburg being possibly the most geopolitically important advantage we can secure, and the best option, and why. I'm not in this just for the 'fuck Marienburg meme' - Marienburg is legitimately a lynchpin that will immediately benefit the Empire and allow us to start kicking Chaos directly in the teeth.


[ ] [ULTHUAN] Marienburg
While this matter alone is not enough to pry Marienburg and Ulthuan entirely apart, concessions could be extracted that would be advantageous for all of the polities involved in the Waystone Project, such as the free flow of trade from the Reik to the Sea of Claws, and an explicit stance from Ulthuan regarding the canal matter instead of their current deliberate ambiguity.

Important parts bolded and underlined. As a refresher, here is a link to how important Marienburg is by word of Boney himself, but I'll quote here anyway:

Point One of modern Empire Naval Policy: Fuck Marienburg
How much coastline does the Empire have? Less than any non-Dwarven polity on the planet. Why? Because Marienburg took two thirds of the coastline when it seceded. See Point One.

How many significant towns does the Empire have on that coastline? Only one. Why? Because Marienburg sabotaged the other two towns that the Empire tried to establish on it. See Point One.

Is that one town at all vulnerable? No, because half the fleet is based there because there's only two places in the Empire that can actually maintain seagoing vessels any more because most of that infrastructure was in Marienburg. See Point One.

How much naval force projection does the Empire try to do? Not much, because the other half of the fleet is based in Altdorf and has to pay ruinous tolls to get out to sea. See Point One.

How much naval trade does the Empire try to do? See above, and then see Point One.

So, do the Druchii connect to the Empire's foreign policy in any other way? Well, they're infamously opposed to the Asur, whose involvement in the Old World involves sending three dudes to protect the Old World against the Everchosen and then sending a fuckload more dudes to help slaughter an Imperial Army in the Battle of Grootscher Marsh to support Marienburg's secession. See Point One.

Which is particularly prominent in a lot of minds currently, because the only reason Marienburg feels confident to threaten a full blockade of the Empire in response to the canals is because of the continued protection of the Asur. Which also means that in a lot of minds right now, Point One of Empire Naval Policy is echoing very loudly.

Which means that right now a concussed toddler could make major diplomatic inroads on behalf of Naggaroth if you could teach it to reliably babble those five syllables in the correct order.

Marienburg. The one former elector province of the entire Empire, single-handedly impoverishing the rest by forcing them to either pay their tolls or enormous transit fees on merchant trains to the other realms of Order. If you want to know how important it is, look at just recently when they had to root a full fledged Chaos cult out of one of the ruling families.

If you want to know how important any step towards getting that stranglehold off is - the Empire literally started entertaining overtures from elves who worship rapine, slavery and murder on the mere suggestion they might be able to undo it. If you all were one of the users in thread aghast at that, consider the idea that taking the Marienburg Option here more or less kills that seed of bad idea right here in the cradle by taking it off the table for the Dark Elves.

With assurance of trade and the canal in our favor, we open up unprecedented arteries of trade and navigation in both the north and south of the Empire. The benefits of the southern one is already known - the Karaz Ankor and Karak Eight Peaks newly connected to the Old World and Empire once more.

Marienburg, meanwhile, is enormously rich off just 60 years of separation and gigatolls from the Empire, which is part of what makes them able to stay seceded. Sure, stopping them now doesn't take that wealth away - but it does take their wealth growth from exponential to merely linear.

Opening up our passage through Marienburg lets us get the Imperial Fleet out from Altdorf to start kicking in Norscan doors on the northern shore of the Sea of Claws, which allows us an actual hope of recolonizing and controlling that coastline and making Empire naval power anything but the punchline of a joke. Hell, if you ever wanted to go see if the Norse Dwarves are still kicking, allowing naval passage is the way to do it.

Getting us access again to the Sea of Claws has specific, measurable, tangible benefits for the Empire, Kislev (in having the Imperial Fleet, which they already rely on, even more available), and the Dwarves and Laurelorn (same reason). In all likelihood, it is what the Emperor would want out of this. No, it doesn't bring Marienburg back now, or even separate the Asur from them yet - but we might never have Ulthuan over a barrel like this again.

And for those who like favors - this is the kind of great act that lays the groundwork for Mandred as the first Wizard Emperor, same as Bokha. And if this actually ends up being the first step to bringing Marienburg back in, they might make Mathilde it's Elector Count and I am being so serious when I say so. Who here wouldn't like to open up the North Imperial Company?
We can go personal and easily hide it as not.

A backup of all libraries in Kislev, to the far away and secure dwarfen Karak who is building such an institution?

That's just preserving Kislev's bounty for when the next chaos invasion hits!
On the subject of Ulthuan. I don't think we can choose anything other than Cooperation, mostly because while the Marienburg situation is good, what we truly require is closer ties to Ulthuan, and that will only happen with Cooperation.

Aside, this means that a High Elf will have to cooperate with a Dwarven Runemaster in Torek, and that might finally begin to bridge the gap from the War of the Beard.

Edit: Thus, the option that gives the most diplomatic value is the one for me.
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De Facto people can hire wizards to go against the Emperor himself, in truth the Colleges even occasionally go against the Emperor on their own authority, or else Reginald would not have killed the last Empress. The idea that the Colleges are under the Emperors control is at least as much polite fiction as truth, because they are an independent player in the Empires feudal politics. Them also serving in Kislev would not change the status quo by much.

No they cannot and any wizard who does so and is known to have done so is hunted down as a traitor as thoroughly, if not perhaps as urgently, as any Black Magister because they too are breaking the Articles of Imperial Magic. Imperial control over the colleges is not a fiction and indeed it is the only reason why the populace and the nobility are willing to accept the existence of the Colleges. As a Grey Lord Magister we may treat that control as a formality, but that is because we are a professional liar with a flexible relationship to some of our oaths
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[] [ULTHUAN] Cooperation
Ask for Ulthuan to supply information to further the Waystone Project, most notably the method of connecting new Waystones to the existing network.

We all want to screw Marienburg over, it's true, but unfortunately the goal of greater protection for the entire world (and the Empire and it's allies in particular) is just more important. Eltharion sharing his knowledge lets us skip past a significant hurdle, and that in turn benefits everybody involved in the project.

I do find the argument that undercutting Marienburg benefits the Empire enormously and takes away a major point of potential leverage from the Drucchi to be very compelling, but this is a cooperative project between multiple allies, so I don't think it will go over well if we use our progress to barter for (admittedly huge) gains for the Empire while ignoring a great boost to the project itself. Our allies will easily be able to figure out what happened if Eltharion gets involved and then Ulthuan does a 180 on Marienburg, and I think they're going to be pissed when they realise that we turned down significant progress towards what we are supposed to be working for to get it.

[] [BLOOD] Empire
As tempting as books are, and we could phrase it as an exchange of knowledge to help prevent the loss of more Kislevite knowledge while supplying them with knowledge to help their rebuilding, I feel like closer ties with the Empire should take priority. We can also frame it as being because a stronger Kislev acting as a bulwark against Chaos directly serves the interests of the Empire. In particular, I think we should focus on building ties with Mandred and his supporters, giving Mandred a better chance of becoming Emperor one day, which would result in a stronger and more unified alliance when the next Great War happens.

The book deal feels like something we could get at a later date anyway, and we're already quite far behind in copying so many books for KAU. Having the Empress in particular support a joint effort of Kislev and some Empire troops to help clear out some of Troll Country would be useful, though I can see many in the Empire being extremely reluctant to send an army or two out to fight and die for a foreign nation when there isn't even another Storm of Chaos yet. If we do manage that, having the EIC supplying the troops could help it gain significant political power (though I don't know if it has enough influence so far to the North to attempt this).
And for those who like favors - this is the kind of great act that lays the groundwork for Mandred as the first Wizard Emperor, same as Bokha. And if this actually ends up being the first step to bringing Marienburg back in, they might make Mathilde it's Elector Count and I am being so serious when I say so. Who here wouldn't like to open up the North Imperial Company?
Wouldn't that be the West Imperial Company?
"Initial reactions among the Phoenix King's advisers were negative, but the point was very firmly raised that if there is a way to expand the Waystone network that Ulthuan depends upon for its survival, then that is something that should not be erased out of hand just because we did not come up with it." The look in his eye makes you suspect it was him that very firmly raised that point. "For that reason, I am here to open negotiations for Ulthuan to acquire full documentation of the techniques and methodology of your additions to the Waystone network, as well as anything related you are developing."
My gods. They genuinely did send someone to be cooperative.
Despite all the speculation and fear-mongering their ultimate response is: "Can we borrow your notes?"

That has got to be the most dwarf-like elf alive.

Makes a lot of sense actually. The battlefield is no place for flowery interpretations.

A good start. Undoubtedly helps that he has been actively ruling for quite some time and has built his own power bases.

It would probably (hopefully?) amount to voting for 'nothing' but I kinda want to write in something like: [Blood] The world (full support for the waystone project).
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Surely there must be a better way to strengthen Kislev, the Empire and the Karaz Ankor against the forces of chaos than asking for books.

For example, the next war against chaos will need the empire's troops in kislev or vice versa. This needs roads, military agreements, a diplomatic web.
Surely there must be a better way to strengthen Kislev, the Empire and the Karaz Ankor against the forces of chaos than asking for books.

For example, the next war against chaos will need the empire's troops in kislev or vice versa. This needs roads, military agreements, a diplomatic web.

Sure, the way to strengthen Kislev is to commit its allies, but we do not have a favor hook on its allies, we have a hook on Kislev. They are not going to fight Chaos any harder because we ask them nicely and making them sacrifice for alliances it not strengthening the whole.
When I was figuring out who would be the one Ulthuan sent to be Maximum Elf at the Waystone Project, I realized that amongst a council of princes that put all their stat points into Smug Obstructivism would be the guy staring blankly into space with his internal monologue going "I could be restoring Tor Yvresse right now" who would start into attentiveness when someone said the word 'Waystone' and would then be himself very sternly at everyone present until he got his way.
You know it's going to be a bit funny when we hand Eltharion the tributary rites. I mean sure the forest one is fine and the hedgewise one would only look strange (if not particularly useful to the Asur) but Aetheryc Impluvium... *here you go your highness a foundation of ancient druidic magic painted over with scrubbed daemon-binder lore in a language that descends from Arcane Daemonic* :V
You know it's going to be a bit funny when we hand Eltharion the tributary rites. I mean sure the forest one is fine and the hedgewise one would only look strange (if not particularly useful to the Asur) but Aetheryc Impluvium... *here you go your highness a foundation of ancient druidic magic painted over with scrubbed daemon-binder lore in a language that descends from Arcane Daemonic* :V
Hah! Yeah. I imagine Eltharion is going to see the practicals in it, such as a quick way to dump excess warp corruption after a battle with chaos.
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